Business Ethics Case Study PDF

Title Business Ethics Case Study
Author Louise Santos
Course Ethics
Institution University of the East (Philippines)
Pages 4
File Size 74.8 KB
File Type PDF
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includes conclusion and recommendation...


Conclusion Ethics are the cornerstone of what makes a living being a human person, and ethical systems are for the most part universal. Everything else is dictated by social and cultural norms, even what we eat and how we dress. People rely on these standards to be able to navigate through the world. Someone who doesn't know right from wrong, good from bad, will find himself hard put socially. Ethics is all about the choices we make. People constantly face choices that affect the quality of our lives. They are aware that the choices that we make have consequences, both for ourselves and others. They are and should be aware of the responsibility they have for our actions. To determine the ethical behaviors observed by the grade 12 ABM 12-10 students of the University of the East- Caloocan, a survey had been conducted among 30 respondents whose age ranges from 16-19 years old. The survey is segmented into 4 categories: home, community, workplace and school. Based from the results, the most observed ethical behavior inside the students’ homes are concern for family members and respecting each family member. This is followed by obeying parents and informing parents every time they go out respectively. It is then observed that doing house chores voluntarily is the least practiced ethical behavior by the students. In the community, the most observed ethical behavior states obeying the laws of the community. This is then followed equally by observing cleanliness and promoting unity amongst each community. Voluntarily participating in organizations or programs of the community came out to be the least observe community ethics.


Respecting the faculty and fellow students is the most observed ethical behavior within the school. Spreading positivity comes next and is preceded accordingly by following the school’s rules and regulation, respecting the opinion of others and avoiding plagiarism and dishonesty. Lastly, for the workplace, the students observed obeying the company laws the most ethical. This is then followed by having a word-of-honor. Both respecting co-workers and avoiding toxicity inside the workplace were ranked the same, as motivating fellow workers came last. From these results, it can be concluded that students of the grade 12 ABM 12-10 observe following the laws and hierarchy the most while least observing doing activities that will add up to their list of duties and obligations. These students have different perspectives based from the varying experiences they have in their lives. It is important that they know what is the most right thing to do and not as to be able to become responsible members of their families, the community, school and of the workplace.

Recommendation For the students, it is recommended that they truly understand their personal ethic code, which important values that they will uphold in their lives. These practices would define them in their pathway of life and will serve as guidance for their daily decision-makings. As they continue to go through life, they continue to develop and learn, and they may adapt others views on what they value or what they believe is the right action. As people age, they develop their set of values based on the environment we grew up in, our personal experiences and our education. 2

Because of this, it is always important that the students understand their personal code of ethics. Understanding these codes will allow them to line up what they believe is right to what their surrounding believe is right. For the parents, it is recommended that they instill values in their children which they deem important while their children are young. Parents and caregivers play an important role in teaching children empathy and ethics, so the lessons they are teaching will have an effect throughout the kids’ lives. Parents should give children the tools and guidance they need to take responsibility for their actions and lead a moral life. For the teachers, the following are recommended: 

Teach Positive Behaviors. One of the first ways that teachers, as an educator, bring moral education into their classroom is by directly speaking about positive behaviors and openly sharing with students what the “right” thing to do is.

Be a Role Model. As one of the few adults in the life of a child, teachers should use their conduct to model for students what an ethical professional look like. They should also do the right thing and conduct themselves along the highest moral standards.

Talk with Parents. Teachers should share the aspirations of their students’ characters with parents, converse with parents about how students are doing academically and ethically.

Lastly, for the managers it is recommended that they must be a role model and be visible. Employees look at top managers to understand what behavior is acceptable as senior management sets the tone for ethics in the workplace. It is also recommended that managers







misinterpretations in the workplace.







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