Buku Ajar 1 Tumbuh Kembang Anak dan Remaja PDF

Title Buku Ajar 1 Tumbuh Kembang Anak dan Remaja
Author Umam Fazlurrahman
Pages 193
File Size 37.7 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 15
Total Views 766


94 Perkembangan anak dun permalahrmnya Daftar Pustaka Needlrnan RD.Growth and Development. In :Behrman, Kligman, Jesson (Eds) : Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 16* Ed. Philadelphia, WE3 Saunden, 2000, p 23 - 65. Hetznecker WH, Forman MA, Daruna JH, Dalton R, Forman MA. Psychologic disorders. In : Be...



Perkembangan anak dun permalahrmnya

Daftar Pustaka Needlrnan RD.Growth and Development. In :Behrman, Kligman, Jesson (Eds) : Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 16* Ed. Philadelphia, WE3 Saunden, 2000, p 23 - 65. Hetznecker WH, Forman MA, Daruna JH, Dalton R, Forman MA. Psychologic disorders. In : Behrman, Kligman, Jesson (Eds) : Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 16*Ed. Philadelphia, WB Sauders, 2000, p 66 - 103. Ulingwoth RS. Variations in individual fields of development. In : lllingwoth RS: The Development of the Infant and Young Child Normal and Abnormal, 9&Ed. Singapore, Longman, 1987, p 145 - 192. Landers C. Early childhood development from two to six years of age.

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