Buscom midterm PDF

Title Buscom midterm
Course Global Business Communication
Institution Boise State University
Pages 9
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List of chapter quiz questions form previous chapters that are on the midterm. ...


Chapter 1: 

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Edgar's boss has told him that he needs to demonstrate more competence on the job. Which of the following actions will help him do so? setting specific work goals and achieving them Which of the following actions will help a manager establish a sense of caring? holding regular meetings to ask about employee concerns The word stakeholder could refer to someone who owns a share of the business. True Why has transparency become so important in the post-trust era? It helps reduce the fear that unethical or dishonest practices are being conducted in secret. The FAIR test is a way to predict how employees will react to a new policy. False In the post-trust era: businesses are often thought to operate against the public's best interests. Simpler communications and decreased miscommunications are associated with: high-trust relationships. The Daily News just hired five young reporters. Which new employee has the most competence? Helena, who earned a journalism degree and interned at a local newspaper for two summers Rita is the general manager of a software company. She wants to give one of her employees an "Employee of the Year" award. Which of the following individuals should she choose if she is looking for an employee who communicates fairly in business? Julio, who always discloses his sources of information Javier is an editorial manager at a publishing company. He wants to give one of his supervisors an "Employee of the Year" award. Which of the following supervisors should he choose if he is looking for an employee with a strong sense of caring? Jenny, who helps her employees develop the skills that will allow them to advance In recent years, employees have increasingly judged their upper managers to be ethical. True In recent years, transparency has become the dominant business ethic for communications. True Martin is the general manager of a sports equipment manufacturing company. He wants to give one of his employees an "Employee of the Year" award. Which of the following individuals should he choose if he is looking for an employee with a strong sense of ethics? Delia, who shares all relevant information with stakeholders Ethics means: rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior. The most successful people are those whose: personal values align with the corporate values where they work. A company president often states in her written and oral communications that she is answerable to the people who use the company's products. By repeating this so frequently, she most likely causes people to mistrust her. False

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When employees are engaged, that means they are connected to their work: emotionally Mario works for a research firm. He discloses a client's confidential information publicly. This action is an example of a: business ethics violation. Employees usually speak up when they observe potentially unethical behavior. False A manager who acts out of self-interest is more likely to be viewed as credible than one who does not. False Greg is the purchasing manager at a jeans-manufacturing company. He knows he could save his company money by using cheaper, thinner cotton, but he says, "Our customers count on us to provide a durable product. I do not want to let them down." What quality does this demonstrate? Character What is the relationship between honesty and competition? Honesty encourages competition on merit What type of company is required to have a code of ethics available to all employees? all companies that are publicly traded Lena is the general manager of an international clothing manufacturing company. She wants to give one of her managers an "Employee of the Year" award. Which of the following managers should she choose if she is looking for the employee with the highest level of competence? Cora, who develops effective action plans to achieve team goals Kai, who wants to be a veterinarian, has lined up a summer internship working for a local veterinary hospital. That kind of experience will help him develop competence. True In recent years, employees have increasingly judged their upper managers to be ethical. True Nancy wants to cultivate a sense of community. Her first step should be to explain her needs to the team. False Which of the following is a good guideline for messages that express sympathy? is an employee of an educational technology firm. She volunteers to stay late when there is a deadline and always embraces a challenge. Which of the following is likely true about Uli? She is emotionally connected to her work. Which of the following is true of corporate values? Corporate values are most effective when aligned with personal values. Employees usually speak up when they observe potentially unethical behavior. False What brought about the state of affairs known as the post-trust era? a series of business scandals and economic crises In the post-trust era, most employees have faith in their leaders and colleagues. False Performing at the highest standards, not just for oneself, but for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer, and for the company's shareholders, indicates a sense of: accountability

Chapter 2:

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During a budget meeting, Eva concludes her part of the talk and points to her presentation partner. What does this gesture most likely mean in context? She is indicating that it is his turn to speak. Events that cause strong emotional reactions are called: Triggers All outgoing messages are encoded and all incoming messages are decoded through: a filter of lifetime experiences. Which of the following is most likely to be true of people who have low empathy? They direct conversations to topics that are important to themselves. Nonverbal messages, such as posture, are most important when they convey a different emotion than the spoken message. True Which of the following is a strategy to improve self-management? Examine strategies for overcoming impulses that compete with achieving your long-range goals. Which of the following is the process of accurately understanding one's own emotions as they occur and how they affect one's behavior and thought? Self awareness During his annual performance review, Blake says to his supervisor, "So the two main ways that you want me to improve are to double-check my work for accuracy and to be more of a team player. Is that correct?" What active listening skill has Blake used? Summarizing Probing questions are intended to create bonds between people. False While working on team projects, Luisa welcomes feedback and constructive criticism from her colleagues because she values their opinions and wants to be a better team member. What aspect of emotional intelligence does this behavior demonstrate? High relationship management When Kwame listens to a customer, he paraphrases the customer's request or complaint to make sure he understands it. Which active listening skill is he using? Reflecting The act of anticipating intentions and moods through the perceptive examination of nonverbal cues is known as: sight reading Ayesha says, "You're so generous!" in a sarcastic tone. Mario decides that Ayesha thinks he is cheap. What process has Mario just completed? Decoding What does research consistently demonstrate about nonverbal communication? People are not good at masking their feelings, but most people are inconsistent in their ability to decode nonverbal signals. Which of the following terms best describes the process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people? interpersonal communication process Which of the following is a domain of emotional intelligence? Selfmanagement Focusing on _____ is most likely to help you communicate with a red MVS in a way that he or she prefers. Results Which of the following is an impact of high empathy on interpersonal communication? One directs conversations to topics that focus on the needs of others and self. Elliot needs to assign his team members the following tasks. One of the team members, Grace, is an extrovert. Which task is most appropriate for Grace? moderating a team meeting to discuss how well the last development cycle went

Loud music, nearby conversations, and the sound of traffic are examples of physiological noise in the communication process. False

Chapter 7:    

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Which of the following is typically used for short, one-to-one or one-to-many messages and is ideal for quick announcements and scheduling? Texting Until you know the IM style of a colleague, you should use mainly abbreviations, acronyms, and emoticons. False When initiating a business call, it is important to open with the most important issue to be discussed. False Logan dislikes email and texting because he cannot hear the other person's tone of voice or see facial expressions. Logan's frustration is related to a lack of: Cues Spoken messages in the workplace are low in control but high in richness. True Which of the following facilitates a one-stop work space containing project and meeting information, shared files, and communication platforms? Social networking Pongtorn receives an email in which a colleague accuses him of not caring about the success of the team. Pongtorn responds with an email that apologizes for giving that impression and reports his progress on the tasks the team assigned him. Pongtorn's response can be described as: Defusing Colton's manager expresses a concern that Colton has been late with several recent reports. Colton writes an email about the incident to his colleague, Shawn, saying that it is impossible to get the reports done in the time given. Shawn replies, objectively noting that Colton has been spending a lot of time on social media at work. Colton responds with "I thought you were my friend." Colton's behavior is an example of: The negativity effect In order to manage e-interruptions effectively, reply immediately to all messages. False Amanda needs to notify Yasmin that the proposal she wrote did not get funded. Which communication channel is most appropriate? Spoken communication Which of the following is an example of the neutrality effect? Sue writes an email in which she intends to express a positive emotion, but readers decode it as neutral. Paul always hits "reply to all" whenever he answers a team email, even if the email was a question posed by one other person and directed only to Paul. When he initiates an email about his project, he sends it to everyone in his department. Judging only from this information, what impact does Paul have on his department's communications? He is contributing to email overload in his department. Which of the following would help to reduce e-interruptions? using rich channels of communication to accomplish tasks completely Which of the following is a reason why greetings and names are omitted from emails? Some professionals view emails as the equivalent of memos, which traditionally omit names and greetings.

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Email is a form of synchronous communication, because the individuals involved can pay attention to and respond to communications at a time of their choosing. False Texting during meetings is rude and should be done only in case of an emergency. False Manny likes to have the option of brainstorming, drafting, and revising his message before he delivers it. Which aspect of communication does he value? Planning Which of the following can help keep email-induced distractions at bay? checking your messages just two to four times a day The neutrality effect means that recipients are likely to perceive neutral messages as negative ones. False Email communication is the primary form of private, written business communication. True What advantage do landlines have over mobile phones? More reliable audio Which of the following is most likely to be placed in the subject line of an email? An expected action Email communication is characterized by: little coordination Ayele sends the following message to the people he supervises in the factory: "Plant inspection Wed. 9:00. Some fun, huh? Ayele." What is the best way to make this text more professional? deleting the phrase "Some fun, huh?" Amira is managing the development of a reference book. She is in New York. Her lead writer is in California, and her fact-checking team is in India. The team is working under a tight budget. All parties need to communicate about strategy and schedule. Which communication channel is most likely to meet their needs? An electronic discussion thread Polly needs to communicate with many people in her department. It is not necessary for everyone to receive the message at the same time. Which of the following is the best tool for Polly to use? An email Focusing on task-related facts and issues in your reply is a good way to defuse situations involving cyber incivility. True You should turn off message alerts as they can be distracting. True Just before Ellen goes to bed at 11:00 p.m., she realizes that she forgot to confirm a meeting she is supposed to attend the following day. She texts her colleague the following message: "Hi, it's Ellen. Are we still on tomorrow at 3:00?" What should she have done differently? waited to send the text right after she arrived at the office the next day It is a good idea to practice with a new communications technology before initiating a video call. True Which of the following communications can be appropriately conveyed through IM? feedback on a colleague's proposal Frequent incoming messages can: Reduce creativity Adam is coordinating a video conference involving colleagues in different time zones using different technologies. In addressing coordination and resource issues, he is dealing with: Constraints

Chapter 9:

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Which of the following is a good guideline for messages that express sympathy? Handwrite your expression of sympathy whenever possible. Which of the following types of messages will probably require the least amount of time for planning and reviewing? Routine message int Short paragraphs Expressions of sympathy should usually be brief. True Which of the following is most likely to take place during the drafting stage? creating a professional and helpful tone Which of the following is a common component of all routine messages, including messages that express sympathy? A statement of goodwill Many young managers fail to set expectations because they want to maintain a friendly feeling with subordinates. True Which of the following should you focus on during the reviewing step of writing a routine message? Proof reading When you describe your own role and responsibilities to supervisees, they are more likely to: realize that you and they are mutually accountable. Why is efficiency one of the primary goals when sending routine messages? The volume of routine messages is high. Which of the following is true of apologies? Not all apologies are necessarily good apologies. Claims are most likely to be successful if they show emotion. False In responses to inquiries, setting off each question is an unnecessary and distracting formatting gimmick. False Failure to set expectations will most likely lead to: Professional disappointments Linton is developing a routine business message. He is working on his primary message. How long should it be? Fewer than 10 words What can you do to encourage employees to read announcements? Use a specific, catchy subject line that creates interest. Appreciation messages should not appear self-serving in any way. True Typically, routine messages deal with complex matters that require in-depth analysis. False When conducting a FAIR test on a routine message, the most important aspect to consider is respect. False When a business professional has to send a message to answer another person's questions, the professional is: Responding to inquiries

Read the following email, which Leah sent to her supervisor. Then choose the answer below that best explains what is wrong with the email. SUBJECT: Praise for our intern's work. Janice, I just wanted to let you know that Bryan is doing exceptional work as an intern. I'm really happy with his effort. The email is too general to tell Janice anything about Bryan's performance. The tone for most routine messages should be helpful, professional, and reader centered. True When writing routine requests, you should expect strong resistance from message recipients. False

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Appreciation messages should focus exclusively on the recipient. True Hannah receives an email from Keith, a subordinate who is about to start analyzing a market research report. Keith has never done this before, so he sends Hannah a long paragraph that contains five questions about the assignment. What is the best way for Hannah to respond to Keith? by writing her answers to the questions as a numbered or bulleted list Three components are central in setting expectations for those you manage: describing responsibilities, providing deadlines, and discussing coordination. True Which of the following is most likely to be a component of an appreciation message? A quick rationale Typically, an announcement is broadcast to very few receivers. False To show your sincerity in an appreciation message, you should: focus exclusively on the recipient. Messages that provide directions and messages that set expectations both involve telling others what to do. True Which of the following is the most important step in planning routine messages? Message structuring

Read the following request, which Shana sent to her supervisor. Then choose the answer below that best evaluates the email. SUBJECT: Request for vacation time in October Les, as we discussed yesterday, I would like to take the first week in October as vacation time. My niece is getting married, so I want to travel to San Francisco to help with lastminute planning. My current project ends September 20, so the trip should not interfere with any department deadlines. Would you be able to let me know by the end of this week so I can book my airline ticket while I can still get a discount rate? The email is specific, positive, and shows concern for the department. Which of the following is least crucial to most routine message development? Information gathering In responses to inquiries, setting off each question is an unnecessary and distracting formatting gimmick. False Which of the following is a central component in setting expectations for those you manage? Providing deadlines When making requests, ______ goes a long way in maintaining goodwill. showing respect for the recipient's time Which of the following accurately describes appreciation messages? You should begin your appreciation messages with an expression of thanks.

Chapter 10:  

Strong nouns and verbs make persuasive messages seem dull or mundane. False The AIDA model of mass sales messages is aimed at getting customers to think: "I want this product or service."

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Using positive wording in persuasive messages helps your audience focus on the benefits rather than the drawbacks of what you are trying to promote. True Taavi is looking for a colleague to give him feedback on a persuasive message he has written. Which colleague would be the best choice? one who may resist in the same way as Taavi's audience Ari's email asking her colleagues to donate clothing to a local homeless shelt...

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