Bsbcmm 301-3-Case Study PDF

Title Bsbcmm 301-3-Case Study
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BSBCMM301 Process customer complaints Case Study v1.3 (2017/08/16)

BSBCMM301 Process customer complaints Name

Jaedan Lee Jun Xian

Email address

[email protected]

Assessment © 2017 Australian Institute of Personal Trainers Pty Ltd and its licensors (AIPT) Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Regulations 1969 Warning - This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of AIPT, pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. All rights are reserved and you must obtain the prior written permission of AIPT for the republication or redistribution of any content. Do not remove this notice.

Case Study Please read through the following case study. Reflect on your learning and your own research within this unit. Prepare a response that responds to each of the issues presented below. Your responses must reflect your knowledge, skills, and application for this unit. Scenario 1 Your manager complains to you that a report that he asked you to complete is overdue. He is due to present this report to an important client at an interstate meeting in three days and would like time to review and edit the report before the meeting. You tell your manager that you completed your section two days ago, but the report needs some research results that you are waiting on from the sales department. A week has gone by, and they have not supplied you with the data even though you have emailed the sales manager three times requesting the information. You have not yet heard back from her. Your manager asks you why you did not inform him about the difficulties that had arisen that may cause you to miss a deadline. He is very frustrated. Scenario 2 A customer has been told that some car seat covers sold by your company are ideal for large SUVs. Later, she phones your organisation and says, “I was given incorrect advice that has cost me a lot of time and inconvenience. I drove an hour and a half from the coast to get these and have had to come back.” The customer says that the sales assistant who served her did not tell her that the seat covers would only fit certain models. The seat covers she purchased do not fit her SUV. The seat covers in your shop are clearly labelled, both with shelving signs and on the packaging, stating which models they fit.


BSBCMM301 Process customer complaints Case Study v1.3 (2017/08/16)

Task For each scenario, describe in one page how you would handle this complaint from start to finish. Include the following in your response: • • • • • • •

The key issues and potential impact on the client The communication strategies that you would use, including the communication medium The policies or legislation with which you would have to comply The documents that you would gather and prepare as part of the complaints-resolution process How you would negotiate with the other person to resolve the situation and ensure that they were satisfied with the outcome How they would be informed of the outcome How the overall complaint-handling process could be improved

Scenario 1: The key issue within this scenario is that the report that was supposed to be completed is now overdue. However, due to the sales manager incapability to submit reports from her department, as such the report cannot be completed. Furthermore, this was not being reported to our manager who needs the report in order to attend a meeting in three days. This will not only make the client whom my manager is meeting angry, the client might find that our company is very inefficient and will choose not to work with us anymore. This will affect our trust with all current clients and potential clients. This means that the company will lose a client and as such affecting the company’s profit in a long run.

Meeting my manager in person would be much more ideal to solving this problem. However, before meeting my manger, I should pay a visit to the sales manager to demand for the research result needed for the report. This will make the things more formal and people will understand the urgency of the entire situation. However, since the client is interstate, our manager might have to call them and tell them about the current situation. There is no point having a meeting if things are not prepared. Therefore, in order to make things formal and sincere, our manager should call and apologies on behalf of the company. In the case that the call didn’t go through, an email should be sent and explaining the same reasons and thus asking for a change in date for the meeting.

There is no policies or legislation that needs to be complied. However, as explained in the previous point, our manager should ask for a change of the date for the meeting. This is because there is no point attending the meeting when our manager is not prepared. Attending the meeting unprepared will only make the client he meets even more displeased for wasting time. Therefore, our manager should call and apologies, whilst requesting for a change of the meeting date. While our manager attends to that, I need to quickly gather the research results from the sales department. After that, review the document one more time and check for mistakes. It will not look good on our manager heading up for the meeting as after asking for extension, the reports are still mistakes found within the report. Furthermore, if the client was to lodge a complain, that complain needs to go into the complaint register. This is for future reference in case similar 2

BSBCMM301 Process customer complaints Case Study v1.3 (2017/08/16)

incidents were to happened.

For this issue, our manager needs to negotiate with the client for a change of date regarding the meeting. This can only be done until we know how long it takes to get the research outcome from the sales manager. With that time frame, our manager can negotiate a new meeting date. By this date, our manager should have collected all the required data. Additionally, our manager needs to ask our client if there is anything we can do for compensation. As our client has to change their schedule due to our incapability prepare the report in time for the meetings. Our client will feel the sincerity, whilst making them feel more valued. However, since there is only one part missing, I might just need to negotiate with my manager and reorganize the date to submit the report to my manager. Though this will be a better choice as our client will not have to change their schedule and it will not affect our company’s reputation, it is highly unlikely due to the time constraint.

Since this is a meeting, there is no need for our clients to know when the report is done. It is a given assumption that all reports will be done and completed before the meeting. However, in order to regain their trust, we should keep them informed once the research results are out. Additionally, a phone call or an email will be sent to my manager once I have collected the research result. This will give our manager a heads up on the duration he gets to prepare for this meeting. The earlier we get the report to our manger, the longer period of time he gets to prepare for the meeting. Lastly, the sales manager will also be kept informed about the entire situation. This will allow her to understand the amount of trouble the company faces, in hopes that this kind of situation will never arise again. This kind of complain will be better handed if they are handed with efficiency. This will show the client that we take pride in our work and that they are valuable to us. However, in a long run, make sure this will never happen again. This is done to regain their trust again and to show that we are a reliable company. Additionally, we should ask our client if they have any feedback regarding the way we handled this issue. If they are still not satisfied with the handling of the entire process, ask them what we could have potentially done to make them even more satisfied. However, when negotiating, always remember to stay within the company’s policy. From there or from the feedback, our staff will be better trained for such circumstances and they better handle such situation in the future.

Scenario 2: Firstly, this customer has become an angry customer due to the inconvenience caused and time lost due to the incorrect information she received on the products bought. Due to the advance technology today, messages spread very quickly. Often, disgruntled customers will post comments about the company on their social media. Once there’s a bad review on the company, it could potentially ruin the company’s image, name and reputation for future customers. Additionally, this customer has lost its faith for the company as she might think the company has a hidden agenda due to the poor service received.

In order to win back this customer trust and prevent a bad review from happening, the complaint 3

BSBCMM301 Process customer complaints Case Study v1.3 (2017/08/16)

has to be handled effectively. However, before anything could start, we need to obtain her personal details first. For instance, her name, mobile number and email. With all this, we can keep her followed up regarding the issue. This will prove to customers that we treat and handle things efficiently, offering them a sense of trust and responsibility. From here, a reasonable offer to compensate for our mistake can be make, while letting the angry customer know that the organization is interested in fixing this problem to their satisfaction.

While trying to fix their problem, we have to remember to comply with the Australian consumer law. Competition and Consumer Act 2010 is the main legislation we must abide to while dealing with the complaint and refund policy. Though the description was written on the packaging and the shelving signs, the customers bought the product biased on the information from the salesperson. Furthermore, upon relying on the salesperson, the product does not do the specific job the customer wants. As such, according the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, all products need to have a consumer guarantee for goods and services. We can have the wrong product replaced due to the refund policy that is enforced in our company.

Before any refunding process could be made, there are some documents that needs to be gathered. For instance, the receipt or invoices of the product bought. This is to show evidence when and what product was bought. If the transaction was to happen, remember always to keep a copy of the old receipt or invoice, whilst giving them a new one. On top of that, remember to complete the complaint register. This register is a document that keeps a record of all the complains received and how they were handled. This is used for future analyzing purposes.

Keeping the customer satisfied with our service is our number one priority. As such, we negotiate with them, come to an agreement where they are satisfied with the outcome and that it does not go against the company’s policy. When negotiating, we first understand what the customer hopes to achieve from this negotiation. If it’s reasonable and does not go against the company’s policy, we can accept it. However, if the request from the customer is unreasonable, we can renegotiate with them and offer them the best deal we possibly can. Remember to always know your limits when negotiating with the customers. If unsure, call and ask for help as things could go out of hand.

When negotiating with them, their personal details such as emails and mobile number will be collected. This is to keep the customer informed about the outcome of the negotiation or to keep them updated regarding this issue, even though all negotiation should be completed at the time the complaint was received. If we are not responsible for the complaint, we are able to divert the complain to someone more senior within the organization to resolve this issue. Therefore, always remember to ask for their personal details.

The overall complain-could be considered a success if the handling process was handed with efficient. This means that we come into an agreement with the customer, ensuring that they are satisfied with the outcome and solution we have offered to them. From there, make sure that 4

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action was taken immediately, displaying a sense of urgency to the customer. This is make them feel valued and in turn they will respond positively. Additionally, always remember to follow up. This is to ensure that the customer is completely satisfied, especially when we have had to enlist the help of other for the solution delivery. In return, the customer will not feel like their complaint is ‘out of sight and out of mind’. Lastly, always ask for feedback on how we handled the entire situation. This will give future staff a better understanding on how to deal with such situation.

Quality outcomes Ensure the following for your submission: i)

It is grammatically correct.


It is error-free.


It is written in simple English.


It comprises of an average of 15 words for each sentence.


There are separate paragraphs for each new content/topic or discussions. Include references to relevant legislation, which must be defined.

Attach any models, tools, or resources that could be used in an organisation to improve the case study situations presented. Tip: Read all text aloud in order to identify any gaps and correct them. Ask another person to proof read your work in order to check for accuracy before you submit. A minimum of 1,000 words is required (attachments are not to be included in word count). Writing strategies and actions for future improvements A case study is designed for you to demonstrate your skills in reading, accurately interpreting and providing workable responses and strategies. Check that your responses provide: 1.

Identification and clarification of the key issues. Discuss and provide some suggestions as to what has caused these. 2. Key facts and information that is relevant and demonstrates your ability to provide solutions. 3. Templates and resources that could assist managers in the future when managing their teams. 4. Recommendations, both short term and long term, to improve the current situation. Also ensure the appropriate use of headings and formats so as to reflect a professional presentation.


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