BUS211 U2 Concept Assignment PDF

Title BUS211 U2 Concept Assignment
Author Jamie Allemann
Course Introduction to Human Resources Management
Institution ECPI University
Pages 5
File Size 176 KB
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This is the answers to the Unit two Concept Assignment for BUS211 introduction to Human Resource Management....


BUS211 Unit 2 Concept Assignment You should work on this assignment as you go through the assigned chapters in your textbook. The presentations are especially helpful. Please write in complete sentences unless you are asked to list. When you have completed your assignment, name your file Unit 2 Concept and include your last name in the file name. (Smith U2 Concept) Remember: Information that you take from your textbook must be cited in APA format. Cite your book just as you would cite any other resource. Click the text box to insert your answers. For question 10, you will insert a Flow Chart that you create in SmartArt. Chapter 5 1. List the 4-step process involved in human resource planning. You must first forecast the supply of human resources by predicting the amount of current or possible employees with the skills necessary to perform the jobs that the organization will have available. This can be done by looking at past records that shows how many employees you have had, how many left voluntarily, and how many left involuntarily. A great tool for this would be to use the human resource information system that allows you to look closely at all the personnel currently available to analyze how may fit the job candidacy. Executive succession is also another special forecasting situation that is used for systematically planning for future promotions into top management positions and is typically used when someone is retiring or moving up. After forecasting the supply of human resources available, you forecast the demand for said human resources. When forecasting for demand, you must be able to estimate how many people you will need to employ in the future by determining the organization’s own strategic plans such as expansion(growth), stability, or decline. An important way to determine this would be to look at which way is the economy going? Also, when a job is in high demand, stakes will be higher as well as wages for the position, so the company must choose carefully. All this information is crucially important to HR to determine who and how many people to hire as well as, what type. This is when the third step of comparing the supply and demand of human resources comes into play, deciding who to hire and when. The fourth step is taking action. This will depend on what strategy the company will make as far as expanding, stability, or declining. Obviously if a company intends to expand, they will need to hire a lot of employees. If they tend to stabilize, they will need to be ready to hire and train employees in place of those who may leave. If they expect to decline, they will need to figure out how to minimize numbers of employees whether it may be laying people off or getting rid of the position.

2. What does KSA stand for? Explain why KSA is a useful source of hiring information. KSA stands for the knowledge, skills, and abilities requirements of any job. KSA is a useful source of hiring information because it allows employers to know what their potential employees must bring to the table and/or offer as an asset to the company. This source of information will allow employers to know if an individual is qualified for the job, too qualified (requiring more compensation), or not qualified enough (may need training if seeming suitable to learn and work). Also, when using KSA, organizations often form job families. Job families are

groups of jobs that have task and KSA requirements that are very similar. When forming these job families, it is also beneficial to employees because it helps them remain useful even if their specific job becomes obsolete because of these job families.

3. What is the difference between a job description and a job specification? A job description lists the tasks, duties, and responsibilities for a particular job. It specifies the major job elements, provided examples of job tasks, and provides some indication of their relative importance in the effective conduct of the job. A job specification focuses on the individual who will perform the job. It indicates the knowledge, abilities, skills, and other characteristics that one must possess to perform the job. In small, a job description tells you what the job is about and what to expect while the specifications list the requirements that the employee must meet before they may be considered for said job.

4. List the 3 steps in the job analysis process. The three steps in the job analysis process include determining information needs, determining methods for obtaining information, and determining who will collect information. No matter any constraints, the job analysis must provide sufficient information about what someone does on a job to allow a verdict of all KSA’s necessary to perform a job. The job analysis might include general work duties and activities in sufficient description involving movements, interaction, equipment usage, procedures, weather conditions, required availability, and behaviors. Some other pieces of information that may be included are possible nonfinancial and financial incentives such as bonuses, education, specific skills, training, work experience, related jobs, etc. are all desirable pieces of information. To collect information there are a few different methods that are commonly used such as observation, interviews, and questionnaires and/or checklists. Observation is typically used for unskilled manual jobs but is less relevant for jobs needing creative thought and analytical skills. Interviewing these same individuals is incredibly useful to make sure the job analyst has an accurate understanding of the job. No matter who collects the information, they are known as the job analyst. This person could be a specialist within the human resource management function, or a consultant hired from an outside source, but most firms do not collect their own job analysis information. They will usually reference their own reference materials such as the occupations information network known as the O*NET. This is a computerized job classification system that contains continually updated information regarding the KSAs required for just about every job in the US economy. It is a database that provides both basic and advanced job analysis information with more than 1000 occupations. These occupations are organized with a system known as the standard occupational classification.

5. Describe how an SME (Subject Matter Expert) works with the job analyst. SME’s (subject matter expert) are the individuals from whom job analysts obtain data for the job analysis. They might be current employees on the job, a supervisor, or other knowledgeable personnel like a manager. For the analysis to work as intended, the individual selected to receive information must be intimately familiar with the functions and nature of the given job. These individuals tend to be very experienced, perform exceptionally, and understand the job to the fullest.

Chapter 7 6. List 3 recruiting goals for the organization and for the individual. Three recruiting goal that the organization focuses on are attracting a pool of qualified applicants (have enough candidates to be able to have choices but not too much that it becomes overwhelming), keeping said pool at a manageable size (while having both qualified and interested applicants), and providing realistic job previews. The three recruiting goals for the individual include meeting work related goals, meeting personal goals, and addressing personal needs. These goals for individuals may include things like financial income, job security, promotion opportunities, benefits, and challenging work assignments.

7. Explain the difference between internal and external recruiting. List 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of each. Internal recruiting happens when an organization seeks out to promote its own employees before externally seeking new employees to give its employees an opportunity to rise to show them that they are important to the company. Job posting is a method commonly used for internally recruiting by using things like bulletins, company newsletters, and other media tools to make employees aware of the open position. Supervisory recommendations are also commonly used for internal recruiting that includes supervisors “nominating” qualified workers for the new open position. External recruiting is when an organization seeks out employees from the public instead of within the organization. Two advantages of internal recruiting would be it increases motivation for your employees and sustaining knowledge and culture. Two disadvantages would include the possibility of fostering stagnation and causing a ripple effect. Two advantages of externally recruiting include bringing in new ideas and avoiding the ripple effect. Two disadvantages would be hurting internal motivation and more costs. Some methods of external recruiting would be Word-of-Mouth recruiting where an organization informs their employees that a new position is open and hopefully the word will spread to the outside, advertisements which may be posted on websites and newspapers that attract prospective candidates that may be suited for said job, and employment agencies that helps to get unemployed individuals off state aide quickly by collecting data regarding skills, experience and abilities from unemployed workers to match them with job openings. There is also college placement offices, digital recruiting, internships, and realistic job previews. Internal recruiting is more ideal because it will allow current qualified employees to move up allowing you to have an easier and less costly time to fill the lower positions with possible external candidates.

8. Provide two examples of what a standard employment test can measure. An employment test is a device for measuring that characteristics of an individual such as personality, intelligence, and aptitude. Some examples of what an employment test can measure may be mathematical skills, clerical skills, and cognitive reasoning (verbal reasoning).

9. Describe a cognitive ability test.

Cognitive ability test measure mental skills to demonstrate some type of knowledge. An example of cognitive ability may be knowing how a specific tool works and is used. Being able to use said tool reflects psychomotor ability. Cognitive ability is concerning general knowledge and skill such as intelligence and problem-solving skills.

10. You will use the SmartArt tool in MS Word to create a flow chart for a job of your choosing showing a 5 to 6 step hiring process for the job you chose. There is an example below these instructions showing a flow chart for a construction worker needing to pass a physical as a part of the hiring process. In the document you are currently typing into: 

Access SmartArt by clicking the Insert tab next to the Home tab

Select SmartArt

Select the flowchart you wish to use

Place the flowchart in the blank space at the end of this template

Remember to add the job title at the top (see below) and include any special assessments or tests needed in your flow chart.

Example Hiring Process Flowchart for: Construction Worker

Hiring Process Flow Chart for: ____Spinx Customer service Associate___________________

Insert your Flow Chart below. (Your chart may appear on the next page due to size.)...

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