Brand new clothes and ukay ukay a comparative analysis whole paper PDF

Title Brand new clothes and ukay ukay a comparative analysis whole paper
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Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450


Cantos, Niña , Comia, Jezzele B. , Delica, Armie C. ,Godoy Maedelyn H. , Hernandez, Seychelle R. [email protected]


Colegiong Lungsod ng Batangas Delas Alas Drive, Brgy. Poblacion 20, Batangas City


Clothes are one of the three (3) basic needs of people. This fact is known by everyone specially ages from 17 and above. At this time, ukay-ukay which is known for it being a second hand garment which believe to have a high quality and affordable price. The population of this study was students of Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas who were willing and had the chance to share their time and insights in buying brand new clothes and ukay-ukay. This includes the Two hundred sixty-one (261) respondents. The result revealed that majority of the student respondents was in favor of high-quality clothes but with an affordable price. The researchers created a questionnaire as the measuring instrument for this study. The questionnaire itself was anonymous. The researcher come up in the study of ukay-ukay and brand new clothes: A Comparative analysis.Not to differentiate it, it focuses on the study of the objective to get the percentage of the student who prefer ukay-ukay and brand new clothes to buy. The researcher thought of the possible behavior of the student in choosing clothes. And the significant ways of buying behavior of the student. The researcher quantitatively uses that best suited the study. Keywords: Ukay-ukay clothes, Brand new clothes, Buying behavior, Preferences

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

1.0 Introduction

Clothes are very essential in human lives. It is used to cover the body to give heat at cold days and to be able to fit in. Clothes are one of the people basic needs which consist of foods, house and clothes. Clothing through the years evolve from traditional which consist of Filipiniana, Bahag, Mestiza dress, and other cultural clothes through the modern clothing. Clothes are also part of human culture in which differentiates the different status in the society. (Bellis, 2019) Different status means different in styles, taste and sometimes people tend to imitate the new trends. Yet not all people are able to achieve that goal. Today, clothes were not that hard to find. You can find clothes in every corner of the sidewalks and local stores.There are two types of clothing: The brand new clothes and ukay-ukay clothes. Determining the total amount of students in Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas who prefer to avail ukay-ukay and brand new for their clothing.It indicates the buying behavior of students towards buying certain product or clothes and who influence the most to choose ukay-ukay rather than brand new or brand new rather than ukay-ukay clothes, it may involve their family, friends, peers, colleagues etc. It identify the significance or benefits can be gain in purchasing ukay-ukay and brand new clothes.Knowing that money is very essential and it has a big factor that can affect a person in buying their wants and desire especially in clothing fashion. This study is formed to have a deeper understanding of what people wanted to buy. It is important in daily life especially if a person has a problem in terms of money. Brand new clothes are the type of clothes that is imported from other countries. It is the original clothes that are still untouched. Brand new clothes are also those clothes which are newly made. It gives the wearer a comfort that they seek on clothes and the feeling of safety knowing that those clothes are clean, untouched and new. The branded garments always create a myth that they are superior in quality wise and as we have read in economics that

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

high price do create a false certainty in consumer mind being of better-quality products. (, 2016).Some people believe that wearing brand-new clothes increases self-confidence, expensive clothing is not worth buying because brand-new clothing can be extremely costly and the process of putting together a costly wardrobe is very time-consuming. Famous brands are perceived as a safer option to buy from. The term “brand reputation” provides a safer option to choose from when buying since brands are perceived to provide better materials, better designs and clothes that should last longer than those made by brands that are not famous. Branded clothes help meet the need of being like by others to admire what a person wears once they see brand logo. Now with the ability to search and by anything online, it’s more likely for a person to buy branded clothes online specially when famous brands pay too much money to enhance their online presence, and make it easier for the students to choose, buy and even return clothes with absolute ease. ( Ukay-Ukay is also known as second-hand clothes which have a good quality but affordable price. It is now a trend to the millennials because they can get benefits from buying Ukay-Ukay. They tend to buy Ukay-Ukay rather than Brand new clothes. Like Ukay-Ukay, Brand new clothes have a good quality but have high price. Some of students tend to buy brand new because it is unused clothes unlike to Ukay-Ukay. Ukay-ukay is also those clothes which would give the person a doubt to wear it fearing that it may hold some sort of bacteria which causes other sickness. Ukay-ukay may be considered a "special" type of good available in the market. First, it has a different marketing and sale process. Second, how it enters the market is unique. There are various reasons consumers still buy these goods. One is their low prices when compared to substitute and complementary goods. Ukay-ukay nowadays is a very affordable source of fashionable yet durable clothing material for those with relatively low incomes. Some people would resort to buying ukay-ukay items because the latter are

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

relatively homogenous with the brand new garments and accessories that may be bought in relatively high-class stores and shopping malls. (Abueg,2010) Getting some decent attire to wear is very difficult for a low-income family, for them ukay-ukay is the answer to their problems, at least they can buy a fair outfit for any amount of money in hand. But ukay-ukay is not exclusive to the less fortunate anymore, even the most stylish fashionistas are crowding into the piles of clothing, looking for that perfect vintage piece for next to nothing. Ukay-ukay is big business/ many outlets and makeshifts stalls can be found all over the nation. (De Jong, 2011) Ukay-ukay is a very affordable source of fashionable yet durable clothes for those with fairly small incomes. Some would resort to buying ukayukay items because these are relatively identical with the brand new garments and accessories that may be bought in high-class stores and shopping malls. (Dalugdog, 2012) Ukay-ukay clothes appeals of everyone, to trendy youth, frugal parents and eco-friendly.

The objective of the study are follows: 1. To determine the percentage of the students prefer brand new clothes and ukay-ukay. 2. To identify the consumer behavior towards ukay-ukay and brand new clothes. 3. To analyze the significance of ukay-ukay and brand new clothes. 4. To create an action plan.

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

2.0 Methodology Quantitative research is used in this study.Descriptive method is also used in this study to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studiedsince the present study requires study through collection of data in order to answer the question concerning the present status of the subject and to determine and report condition of related things. The purpose is to determine the buying behavior of CLB students in terms of their clothing.The researchers used raosoftin determining the number of samples students of Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas who were willing and/or had the chance to share their time and insights in buying brand new clothes and ukay-ukay. The survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed by the researchers. After the researchers validated, the researchers used excel to get the total weighted mean and the percentage of the students prefer brand new clothes and ukay-ukay clothes.

3.0 Results and Discussion

Profile of the Respondent The participants of the study were two hundred sixty one (261) students from Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas. These student respondents during the conduct of the study are enrolled for Academic Year 2019-2020. The table that follows shows the profile of the respondents. After each table, a brief explanation is provided to facilitate understanding.

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Table 1 Respondents Profile Gender


Category Male Female Unknown Total 17-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41 years and ab6ve

Frequency 44 203 14 261 203 36 21 1

Percent 16.9 77.8 5.4 100 77.8 13.8 8 0.4

The result shows the total number of male respondents are 44 with the percent of 16.9, the total number of female respondents are 203 with the percent of 77.8 and the total number of unknown respondent are 14 with the percent of 5.4. The majority of the respondents are female. The result shows the age range of the respondents, 17-20 years have the frequency of 203 with the percent of 77.8, 21-30 years have the frequency of 36 with the percent of 13.8, 31-40 years have the frequency of 21 with the percent of 8 and 41 years and above have the frequency of 1 with the percent of 0.4. The majority of the age of respondents are 17-20 years.

Table 2. The percentage of the students prefer brand new clothes and ukay-ukay

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Item Frequency Percentage Ukay-ukay 121 46.4 Brand new 140 53.6 Composite Mean 261 100 The result shows that the number of students in Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas prefer to buy brand new clothes rather than Ukay-ukay. People buy brand new products for a variety of reasons. From having good experiences with the brand in the past, to wanting to portray a certain image.People have a desire to fit in, whether at school, work or in social circles. For this reason, people sometimes buy brands because they believe the brands will contribute to greater social acceptance. This is especially true in fashion.Consumers often buy clothing brands that are either perceived as fashionable, trendy or high class, or that fit into a particular subculture or peer group. (Kokemuller). On the other hand, the number of students in Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas who prefer Ukay-ukay are few although Ukay-ukay is a very affordable source of fashionable yet durable clothes for those with fairly small incomes many would still prefer those clothes that are brand-new. The researchers found out that the students in Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas are satisfied with the quality and price range of preferred clothes. The ukay-ukay will benefit the poor and lower middle class most, it will allow them to bargain for cheap wear and gives them the chance to get hold of mannerly clothing that otherwise would end up as cleaning material, meeting its final destination at a garbage site. These days more and more people want or need to dress for less and are joining the ukay-ukay craze. So, dig in and dear to wear, ukay-ukay is okay, it is a number-one shopping experience for second-hand happiness. Ukay-ukay is not exclusive to the less fortunate anymore, even the most stylish fashionistas are scrounging into the piles of clothing, looking for that perfect vintage piece for next to nothing. However, as well for the poor and the prosperous, poking into that pile of hand-me-down fashion trying to find that something to-die-for comes with a

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

certain price (De Jong 2011). The students, although they buy ukay-ukay clothes they also consider the price.

Table 3 CLB students that prefer brand new clothes and Ukay-ukay Item 1.Which do you prefer to buy? 2. Are you satisfied with the quality

Weighted Mean 1.5 3

of preferred clothes? 3. Are you satisfied with the price


range of preferred clothes? Composite Mean


Interpretation Brand new clothes Yes Yes

The results shows that the number of students in Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas who prefer brand new clothes are greater than those students who choose Ukay-ukay with Weighted Mean 1.5. The researchers found out that the students in Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas are satisfied with the quality and price range of preferred clothes. Table 4 Consumer Behavior towards Brand New Clothes and Ukay-ukay Item

Weighted Mean









1. Do you buy in the Ukay-ukay store the same style as an artist wore. (Bumibili ng damit gaya ng sa artista sa Ukay-ukay.) 2. Do you believe that Ukay-ukay are branded products. (Naniniwala ka na ang Ukay-ukay ay isang branded na produkto.)

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

3. Do you considered your classmate feedback about buying Ukay-ukay. (Bumibili ka ayon sa sabi ng kaklase








Strongly agree















Strongly agree




sa Ukay-ukay.) 4. Do you think that Ukay-ukay clothes are all imported from other countries. (Naniniwala ka ba ang mga damit sa Ukay-ukay ay galing sa ibang bansa.) 5. Do you look for the good quality of Ukay-ukayclothes. (Tumitingin ka ba sa magandang kalidad ng damit) 6. Does your friends influence you to buy brand-new clothes. (Naiimpluwensiyahan ka ba ng mga kaibigan mo para bumili ng brand-new clothes.) 7. Does trends have an impact in buying brand new clothes. (bumibili ka ba ng mga brand-new clothes dahil trending ito.) 8. Do you buy brand new clothes based on advertisement. (dahil ba sa advertisement kaya ka bumibili ng brand-new clothes.) 9. Does brand new clothes have many designs available. (ang mga brand-new clothes ba ay maraming disenyo.) 10. Do you considered the price in buying clothes. (kinokosidera mo ba angpresyo ng damit sa pagbili nito.) Composite Mean

This shows that the students tend to find a clothes with a high quality but affordable. This show in the result wherein the consumer behavior that

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

pertains to quality and price earn the highest weighted mean of 4.2. This contradict the belief that having a higher cost hold a higher quality. There is a consumer-clothing trend to buy fewer, longer lasting items often at higher price points (Salfino, 2018). While the lowest ranking fall to the buying behavior on brand new clothes based on advertisement. This earn the weighted mean of 3.1 that shows that the students does not always rely on the advertisement of every brand in terms of buying clothes. This also contradicts the belief that “the more we see ads, the more our subconscious accepts the information that is fed to”. Table 5 Significance of Brand-New Clothes and Ukay-Ukay Item

Weighted Mean

Interpretation Ranking

1. Is it really important to consider a friend’s advice in buying clothes.










(mahalaga ba na ikonsidera ang payo ng mga kaibigan mo sa pagbili ng damit.) 2. Is it really important to buy clothes based on trends. (mahalaga ba talaga na bumili ng damit dahil trending ito.) 3. Is it really important to depend on flyers/promotional materials in buying clothes. (mahalaga bang dumipende sa mga flyers/promotional material sa pagbili ng damit.)

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

4. Is it really important to buy clothes with variety of designs.








Less important

(mahalaga ba na bumili ng damit na may maraming desenyo.) 5. Is it really important to buy branded clothes. (mahalaga ba na bumuli ng mga branded na damit) 6. Is it really important for clothes to be imported from other


countries. (mahalaga ba na mula pa sa ibang bansa ang mga damit.) 7. Is it really important to buy second hand clothes.







(mahalaga ba na bumili ng damit na second hand.) 8. To make customers satisfied is it important to have good quality of ukay-ukay clothes. (para masiyahan ang mga bumibili importante na may magandang kalidad ang damit na bibilihin sa ukay-ukay.)


Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

9. Is it important to consider your habit of buying discounted clothes.


(mahalaga ba na ikonsidera ang




iyong nakaugalian sa pagbili ng mga may discount na damit.)

Composite Mean



This result shows that the consumer satisfaction is more important in terms of the good quality of clothes. The importance of good quality is always the first priority of most of the consumers. This earn the highest weighed mean of 4. On the other hand, the average consumer think that it isn’t important that the clothes is imported. One (1) percent of the students says that it is less important for clothes to be imported from other countries . People doesn’t rely on whether the clothes is imported or not that is the reason why the researchers got the weighted mean of 2.5 which is also the lowest rank. They think that aslong as the clothes hold a high quality it suffice.

4.0 Conclusions Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Out of two hundred sixty one (261) students from Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas 54% of the students prefer to buy brand-new clothes while the remaining 46% choose to buy ukay-ukay. 2. The reason why students buy brand-new clothes and ukay-ukay are because of good quality and affordable price.

Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Batangas

Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas Contact No. (043) 402-1450

3. The satisfaction on the good quality and affordable price of the student of Colegio ng...

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