Burnout case study - essay useful for all and described in detailed PDF

Title Burnout case study - essay useful for all and described in detailed
Author Anonymous User
Course English
Institution COMSATS University Islamabad
Pages 3
File Size 63.5 KB
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essay useful for all and described in detailed...


Why is it important to manage burnout? What are the short-term and long-term costs for organizations? Should it be an organization’s responsibility to manage burnout?

If we do not manage the burnout then maybe it will increase the company’s turnover as burnout may result the lower productivity and again it damages the reputation of the organization so it is really important to manage it on time. Yes it is organization’s responsibility because organization always play an important role to provide a healthy environment. The short term cost is turnover while the long term cost to lose their seniors employs.

Are there any organizational benefits to proactively minimizing burnout? How about any economic benefits for countries?

Yes, somehow because this is how organization’s stop frequent turnover.

Do you think national cultural differences or industry factors (if any) influence work culture leading to burnout?

Yes, I do think it matters because the overall level of work and burnout varies from sector to sector. Organizations that are particularly fond of work, such as teachers and health care providers, have shown higher rates of burnout but in many workplaces due to long working hours or heavy load people quit their jobs or commit suicide.

What are some of the risks of proactively managing burnout using unlimited vacation policy, flexible work arrangements, or remote work? Do you think the benefits of adopting these practices would outweigh the costs?

Greater job satisfaction and organizational commitment will reduce burnout. There is an ongoing debate about what organizations can achieve to promote working relationships, satisfaction and commitment. Vacation policy can give relax to employees and reduce the burnout. An unlimited vacation policy helps GE compete with Silicon Valley talent. “The key is to make sure managers understand the policy and encourage employees to take time off,” No employee should be faced with negativity prejudice and consequences of choosing remote work and flexible work arrangement and will be paid while meeting performance goals.

Yes, somehow because as an employee I think we can perform our duties remotely during vacation if the company needs our services and there is nothing wrong to give a salary to your employees if they perform work remotely while giving 100% efficiency.

What can an employee do to prevent burnout for themselves and for their organizations? There are many ways to prevent burnout such as “vacations” encourage employees to avail their annual vacation so they fresh up their mind, give them rewards like promotion, increments and bonus, try to avoid toxic environment and make workplace more happier for employees to stop the turnover. Do not force to do all work in a single day give employee a time to learn the things and adopt the work environment culture....

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