Book Review of Pragmatic ( George Yule) PDF

Title Book Review of Pragmatic ( George Yule)
Author Tira Nur Fitria
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“PRAGMATIC” By George Yule BOOK REVIEW This book review is arranged to fulfill the Mid-term task of Pragmatic Lecturer: Agus Wijayanto Ph.D Arranged by: TIRA NUR FITRIA S200140027 ENGLISH STUDY POST GRADUATE PROGRAM MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA 2015 1 A. INTRODUCTION The title of the book re...


“PRAGMATIC” By George Yule BOOK REVIEW This book review is arranged to fulfill the Mid-term task of Pragmatic Lecturer: Agus Wijayanto Ph.D

Arranged by: TIRA NUR FITRIA S200140027


A. INTRODUCTION The title of the book review is Pragmatics by George Yule.

It is first

published in 1996 by Oxford University Press and it is part of Oxford Introduction of Language Study series. It consists of four sections; the first section which is survey is the main part of the book and has nine chapters. The first chapter provides the definition of pragmatics, regularity as well as pragmatics wastebasket. In the second chapter covers deixis (person, spatial and temporal) and links it to the grammar. In third chapter, there are reference, attributive uses and inference as well as the role of co-text. In fourth chapter, there is a detailed explanation about presupposition and ordered entailment also the projection problem. In fifth chapter, explained about cooperation and implicature, which consists of the cooperative principle by Hedges and any type of implicature like conversational implicature, generalized conversational implicatures, scalar implicatures,






conversational implicatures and conventional implicatures. In sixth chapter, covers Speech acts and events, contains IFID’s, including felicity conditions, performative hypothesis, speech act classification, both direct and indirect speech act and speech event. Chapter seven covers politeness and interaction including politeness both positive and negative politeness, face wants (positive and begative face), trategies and sequence. In eighth chapter, contains of conversation and preference structure including conversation analysis; pauses, overlaps, and backchannels; conversational style; adjacency pairs and preference structure. Later, in chapter nine, the writer provides explanation about discourse and culture including coherence, background knowledge, cultural schemata and cross-cultural pragmatics. While in section two the writer writes about readings which also provide about necessary transition. It contains previously written texts by specialists in the field of linguistics. Section three and section four provides references and glossary respectively.


B. DISCUSSION (BOOK REVIEW) This summary and book review is focused on the first section of the book which covers nine chapters and is regarded as the main part of the book. Then, each chapter the reviewer will give the comment related the material reviewed. Chapter I. Definition and Background In this chapter, the writer provides a definition of pragmatics; Pragmatic is the explanation about utterance meaning. It means that pragmatic is the science of studying about the meaning delivered by the speaker (writer) and interpreted by the listener (reader). Pragmatic is about contextual meaning. In this type, needed the consideration about how the speaker arrange what he wants to say adapted with the listener, where the condition is, when, and how. Pragmatic is about how is more being submitted than said. This type digs how much something which is not said is part of being submitted. Pragmatic also about the expression from relation distance. This view generates problem on what determines the choosing between what is submitted and what is not submitted. •

Syntax, Semantic, And Pragmatic

In this part, differentiates pragmatic with semantic and syntax. Syntax is explanation about relation among linguistic forms. This type usually happens without considering reference world or other form. Whether semantic is explanation among linguistic forms with something literally, and pragmatic is the clarification about relationship among the appearance user. •


Some of these regularities are from the factual that human is the social group member following the expected public behavior pattern in that group. In a chummy social group, we will usually be easy to perform respectably and tell something right. On the other hand, in a new social group that isn’t chummy yet, we are sometimes not sure about what is said and we are afraid of saying something wrong. Another regularity source in using language comes from the fact that most of people in a linguistic society have the same based experience about world and give many non-linguistic sciences one another. •

Pragmatic Waste Basket


Within long in language solution, there has been strong desire in formal analysis systems which are often from logic and mathematic. Its prominence is on invention of some abstract principles which convergent at the language essence. By placing the discovery of abstract language characteristic, potential universally, on the middle of their workbench, the linguists and language philosophies tend to remove any kind of note they find about the usage daily language to the desk edge. When the desks start to full, many notes about the usage of the common language start to be degraded and end in the garbage crate.

Comment: from the summary and review on chapter 1, we can see about detailed explanation of pragmatic. We can conclude that pragmatic related to the utterance meaning, about contextual meaning. We also know about the difference of pragmatic with the other subject matter like syntax and semantic.- The writer provides brief discussion and emphasis on discovering some of the abstract principles that lie at the very core of language, so it make the reader can know more about pragmatic.

Chapter 2. Deixis and distance In this chapter, the writer explain about deixis and distance. Deixis is technical term (from Greece Language) to one of the basic something which we do with pragmatic. Deixis is “indication” pass a language. Types of linguistic used to finish indication called expression of deixis. Expression of Deixis sometime called “ indectical” to explain the deixis all of expression depend on explanation of speaker and hearer in the some context. a. Person Deixis. Person deixis is deixis that change the speaking people from its

rank as “I” become ”you”, contrasly. Person deixis explain 3 part of basic that exampled with: - the first pronoun “I”, - the second pronoun “you”, t - he third pronoun “he, she, it”. b. Spatial Deixis. A concept about distance between mentioned which have a near relation with deixis of place, is a place relation between people and its’ something showed to this basic difference, English language contemporer only use two word


information “here” and “there”, but in the old texts and in the dialogs can found a set of aquipment of long expression of deixis more. c. Temporal Deixis. The psychological basic of temporal deixis seems to be similar to that of spatial deixis. We can threat temporal events as objects that move toward us (into view) or away from us (out of view). One basic (but often unrecognized) type of temporal deixis in English is in the choice of verb tense. Whereas discussing other languages have many different forms of the verb as well as different times. English has only two basic forms, the time now (now), example, I live here now, and the past, example, I live here last month. •

Deixis And Grammar

The principal difference in the serve so far about person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis, it can be seen on the work of one of the differences-the most common structural difference which is made in English grammar-that is between direct and indirect sentences . The speaker which are temporarily away from their homes, will often continue to use 'here' with the intention of the location of housing (physical distance), as if they were still exist at that location. The speaker also seems to imagine himself in the place before he was in that place.

Comment: from the summary and review on chapter 2, we can see about the detailed explanation of deixis. It is technical term to one of the basic something which we do with pragmatic. We also can see the type of deixis like person deixis (related to pronoun), spatial deixis (here & there), and temporal deixis (tense). This detailed explanation help us to use deixis appropriately in daily activities.

Chapter 3. Reference And Inference In this chapter is about reference and inference. Reference clearly interrelated to the purpose of speaker to identify something and conviction of speaker in using language. In order to become success reference, we must know about the inference role too. Inference is a conclusion reached on the basis of knowledge or facts. The linguistic types in reference is the expression that maybe have form of “name, nominal phrase or nominal phrase (none fixed), and pronouns. For example: Mr. After Shave is late today. •

Using Referencial And Using Attributive


Not at all expression has physical reference that can be known. For example: (A) He wants to marry a woman with lots of money (B) there’s a man waiting for you. And from (A) someone is more interest to listen that the woman has much money than her name. Nominal phrase (non-fixed) can be used to explain the entity that was assumption, but is not known. In word “B” can be substituted with “anyone/anybody”. It’s naming using attributive. •

Name And Reference

There is norm that the expression of certain reference will be used to know certain entity in a regular proof. An opinion of pragmatics is correctly allowing us to see how someone can be identified by expression. For example: (a) Can I borrow your ShakesPare ? (b) yeach, It’s over there on the table. •

Co-Text Rule

Co-text clearly limited interpretation span that maybe concern with a word. For example: (a) the heart attack mustn’t be moved. (b) a couple of room have complained about the heat. (A hospital is context to (a) and the receptionist room is context to (b)) The reference analyze in a crucial manner depend on habit with socioculture norms as basic of conclusion. So, reference is not relation between the meaning of word or phrase with or someone in this world. Reference is a social measure, where the speaker has assumption that word a mean of the speaker. •

Anaphoric Reference

In English, the beginning reference or introduce term, often not fixed (a man, a woman, a cat) in a fixed nominal (the cat, the man, the woman) and pronouns ( he, she, it, they) is the example of next reference that concern to reference has been introduced. It usually knows anaphora and the beginning expression knows Antecedent. There is pattern inversion of anaphora antecedent that sometimes founded at the beginning of story. For example: “I turned the corner and almost step on it. There was a large snake in the middle of the path”.

Comment: from the summary and review on chapter 3, we can see about the detailed about reference and inference and the example of them, so the reader


easy to catch the point. The writer then concludes the chapter by stating that successful reference means that an intention was recognized, via inference, indicating a kind of shared knowledge and hence social connection.

Chapter 4. Presupposes and Entailment In this chapter, the wrioter explain the important to attention that presupposes and entailment is more far be centered concerning pragmatic in the past time than present time. Presupposes is something that assumption by speaker as occurrence¬ before produce a announcement. That have presupposes is speaker not sentence. Entailment is something that in a logical manner follow what that¬ clearness in announcement. That have entailment is sentence not speaker. Characteristic presupposes usually explain as constancy under denial is mean presupposes a pronouncement until constant (constant true) although that pronouncement sentence be denial. There are several type in presupposes that is :  Presupposes factive : usage special express take for be of the opinion truth

information that obvious after that.  Presupposes non-factive : something of presupposes that assumption notϖ

true. Example of verb like “dream”, “imagine”, and “pretend”. 

Presupposes lexical : usage special express by speaker take for be of the opinion a another concept (not obvious).

 Presupposes structural : structural of certain sentence alreadyϖ analysis as

presupposes in a constant manner and conventional that part of structure already truth of assumption. 

Presupposes counterfactual : that what be of the opinion mustn’t notϖ true but form be the opposite from true or be the opposite with reality.

Type Example Presupposes Factive I’m regret leave it >> I’m leave it Non-factive he pretend happily >> he not happily Lexical he planning escape >> he try to escape Structural when he die? >> he die Counterfactual if I’m not sick >> I’m sick

Projection Problem


There is something base hope that presupposition in simple sentence will be in right way when the simple sentence become a part in a complex sentence. This is one of the version from the common concept that the meaning from the whole sentence is combination from the part of each that part sentence, but, a part meaning from the presupposition is unable become the meaning from some complex sentence, and this is called projection problem. Shirley : It’s so sad. George regrets getting Mary pregnant. Jean : But he didn’t get her pregnant. We know that now. If we combine two narration from (13), we can get the chronological, George regrets getting Mary pregnant; But he didn’t get her pregnant ! After we identify a different presupposition, we can see that presupposition in isn’t hold out like presupposition from the narratives that were be combined. •

The Arranged in Orderly Entailment

Actually entailment is not m pragmatic concept (because is related by the speaker’s purpose), but it is regarded a logic concept, and it is symbolic by II -. There some example of entailment. Rover chased three squirrels ( = p ) a. Something chased three squirrels ( = q ) b. Rover did something to three squirrels ( = r ) c. Rover chased of three something ( = s ) d. Something happened ( = t ) In preset a relationship between entailment and as p II–q, in simple way we can say that the narrative in sentence, the speaker must confess that the correctness in some back entailment.

Comment: from the summary and review on chapter 4, we can know more about the material. The writer write explanation of the types and example of presupposition and entaimen, so the reader can know and understand the material or topic being discussed.

Chapter 5. Cooperation And Implication In this chapter, said that speaker and listener are involved in a conversation. Generally they cooperate with each others. For example when someone says “my car”, automatically the listener assumes that the listener really has a car and the listener also plans to say the reality that he really has a car. While implication is 8

an addition purpose that is explained by the speaker. For example, when someone asks to his friend about hamburger, “How do you like a hamburger?” then his friend answers “Hamburger is hamburger”. The implication is the speaker thinks that all hamburgers are same. •

Cooperation Principle This sense of cooperation is one in which people having a conversation are

not normally assumed to be trying to confuse relevant information from each other. The point is the cooperation principle must give a good understanding to the speaker and the listener. Cooperation principle can be divided by 4 subs: 1. Maxim of quality •

Don’t say what you believe to be false

Don’t say that for which you lack adequate evidence

Example: A friend’s father considers whether or not to buy your friend a new car, and you are aware that the old car has broken down before. A : should I buy my son this new sport car? B improper : I do not know if that is such a good idea, his car runs fine. B proper : yeah, that sounds like a good idea, his car has broken down before. 2. Maxim of quantity • Make your contribution as informative as is required • Do not make your contribution more informative than is required Example: A man stops his vehicle in the middle of the road to briefly ask you for directions. A : where is the post office? B improper : there are two in town, but the closest one is brand new. Down the road, about 50 meters past the second left. Also, you should not stop your car in the middle of the road anymore. B improper : continue on, and make the second left up there. You will see it. 3. Maxim of relation • Be relevant Example: A : ugh, I wonder what time it is….. B improper : it is 6.30


B proper : it is 6.30. So, you have the whole night ahead of you! Have you eaten at Hardy’s before? 4. Maxim of manner • Avoid obscurity of expression; Avoid ambiguity; Be orderly. Example: A : can you take out the trash? B improper : well, it is probable that I would take out the trash more often if someone were not flagrantly wasteful, such that, the majority of trash was not always coming from that person. B proper : Sure, but we need to talk about how we are assigning the chores around here when I get back. •

Conversation Implication The basic assumption of conversation is the members should follow the

maxim rules in a conversation. For example: Charlene : I hope you brought the bread and the cheese. Dexter : Ah, I brought the bread. After knowing the response of Dexter, Charlene automatically realized that Dexter only brought the bread. He didn’t bring the cheese. Dexter only said that he brought the bread without saying that he didn’t bring the cheese in order to make Charlene assume that he didn’t bring the cheese. •

General Conversation Implication This implication is more general than conversation implication because it is

not specific. Such as: A says: “I was sitting in a garden one day. A child looks over the fence”. The implication shows that the garden and the child are not his. If the garden and the child are his, he will says “my garden” and ”my child”. •

Scaled Implication This implication is decided by value scale. The information that is explained

implies the value of scale. For example: “I am studying linguistics and I have completed some of the required course” The speaker uses word “some” shows us that the speaker has not finished all the linguistics courses. We will know more about the implication if the speaker explains more about the linguistics, for example: He says: “They are sometimes


really interesting”. It shows that speaker is not only has not completed the courses, but also he is sometimes interested in linguistics. •

Private Conversation Implication

This implication needs a private knowledge. For example: Rick : Hey, coming to the wild party tonight? Tom : My parents are visiting To make Tom’s answer becomes relevant, Rick must have a little knowledge that is assumed that Tom has another activity tonight. It also shows that Tom won’t join the wild party because his parents will visit him. And it won’t be wild. •

Conventional Implication

This implication is real using the words are spoken. Not hidden. It is free. The words that are usually used are “but and even”. For example: Roger : Marry suggested black, but I choose white. The implication is the sentence “I choose white”. It shows the implication. The implication is real and not hidden.

Comment: from the summary above, we as reader can see about more explkanation of cooperation and implicature in conversation. Sp...

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