BUAD423-Planning Doc When Key Employees Clash PDF

Title BUAD423-Planning Doc When Key Employees Clash
Course Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Institution University of Delaware
Pages 3
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Dominic Marra and Sarah Iannuzzi Planning Document: When Key Employees Clash 1. Imagining that we are Matthew, what are our options for resolving the conflict? If we are Matthew, our first option for resolving the conflict between Ellen and Ronnie would be to hold a sit-down meeting between the two. During this meeting, we as Matthew would act as a mediator and hold an open discussion between Ellen and Ronnie. We would encourage the two to talk about the expectations that they have for each other and how they expect each other to live up to those expectations. If things get out of hand and feelings begin to get hurt, we will be there to settle the atmosphere down to ensure we do not lose either employee. If this sit-down meeting fails to work, then we will have to think of other alternatives to resolve this conflict. The next option we have for resolving this conflict is to create another position and either hire a new person or promote a current employee to act as a liaison between the administrative department and the clinical operations department. Doing this would ensure that Ronnie and Ellen are not working directly together so tensions will be lower, and productivity may increase. This position would entail helping the clinical department stay up to date on filling out the time sheets, so Ellen is not constantly bothering Ronnie or others about it. The final option would be to move Ronnie or Ellen to a different Kid Spectrum location, so they do not have to work together at all. This would be the last case scenario because obviously, they are both extremely important to the company and as the owner, Matthew, you would not like to see either move. 2. What we think is the best option, and why We think that the best option is to hold a sit-down meeting to have an open discussion between Ellen and Ronnie. We feel this way because this will allow the two to sit-down as adults and come to a mutual understanding of their expectations for one another. Once both of them know what the other expects out of them, it will give them a baseline as to how they should conduct

themselves towards each other at work. If both of them are able to give their expectations and come to a mutual understanding, it will immensely help ease the tensions in the office and make the company more profitable, which is Matthew's overall goal. 3. How we would implement two concepts from the “Managing Emotions” module During the sit-down meeting, we can implement the concept of knowing how to manage high anger levels from the “Managing Emotions” module. Ellen and Ronnie evidently show anger towards one another, as Ronnie’s face turns red while talking to Matthew about Ellen needing to back off. Ellen has also been constantly complaining to Matthew that Ronnie has not complied with the new systems. When focus is lost due to emotions, Matthew can give advice on things they can individually do to manage their anger. He can reiterate that their anger is putting them into a “fixed pie” mode where they see this encounter as a win-or-lose situation, which is not the case; they are all meeting to get through these issues together. Since Ronnie’s anger is stemming from Ellen’s actions, he can try and attribute his anger to her behavior, and not just her as a person. He might have the tendency to call her names because of his emotions, so Matthew can force him to consider the situational factors that lead him to feel angry and remind him that Ellen is not a terrible person. Matthew can also frame this conflict as a problem-solving activity because reminding them of this will ease tensions. Another concept Matthew can use to keep this meeting under control is how to deal with a hot topic. The hot topic in this situation is whether Ronnie should be demoted or not. Matthew can make the two of them reflect and reframe on the topic; this is all about them finding their awareness of how they are feeling. Ronnie can reflect that he is upset with her because he feels that she is too intense, and Ellen then could explain her side as to why she wants to follow the protocols. The use of these concepts will result in a more efficient meeting and will allow Ronnie and Ellen to understand each other better....

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