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BUSINESS PROPOSAL FOR CAT FISH FARMING (1) COMPANY NAME AND BRIEF ON THE BUSINESS CONCEPT My name is Mrs. Edith Onwuka and my company name is Tekland International Ltd, I took up the business of fish farming when I resigned from my job as an accountant in an oil company in 2009. During the course of...


BUSINESS PROPOSAL FOR CAT FISH FARMING (1) COMPANY NAME AND BRIEF ON THE BUSINESS CONCEPT My name is Mrs. Edith Onwuka and my company name is Tekland Internatonal Ltd, I took up the business of fsh farming when I resigned from my job as an accountant in an oil company in 2009. During the course of my seven years of work experience in the oil sector, I have always dreamt of a business of my own and I contnued saving towards it. In 2009, having made up my mind on the business channel and with a start up capital at hand, I quite my job to establish this fsh farm. As a newly married, my quest and prayer for a line of work that will give me freedom for my matrimonial responsibility and as well provide fnancial support the family came to reality. Today, I have employed four years into this venture and I have no regret living my N3m per annum job for it. I am fnancially beter, I am a loving mother to my two children and my husband, I have three staf under my employment and that gives me a lot of joy. (2) OPPORTUNITY OR PROBLEM IN THE MARKET TO BE ADDRESSED During my feasibility studies, my fndings clearly indicates that fsh remains the most acceptable and healthy source of protein for human consumpton, but this essental product is not readily available in our local content to address the demand of our ever increasing populaton, hence the contnuous importaton of frozen fsh to make up for the shortall, but stll the cap in demand and supply keeps widening, giving rise to high cost of purchase and denial of fsh in most homes because they cannot aford it. Rampant cases of goiter (sickness due to lack of iodine)is been recorded in our hospital in recent tmes due to the scarcity of the main source of iodine, fsh in most homes. This is a social and economic problem I felt should not be lef to the Government alone. Most children that grow with low protein intake end up malnourish and low intelligent quotent. Economically, the contnuous importaton of frozen fsh to the country reduces our GDP, and as economist I know what this situaton does to the natonal income. Also, the ever increasing rate of unemployment in the country is truly becoming worrisome to the Government and well meaning Nigerians. (3) IMPORTANCE OF THIS CONCEPT like most entrepreneurs, I entered the fsh business for proft, but the underlying benefts cannot by overemphasized, from putng more fsh into the system, thereby increasing the chance of more source of protein in the society at afordable rate to reducton of...

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