740 park avenue - A PDF

Title 740 park avenue - A
Author saffiatu06 NA
Course Composition II
Institution University of Nevada, Reno
Pages 1
File Size 46.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream, looks how money is being used to buy results. It does so through extreme capitalism and escapes from taxes. The film was made by New Yorker, Alex Gibney. Gibney talks about the American Dream has essential become a game of monopoly. The rich come into the game with more money, can move faster. The rich player have an entitlement feeling and don't really care too much about the poor. America has become a place where buys anything. That “anything” includes political power. People like the Koch Brothers have extreme in Washington because they have bough many Repulician politicians, like Paul Ryan. In the time of Gibney making this documentary, Occupy Wall Street was in full force. Activists were arguing against income inequality and corporate dominance. The film interviews an individual that talks about how when Congressman Ryan talks about shrinking the government, he’s referring to programs like food stamps. Ryan was raised wealthy and does not relate to the working class and sees the government funding going to them is for them to lay back in a hammock, yet he has no problem being in the pocket of Wall Street. Kim Velsey, of the New York Observer, claims that the documentary "makes a compelling case that inequality imperils democracy and that the victims of the inequality include not only those who find themselves in the rapidly expanding underclass, but the American dream itself.” The film showcases America in a dystopian light. Wealthy business men have control over American politics. A small minority has major influence over power. Gibney clearly made this film to show the inequality of wealth in America. You have Park Avenue, in the Bronx, were people are lining up begging for food. You also have Park Avenue in the Upper East Side, where it is the hub of wealth. Watching this film made me actually realize how rigged the American Dream is. We have politicians, of both sides of the aisle, being bought out by billionaires. Money talks, because money buys power. Money, essentially is writing laws and influencing the lives of millions. It’s upsetting watching films like this, because I do not know if the American Dream can be easily obtained for everyone. This is problably why millions of America’s support Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” phenomena. People remember when the American Dream was actually possible. People want the Dream so bad they have no issue getting behind a billionaire making all these “promises”. 740 Park Avenue is the hub of wealth. We 400 of the richest people in the country’s wealth equal to 150 million people. The American Dream is broken. We live in world were the few have ultimate power for an entire nation....

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