Bnurs 423 syllabus PDF

Title Bnurs 423 syllabus
Author Alyssa Arayata
Course Ethical and Quality Nursing Care
Institution University of Washington
Pages 5
File Size 120.3 KB
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University of Washington Bothell School of Nursing and Health Studies BNURS 423: Ethical and Quality Nursing Care (5cr) (I & S) Summer 2019

Instructor: Tracy Brazg, PhD, MSW, MPH, MA Contact Info: [email protected] Course Day/Time: Thursdays, 1:00-5:30PM In-Person Meetings: 6/27, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/22 Course Location: UW1 - 221 (new location) Office Hours: By Appointment Course Description: This course explores strategies to promote ethical and quality patient-centered care as an individual provider, team member, and in collaboration with other professions. It provides a foundation of ethical frameworks and quality improvement approaches to support accountability for best practice. Course Learning Objectives By the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Discuss the BSN nurse’s role identified in national and professional standards for promoting ethical, safe, and high-quality care. Describe and apply ethical strategies to address practice dilemmas and value differences in a collaboration with patient, family, and other professionals. Apply quality and safety improvement strategies to build or refine healthcare practices. Analyze the ethical and quality implications of new health technologies. Reflect on and appraise learning related to ethical & quality care.

CCNE Essentials of BSN Education (2008):  

Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and

Patient Safety  

Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology Essential VI: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving

Patient Health Outcomes  

Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice UW Tri-Campus Nursing BSN Outcomes (2018):

  

Demonstrate value-based professional behaviors that integrate empathy, autonomy, integrity, social justice, equity as well as respect for diversity and inclusion, human rights, and human dignity through cultivating partnerships with patients, families and communities Appraise, critically summarize and translate current evidence into nursing practice. Translate principles of safety and quality improvement into the delivery of high quality care to individuals, families, communities, and populations. Demonstrate effective professional communication and collaboration within and across disciplines and with the public to optimize health outcomes.

Required Texts and Readings There is no required textbook for this course. All course readings will be provided on the Canvas course site or will be available via online sources. Students may choose to purchase a copy of the ANA Code of Ethics; it is also available on the Canvase course site. Course Format This is a hybrid online/in person course. We will meet every other week inperson for interactive discussions, engaging lectures and guest presentations. During the weeks we do not meet, you will be asked to engage with materials through online materials and assignments. Grading and Evaluation I will use the NHS Grading Scale: (Links to an external site.). When converting percentages to the 4.0 scale, I will not round up. Late Policy

I recognize that life is complicated and that the best laid plan can go awry. I will accept late work up to a week late with a 10% penalty in the first three days after the due date and a 20% penalty on days 4-7. I reserve the right to make exceptions to these penalties—and am more likely to do so if you communicate with me professionally and pro-actively about your need to submit late work. Mutual Respect Part of functioning as a learning community is to engage in dialogue in ways that support learning and safety for all of us. Here are some guidelines that facilitate a respectful process:      

Listen respectfully to unfamiliar perspectives, and let people finish sentences before responding Assume someone in the room has the identity or experience we’re discussing Allow time for reflection and processing—make space for silence Speak only for yourself—do not generalize other people’s experiences Hold space for dialogue instead of debate Remain present and engaged with each other—stow away cell phones and computers when not needed for course activities.

Instructor Responsibilities I will do my best to facilitate course objectives by doing the following:      

Develop innovative and interesting instructional materials related to course objectives. Facilitate and participate actively in all aspects of student learning. Provide timely facilitation and feedback related to student learning activities, specifically classroom participation and all assignments. Be available to students for consultation. Consider student feedback. Think and teach creatively!

Learner Responsibilities You can further maximize your learning and contribute to a positive learning community by doing the following:    

Attend all class sessions, arrive on time and stay for the whole class. Complete assigned readings and come prepared for class. Participate actively in class and small group activities Complete assignments on time. If an emergency or unforeseen circumstance arises, please contact your instructor within a responsible timeframe.

Academic Integrity See http (Links to an external site.):// (Links to an external site.)www (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)studentconduct (Links to an external site.)/academicmisconduct for crucial information regarding academic integrity. The library also has an extremely useful website at http (Links to an external site.):// (Links to an external site.)libguides (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)uwb (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)edu (Links to an external site.)/ (Links to an external site.)ai (Links to an external site.). You are responsible for knowing what constitutes a violation of the University of Washington Student Code, and you will be held responsible for any such violations whether they were intentional or not. If I determine you have plagiarized or otherwise cheated on an assignment, I will meet with you to discuss my concerns and generally will assign a grade of zero for the assignment and report the violation through the university’s academic integrity system. Respect for Diversity Diverse backgrounds, embodiments and experiences are essential to the critical thinking endeavor at the heart of university education. In NHS and at UW Bothell, students are expected to:  

respect individual differences in classmates, faculty, and community partners engage respectfully in discussion of diverse world views and ideologies embedded in course readings, presentations, and artifacts, including those course materials that are at odds with personal beliefs and values.

Students seeking support around these issues can find more information and resources at (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Access and Accommodations: Your experience in this class is important to me. If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students (DRS), please communicate your approved accommodations to me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course. If you have not yet established services through DRS, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations, you are welcome to contact DRS at 425-352-5307 or [email protected]. DRS offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and/or temporary health conditions. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor(s), and DRS. It is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. Student Support Services

 

Writing and Communication Center: (Links to an external site.), 425-352-5253; Student Counseling Services: http (Links to an external site.):// (Links to an external site.)www (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)uwb (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)edu (Links to an external site.)/ (Links to an external site.)studentservices (Links to an external site.)/ (Links to an external site.)counseling (Links to an external site.), 425-352-3183.

Components of Course Grade Quizzes and Reflections: 25% Given that this course is a hybrid model, you will be asked to complete several quizzes and graded reflections. All will be provided via the Canvas website and must be submitted on time to receive full points. Late policy described above applies to these smaller assignments. Quizzes are graded, and points will be given for correct answers. Reflections will be given full points if they are handed in on time and demonstrate reasonable thoughtfulness and attention. Advance Directive Assignment: 10% For this assignment, students will obtain and complete an advance directive, then discuss with a family member or friend they would choose as a health care proxy. After completing this experience, students will answer a set of questions about advance directives and the exercise via the Canvas site. Quality and Safety Group Project: 25% Working in small groups, students will identify a quality or safety issue in their workplace. Students will individually research the topic, preparing an annotated bibliography of 10-12 articles. They will then prepare a 10 minute staff development presentation on the topic. Group members will provide peer evaluations of team collaboration skills. Ethics Case Analysis Paper: 25% Students will write a 3-4 page paper describing an ethical dilemma from their clinical practice using the Jonsen model and provide an ethical analysis. Attendance and Participation: 15% I will assign a final grade for participation that will be influenced by the following factors: observed participation and engagement in class, completion of discussion board assignments, and integration of your selfevaluation at the end of the quarter....

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