Performing Arts in the Philippines 0 PDF

Title Performing Arts in the Philippines 0
Course Philosophy
Institution Philippine Normal University
Pages 13
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Lecture Notes...


UNIT 2: Classification of Various Art Forms in the Philippines Table of Contents Introduction


Lesson 1: Performing Arts in the Philippines Jump Start


Learn about It!


Check Your Understanding


Did You Know?


Lesson 2: Visual Arts in the Philippines Jump Start


Learn about It!


Check Your Understanding


 Let’s Create!


Check and Reflect


Wrap Up


Answers to Check Your Understanding






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  GRADE 11/12 |Contemporary Philippine Arts for the Regions


Classification of Various Art Forms in the Philippines  In this unit, we will discuss the materials and approaches used by the artist. The material or medium. The material or medium refers to what the artist uses in his creation, while the approaches or techniques deal with the methods involved in the process of artistic production. This unit aims to give you a better analysis of artworks and disciplines through an understanding of the materials and approaches that make each unique.  

 Fig. 1. Filipino  Struggles Through History (1963) by Carlos Francisco (left) and Bonifacio  Monument by Guillermo Tolentino (right)

 The pieces above feature the same subject of heroism and nationalism of Bonifacio, yet convey this message through different forms. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of each form?

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 Learning Target  In this unit, you should be able to classify various art forms found in the Philippines.

 Lesson 1: Performing Arts in the Philippines  Often, people define performing arts as the type of art that is performed. While that definition is true, it is also circular and simplistic. Performing arts is a complex form that requires a thorough discussion. In this lesson, you will develop a more in-depth knowledge of performing arts, its kind, materials, approaches, and elements.  

Think-Pair-Share  Think of the most memorable skit you have performed in the class. In pairs, discuss what makes it memorable for you, and talk about the following questions: How did you prepare for the skit? What were the materials and approaches you needed to fulfill in order to make the performing art piece successful?     3 Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited

 Learn about It!  Performing arts involve a performer (usually a person) undertaking certain actions and movements usually accompanied by sound in a particular space and time for an audience. What sets performing arts apart from other art forms is how it uses the human body as part of its medium and its dependency on time and space. Moreover, performing arts is defined by its interdisciplinarity and how it integrates various art forms.  There are three kinds of performing art forms classified according to the material used.  1. Auditory for music, which has the following elements: a. Rhythm - movement, fluctuation, or variation marked by the regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements b. Pitch - highness or lowness of sound c. Melody - a rhythmic succession of single tones organized as an aesthetic whole d. Musical Notations - the act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures, or characters used in music e. Harmony - the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord f. Timbre - the perceived sound quality of a musical tone which sets it apart from other tones. This may be described as soft, rough, hoarse, cold, and other similar adjectives.  2. Kinesthetic for dance, which has the following elements: a. Human body - the body is the center of the performance activity. It performs the actions and movements necessary to the piece. With that, it is considered to be the main medium in performing arts. b. Arrangement or pattern - the movements and steps which enable the performers to perform in an organized manner. c. Time and space - performing arts depend highly on time and space. The other elements must all come together to complement the available and selected time and space.  3. Dramatics for theatre, which has the following elements: a. Stage direction - instructions indicating movement, blockings or positions, and 4 Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited

other nuances in the performers’ speaking, movement, and acting b. Narratology - the narrative structure of the piece c. Scenic design - the artistic design that creates the background or scene to complement the performances   In the Philippines, performing arts is shaped by the country’s long history of colonization and characterized by the diverse cultural practices within the nation. In general, Philippine performing arts have its roots in the indigenous practice of rituals. It is believed that the rituals of early Filipino ancestors is the very origins of theatre arts in the country. After all, it fulfills all the necessary materials needed in theatre. The shamans or babaylans perform a ritual that involve going through a trance; its choreography usually involves the partaking of an animal sacrifice. This is accompanied by the chanting of the crowd or even rhythmic playing of indigenous musical instruments. Further, it is done usually in front of an audience or the entire community.  As you learned in the previous unit, art in the Philippines is influenced by the various colonizers that came and went to the country. These elements prevail until today. For example, the pasyon is still performed especially in rural areas, and the elements of bodabil manifests in the various noon time television shows. 

Check Your Understanding  Recall 1. What do you call the quality of a musical tone which sets it apart from other tones? 2. Which dramatic element referring to the instructions indicating the movement of performers within a given space? 3. What is believed to be the origin of theatre in the Philippines?  Application 4. What are the quality and elements that distinctly set performing arts apart from other disciplines?  Synthesis 5. Why is performing arts highly dependent on time and space?  5 Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited

    

    Lesson 2: Visual Arts in the Philippines   In Unit 1, you learned the various elements and principles of arts and design. These elements remain when understanding visual arts, however there are more to that in visual arts. In this lesson, you will learn about other considerations in visual arts, and the various materials and approaches that makes it distinct from other disciplines. 

Think-Pair-Share  Take a good look at your school campus. Consider its architecture and interior design and, in pairs, discuss the following questions: what do you think was the main design consideration when they were building your school? What mood were they trying to convey? Further, how do the materials and techniques used contribute to the overall appearance?

 Learn about it!  Some works of art are considered visual in nature. In order to understand and appreciate the nature of visual art, it is important to distinguish the different forms of visual art. Mainly, there are three types of visual arts categorized according to their materials and approaches used.  1. Two-Dimensional Expression - It is mainly flat because it only has length and width as its dimensions. There are several techniques that utilize this, namely: 6 Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited

 a. Alla Prima - also known as wet-on-wet or when you paint over a layer of wet paint b. Encaustic - also known as hot wax painting or when you add pigment to beeswax and use it to paint c. Tempera Painting - adding pigment to water-soluble binder medium such as egg yolk d. Fresco - a mural painting technique that involves painting over fresh plaster e. Water Color - when pigments are suspended in a water-based solution f. Oil on Canvas - adding pigments to drying oil for binder g. Mosaic - when small pieces are assembled together (such as glass, stone, seeds, etc) to form an image h. Stained Glass - when an artwork is made with coloured glass i. Tapestry - textile art woven on a vertical loom j. Drawing - using a writing material (pen, pencil, marker, etc) to mark a two-dimensional canvas such as paper and form an image k. Printing - when an image is formed using a master template  l. Photography - creating images with light  2. Three-Dimensional Expression - Apart from length and width, three-dimensional objects also has volume. There are several techniques under this category, namely: a. Molding - reshaping a three-dimensional object such as marble or plaster to create a new form b. Carving - scraping off parts of a material (often wood) to create a new form c. Etching - using a strong acid on a surface to create a design d. Installing - a site-specific artwork designed to transform and include space in its message  3. Multi-Dimensional Expression - Multi-dimensional expression uses length, width, mass, time and space as its dimensions and it uses various techniques. The techniques are as follows: a. Lashed construction b. Truss Construction c. Post and lintel construction d. Cantilever e. Arches  7 Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited

 In the Philippines, visual arts is characterized by the manifestations of a wide array of cultural influence to the country. Specifically, it is marked by ethnic, Spanish, American, and contemporary traditions.  As you learned in Unit 1, early artworks by the indigenous peoples of the Philippines usually had a social and communal function. As early as then, they were involved in sculpting, pottery, weaving, and other practices. Apart from social utility, their visual artworks also usually had a spiritual significance. For example, the patterns in their textiles suggested their religious beliefs.  As for the colonizers, their influence in the Philippine visual arts is significant and it remains prominent until today. The Spaniards added a religious dimension to painting and sculpting by making saints and Biblical events the focus of its subjects, while the Americans saw a push and pull between liberated and conservative beliefs as it saw the rise of more secular themes.  Today, contemporary visual art is marked by how it rebels against the rules of form; with the rise of new media and advanced technological tools, more people are becoming open to experimentation and the mixing of forms.   8 Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited

 Check Your Understanding  Recall 1. Two-dimensional expression has the dimensions ______ and ______. 2. Three-dimensional expression has the dimensions _____, _____, and ______. 3. Multi-dimensional expression has the dimensions _____, ______, ______, ______, and ______.  Application 4. What are examples of two-dimensional medium and techniques? 5. What are examples of three-dimensional medium and techniques? 6. What are examples of multi-dimensional medium and techniques?  Synthesis 7. What effect does the added volume in a three-dimensional artwork gives that is absent in a two-dimensional piece? 

Let’s Create!  In this activity, you will create your own visual art piece using a tool that is becoming more and more prominent today. The goal is to create an artwork that uniquely portrays and showcases individual perception. For this unit’s performance task, you will take photographs strictly using a smartphone. Remember: the goal here is not to come up with the highest quality image, but to create a photograph that conveys the most meaningful message. Do not let technological limits affect your work. You may do this in pairs or groups of three depending on the availability of resources. Observe the following guidelines:  ● Use only the camera native to your smartphone. ● Editing and post-processing is prohibited. ● The photographs (3-5 photos) shall follow the prompt: Home. ● You may interpret the prompt however you like, as long as you can explain how you arrived at your interpretation during a show and tell in class.  Your work will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 9 Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited

  Traits:









The photographs are aesthetically pleasing and have significant impact on the viewers.

The photographs are slightly aesthetically pleasing and have impact on the viewers.

The photographs are barely aesthetically pleasing and have little impact on the viewers.

The photographs are not at all aesthetically pleasing and have no impact on the viewers.

of The output shows significant mastery of the medium and unity between medium and material. 

The output shows awareness of themediumand a slightly united relationship between medium and material.

The output barely shows mastery of the medium andhas little unity between medium and material.

The output suggests little to no awareness of the medium and lacks unity between medium and material.

Relevance to An interesting the theme and clear interpretation of the theme is manifested in the outcomes.

The interpretationof the theme, though not necessarily novel, is manifested in the outcomes.

The outcomes suggest an ambiguous interpretation of the theme.

The outcomes feel disconnected from the theme.

 Overall presentation and creativity

Use medium


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Comments and Remarks:  

 Check and Reflect 

 Skills

I think I need more time and assistance.

I have a minimal understanding of it.

I am confident that I can do this with ease.

I can identify the difference between performance and visual arts.

I can classify visual artworks into the different expressions of visual arts. I can name the various art materials necessary in producing a performing art piece.

 Reflect  I find __________________________ the most interesting because ______________________. I got ____ checks because _______________________________________________________. I need to improve on _______________________because _____________________________. I need to practice _________________________ because _____________________________. I plan to _____________________________________________________________________ .  

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Wrap Up 

 

   

Answers to Check Your Understanding Lesson 1: Performing Arts in the Philippines 1. Timbre 2. Stage Direction 3. Rituals  Lesson 2: Lesson Title 1. Length, width

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2. Length, width, volume 3. Length, width, time, and space 4. Alla Prima, encaustic, tempera Painting, fresco, water color, oil on canvas, mosaic, stained Glass, tapestry, drawing, printing, photography 5. Molding, carving, etching, installing 6. Lashed construction, truss construction, post and lintel construction, cantilever, arches 

Bibliography   Datuin, Flaudette May, Brenda Fajardo, Patrick Flores, Alice Guillermo, Rosa Maria Icagasi, Regalado, Jose, Elena Mirano, Elenita Ordoñez and Norma Respicio. Art and Society. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1997.  Datuin, Flaudette May, Roberto Paulino, Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez and Louise Marcelino. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2016  Sayseng, Ayesha. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. P  asay: JFS Publishing Services, 2016  Tiongson, Nicanor. CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Arts. Pasay:  Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1994.  Tiongson, Nicanor.  Tuklas Sining: Essays on Philippine Arts. Pasay: Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1991. 

Glossary  Bodabil - is an indigenized term of the term vaudeville, which  is a form of entertainment introduced by the Americans to the Philippines. It features a variety of skits, drama, comedy, and other forms performed in theatres. Pasyon - is an epic narrative of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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