Central Park Five Essay PDF

Title Central Park Five Essay
Course Juvenile Delinquency
Institution Oklahoma State University
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Jailyn Willis Juvenile Delinquency Professor Sittner 09/09/2021 The Central Park Five Essay Central Park Five is about five young African American and Latino men whose names are Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Korey Wise, Yusef Salaam, Antron McCray, on the date of April 19,1989 in central park, New York. These guys had been wrongly convicted of raping and beating a woman in the park, the women had been found under the brushes around 1:30 am that morning, the lady was taken to the hospital from the injuries she had from being beaten and raped in the park. The guys were almost out the door until the lady arrived at the hospital with all the injuries she had, the police department had taken the case as a homicide because the woman was nearly dead in the hospital with all the injuries she had. Leaving the case in the hands of the homicide team instead of the regular police department because she did not know the state she was in, and because she was nearly dead. These young people should not be taken to the police station without their parents, because they were all underage. They age ranged from fourteen to sixteen years old because they were under the age limit about to be convicted for something an adult was taken to the precinct without the knowledge of knowing what was happening their parents weren’t aware of their situations until they were called later that night after accusing and attacking these young men for hours to get them to talk about something they didn’t know nor did they do, but little did they know the officer and detectives were feeding them lie to get what they wanted, which was to put these five young African American and Latino men in jail for doing something they didn’t do. These young people were signing statement for undefined crimes without the

background of knowing what was going to happen to them later day the road. Their parents were sent in to listen to the confession tapes without knowing what they stepped in to without asking for a lawyer for their boys so that someone else other than the officer and the detectives could help them fight for their boys who were getting ready to be booked for a crime they didn’t commit. Trisha Meili was the victim of the crime, 28 years old, she worked as an investment banker, she also worked on wall street and lived on the upper east side of New York City. She had finialed been named by the two black run weekly newspaper and the Amsterdam and the city sun new, she was still laying in a coma fighting for her life, the young men’s court data had arrived, and they were all charging for robbery in the first degree, rape in the first degree, two counts of assault on the first degree, sexual abuse in the first degree, riot in the first degree, attempted murder in the first degree. Korey was sent to Rikers island jail facilities because he was sixteen years old while the rest were sent to Spafford juvenile facilities because they were fourteen and fifteen years old. Once these boys were booked, they had counselors coming to talk to them telling them that everyone in the jail wanted them dead for what they had done to Trisha Meili. After being in jail for a couple of day everyone in the New York Street were happy about the arrest but things kept happening on the outside and people didn’t understand why because the young men were just put in jail. The community of New York wanted to give these boys the death penalty for what they alleged did to Trisha Meili, Donald Trump spoke up and stated that we would have given these boys the death penalty for doing beaten and raping this woman. This wasn’t the going thing back then but for these boys if was accepted because they were people of color, other within

the state of New York felt that if it was a white woman and a white man the death penalty wouldn’t have been brought into the situation, but because it was four African American and one Latino the death penalty was acceptable in this situation. These young men were all from the Harlem area, Harlem in the 1939 was mostly an all-black community meaning they didn’t have all the resources other communities had because they weren’t integrated at that time. The officer and the detectives who delt with the cases of Antron, Yusef, Korey, Kevin, And Raymond knew that they were from Harlem and knew that their parents didn’t have the resources to fight for with lawyers, but they didn’t know that come fight for with the rest of the black communities that was around them and the people that they grew up knowing them. The officer didn’t want justice for the boys nor didn’t the rest of the white communities they wanted to see these boys in handcuffs and in prison for a long time for doing a crime that they didn’t do. There was a similar situation in New York around the same time that was raped and thrown off a roof but because they were in the same Racial group it got no coverage from the NYPD, it’s all because of the racial group these young men were used and the words they used. The words they used when the police stop them was “wilding” they were wilding around in central park, but they didn’t beat or rape this woman, the police controlled this story from the very beginning they never really took the time to look and determine what tool place and how it all happened. They started looking for evidence after the young men were already in jail, but never truly found anything, they started making up things to make there confessions still evidently correct. Then on down the road thirteen years later Matias Ryes came forward and explain his story about beating and raping Trisha Milli, the detectives pulled out the old files and matched

Reyes fingerprint to the rape kit, Reyes knew detailed that nobody else knew about the crime scene he knew specific detail like it was nothing. He described the milli had on black running tight and a white rt-shirt and the walked with a Walkman, he explained how he took she shoes off and the explained how he through them helping the detectives to understand why one shoe was in one place and why the other was in another. He explained he that the wanted her keys to get in her address and after he couldn’t, he explained that why he tosses them in the grass letting the cops know that he was really at the crime scene. Raymond, Kevin, Kory, Yusef, and Antron didn’t even know she had keys they didn’t even know what this lady was wearing in their statements they said she had on a blue shirts and a white shirt, which is what a biker had on that was in the park at that time, they explained she was at the reservoir and milli was dragged 18 feet from the crime scene which was on the west side of central park. Reyes Fingerprints were all over the crime scene making his confession accurate to the details within the files, and the other crimes going on in the area around the same time, Reyes followed the same path he never switched from the paths in his crimes he did everything she the same every single time making him the murder of central park. The cops and detectives dealing with the central park five case were overeager to solve the case instead of putting their all into it and arresting these young boys for a crime them didn’t commit. In Chapter 3 we talked about how many juveniles are victimized and how many victimizations are committed by juveniles, in the notes its states the young people have a higher victimization rate than older people for violent crimes, between the ages of twelve to seventeen years old, they have the highest victimized rates, and African American are somewhat more likely than whites to be victims of violence. The relationship between household income and

property crime is somewhat mixed into the racial groups, people with lower incomes are generally more likely to be victims of violence. Between the years of 1987 and 1993 the juvenile arrest rate for murder doubled, because of the increase of gun-related murders. The arrest for non-gum murders was stable into the years of 1987 and 1993. I Believe that younger people are victimized because of the environment they may be in and how they may have grown up and I think African American are more victimized of violence because the statistics and stereotypes that African American hold as a racial group, and the environment that many have more African American with less property values in their community. In conclusion, As I watched the central park five, I would say that this can and does happen in the world today, cops judge African American by the way they look and by the clothes they wear on their backs, we experience heartaches like the families of Raymond Santana, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, Kevin Richardson, and Antron McCray for young African American boys being wrongly convicted of crimes they had nothing to do it. They were lucky in this sense that they had people fighting for justice for them. Some of our young boys don’t have anybody at home to help them or keep fighting for them because they live in communities that don’t have the property resources for them to connect with other to help them in these situations. In 2012 Trayvon Martin walking down the streets with a grey hoodie on and a bag of skittles in his hands they said they shoot him because he looks guilty, and he looked like the suspect that was described to them. Like many other African American cases they see them as a treat and that’s how they handle what they see by killing us , putting us in harm’s way, and putting us in jail for crimes that we didn’t do but for looking all the same in the perceptions of a cops eyes, I’m not

saying all are the cops see African American like this but the ones that do are the ones or the stand and the ones arresting us for the crimes.

McMahon, D. Burns, K. Burns, S. (Director). (2012). Ken Burns: The Central Park Five [Video file]. PBS. Retrieved September 9, 2021, from Kanopy.

Sittner, Kelley(professor). (2021). Kelley Sittner: How much delinquency is there, and is delinquency increasing? Chapter 3 Noes [PowerPoint]. Retrieved August 23- 27, 2021, From Oklahoma State University...

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