BU247 Syllabus PDF

Title BU247 Syllabus
Author Branden Wheeler
Course Managerial Accounting
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 26
File Size 717.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 17
Total Views 132


Syllabus for BU247 Winter 2021 Semester...


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BU 247 - Managerial Accounting Winter 2021 Course Outline 

About this Course Outline 

You should read and understand this course outline since it is a contract between you and your instructor. To ensure equal and fair treatment for all students, the course requirements, rules, exceptions, and grading approach described below will be applied equally, consistently, and without fail, to all students in this course.

Course Instructor and Office Hours Instructor



Abraham Abraham


[email protected]

Gregory Clark

K, N, Q

[email protected]

Office hours

On Zoom: send email to schedule meeting. Please be on time. One student at a time to ensure privacy. Please be patient while in the waiting room in case your instructor is running a bit late.

Chris Maziarz

L, R, S1

[email protected]

Adam Prokop

A5, H, J

[email protected]

(applies to all instructors)


[email protected]


Eve Lamargot (course coordinator)

Course Description  This course is an introduction to the preparation and use of management accounting information. Unlike financial accounting information, which is prepared primarily for distribution outside an organization, management accounting information is prepared for use by decision makers inside an organization. In this course we use management accounting information to undertake costvolume-profit analysis, costing, budgeting, analysis of operating results, and decision-making.




Course Objectives  After completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Identify, classify, and analyze different costs and understand why those cost classifications are important for decision-making. 2. Undertake and explain the decision-making insights of cost-volume-profit analysis. 3. Prepare basic product costing analysis using job order costing, process costing, and activity-based costing, and debate the features and merits of different costing systems. 4. Develop, analyze, and use management accounting information to make short-run decisions: pricing a special order, allocating a scarce resource, adding or dropping a product or service, making or buying a needed component, and evaluating customer profitability. 5. Prepare a simple financial forecast and evaluate variances from that forecast. 6. Prepare and explain the managerial insights of a budget and variances from that budget.

Computing Your Course Grade

GradeComponent Quizzes(5*2%) Cases(3*8%) MidtermExamination FinalExamination

Weight 10% 24% 26% 40% 100%

Each term, some students ask for a course grade increment – what students commonly call “bumping” – or for the weights of components to be modified, or for “make-up” assignments. Under no circumstances, will your grade calculation deviate from the above grading scheme, for two reasons. First, going outside the grading scheme for one student is unethical and unfair to other students. Second, the School has asked instructors not to make unearned grade adjustments. Therefore, requests for course grade increments will be systematically ignored.

Course Text  Text reference: Atkinson, A. A., Kaplan, R. S., Matsumura, E. M., & Young, S. M. (2020). Management Accounting: Information for Decision Making (7th ed). Cambridge Business Press. Option 1: Custom eBook (from the text publisher) ISBN: 978-1-61853-370-8 To purchase your eBook subscription: 1. Launch the following link: https://mybusinesscourse.com/book/wilfridlaurier#purchase 2. Select Add to cart and then select View Cart 3. Review Shopping Cart and select Proceed to checkout 4. Create a New Account or Log in to Existing Account, if you have previously registered with UpdatedJanuary8,2021byEveLamargot 



myBusinessCourse. 5. Fill out Billing Address page and select Continue to payment method 6. Fill out card information and select Process order 7. You will automatically be routed to your My Subscriptions page where you can now access the eBook. For any assistance, please contact Student Support at (630) 504-0505 or [email protected] Option 2: Paper Custom Text (from the Laurier Bookstore) ISBN: 978-1-61853-370-8 This custom text contains only the chapters we use in BU247 and is available in the bookstore. https://www.wlubookstore.com/p-19322-wlu-custom-text-bu-247-3rdrevision.aspx Option 3: Paper Full Text ISBN: 978-1-61853-351-7 This text contains all chapters. The pages for reading assignments and the problem numbers for homework/class discussion contained in this course outline match the 7th edition of the course text. Versions of the course text that were used in this course before the winter 2020 term or previous editions (ex. 6th edition) of the text are not compatible with the current course text. Additionally, used copies of the 7th edition may be available, as they were first used in the winter 2020 offering of BU247 on campus, but they might contain typos that were revised in the more recent versions. Please note that:  Your instructor will not share the copyrighted content from the text, however you are expected to do the assigned readings and read the in-class problems before class, and to have the text material available to work from it during class.  The solutions to the text exercises, problems, and cases that are not in the course outline cannot be shared because they are copyrighted. If you wish to practice with problems that are not listed in the course outline, ask or email your instructor by showing your attempt to solve them in order to receive feedback. Note that the solutions to those problems will be explained to you but they will not be shared directly because they are copyrighted.

Course Website – My Learning Space  Your instructor will use My Learning Space (MyLS) to communicate important information to you during the term. On MyLS you will find information about the course examinations, copies of previous examinations and their solutions, solutions for class discussion problems, solutions for examinations, solutions for assignments, examination grades, case assignment grades, and PowerPoint slides prepared by the publisher of the text. You should verify, as soon as possible, that you can log into MyLS and access the course website. If you have MyLS related problems contact the MyLS staff ([email protected]) not your instructor, as your instructor cannot resolve MyLS issues. All deadlines, due dates, examination times and class times are set in Eastern Time (ET). If you are in another time zone, you are responsible for making the adjustment to ET. If you have any concern, contact your instructor.

UpdatedJanuary8,2021byEveLamargot 



Zoom Instructions for Classes Classes will be taught virtually in the scheduled time slot using the Zoom platform on the course MyLS site. Space is limited so students must only attend the class they are enrolled in, and attendance will be monitored using the MyLS Zoom site. Scheduled classes will display as meetings on the course MyLS site. You can click on the “Zoom Meetings” tab, then on the link to the appropriate meeting (e.g. Tuesday at 11:30 am). NOTE: Before you can join your class meetings, you must FIRST activate your Laurier Zoom account. To do this, go to https://zoom.wlu.ca and click on 'Sign In' then use your Laurier username and password to login. This will activate your account. You must access your Zoom class through the MyLS link (unless you are otherwise directed by your instructor, and in such cases the instructor will send the link and the mandatory password). Accessing the Zoom class from outside MyLS can cause issues with features used by your instructor. You need a reliable internet connection and a microphone, speaker, and camera on your laptop, desktop or phone in order to participate in the class (participation is strongly encouraged!). Dialing into the class is possible but may trigger long distance charges. Privacy Warnings and Recordings Zoom classes will be recorded so that they may be viewed again by clicking Cloud Recording on MyLS. Students, instructors, IAs and program administrators may view the recordings for teaching, grading, misconduct investigations and other administrative and academic purposes. The red light on the Zoom toolbar is notice to you that the class is being recorded. You are not authorized to make a copy of the recorded class; it is provided for viewing purposes of students enrolled in the class and further distribution of sharing is strictly prohibited. In addition, students writing online exams will be videoed. The software (described below) flags suspicious conduct but all students are hereby notified that that videos and/or screenshots of their behaviour during online exams (flagged or not) may be viewed by instructors, instructional assistants, administrative staff and other proctors. These recordings will be used in academic misconduct proceedings against the subject student or others suspected of academic misconduct. If misconduct is found, the recordings will be saved for the duration of the student’s degree and if more than one incident occurs during the student’s time at Laurier for up to 10 years after the student graduates.

Course Expectations  Timeliness

 To respect your rights in getting to the next class and the rights of students in the class that follows yours, all classes will start and end promptly. Classroom Decorum

 In class, you are expected to behave in a professional manner. Professional behaviour requires punctuality, courtesy, and the respectful treatment of others. You should ensure that your mobile phone is on mute, or preferably off, when you are in class. UpdatedJanuary8,2021byEveLamargot 



Participation and Engagement Attendance and participation are not evaluated in this course. However, as pointed out in the “Pro Tips to Succeed in BU247” document, engaging your learning environment optimizes your success in this course. In Zoom classes, turning on your webcam is optional. However, it is encouraged because seeing your peers when you interact with them creates a more engaging and personalized learning environment. Seeing the students in the Zoom classroom can also help your instructor “read the room” and provide clearer explanations and tailored feedback. Preparation and Contribution 

We will spend about two thirds of the class sessions discussing the assigned text reading and problems. Given the emphasis on discussion, you should come to class having read the assigned reading and, at least, having read over the exercises scheduled for class discussion. Being well prepared for each class will help you acquire the course concepts. You are expected to actively engage in the discussion of problems and cases in class, as this will be beneficial to your learning as well as your peers’ learning. Insufficient contribution to problem discussions is unfair to your peers and detrimental to your overall performance in the course. During class your instructor may not cover or address all the points that are covered in the assigned readings and problems. However, on exams, you will be responsible for all the assigned readings and problems. The solutions to the class discussion problems will be accessible on MyLS once all the sections have covered the material in class. The class sessions are structured to allow time for your instructor to answer any questions. You are encouraged to ask for help and clarifications in class. If you are confused about the topic or problem being discussed, it is likely that some of your classmates are confused as well. The classroom is a dynamic trial-and-error learning environment in which you are welcome to ask for clarifications and make mistakes. Integrity and Academic Misconduct You are expected to understand your academic responsibilities regarding course work, attendance, and academic integrity. For more information and a list of additional offences and sanctions, please refer to: students.wlu.ca/academic-integrity. Academic misconduct includes: copying or using unauthorized aids during examination; submitting work completed for another course without prior consent from your instructor; submitting work copied from another student; and aiding and abetting another student's dishonesty. Giving false information for the purpose of gaining credit (for example marking another student present in class when the student is not there) is also considered academic misconduct. Failing to provide a reasonable contribution to a case assignment for which you receive a grade is also considered academic misconduct. Wilfrid Laurier University uses software that can check for plagiarism. In this course students are required to submit their written work in electronic form and have it checked for plagiarism. You are reminded that the University will levy sanctions on students who are found to have committed, or have attempted to commit, acts of academic or research misconduct. You are expected to know what constitutes an academic offense, to avoid committing such offenses, and to take responsibility for UpdatedJanuary8,2021byEveLamargot 



your academic actions. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalty, please consult the relevant section of the Undergraduate Academic Calendar. If you need clarification of aspects of University policy on Academic and Research Misconduct, please consult your instructor.

Second-Year Support Centre We are happy to announce that the Second-Year Support Centre will continue this term. The Centre is a supplemental instructional program designed to help and support students in BU247, BU275, BU283, and EC255. The Centre offers on-demand tutoring by upper-year students (IAs) ready to help with your questions. You can contact the IAs of the Centre at: [email protected]. The emails will be answered as soon as possible, so please allow a bit of time. Zoom meetings can be scheduled upon request. Just like your instructor, the Centre might be busier in the days before exams. And like in emails that you send to your instructor, make sure that your questions are clear and reference the topic or problem you wish to discuss, and that you show your calculation attempts: How to ask a question to your instructor and/or IAs? Start by giving your section number. Then, a complete question has three parts: 1. First, the original text of the question you are working on. 2. Second, your description of what you don’t understand (or think is incorrect). 3. Finally, your work. In order to understand an explanation, you need to have attempted an answer yourself. Don’t just ask to have the answer explained. Your work must show the equations that you are using to solve the problem, a description of your solution approach (if necessary) and the values that you are plugging into the equation(s). If you are working in Excel, then your answer spreadsheet should also be included. Please label the variables and steps in your spreadsheet.

Case Assignments There are three case assignments in this course. You will work in teams of 5 on these cases. Your instructor will ask you to form your own team with students from your section on the second day of class. If you are unable to join a team your instructor will assign you to one. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are enrolled in a team. If you do not enroll or wish to enroll in a team, your instructor will assign you to one randomly. If you form a team with fewer than 5 members your instructor may add teammates to your team. Each team will post their team case reports in the corresponding dropbox on MyLS. Multiple submissions are possible but only the latest submission will be graded. There is a due date and time specified for each case assignment reports. The dropbox will close four hours after the indicated due date and time, to ensure no overlap with the time that the first class section will review and discuss the case solution. After the dropbox closes, late assignments will not be accepted for any reason and will receive the grade of zero with no exception. Unfortunately, each term, there are some instances where the team member responsible for submitting the case assignment to the dropbox failed to do so. It is your collective as well as individual responsibility to ensure that your team’s report is submitted in time and to the correct dropbox.  UpdatedJanuary8,2021byEveLamargot 



Mark deduction for late case report:  Late by less than 2 hours: 2 marks deducted (out of 8);  Late by less than 4 hours: 4 marks deducted (out of 8);  Late by more than 4 hours: grade of zero to the case. 1. Case assignment 1 Case 1 – XXXXXXXXXXX. Each team must post its report for this case assignment (and peer evaluation form) in the dropbox provided on MyLS for this case before Tuesday, February 16th at 7:00 AM (ET). 2. Case assignment 2 Case 2 – National Aero Service. Each team must post its report for this case assignment (and peer evaluation form) in the dropbox provided on MyLS for this case before Tuesday, March 16th at 07:00 AM (ET). 3. Case assignment 3 Case 3 – Jackson Inc.. Each team must post its report for this case assignment (and peer evaluation form) in the dropbox provided on MyLS for this case before Tuesday, April 6th at 07:00 AM (ET). Important guidelines to help you write and properly format your case reports are provided in Appendix A: Case Report Writing Guidelines. The case assignment must be submitted as a single Word file. If you wish to include Excel material in your report, you should cut and paste the Excel exhibit as an embedded spreadsheet into your Word file. Excel files are not accepted, only a single Word file. If your submission is a PDF file, your grade will be one point lower than the grade you would have otherwise earned. The name of the submission file must be, for example for Team 8 in Section B2: “B2-08” (not “B2-8”). Any other name format can result in mark deductions. Your instructor will assign your team’s case a grade of between 0 and 7 reflecting the quality of your responses to the case questions. In addition, up to 1 point will be added to the case grade if it assessed as being well organized and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Part of the case grade will be determined by peer evaluation. Appendix B: Contribution to Case Report – Peer Evaluation Form of this course outline describes the peer evaluation approach used to assign the case grades in this course. You must attach this peer evaluation form to your submission of each case report. Failing to attach this form will result in being assigned the grade of zero to the case. You may ask any clarifying question about the case to your instructor. However, in order to ensure that all students receive the same information and to avoid creating an unfair disadvantage to other teams, your instructor will not help you interpret the case text or tell you if the approach you chose or solution you found is correct. The IAs at the Support Centre have been given the same instructions.

UpdatedJanuary8,2021byEveLamargot 



Examinations and Quizzes: General Information Types of questions to expect: The quizzes and both the midterm exam and final exam will be mos...

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