Myth #7 - this is one of the myths you will be doing I got 100 percent PDF

Title Myth #7 - this is one of the myths you will be doing I got 100 percent
Course Social Psychology
Institution Washington & Jefferson College
Pages 1
File Size 42 KB
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this is one of the myths you will be doing I got 100 percent...


Regan Sylvis

Adolescence is Inevitably a time of psychological turmoil This myth is about an 11-year-old girl who has changed from an easy-going and happy girl to a rude and nasty young girl. She does not like going anywhere with her family anymore and she is not very civil with her peers. Her mother then reached out to Hap Le crone about what was going on with her daughter. He states she might be going through adolescence because that is always a time of emotional turmoil. Then the myth goes into talking about how this topic is all over the internet. Next it talks about hoe Bandura did a survey with college students who were enrolled in an undergraduate course scored an average of 5.2 out of 7. There are three things to look for during this time, conflicts with parents, mood instability, and risky behavior. This myth stats a few examples of this in the real world today, some of which is on television and in articles on the internet along with books. An example of this is on a T.V show called Dr. Phil. Another example of this is in small articles on the internet like the rebel without a cause and thirteen. There are two books that I know of that have this same type of theme in them which are the catch in the rye and the stormy decade. People believe this myth to be true because they just want something to blame it on, also that is the only answer they are getting from doctors and peers. Along with books and shows on television it all says its adolescence as well. The myth is false because not everyone acts this way during adolescence and some act this way because of family problems at home. We cannot just blame a kid's behavior on how they are growing, it reflects what is going on around them. A kid might be acting this way because they wany attention or they might need mental help. The truth is yes kids get very moody and stressed out during this time of life but not everything is adolescence. Young adults may act this way because they do not know how to handle the situation or know who they can talk to....

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