Author Sig Miller
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QUEZON CITY POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Management Highlights 1. Nature of Business The proposed business is a manufacturing business that uses raw materials to make our finish product, the Churros. The proponents decided to offer Churros, of which this product is made from squash...


Q U E Z O N C I T Y P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Management Highlights 1. Nature of Business The proposed business is a manufacturing business that uses raw materials to make our finish product, the Churros. The proponents decided to offer Churros, of which this product is made from squash as raw material. As a new entrant in the business, the proponents will serve as the manufacturer of the products, however, raw materials or supplies needed are bought in no particular supplier. 2. Business/ Company Name To start up a business, we need to identify the business name that is unique, easy to familiarize, and is not yet existing in the industry. We came up with relating the business name of how today's generation appreciate the style of a business. The proponents decided to make Churro Avenue as our company name because of its uniqueness, simplicity, and natural. Churro is the product, and Avenue is used because it represents the road or place where one can buy Churros. This company name may help the customers to identify the business name easier for any complaints and compliments. 3. Vision By the year 2020, Churro Avenue will be one of the known companies that offers Churros, and will continuously offer healthy yet affordable food product. 4. Mission To provide and produce healthy yet affordable foods that can help lessen malnutrition problem in the society and to be more productive and successful in the business....

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