C235 Task 2 Performance Management Plan AF PDF

Title C235 Task 2 Performance Management Plan AF
Course Training and Development
Institution Western Governors University
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XWT1: Training Plan

Performance Management Plan Template Importance of Employee Expectations Having clear expectations of and for the employee is important for the success of the organization. Management will have an established scope of authorization, and the employee will know the exact details on what and when is required to be accomplished. This allows a baseline of measurement and will eliminate misunderstanding and clarify the goals that are expected. If the organizational goals are aligned with the individual goals, then this will produce a positive relationship and communication within the organization, thus creating success for both the management and employee.

Process of Setting Employee Expectations The process for a manager setting expectations should be understood by both the manager and employee and clarify exactly what will be expected of the employee. Identifying where expectations are needed for the employee and how they align with the company’s goals is a critical. After the manager has clearly identified these expectations, they should have verbal communication with the employee. When having this conversation with the employee, a good technique to make sure that the employee understands, is to hand them a pen with the expectations in written format, so that they may take notes. While having this conversation, ask questions and get feedback to make sure that there is complete acknowledgement of what is desired. Once this is established, an agreement in writing is necessary that there is mutual agreement and commitment. After the verbal conversation and signed documentation, the employee will implement the expectations that were communicated for the company. The next steps in the process is that the employee will be observed and evaluated and provided positive suggestions for desired expectations.

Areas of Improvement In John Miller’s performance plan, he is to meet monthly deadlines for general ledger reconciliations. Currently, he is meeting nine out of twelve months. That means that there is a three-month variance, or he is meeting 75% of the goal in his plan. Another area of improvement for John according to his plan, is that he is to demonstrate strong written and verbal communication skills. In the comment section, written by his rater, Mary Smith, “goals that involve his team are falling behind expected results, such as late payments to vendors. In addition, reports have been made of John showing bias toward certain employees.” Strong written and verbal communication skills with his team and for the company need some improvement.

Steps for Areas of Improvement


XWT1: Training PlanTraining Plan

The plan states that John will meet a monthly deadline for the general ledger reconciliations for all twelve months. The first step for John to improve in this area is to set specific days of the month to gather supporting documents, review the account, make sure the ledger balance agrees with the documentation, document and turn it in. If a time is agreed upon by Mary and John to have it in by the first Friday after the beginning of the month or say by the fifth of each month, then there is a measurable goal, not just monthly. The second step will also help John to set dates or times for all supporting documentation to be turned into him by his team. This means that he needs to have a team meeting to delegate the reports that need to be delivered to him by specific dates. Mary needs to be invited by John to this meeting to verify that no bias is accompanying work being delegated to employees and to show that time constraints are trying to be met by John. The last step for John is to sit down with Mary and provide consequences for employees that can not make the time constraints, so that John can be sure to make his time constraints on the reconciliations of the general ledgers. Next on the plan for John to improve in is his demonstration of strong written and verbal skills. John will attend a management communication training and provide a passing score on a written assessment in communication provided by the company. John’s next step will be to create an agenda and a power point for his team, that will delegate specific duties to each employee, so that the workload is evenly distributed amongst team members. When the agenda and power point have been created by John, they will be sent to Mary to get feedback, he will also send her an invitation to the meeting with his team. The last step for John will be to have weekly meetings with his team, to make sure that everyone is moral supported and providing feedback as to the duties assigned. Mary should be invited to these meetings for added support and provides Mary observation of how John is working on improving in a needed area.

Evaluation of Progress Mary and John must agree to have the general ledger reconciliation turned in by the fifth of each month. Mary will meet with John after a month to make sure that the fifth of each month is ample time for him to get in his reconciliation, as a couple of days might need to be added due to the way that the dates fall on the calendar. Mary will have to keep a written record of each date that John turns in a reconciliation. Mary will pull the company training records to verify that John completed the management communication training and review his written assessment outcome. Next, she will meet with John to see if he has any questions about the training course. When Mary receives confirmation that John’s agenda and power point has been created, she will review and provide suggestions if needed. Last, Mary will keep record of John’s initiated meetings that he plans on having weekly and meet with John after six weeks of regular meetings to see the outcome of having team meetings. Behaviors that Demonstrate Success After John and Mary discuss setting a date to have the reconciliations turned in on the fifth of the month, it was most likely changed to the seventh to allow for weekends that are not worked and still allows enough time for John to gather the documentation from his team. John has a reasonable time frame and a solid date to remember that something needs to be completed, not just monthly.


XWT1: Training PlanTraining Plan

After completing the training program and passing the assessment at 80%, John now has knowledge that he can use to communicate to his team at the meetings implemented by him. He is also able to provide an agenda and a power point to delegate specific tasks to every person on his team. Thus, making sure time frames are met, ideas and misunderstandings can be communicated amongst the team. Consequences for Noncompliance Mary Smith must tell John Miller that the company expects total compliance with this performance plan. If progress towards total compliance with setting specific dates for his monthly general ledger reconciliations, meeting with his team to delegate reports and a due dates for those reports, management communication training and passing the assessment with an 80%, creating an agenda with a power point to appoint team members to a specific duties, and regularly having meetings with his team for communication, then further disciplinary action may be taken. John needs to know that if he does not comply then he could be demoted from the manager position and if there is not an opening for a lower position at the time he could possibly be terminated. Final Meeting In the final meeting after the three months are through, Mary, John and me, the HR manager, will acknowledge John for his accomplishments towards the PIP. John has worked very hard and completed setting a reasonable date for the monthly reconciliations of the seventh, of which he has remitted the last three in a timely fashion. The management communication training course was completed and the out come of the course seems to have helped as he has weekly meetings with his team, delegation of work to all individuals of his team seems to be fair, as the reports are to John at dates that he has set. From the meetings that were attended by Mary, she noted that the vendors have been paid on time due to the dispersed delegation and happiness of the team individuals. I have looked at the attendance records and the absences of the team individuals has dropped. The next step is that a couple more trainings to help you with management organization, multitasking and management laws will benefit you and the company. The PIP does not need to be extended as John’s progress has improved the team dramatically thus far, but we feel that monthly meetings with Mary will help fix the other improvement areas not covered on the initial PIP. If progress does not continue in the other areas that we are providing training for, then another PIP will need to be established within six months.

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