BSD110 TP2 Part A Assignment PDF

Title BSD110 TP2 Part A Assignment
Course Bachelor of Business
Institution Queensland University of Technology
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BSD110: ACCOUNTING TP2 2019 ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1: DECISION MAKING IN ACCOUNTING Part A Weighting total: 15% Due date and time: 11.59pm - Thursday 25 July 2019 Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive 0. If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can apply for an extension by the due date. If you don’t have an approved extension you should submit the work you have completed by the due date and it will be marked against the assessment criteria. Submission requirements:

Submit your assignment via Turnitin through the BSD110 Blackboard site.

You will need to submit each of the following items at two separate Turnitin submission points under Assessment: 1. Excel worksheet (must be the .xls or .xlsx file not pdf format). Please note that we download your entire Excel file from Turnitin so it doesn’t matter if you can’t see the last few ratios on your screen view in Turnitin as long as they are contained in your file. 2. Your report (500 words +/-10%. Words exceeding +10% will not be marked) It is each student’s responsibility to check online submissions have been uploaded correctly (i.e. you should open the file from Turnitin to check this, once your files have been uploaded). Please check that you have submitted Excel into the Excel submission point and your report into the report submission point as several students in past semesters submitted only one file. (As an example, students submitted a report into the Report submission point and then submitted their Excel also into the Report submission point which overwrites the original Excel file). We can only mark what you provide so it is vital to check that you have definitely submitted 2 files (Excel and report) into the 2 different submission points. Group or Individual: Individual This assessment item assesses the following learning outcomes: Knowledge and Technological Skills (KS) 1.1 Demonstrate and apply theoretical and technical knowledge across the broad field of business. Social, Ethical and Global Understanding (SE) 5.1 Apply knowledge of ethical and social responsibility perspectives in analysing and addressing business issues.

BSD110 TP2 2019 Assignment 1 – Part A

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Background Samsung Electronics is a South Korean multinational company and is one of the world’s largest producers of electronic devices including TV’s, smartphones, tablets and home appliances. You have been provided with the following: 1. An Excel file with Samsung financial information for the year ended 2018. Use only the financial information provided and DO NOT refer to other information in the Financial Statements. The currency used in the financial statements is South Korean won. 2. Samsung’s 2018 Sustainability Report (containing the CSR environmental and social activities). This is provided as a separate PDF file.

Selected Balance Sheet Information: Samsung As at 31 December Cash and Cash Equivalents Trade Receivables (Net Receivables) Inventory Total current assets Total assets Total current liabilities Total liabilities Total shareholders' equity (Total Equity)

2018 KRWmillion 30,340,505 33,867,733 28,984,704 174,697,424 339,357,244 69,081,510 91,604,067 247,753,177

2017 KRWmillion 30,545,130 27,695,995 24,983,355 146,982,464 301,752,090 67,175,114 87,260,662 214,491,428

Selected Income Statement Information: Samsung For year ended 31 December Sales (net sales) Cost of sales Gross profit Interest expense Profit Before Tax + Interest Profit before tax Tax expense Profit After Tax (Profit)

2018 KRWmillion 243,771,415 132,394,411 111,377,004 8,608,896

2017 KRWmillion 239,575,376 129,290,661 110,284,715 8,978,913

59,769,533 61,159,958 16,815,101 44,344,857

55,437,489 56,195,967 14,009,220 42,186,747

Selected Other Financial Information: Samsung Preference Dividends paid Number of Ordinary Shares

2018 1,165,761 778,047

Note there is no Short Term investments, or any other information, which is not listed. You do not need any financial information other than what is provided above.

BSD110 TP2 2019 Assignment 1 – Part A

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Required: 1. Excel Worksheet (10 marks): You need to use the Excel file provided and calculate the following ratios making sure you use Excel formulas: a. 2 ratios in relation to the liquidity of the company for the year ended 2018 b. 2 ratios in relation to the solvency of the company for the year ended 2018 c. 2 ratios in relation to the profitability of the company for the year ended 2018 In selecting your ratios, only use ratios from the current set textbook. Calculate each ratio to 2 decimal places. No theory discussion is required in relation to the ratios. Note: marks are allocated for the correct use of Excel formulas. You cannot simply type in your answers - you must use an Excel formula (e.g. = B8/B10). 

It is recommended to calculate ratios with a calculator first and then check the answers against Excel to ensure correct use of brackets in your Excel formulas. If you are calculating averages, you may prefer to use the Average function in Excel for example =AVERAGE(B8:C8)

Format the worksheet/s appropriately – using correct formatting for percentages and currency. Round all figures to 2 decimal places (see instructions and lecture recordings in Blackboard). Save your Excel file – you will need to upload this later into Turnitin.

2. Your report (20 marks): You are an accounting intern with Samsung Electronics. Your supervisor has asked you to provide a summary that will enable a Corporate Social Responsibility perspective from a young consumer. You have been provided with Sustainability reports from both Samsung and a key competitor, LG. To make your report easy to read and allocate marks, please use a simple report structure with 5 headings (a, b, c, d and e) and do not include a page border. a) Provide a brief summary in your own words of the 5 Samsung sustainability pillars. Identify which pillar is more important to you personally and explain why. (4 marks) b) For each Samsung sustainability pillar that was discussed in part (a), identify and briefly explain in your own words one specific activity and what page number it appears on. (An example of a specific activity could be banning product testing on animals but this is not relevant in this assignment and is a guide only). Note: Check you have identified a total of 5 activities (1 from each of the 5 pillars) (5 marks) c) For any two of the activities that you identified in (b), which of the 3 possible CSR theories would most likely apply to why Samsung performed those activities. Look at BSD110 lecture 1 for guidance on the 3 CSR theories. Give a clear explanation as to why you believe that theory applies. (Note: any two activities out of the five you identified in (b) can be chosen). (6 marks) d) In your own words, give two (2) reasons why you believe CSR is important for Samsung.

(1 mark)

e) Review both the Samsung and LG sustainability reports provided and consider any other recent relevant media articles affecting their sustainability. You need to compare and contrast the sustainability of Samsung and LG providing a brief summary of the key differences between them. Identify which company (Samsung or LG) would you invest in based solely on their sustainability performance and give detailed reasons for your choice. (4 marks) Save your Report file – you will need to upload this later into Turnitin. Total 30 marks (Weighted at 15%) BSD110 TP2 2019 Assignment 1 – Part A

Page 4 Answers to common questions: 1. What format is required for the report? No Executive Summary, introduction or conclusion are required. Simple headings followed by the discussion are all that is needed - see example headings below but please create your own. You do not need to restate the questions. a. b. c. d. e.

5 Samsung Sustainability pillars Specific activity examples for each pillar and relevant page numbers CSR theories relating to Samsung activities Importance of sustainability for Samsung Compare and contrast sustainability for Samsung and LG

2. How strict is the report word count? 500 words +/-10% to word limit. Words exceeding +10% will not be marked. The References list and headings do not form part of the word count for this assignment. 3. Is it necessary to reference? What referencing style can be used? It is not necessary to reference the textbook , Samsung or LG Sustainability Reports, allocated QUT Readings or the lecture materials however if you use any other sources they should be appropriately referenced. You may use any referencing style that you prefer and any in-text references will form part of the word count. 4.

How to search CSR for specific activities in the Sustainability report PDFs provided? Use Ctrl key on the keyboard and letter f together and type in key words that you are looking for.

5. I do now know how to use Excel formulas, what do I do? If you do not know how to use Excel formulas, use Google to assist you and there are videos on Blackboard showing you some examples. 6.

Does it matter which ratios I choose? No, you can choose any two ratios under each category, provided that the ratios chosen and their formulas used are from the current set textbook. No other formulas for ratio calculations will be accepted.


Do I need to explain why I chose the ratios? No, you do not need to explain why the ratios were chosen.

8. Are certain ratios worth more marks than others? No, all ratios are worth the same, provided that the ratios chosen and their formulas used are from the current set textbook. 9. Should I check my ratio calculations? It is recommended that you double check the calculation of ratios that you have produced in Excel, particularly if you are not proficient at using Excel. You can calculate the ratios manually using a calculator and use this to double check the answers that you have calculated in Excel. Be particularly careful and vigilant with the use of brackets in Excel when entering your formulas. 10. How many decimal places do the ratios need to be calculated to? All ratios are to be displayed to two (2) decimal places only, as specifically required in the Instructions document. 11. How can I reduce the number of decimal places in Excel? You can reduce the number of decimal places in Excel quite easily. In the cell, right click on the mouse, select Format Cells and under Number you can select the number of decimal places you want to display to. BSD110 TP2 2019 Assignment 1 – Part A

Page 5 12. How can express the ratios in the correct format? Ratios should be expressed in the correct format where possible, such as %. To do this, in the cell, right click on the mouse, select Format Cells and select the appropriate category (i.e. Percentage) and you can also select the number of decimal places you want to display to. Expressions of ratios as ‘times’ or ‘:1’ do not require the additional wording to be added (i.e. you do not need to put in ‘times’ or ‘:1’ after the figure) and the ratio should be expressed simply as a number to two decimal places. 13. I have submitted to Turnitin but the screen view is not showing all my ratios? We download your entire Excel file from Turnitin so it doesn’t matter if you can’t see the last few ratios on your screen view in Turnitin as long as they are contained in your file. Support provided: 

Materials are available on Blackboard to assist with Excel including a video and a demonstration exercise showing how to use and format an Excel worksheet, save an Excel file etc.

Frequently Asked Questions on Blackboard to enable any clarifications or answer any common questions – this will be developed as students make enquiries. A ‘Guide to understanding Annual reporting’ document is provided in Blackboard to assist you.

Tips on addressing the Marking Criteria: Knowledge and Technological Skills – Excel component (10 marks) Marks will be allocated for:   

Providing evidence that you have correctly used the formula function in Excel to calculate the ratios (must be .xls or .xlsx format – not a pdf, jpg or Mac numbers format) Identifying 2 appropriate ratios for each of the 3 categories – liquidity, solvency, profitability Correctly calculating the ratios and correctly formatting the results (e.g. as a %)

Your report - Social and Global Understanding – Report (20 marks) Marks will be allocated for:     

Summarising the 5 Samsung Sustainability pillars and identifying which pillar is more important to you and explaining why (4 marks). Clearly identifying an example of a CSR activity from each of the 5 pillars and the respective page numbers of the Samsung Sustainability Report (5 marks). Clearly linking the identified activities to the most appropriate theory and providing a clear, well supported view for why the theory identified applies (6 marks). Identifying 2 reasons why you believe CSR is important for Samsung (1 mark). A well-defined and supported analysis comparing and contrasting the CSR for both Samsung and LG. Identifying which company you would invest in based on the CSR information (4 marks).

BSD110 TP2 2019 Assignment 1 – Part A...

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