Worldview RLGN 104 - I got an 81/100 This is an APA style. PDF

Title Worldview RLGN 104 - I got an 81/100 This is an APA style.
Author guillermo antonio alfaro-luna
Course Christian Life and Biblical Worldview
Institution Liberty University
Pages 5
File Size 84.1 KB
File Type PDF
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I got an 81/100
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Worldview Research Paper Guillermo Antonio Alfaro-Luna RLGN104: Christian Life and Biblical Worldview Prof. Daniel Vinersar




What is the definition of Worldview? “a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint.” Every human being has a different standpoint of view. For example, there are religious worldviews, like there is also naturalistic, ideological, philosophical, and attitudinal worldviews. Neither of these worldviews are to be consider correct of incorrect. The differences in worldviews will not matter if everyone seeks redemption in their lives and assume our duty of fellowship. The world would not exist if we were all the same! There need to be a balance, if not how would it be known of what is good and what is bad? There is scientific evidence of the origin of the universe, as well as historical evidence, which is not only considered an art but also part of science. The scientific version of the Big Bang Theory, and the religious historical version of the universe created by God, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1–26). In addition, there is a scientific and a religious historical explanation of humanity’s existence. Science reveals that humanity comes from the lineage of cells and micro-organisms that evolved into what we know now as humans. The religious historical explanation is when God created man, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7). What does it mean to be human? To be human is to be harmonious, loving, respectful, generous, caring, etc. better said humans are God’s image. Even though humans were made to resemble the image of God, we are not perfect. Therefore, we were given a chance for redemption. Are humans more important over other living things? We are not more important over other living beings and things. If humans are more important than anything else, then, why is there a necessity for of other living things to exist? It would be selfish to think humans had higher importance over other things. If we were that selfish then it would mean God is not



perfect for creating such a negative living thing that assumes its kind being more important over others. “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” (Genesis 1:26). It does not mean humans are more important, just because we have dominion over all other living things. This does not mean humans are more powerful, or smarter. This might just mean that humans have a better, a broader way of understanding and analyzing everyday life situations. Animals have a way of knowing what is good and what is not… Why do we know that protecting our loved ones is important and animals also know that? This means, if we are better than other living things, other living things know that also. Humans are conscious, and animals are also aware of their importance on earth. For example, if a bear were to attack your beloved one, as a human we would do anything to protect that person, the bear would do the same in their own way. Although that is not always true, a good Samaritan would do anything to save another person from a dangerous situation if they could. Just because most animals do not have the same neurological capabilities as humans do, it does not mean they are less important. What is humanities purpose? God made us to love one another and to serve him. What does it mean to be right and wrong? And how is morality determined? There would be no wrong if there was no right way and vice versa. Being wrong or right is not determined by one’s opinion or worldview. Right or wrong can be determined by morality. Morals are what God would want us to live by. If God had no morals, then He would also not be perfect. Since humans were created to resemble God’s image, morals should be instilled in us like an instinct. For example, a mother leaving their child after birth because they do not want to care for the child. Humans know this is morally incorrect. Morality might just be determined by analyzing if the outcome of one’s actions will affect other, or yourself. What



happens when a person dies? Humans are already eternals since they have souls. After death, our souls continue to exist. Our souls then start their journey to meet with our creator. How might a biblical worldview influence the way you think about and treat a person who does not hold your beliefs? Other people’s beliefs should not affect our own. Therefore, it should be indifferent to us what beliefs they follow. We are meant to love one another no matter who it is. How might a biblical worldview influence the way you act toward a family member who is hard to get along with and is unkind? It does not matter who it is, we are supposed to treat everyone with respect, love, and kindness. These traits might not be reciprocated, yet we still need to treat our fellow brothers and sisters with love and care. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Running head: WORLDVIEW RESEARCH PAPER References Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Worldview. In dictionary. Retrieved January 29, 2022, from Bible Gateway %204%3A32&version=ESV


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