Boarding schools PDF

Title Boarding schools
Author Henrik Eskevik
Course Engelsk
Institution Videregående skole (VG)
Pages 1
File Size 35.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 28
Total Views 159


Boarding schools...


Henrik 1stc

Britain’s youngest boarders

I think the film was very good and extremely informative. I learned a lot about boarding schools, what the students thought about the school and why the parents chose to send their kids away in such a young age.

I think boarding schools can be a big advantage in some ways, but I also believe they have a lot of disadvantages. They have to travel away from their family and their home at a very young age. They have to live on their own, and this take a lot of responsibility for someone that is 9 years old. However, living on their own can be a big advantage and they can learn a lot from it. They learn good manners, how to behave in front of other people and how to keep control of their things.

When they live at their school, I can imagine that they focus a lot on schoolwork. The school is very competitive, and they learn a lot. The owner of the school said that the majority of the school got into the top public schools. This shows that boarding schools give them an advantage in terms of learning in school.

When you travel away from your family that young you lose a lot of your childhood in my opinion. This is why I personally think it is a little bit too early to travel away from your family and focus this much on school in such an early stage in life.

Harrow school...

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