Extra Credit paper - A PDF

Title Extra Credit paper - A
Author yankees42 NA
Course Elementary Education: Practices & Issues
Institution Illinois State University
Pages 2
File Size 30.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 17
Total Views 155


TCH 204...


Andrew Frey! TCH Extra Credit! For the Love of Language!

! One of the things that I liked most about the presentation ‘For the Love of Language’ was how engaged the speaker was! The person presenting had a tremendous understanding of how to support ELL students within all aspects of the school environment! Not only did she provide a lot of examples on how to support different students at different WIDA levels, but gave us time to talk to people around us to discuss what we would do with them if we were “King or queen of the world”. One of the things that stood out in the presentation was one somebody had a question about how people view ELL students. The presenter responded by saying, “We value both equally as educators, but we need to as teachers elevate the status of the non-Englishlanguage.” This stood out to me most because it made me really reflect on what I was getting my endorsement in. She provided an example of how we can do this in our future profession by making flyers in all types of different languages and putting those on top of English first. This way if students or parents walking around the school read this flyer, they will naturally read it and there L1 language first. The other thing that I really like that the presenter did was when she provided hand movements when teaching us about the lifecycle of a plant. I reflected back on my past clinical experience when my teacher used hand motions to engage the students interest. This example was particularly interesting because she was speaking it only Spanish. Not knowing much Spanish myself, I had to rely on only her hand gestures to understand what she was

saying. I was very surprised that I picked up on almost everything that she was saying and even learned about the lifecycle of a plant completely in Spanish with hand gestures and movements only to help. This is such a simple task that I can incorporate into my future teaching career to help students not only who are ELLs, but all students within my general education classroom....

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