BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation PDF

Title BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation
Author Abiramy Thiyagarajan
Course Cert IV Training & Assessment
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 20
File Size 768.1 KB
File Type PDF
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This is the assessment course for TAE 40116 which helps to make a presentation to teach a concept....


Skills Assessment (Event 3 of 6)

Task 1: Collect evidence As the student for your assessment you must provide the relevant evidence required to apply for RPL on BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation. One of the items you must submit as evidence is a third party report from your employer. Complete a third party report using the template below. You will have the same required areas in the left column but your own comments/evidence in the second column (red).

Third party report Unit code and name BSBCMM401 Make a presentation (R1) Qualification code and name CHC34015 - Certificate III in Active Volunteering (2)

Candidate and workplace representative information The representative is not to be a relative, close friend or give reason for a conflict of interest. Candidate name

Supervisor/Manager name Supervisor signature Date completed Relationship to candidate Organisation name

Brian Robinson Alex Roy Alex Roy 25/06/20 Supervisor Sales Industry

Instructions To support the candidate’s RPL application for the unit of competence BSBCMM401 Make a presentation, please provide ‘third party’ verification about their ability to apply the workplace skills and knowledge required along with a specific example of how they apply the skill or knowledge. Workplace skill / knowledge Your employee…

Application of the skill in the workplace

Plans presentations and intended outcomes (1.1)

Brian needs to make regular presentations on sales target reports to his teammates .His presentation is checked and approved by the supervisor (me).the plan and outcome are always excellent .this is also reviewed as a part of his performance review .For this area , Brian always got “ above satisfactory “level for the past 4 yrs.

Develops presentations that match the characteristics of audience, location and resources available (1.2)

Briefs others involved in the presentation (1.4)

Explains outcomes of the presentation and provides opportunities for participants to seek clarification (2.1, 2.5)

During presentations summarises key concepts and ideas to facilitate participant understanding (2.6)

Uses feedback to make changes to central ideas presented (3.3)

Presents information using words and body language appropriate to the audience and context (FS3) Uses listening and questioning techniques to gather information (FS4)

Brian has to deliver the same presentation to the executive committee and to the sales staff for every quarter. This is evidence that he is capable of adjusting the resources and the presentation according to his audience and location . Brian has to gain information from other sales persons' reports and needs to combine and create Excel sheets for monthly meetings , he has been doing it successfully for more than a year. All presentations have clear goals that are presented at the beginning and then at the end Chris checks those goals have been met as part of the standard presentation format. Moreover, in every meeting and presentation there is always a” Question and answer session” to ask queries regarding his report and presentation. I noticed that Brian always summarises the aim of the presentation at the start and asks questions during the session to check the audience understanding and remains them the key concepts at the end .

Brian always asks feedback from his team members , managers and audience as per our policy and implements that in his next presentation where possible.

Brian has strong interpersonal communication skills . He is capable of changing his tone , body language , volume and different types of visual aids according to his audience and concepts of the presentation . After collecting the feedback from the presentation , he will discuss and listen to the responses from others in the team meeting , then he will implement their suggestions in his presentation when possible.

Demonstrates sophisticated control in communication to achieve the presentation goals and respond to audience (FS7, FS8)

Brian sometimes has to deliver information which is unpopular or is politically contentious. He is able to choose strategies which effectively deliver information and achieve communication goals in complicated situations.

Identifies any regulatory and organisational obligations relevant to presentations (KE2)

Brian always remembers to follow the policy and procedure of the business .For e.g. , He is aware of following WHS requirements in both for presentation settings and for inclusion in presentation.

As the assessor for your assessment you will:  review the existing RPL tools

 develop required RPL instruments  conduct a professional conversation  assess competency and provide feedback. Select the following hyperlink to review the unit BSBCMM401 - Make a presentation (1). In part, you will be assessed on your ability to make the correct decision of Competent or Not Yet Competent based on the evidence received.

Task 2: Review existing RPL Assessment Instruments As the assessor, you must review the existing assessment instruments for BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation (1) are in the Cl_Assess_AE_SR3 folder.

Read the following documents:

     

AE3_BSBCMM401_RPLInstructions AE3_BSBCMM401_RPLSelfAssessment AE3_BSBCMM401_RPLPortfolio AE3_BSBCMM401_RPLThirdPartyReport AE3_BSBCMM401_RPLMappingTool AE3_BSBCMM401_RPLAssessmentMappingTemplate

What is missing? ·

Professional Conversation Instrument


Assessment Plan

Task 3: Plan and organise the assessment As the Assessor you must complete an Assessment Plan Assessment Plan a. Target candidates

Brian Robinson

(Describe candidate or cohort)

• has a qualification in business and sales • is employed full time for an industrial supplier Sales Industries • has delivered many presentations and speeches in the workplace • uses a Specs - have low vision.


Purpose and context of assessment

To demonstrate competence for the unit BSBCMM401 ;Make a Presentation using evidence from his workplace by RPL path


Qualification Code, Title & Release

CHC34015 - Certificate III in Active Volunteering (2)


Unit Code, Title and Release

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation (1)


Reasonable adjustments

As he has poor vision , we need to provide large print form documents.

(include if specialist support is required) f.



Method of Assessment


Brian will use the same presentations for evidence which he has delivered for his workplace. All evidence for the RPL will be work based. Brief description of tasks required during the gathering or evidence (minimum of two instruments e.g. skills and knowledge) Portfolio requiring sufficient evidence to cover most endorsed components and all skill components – proposed are 7 different types of evidence – 1. Self-assessment 2. 3.

Third party report Evidence of Industry Currency

4. 5. 6.

Presentation Plan Visual aids used in presentations Feedback and Review from Presentations


Competency conversation

Professional Competency Conversation Other - evidence of communicating with key personnel and video evidence if available.

Conversation that will consist of multiple questions regarding communication and presentation skills covering any knowledge areas which are not covered in the portfolio.

Table 8 – Assessment plan continued

h. List of relevant legislation, policies, codes of practice, workplace standards and/or licensing (e.g. privacy, licensing)

Privacy Secure record maintenance EEO Anti-discrimination RPL Policy


Key personnel and their responsibility

Assessor required to provide advice on RPL assessment, conduct competency conversation and assess RPL evidence.


Materials/resources for assessment

In addition to RPL assessment tools/templates and evidence: Email for both candidate and assessor Interview area or electronic methods such as Microsoft teams to conduct competency conversation Cost of printing RPL paperwork 50c

k. Single use or perishable item estimated cost

If the documents provided in hard copy, to be stored at Granville Tafe in B block archiving cabinets. If materials provided electronically, to be stored via Moodle protocols.

Assessment storage method


The emergency evacuation procedure will be communicated to Brian before assessment.

m. Work Health and Safety requirements


Any other relevant information to this assessment

Unit of competency. Contextualisation guidelines

RPL Procedure for RPL

Task 4: Develop assessment instruments For this task you will need to access templates from the Cl_Assess_AE_SR1 folder. 1.

Use the Template_RPLProfessionalConversation from the Cl_Assess_AE_SR1 folder to: o o

Create the required questions for a professional conversation. List the key points (expected responses).

2. Using AE3_BSBCMM401_RPLAssessmentMappingTemplate check that all components of the unit of competency will be covered by the existing instruments and the professional conversation you have created. Make any modifications required.

RPL Professional Conversation document

Unit Code


Unit Name and Release No.

Make a presentation (Release 1)

Table 2 - Candidate details

Candidate Name


Brian Robinson

aA Name

Date of conversation

Assessor signature

Abi Thiya

Abi Thiya

Table 3 - Assessor instructions to create template

Table 4 - Assessor instructions to use document

Instructions to assessor using the document Select from the question bank which questions you will ask your candidate. Record these in the Questions asked table. You might need to ask additional questions depending on knowledge evidenced via the portfolio. These additional questions need to be added to the questions asked table. You are not required to write the response verbatim - you should however note the key points and examples from the conversation then indicate if the response was Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (US). You can use the key points to prompt the candidate for further information and tick them off as they are addressed. These extra questions should also be noted on the questions asked table.

Question bank Create a list of suitable questions the assessor may ask relating to this unit. The assessor will also ask additional questions to cover gaps in Portfolio knowledge evidence and as prompts during the conversation . Table 5 - Question bank

For each question, complete the required key points 1. Describe how you choose the most appropriate presentation strategies, format and delivery methods to match the characteristics of your target audience, location, resources and personnel Key points: Consult with stakeholders to determine audience characteristics. Review audience, find out why they are attending and what they are hoping to get out of the presentation. Identify their preferred learning styles. Visit the presentation location prior to delivering the session to confirm technology will be compatible and whether additional personnel are required

S US Assessor’s comments S

Stated that he consulted with stakeholders to determine audience characteristics ,review the audience, find out why they are attending and what they are hoping to get out of the presentation and identify their preferred learning styles. But unfortunately, did not visit the presentation location prior to delivering the session to confirm technology will be compatible and whether additional personnel are required.

S 2.What do you do to monitor the non-verbal and verbal communication of your participants to help them attain the presentation outcomes?

Did mention about the observation and engagement of the audience and check their understanding by asking questions.

Key points: Observe the audience to see if  they are engaged – look at body language  Ask questions to check their understanding  Invite questions from the audience  Check whether they are asking and answering questions 3. What do you do to provide opportunities for your participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts? How do you adjust the presentation to meet the needs and preferences of your participants?


Did invited participants to ask questions to clarify points and he also revisited the points if needed to clarify them but didn’t have enough of different ways and examples to clarify their queries.


Mentioned of providing feedback form at the beginning of the presentation and ask participants to read it prior to the presentation and complete it after the presentation .Also mentioned about prearrangement of the session timings , using active listening and appropriate body language and demonstrated listening but did not mention about extra time for addition questions.

Key points: Invite participants to ask  questions to clarify points  If required, re-visit points to clarify them  Explain in a different way and provide different examples 4. What listening and questioning techniques do you use to gather the information required to develop or modify your presentations? Key points: 

 

Provide a written evaluation form at the beginning of the presentation and ask participants to read it prior to the presentation and complete it after the presentation Arrange the timing of the session with an allowance for additional questions Use active listening and appropriate body language to demonstrate listening Paraphrase questions to confirm they have been understood Give more detail where required

5. What behaviours indicate an audience S

Mentioned about mannerism of the audience

is engaged and listening to you? What behaviours indicate an audience is having trouble listening or does not understand what you are saying? Give an example of when an audience has reacted and you have changed your words or non-verbal behaviour as a result of these reactions.

member given example: 1. when audience member is engaged, they nod their head or may reveal understanding by answering questions 2.When an audience is having trouble listening or understanding, they may frown, fold their arms and look frustrated. but did not mentioned about When an audience member is frustrated where everybody understands the industry jargon. Did not mention about slowing down and introducing all industry jargon prior to using it.

Key points:  When an audience member is engaged they nod their head or may demonstrate understanding by answering questions  When an audience/member is having trouble listening or understanding, they may frown, fold their arms and look frustrated  When an audience member is frustrated check everybody understands the industry jargon. If not slow down and introduce all industry jargon prior to using it. 6. What strategies and communication S principles do you use to deliver effective presentations? Key points:  Introduce new words/terms upfront  Break and deliver information into bite sized pieces  Anticipate questions or objections  Appeal to a variety of learning styles such as visual, auditory and read and write learners  Use open questions  Check that everyone can hear  Make eye contact with everyone  Use plain English 7. Describe the principles of effective communication Key points:   

Have a clear objective for the presentation Actively listen throughout the presentation Choose the most appropriate delivery methods to suit the time


Stated about using plain English and break and deliver information into bite sized pieces in presentation and use a variety of learning styles such as visual, auditory and read and write learners .Use open questions to check their understanding but did not state about the Introduce new words/terms upfront of presentation.

Mentioned the clarity in the concepts, appropriate delivery methods , use an engaging tone and body language, concise and well prepared for presentation . Provided an example that happened in a presentation how he explained the concept in a presentation by explaining the audience using examples of real life .

   

allocated, audience needs/preferences, location, topic and available resources Be super prepared Use an engaging tone and body language Be concise Back verbal information up with appropriate visuals Share stories and examples when appropriate 8. Describe a range of presentation S aids and materials you have used to support your presentations

   

Provided the product samples including PowerPoint, Prezi, charts ,maps models , photos but haven’t mentioned handouts

Key points: PowerPoint Prezi Charts, graphs, maps, models and photos Handouts Product samples 9. Why is structuring a presentation very important?


Key point: The message will be logical, clear and simple for the audience.

Mentioned the reason for structuring a presentation as the message will be clear and logical and simple for the audience as well as it will help the presenter to be calm and stay on topic .

Speaker can be calm ,stay on topic .

RPL Assessment Mapping Template Complete the columns with blue headings below (Proposed Portfolio Evidence and Professional Conversation - Question options) These columns are stating what evidence you plan to obtain. In task 6 the column with a green heading will be completed In task 7 the column with a purple heading will be completed The green and purple comments contain the evidence you actually obtained. Remember from the assessment plan and the assessment instructions that the required portfolio documents are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Self-assessment Third party report Evidence of Industry Currency Presentation Plan Visual aids used in presentations Feedback and Review from Presentations

7. Professional Competency Conversation 8. Other

RPL Assessment Mapping Template USI number

ABCDE34UM Student name Brian Robinson

Unit code


Unit name

Make a presentation (1)

Unit Outcome

RPL Granted ☐


RPL Not Granted Date Outcome Determined

Feedback – the assessor and learner are to confirm they have provided and been given feedback in relation to the outcome. Assessor Feedback

Assessor Name

Well done Student , you been Feedback competent for this unit Abi Thiya Student Name

Assessor Signature Abi Thiya Assessor Date


Student Signature Student Date


Componen t of the unit � is addressed in �


Prepare a

Propo sed Port olio Evide nce

Submitted Portfolio Evidence

Profe ssion al Conv ersati on Ques tion optio ns

Professional Conversation Candidate answered

S/ U S


presentation 1.1





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