C105 Task 1 Visual and Performing Arts Methods PDF

Title C105 Task 1 Visual and Performing Arts Methods
Course Elementary Visual and Performing Arts Methods
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 8
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Task 1 from C105 WGU...


Drew Holland C105- Task 1 Grade Level- 2nd Grade

A. Visual Arts/Math Integrated Activity A1.

National Core Arts Standards: Visual Arts VA:Cr1.2.2a 


Make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity. Common Core State Standards: Math CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.OA.A.1

 

Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

A3. A learning activity that integrates mathematics and visual arts for second grade will allow students to exhibit their understanding of problem solving with addition and subtraction through visual arts. In a whole group setting, the teacher will lead students through a brief review on one and two-step addition and subtraction word problems. She will then split the class into groups and explain that the students will work together in their groups to design and create a math board game about solving one and two-step word problems. At the end of the activity, the groups will switch their board games with one another and play each other’s word problem solving board games. The groups will be provided with various materials such as construction paper, glue, scissors, crayons, markers, glitter, pipe cleaners, buttons, beads, stickers, cotton balls etc. to construct their board games with and use as manipulatives when solving problems. The teacher will also provide the students with an example work of art, “ Outdoor Boardgame Runs the Gamut”, to reference while they work on their board games. Students will engage in cooperative learning with their groups as they use the various materials to create a board game for their peers that includes detailed addition and subtraction word problems. Students will work on making visual art with personal touches using various materials while practicing and displaying understanding of one and two-step addition and subtraction word problems.

3a. As the students work on their board games, they may reference a painting of a board game that is available at the front of the classroom, “Outdoor Boardgame Runs the Gamut” by Matt Chinworth, to gain inspiration for their own board games. 3b. The “Outdoor Boardgame Runs the Gamut” work of art supports the students during this learning activity because they can visualize an artistic board game that is not about a math topic, but is creative and a framework for what they must complete. This way, they can gain inspiration and see a sample of a board game with aspects they may like and dislike but since it is not about math, they are able to develop their math word problem game independently.

4. During the learning activity, visual arts and mathematics are integrated appropriately as students will address the visual arts standard of using various materials and tools to create art while exploring their own personal interests as they create their unique group board games. They will simultaneously address the standard of presenting and solving addition and subtraction word problems as they are including these in the design of their board games and also when they solve each other’s word problems. B B. Theatre/Social Studies Integrated Activity B1.

National Core Arts Standards: Theatre TH:Cr2-2. 


Contribute ideas and make decisions as a group to advance a story in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama)

Common Core Standards: Social Studies 

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.

B3. A learning activity that integrates social studies and theatre for second graders will allow students to contribute to a guided drama experience about historical characters and their responses to major events. In a whole group setting, the teacher will guide the students through a lesson about the events that occurred on December 16th, 1773, otherwise known as the “Boston Tea Party.” As the students are taught the lesson about the event, works of art such as “The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor,” by Nathaniel Currier, will be displayed and projected on the smart board and students will be asked to analyze and personally reflect on the emotions they believe the painting omits and how the people in the painting may feel. The students will write these thoughts down in their journals and use these reflections to set the mood for the next class activity. The students will then be assigned roles of either the British or the “Sons of Liberty” and will participate in a guided drama experience. With the guidance of their teacher, students will act out their reactions during this major event depending on what role they are assigned. The teacher may prompt specific reactions and ask questions as to why students act in certain ways to clarify to the reasoning and emotions to the rest of the class. 3a. The work of art being used for this integrated activity is “The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor”, by Nathaniel Currier.

3b. “The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor” is an appropriate work of art to support the learning activity because the second graders are able to view a painting of the event and reflect on the emotions of the individuals within the painting before they must act it out. This helps them depict and internalize the emotions occurring during this event. 4. During the activity involving acting out historical reactions during the Boston Tea Party, the theatre standard and social studies standard are efficiently integrated. The students are able to contribute their ideas and participate in a theatrical guided drama story about character responses to a major event in history which smoothly and successfully intertwines both standards into one learning activity.

C. Dance/Science Integrated Activity C1.

National Core Arts Standards: Dance DA:Cr2.1.3 


Develop a dance phrase that expresses and communicates an idea or feeling. Discuss the effect of the movement choices Next Generation Standards: Science 2-LS2-2.

Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants.

C3. The integrated learning activity will begin with a whole group discussion led by the teacher about the steps and cycle of flower pollination. After the teacher teaches the steps, she will project a video to the class called, “The Beauty of Pollination-Moving Art”, which shows the pollination cycle with an artistic lens. The class will then watch this video again and the teacher will instruct them to this time focus specifically on the movement and motion going on in the video during the pollination cycle. The teacher will then ask the class if they would be able to depict the pollination cycle without words but through movement and dance. Students will raise their hands and act out parts of the pollination process through movement only. After multiple students are called upon, the teacher and students will put together the most appropriate dance moves to depict the pollination cycle. The teacher will lead the class in practice as students follow along with the dance routine. The students will then collect graphic organizers from the teacher and split up into groups. They will practice the pollination dance routine together and come up with steps for each part that they can order and write in on the graphic organizer. If they want to add or change parts of their dances as they see fit they may do so as a group. At the end of the lesson, the groups will perform their dances together as a group and hand in their finished product graphic organizers to the teacher. 3a. “The Beauty of Pollination-Moving Art”, by Moving Art Productions is the work of art being used for the integrated activity.


This work of art is appropriate for this learning activity because it is a real-life video portrayal of the pollination cycle that is depicted in an artistic manner with emphasis on movement and flow. Watching this video will make it easier for the students to see the correlation between science and art appreciate science as art and to see the movement of the cycle in a dance aspect. 4. The learning activity successfully combines both the dance standard and second grade science standard because the students are able to develop a dance that expresses and communicates the idea of the pollination cycle of plants. They are then able to use their dance as a tool to successfully fill in their graphic organizer models which mimic the function of pollination.

D. Music/Language Arts Integrated Activity D1.

National Arts Standards: Music MU:Cr2.1.2 


Use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to combine, sequence, and document personal musical ideas.

Common Core Standards: ELA 

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

D3. The learning activity, which integrates music and English language arts, begins with the teacher explaining to her students that they will be writing a brief historical narrative about a person or event of their choosing. The teacher will hand out and go over a narrative checklist and scoring rubric for students to use as they write their narratives. After the students have written their narratives using the provided checklist and rubric as a guide, they will practice and then recite their historical narratives to their teacher. The teacher will fact check and help them to revise their narratives. When all the students have completed this, the teacher will gather the class again in the computer lab and explain that they will now be turning their narratives into a song that they will perform and record. The teacher will show them an example first of a historical narrative song, “School House Rock America: I’m Just a Bill.” The teacher will provide a variety of bells and percussion instruments for the students to choose from to create a beat and help keep rhythm for their songs. The teacher will also show the students how to use the computer recording technology for when they are ready to record.

Students will then be able to explore the classroom, create their songs, and practicing using the recording technology. The students may ask their peers and teacher for review and help if they choose to during this time. By the end of the activity, each student will record a historically accurate and rhythmically balanced narrative song that they will play for their teacher and class.

3a. The students will be shown and able to reference and listen to “School House Rock America: I’m Just a Bill” and other historical school house rock videos for inspiration on historical narrative songs. 3b. The historical narrative song, “School House Rock America: I’m Just a Bill” and other historical songs from the School House Rock collection, are appropriate works of art that support the integrated activity because they provide students with a direct example of a historically accurate narrative put to song. Students will be able to review the songs in the collection for inspiration and to ensure they are on the right track in developing their narratives.

4. The learning activity integrates both the second-grade music standard and Language arts standard because it allows the students to show their ability in developing a well-rounded and complete narrative and then being able to transform it into a song and utilize appropriate recording technology.


Currier, N. (1846). The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor [Painting]. Springfield Museums. https://springfieldmuseums.org/collections/item/the-destruction-of-tea-at-boston-harbornathaniel-currier/

Chinworth, M. (n.d.). Outdoor Boardgame Runs the Gamut [Painting]. Star Tribune. https://www.startribune.com/need-your-outdoors-kick-indoors-try-these-five-boardgames/564930442/

Schoolhouse Rock [Disney Educational Productions]. (2012, July 28). Schoolhouse Rock: America - I’m Just a Bill Music Video [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FFroMQlKiag Wings of Life [Moving Art]. (2011, December 23). The Beauty of Pollination - Moving ArtTM [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQiszdkOwuU

https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/2MD5-Board-Game-Measurement-WordProblems-3230138 https://springfieldmuseums.org/collections/item/the-destruction-of-tea-at-boston-harbornathaniel-currier/...

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