BUSM 4687 - This is my work of BUSM4687,it will be useful. PDF

Title BUSM 4687 - This is my work of BUSM4687,it will be useful.
Course Managing International Business Responsibility
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
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This is my work of BUSM4687,it will be useful....


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Managing international business resposibly

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Integrity | Higher education cover sheet for submission of work for assessment

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BUSM 4687 Assessment 1 Individual short essay

Introduction This paper will address what CSR is and how it will affect the entire social system.

Definition of CSR It's not just about making our work better-addressing impacts throughout the supply chain-it's Pursue the best, create Business and innovation value For a better world. (Nike)

As a global brand, Nike's behavior and attitude towards corporate social responsibility are more direct than other organizations and governments. For consumers, the company's own position and actual actions are more convincing than other non-interest-related institutions. In addition, Nike's definition is more straightforward, which is the reason for choosing.

How CSR help International business and societies? PATAGONIA is a well-known outdoor sports brand and the company's purpose has nothing to do with profit, but it reflects this evolution: from "doing no unnecessary harm" to eventually "solving the environmental crisis through business".

During the product manufacturing process, the brand minimized environmental damage and also worked to resolve those potential environmental problems. Patagonia has begun environmental protection efforts since the 1970s,

For example, the cotton used in the products is all natural and harmless green ecological cotton. In addition, it initiated the call for resource regeneration in the United States, recycling thousands of tons of cola bottles to make new materials and clothing.

As a result, politicians and entertainers including former US President Clinton are proud to own the brand's clothing.

Moreover, the company attaches great importance to environmental protection and is also very economical. All of its headquarters' electricity comes from large-scale outdoor solar panels.

They are also the first in the world to levy an earth tax on themselves, that is, 1% of global sales are used for local earth protection. So far, they have donated more than 40 million US dollars of "earth tax".

Their brand-new denim products are not only of high quality and full of fashion style, but also reduce water and energy consumption by 84% and 30%, respectively, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 25%.

How might the interests of business and societies conflict The clothing store H&M has implemented a corporate social responsibility strategy for producing clothing from organic cotton. Over the years, organic clothing collections have made consumers positive about H&M. Because this is an effective measure taken by large companies to deal with global environmental problems, and a means of production that gives consumers peace of mind. But when three different messages accused the company of using genetically modified cotton from India in its products, and the

information was proven to be true, the image they built could easily be destroyed. Today, H & M's new product line only represents low prices, but not good clothing.

Basically, when companies do not truly contribute to society or consumers, but instead assume solemnly some responsibilities in order to establish false corporate influence, their benefits and reputation will be lost. On the contrary, in many cases, when companies assume social responsibility, they do reduce their own interests, and some profits and morals will conflict. For example, when Apple has deliberately slowed down the old iPhones and make previous consumers purchase new products, this caused Apple ’s reputation to be greatly lost, but Apple has always been a business the benchmark, whether from performance or contribution to society as a whole.

Explain one way in which such conflicts can be addressed

There is no contradiction between social responsibility and profit maximization. If social responsibility is undertaken, at the same time, it can obtain its own profits, contribute to the development of the enterprise, and give back to the society.

Perhaps, from some perspectives, some companies' sponsorship and charity to the society think that it has certain business purposes. The key is whether the company itself treats donations and dedication to the society as paying and returning. To find a balance between its own philosophy, culture, brand and its ways to express the social responsibility undertaken by the enterprise and the benefits created by the enterprise.

For companies, creating value for customers is paramount. Focus on customer value, not corporate interests. The second is to create opportunities for employees. Because employees are actually the most important part of the entire company's growth. Enterprises are helping employees grow, they are also solving labor for the country, and they are also exporting talents to the country and the entire society. The third is to create benefits for society. Enterprises need to take social obligations as the standard, not what the enterprise needs.

In fact, when an enterprise can achieve the benefits it deserves, it can always keep improving. This includes improvement of products, training of employees, attitudes to consumers, and development of areas that have never been relevant. This has already assumed a great social responsibility. In addition, the government and other regulatory agencies should provide more effective policies for large enterprises or individual sole trader to promote their progress. Of course, this is based on mutual benefits. At the same time, social development and the prestige of the government can all make some progress.

Therefore, when an enterprise is honest and contributes to the government and society, there is no theoretical conflict between interests and responsibilities.

Conclusion An enterprise must bear social responsibility, but it must still be based on its own interests, or it must take into account its own interests to bear social responsibility. If its own interests are not taken into account, its own survival and development cannot bear social responsibility at all.

Reference List

Crane, A., Matten, D. and Spence, L., 2014. Corporate Social Responsibility. 1st ed. Florence: Routledge, pp.6-8. Kozenkow, J., 2020. Corporate Social Responsibility In International Marketing. Smallbusiness.chron.com. Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2020]. Nike, Inc.'s Cross Cultural Challenges. 2020. Nike, Inc. Corporate Responsibility. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2020]. Patagonia. 2020. Environmental And Social Responsibility. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2020]. Apple. 2020. Supplier Responsibility. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2020]....

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