BSW1501 Year Summaries for Social Work PDF

Title BSW1501 Year Summaries for Social Work
Author Lizmie van Staden
Course Social Work
Institution University of South Africa
Pages 25
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CONCEPTS & PURPOSE OFSOCIAL WELFARELearning Unit 1Social welfare, social work & social welfare policy ......................................................... 1 What = social welfare? ................................................................................................... 1 SA so...


CONCEPTS & PURPOSE OF SOCIAL WELFARE Learning Unit 1 Social welfare, social work & social welfare policy ......................................................... 1 What = social welfare? ................................................................................................... 1 SA social welfare system focus on: ......................................................................... 1 What = social work? ........................................................................................................ 2 5 major dimensions of social work – confirm point: ............................................... 2 Social welfare policy ....................................................................................................... 2 Principles underscoring social welfare: .................................................................. 2 Principles of social welfare policies  developmental approach............................... 3 Characteristics of social welfare & social work  developmental approach ............... 3 Characteristics of Social Work........................................................................................ 3 Similarities & differences  social welfare & social work ................................................ 4 Relationship  social welfare & social work .................................................................... 4

Social welfare, social work & social welfare policy What = social welfare? Needs experienced = health, education, socioeconomic support, personal rights, political freedom. Examples of programmes = foster care, adoption, day care, probation, parole, financial assistances programme, services – homeless, etc. Encompass many programmes & services provided → public & private sectors. Social welfare = variety of organised act with purpose contributing – prevention, resolution & management of social problems. Purpose = improve & promote social functioning of indiv, groups/communities – attain satisfying standards of living & health & constructive personal relationships that permit – develop – full potential & promote well-being  harmony with needs of families, communities & society.

SA social welfare system focus on: Income protection Attaining independent & self-sufficient livelihoods & minimum living standards Address needs of groups at risk. Management of current social problems


Protection of vulnerable groups

What = social work? Social work = practice-based profession & academic discipline promoting social change & development, social cohesion & empowerment & liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility & respect for diversities = central – social work. Underpinned → theories of social work, social sciences, humanities & indigenous knowledge, social work engage people & strc – address life challenges & enhance wellbeing. Social justice, human rights & respect for diversity = core of social work practice.

5 major dimensions of social work – confirm point: Equipped – work with any problems/clusters that = complex & difficult. Focus environment surrounding service users & not only service users themselves if required. Consider broader environment on behalf of service users & use info – benefit. Not prescriptive, help service users – make own decisions Not emphasise authority & expertise as professionals, rather work  partnership with service users.

Social welfare policy Developmental approach – social welfare policy & practice adopted. Social welfare perceived as integrated & comprehensive system of social services, facilities & social functioning of people. Developmental social welfare integrates social & economic development & underscored →:

Principles underscoring social welfare: Creation of conditions favourable for growth & development – facilitate every right – social security & social welfare  maintenance of public & private welfare services. Distributing services & resources  equitable manner addressing racial, gender, geographic & rural/urban disparities. Offer service – all groups & sections of society & respect for diversity of populations. Promote participation of all people  planning, policy formulation & programme development. Implement effective, efficient & financially viable intervention strategies. Strive for excellence & provision of quality social welfare services. Ensure transparency & accountability  private & public services. Ensure services = appropriate & acceptable – those supposed – serve. Fostering mutual support & recognition of uniqueness & interdependence of all people  spirit of Ubuntu, balances indiv rights with responsibility – self & others.


Social welfare policy = general rules that govern people’s lives & prescribe expectations for behaviour.

Principles of social welfare policies  developmental approach Securing basic welfare rights Equity Non-discrimination Democracy Improved quality of life Human rights People-centred policies Investment  human capital Sustainability Partnership Intersectoral collaboration Decentralisation of service delivery Quality services Transparency & accountability Accessibility Appropriateness Ubuntu

Characteristics of social welfare & social work  developmental approach Practice of social work based developmental approach. Developmental approach pts emphasis & focus on strengths of service users. Promote empowerment for indiv – become self-reliant. Ideal situation = service user systems – develop with social worker so they can deal with problematic situations  future independently &  have – depend on social work intervention for every problem they encounter.

Characteristics of Social Work Interactions  people & socio-political, economic & cultural environments, affect ability of people – accomplish life tasks, alleviate distress & realise their aspirations.


Recognise impact of macro factors on lived experiences & functioning of indiv, groups, org & communities. Distinguishing feature – put emphasis on knowledge, theories, skills, values & processes.

Similarities & differences  social welfare & social work Social welfare & social work: Refer – development & provision of public/private social services – promote social justice among indiv, families & groups. Social welfare: provide social assistance – needy indiv & communities  system of social service delivery. Social work: professional practice of delivering social services.

Relationship  social welfare & social work Primarily related level of practice. SOCIAL WORK = professional act of helping indiv, groups/communities – enhance/restore capacity for social functioning & create societal conditions favourable – goals. Social work practice consists: professional application of social work values, principles & techniques – 1/more ends. Help people obtain tangible services, provide counselling & psychotherapy for indiv, families & groups, etc. Practice requires knowledge of human development & behaviour, social, economic & cultural institutions & interactions of all factors. Social worker title: applied- graduates of schools/programmes of social work = employed  field of social welfare/ use qualifications & expertise related & other fields. Help people increase capacities for problem solving & coping & help obtain needed resources. Facilitate interactions  indiv & environments, make organisations responsible – people & influence social policies. Professional people providing social welfare services include: attorney offering legal services – poor, medical doctors  public health agencies, teachers, psychologists, etc.


Historical development of SW Learning Unit 2 p.13

Table of Contents International development of SW profession ........................................................................................... 1 History of SW  SA .................................................................................................................................. 2 Development of SW profession & S aux W  SA....................................................................................... 2 SW & S aux W training & education  SA ............................................................................................. 2

International development of SW profession Conceptualised SW practice: 5 major goals: Enhance problem-solving, coping & developmental capacities of people. Focus on person Link people with systems providing them resources, services & opportunities. Focus relationships existing  indiv & environment Promote effectiveness & humane operation of systems. Focus systems people interact with Develop & improve social policy. Roles = planner & policy developer Promote human & community well-being. Enhance well-being of all human beings Elizabethan Poor Law prescribed categories of people qualifying – receive assistance as:

  

Able-bodies poor Impotent poor Dependent children

Most NB components of Law:

   

Clear government responsibility for those  need Government authority – force people – work Government enforcement of family responsibility Strict residence requirements

History of SW  SA National Welfare Act: 1st provision for all SWs – register (Title “registered SWs = protected). 2nd registration contingent upon completion of approved educational courses. Represented 1st legislative attempt – prescribe core curricula for SW education & training. SA Council for Social & Associated Workers transformed – SA Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP). 1st country  Africa – offer SW education. Transformation/democratisation of welfare services broadening welfare provision – previously excluded groups & broadening occupational base of those offering welfare services.

Development of SW profession & S aux W  SA SW & S aux W training & education  SA 2 reports = issued (Carnegie Report on the Poor White Problem & Report of the Native Economic Commission) investigated causes of poverty & social deprivation. Major functions of SACSSP =:

    

Advance & protect interests of SW Profession & service users. Advise the Minister of Welfare on matter relating – profession & National & Provisional policies relating – SW. Administer registration of SWs, S aux Ws & student SWs. Determine & maintain standards of professional conduct. Determine & monitor minimum standards for education & training for SWs.

Factors contributed – public demand for comprehensive system of social security  SA:

 

Propaganda  support of war effort Publication of Atlantic Charter, emphasising 4 freedoms, including freedom form want

Development of social security programmes  Britain & New Zealand.

Consequences of system = detrimental for:

   

Apartheid welfare system = ineffective addressing mass poverty, inequality & meeting basic needs of majority population. Services fragmented, costly & inefficient. Social welfare planning & policy development became unrealistic. System of homeland development & national independent states led – duplication of welfare strc, services & policies, & opportunities for mismanagement.

Fairly sophisticated service delivery system developed for whites = clumsy, unethical, insufficient & unaffordable.

Former racially based welfare policies had some positive features:

   

Delivery infrastrc developed Social legislation, social security benefits & welfare services = activated Collaborative partnership  government, religious charities & voluntary & private sectors = NB feature of system Child & family welfare agencies made constructive & NB contributions  area of preventative services – families

3 NB Acts relating – social welfare = introduced:

  

National Welfare Act Fund-Raising Act Social & Associated Workers Act

Developmental approach  SW Learning Unit 3 p.33

Table of Contents Purpose of developmental approach ............................................................................................................. 1 Elements of developmental approach ............................................................................................................ 1 Rights-based approach ............................................................................................................................... 1 Harmonising social & economic policies..................................................................................................... 1 Participation & democracy ......................................................................................................................... 2 Welfare pluralism/collaborative partnership ............................................................................................. 2 Bridging micro-macro divide ....................................................................................................................... 2 Principles of developmental approach ........................................................................................................... 2 Transformation of SW – developmental welfare approach ........................................................................... 2 White Paper for Social Welfare & pillars ........................................................................................................ 3

Purpose of developmental approach ➢ Enhance social functioning & human capacities ➢ Promote social solidarity  participation & community involvement  social welfare ➢ Protect & promote rights of populations at risk ➢ Address oppression & discrimination arising structural forces & social & cultural beliefs & practices hampering social inclusion ➢ Contribute significantly – community-building & local institutional development

Elements of developmental approach Rights-based approach Social justice, min standard of living, equitable access & equal opportunity – services & benefits & commitment – meeting needs of disadvantaged. Covers socioeconomic rights including right – social assistance & anti-poverty strategies.

Harmonising social & economic policies Pro-poor approach promotes people-centred development.


 Social welfare sector, programmes & strategies can introduced – integrate people with special needs.

Participation & democracy 3rd Element covers active citizenship & civic engagement  achieving human development. Democracy & participation  social & economic development = key premise of developmental approach – social welfare SA. Developmental social welfare programmes moulded → strong civil society movement that = consulted & respected for shaping interventions & taking ownership of own development & future. Encourages strengths-based & empowerment approaches – service delivery.

Welfare pluralism/collaborative partnership Depends on role players who bring expert knowledge, skills, financial resources & commitment – achieve goals of sector.

Bridging micro-macro divide Attempts – bridge  service delivery. Framework promotes enhancement & empowerment → intervening at different levels, using multimethods & community-based, integrated generalist practice interventions. Interventions take place on micro-, mezzo- & macro-levels. Implementation requires application of different intervention techniques & methods.

Principles of developmental approach Participation





Efficiency & effectiveness

Universal access



Social integration




Transformation of SW – developmental welfare approach Strategies: continuing of working with service users & communities, equipping them – take responsibility for own wellbeing & become self-sustainable.


White Paper for Social Welfare & pillars Social security = social protection & social welfare services. Social protection consists publicly funded unconditional cash transfers. Domains of social security = poverty prevention, poverty alleviation, social compensation & income distribution. 4 Major elements: ➢ Private savings – voluntarily save for unexpected contingencies. ➢ Social insurance – joint contributions → employers & employees – pension/provident funds. ➢ Social assistance – non-contributory & income-tested benefits. ➢ Social relief – Short-term measures – tide people over particular individual. 2nd pillar of policy: smaller budget & reach. Social development approach. Foundation = state’s constitutional obligation – address inequity & discrimination  access – services & meeting basic needs of population.


Role of policy within social welfare strc Learning Unit 4 p.40

Table of Contents Role of policy  social welfare & social work.................................................................................................. 1 Development with specific reference – White Paper for social welfare ........................................................ 1 Role of research  policy development .......................................................................................................... 2 Stages of policy development & various role players................................................................................. 2

Role of policy  social welfare & social work Social policy = acceptable guidelines for changing, maintaining/creation of living conditions that = conductive – human welfare. Developing policies starts → thinking about people, events & problems. Social policies & legislation = people try – find answers – problems (poverty, unemployment, health issues). Policies = never fixed agreements, documents/regulations.

Development with specific reference – White Paper for social welfare New democratically elected government. Transition period – full democracy, = distinct factors influencing drafting of new policies  SA. Included combination of needs & expectations of citizens, our socioeconomic & politico-legal circumstances & nr of international factors at time. 3 Key docs: Constitution Reconstruction & Development Programme White Paper for Social welfare Constitution = most NB policy document  country. Reconstruction & development Programme = Aimed strengthening public ownership, redistributing wealth & regulating economy. White Paper for Social Welfare = issues of inequity & accessibility – services needed – addressed. Social welfare = 2 legs (Social security & social welfare services)


Social security = public cash transfers  form of pensions & grants. Social welfare services = services regarding general & specific needs, = dealt with primarily → traditional social work methods.

Role of research  policy development SWs = responsible for implementing policy & contributing – development. 4 Questions answered → identifying need, establishing possibility of improving needs, making commitment- change & bringing about the change.

Stages of policy development & various role players 1st

• Needs identification/assessment


• Forming structured groups


• Info gathering


• Draft policy


• Lobby for action


• Formulate operational policy


• Set up a responsible agency


• Implementation of programme


• Monitor, review & revise


Approaches  SA welfare context Learning Unit 5 p.48

Table of Contents Concepts: Ub...

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