C712 Study Questions PDF

Title C712 Study Questions
Author Key Fair
Course Fundamentals of Marketing C712
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 14
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C712 Marketing Fundamentals Study Guide QuestionsChapter 1 - Marketing Basics 1. What is the definition of marketing? a. Activity, set of institutions, and processes for: Creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings. Managing customer relationships in ways that have value for custom...


C712 Marketing Fundamentals Study Guide Questions Chapter 1 - Marketing Basics 1. What is the definition of marketing? a. Activity, set of institutions, and processes for: Creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings. Managing customer relationships in ways that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. 2. How do organizations create utility? What is the marketers’ role in creating utility? a. All organizations must create utility to survive. Creating utility is based on designing and marketing - wantsatisfying goods, services, and ideas. Production and marketing create utility together. Utility - The want-satisfying power of a product (i.e., good or service) 3. Identify the four types of utility and give an example of each.

a. 4. List the eight universal functions of marketing. Describe each. What are the three groupings of the 8 functions? Which functions fit into each grouping? a. Exchange: Buying, Selling 1. Buying: Ensuring that the product offerings are available in sufficient quantities to meet customer demands 2. Selling: Using types of advertising, sales promotions, and personal selling to match products to customer needs. b. Physical Distribution: Transporting, Storing 3. Transporting: Moving products from their point of production to locations (i.e., retailers) convenient for purchases. 4. Storing: Warehousing products until needed for sales. c. Facilitating: Standardizing and grading, Financing, Risk Taking, Securing marketing information. 5. Standardizing and grading: Ensuring that product offerings meet quality and quantity controls of size, weight, and other variables. 6. Financing: Providing credit for channel members (wholesalers and retailers) and consumers. 7. Risk Taking: Dealing with uncertainty about future customer purchases. 8. Securing marketing information: Collecting information about consumers, competitors, and channel members for use in making marketing decisions. Chapter 2- Strategic Planning 1. Identify the two basic elements of a marketing strategy and define each briefly. a. Planning: Anticipating future events and conditions and determining the best way to achieve organizational objectives. Continuous process that includes: Identifying objectives, Determining the actions through which a firm can attain those objectives. Creates a blueprint for everyone in the organization. b. Marketing planning: Implementing planning activities devoted to achieving marketing objectives. Many planning activities take place over the Internet with virtual conferences. 2. What are the Porter’s Five Forces? How might these factors affect a firm’s overall marketing strategy? a. Threat of new entrants, Bargaining power of buyers, Bargaining power of suppliers, Threat of substitute products, Rivalry among competitors. 3. What is the purpose for doing a SWOT analysis? Which parts are related to internal factors of the firm, and which parts are external factors in the marketplace? a. This tool assists planners to analyze the firm’s (internal) strengths and weaknesses and compare with marketplace (external) opportunities and threats. Based on situation analysis, firm conducts a SWOT of its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Internal factors of strengths and weaknesses are somewhat controllable. External factors of opportunities and threats are largely uncontrollable. 4. What are definition of first mover and second mover strategies? Give two advantages or disadvantages for each. C712 Marketing Fundamentals study guide 1

a. First mover strategy: The company first to offer a product in a marketplace will be the long-term market winner. Second mover strategy: Observing the innovations of first movers and then improving on them to gain advantage in the marketplace 5. Define planning. How does marketing planning differ between top managers, middle-level managers, and supervisors?

6. State whether each of the following illustrates strategic or tactical planning: a. Global automakers begin setting up manufacturing plants in China b. Play N Trade Video Games and Dimensions Games Corporation merge c. The Cleveland Browns give up draft picks to obtain QB Johnny Manziel (“Johnny Football”) d. A regional airline looks for ways to expand to other markets. Chapter 3 Marketing Environments 1. Why is environmental scanning an important activity for marketers? a. Collecting external marketing environment information to identify and interpret potential trends. Trends represent significant opportunities or threats to the company. Example: Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a recall of children’s books due to choking and laceration hazards. 2. Describe an industry or firm that you think might be able to weather an economic downturn and explain why. a. Deflation can cause: A freefall in business profits, Lower returns on most investments, Widespread job layoffs. b. Unemployment - Proportion of people in the economy actively seeking work but do not have jobs. Rises during recession and declines during recovery and prosperity 3. Why do marketers monitor the technological environment? a. Technology: An application of knowledge based on discoveries in science, inventions, and innovations to marketing. Technology leads to: New products, Improvements in existing products, Better customer service, Reduced prices. b. Sources of technology: Industry, Educational institutions, Not-for-profit institutions, Federal government. 4. How might marketers make the most of shifts in the social-cultural environment? a. The relationship between the marketer, society, and culture: Marketers must be sensitive to demographic shifts and changing values, Increasing importance of cultural diversity. b. Example: Univision and Telemundo face growing competition in Spanish-language television programming. 5. What is the function of the Federal Trade Commission? The Food and Drug Administration a. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has the broadest regulatory powers over marketing: Enforces laws regulating unfair business practices and stops false and deceptive advertising. Chapter 4 - Social Media 1. What is the definition of a social media platform? Describe each of the platforms listed: General definition: a. Social networking sites: Websites that provide virtual communities for people to: Share daily activities, Post opinions on various topics, Increase their circle of online friends, and more. b. Bookmarking sites: These give people a place to save, organize, and manage links to: Websites, Other resources on the Internet. C712 Marketing Fundamentals study guide


c. Social news sites: People post news items or links to outside articles on such sites, then vote on which postings get the most prominent display—and viewed by the most readers

d. Blogging sites and forums: Blog postings and comments are attached to such sites and typically focus on specific








topics. e. Microblogs: Subscribers get a steady stream of brief updates from anyone ranging from a high-school friend to a celebrity. What are social media tools? Describe each of the tools listed: General definition: a. Media sharing: Services like YouTube and Flickr allow people to upload and share media such as photos and videos: Some videos have gone viral and shot their makers to fame, Marketers realize that a viral video can translate to a jump in demand—and sales—for their products. b. Blog and microblogging postings: Blogging allows people to communicate in greater detail than microblogging does. Microblogging offers short bursts of news. c. Apps: Short for application, it is a free or paid software download that links users to a wide range of goods and services, media and text content, social media platforms, search engines, and the like. d. QR codes: Short for quick response codes, Two-dimensional bar codes that can be read by some mobile phones with cameras, Information contained in the code is shared with the user: Might lead to a video, give details about a product, or offer a coupon. What are the three essential features of social media marketing? a. 1. It creates a buzz, 2. It creates ways for customers or fans to engage in conversations with ach other and the organization, 3. It allows customers to promote the firm’s messages themselves Why might B2B firms have a difficult time developing a loyal fan base using social media marketing? a. Businesses use social media to gather relevant market insights, improve search rankings, and form new business partnerships. Why is it important for the goals of a social media marketing campaign to be both clear and flexible? a. Clear goals help marketers set the SMM campaign in the right direction. Flexible goals enable firms to adapt to changing circumstances. How do social media marketers arrive at a target audience? a. Social media marketing efforts customize their approach to targeted audiences more than any other type of marketing because they are interactive, so it is important for marketers to link the targeted audience with the goals of the initiative. Why must Social Media Marketing (SMM) content focus on the audience rather than the organization? a. Effective content has the following qualities: a strong brand focus; emphasis on the audience instead of the organization; targeted keywords; relevant information; shareworthy text and images; invitations to the audience to generate its own content; and offers for discounts or deals. The rules of engagement include: follow site-specific rules and guidelines; use social media channels as they were intended; and think before posting—or deleting. Discuss why marketers need to have a SMM plan. How can social media be monitored to measure its effectiveness? a. Marketers often use social media analytics tools to help them track, measure, and interpret data related to the SMM effort. They calculate the return on investment (ROI) of the marketing campaign, typically measuring success in terms of share of voice, awareness of company or brand, level of audience engagement, influence created, and popularity. Marketers follow keywords and use tools, such as Trendrr and Brandwatch, to measure and manage specific activities. Flexibility and quick response are also vital to the management of SMM.

Chapter 5 - E-Marketing 1. Explain the difference between E-business and E-marketing. List the five E-business categories. a. E-marketing: Strategic process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods and services to a target market over the Internet or through digital tools. b. E- business: Wide range of business activities that take place via Internet applications. It can be divided into five broad categories: E-tailing, Business-to-business transactions, Electronic data interchanges (EDI), Email, blogs, podcasts, vlogs (video blogs), and other Web-enabled communication tools, The gathering and use of demographic, product, and other information through Web contacts. 2. Explain how a Web presence can improve the performance of traditional brick-and-mortar operations. a. Web-to-store shoppers: Consumers who use the Internet as a tool to aid them at brick-and-mortar retailers. C712 Marketing Fundamentals study guide 3

3. List reasons that consumers say about why they shop online. a. Benefits of B2C e-marketing include competitive prices, increased access and convenience, and personalized service. 4. Identify and describe purchase fraud involving credit card purchases. Because the merchant usually bears the liability, what are e-tailers doing to prevent this and reduce fraud? a. One of the challenges to e-business is developing safe online payment methods. Most firms involved in e-business use Secure Sockets Layer technology to encrypt information and provide authentication. The growth of e-business has also been hampered by consumer security and privacy concerns and fraud. 5. Describe a. Phishing: High-tech scam that uses authentic-looking e-mail or pop-up messages to get unsuspecting victims to reveal personal information. b. Vishing: Scam that collects personal information through voice response systems; stands for voice phishing. c. Smishing: Scam that collects personal information through cell phone text messages. Payment fraud 6. What is the difference between a corporate website and a marketing website? How can a corporate website enhance a firm’s efforts in marketing? a. Corporate website: Designed to increase a firm’s visibility, promote its offerings, and provide information to interested parties: Build customer goodwill, Assist channel members in their marketing efforts. b. Marketing website: Main purpose is to increase purchases by visitors. Chapter 6 - Consumer Behavior 1. What are core values? Describe what you think are three core values of American society. How do these values impact our buying behavior? a. Work ethic, Desire to accumulate wealth, Importance of education, individualism, freedom, youth, health, volunteerism, and efficiency, Consumers are adopting new values: Communicating with anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world using new technologies. 2. Why is the concept of acculturation important to marketers who want to target such groups as Hispanic, Asian, or African American consumers? a. Hispanic American consumers: Not a homogenous group, Hispanic population fueled by a sharp rise in births, Marketers should consider Hispanics control more disposable income than any other minority group. b. African American consumers: The African American population stands at more than 43 million people, 71% of them own a smart phone, They are members of every economic group, Marketers must avoid approaching all African American consumers in the same way. c. Asian American consumers: Spread among culturally diverse groups, Retain their own languages, Each group brings its own language, religion, and value system to purchasing decisions. 3. Describe a purchase that a consumer might make that would reflect his/her status within a particular group, such as her/his family. If that person’s status increased, how might the purchase selection change? a. Class rankings determined by occupation, income, education, family background, and residence location b. Income is not always a primary factor c. Occupations and incomes of one or both parents are primary influences on social class d. Individuals’ buying habits reflect the class to which they aspire. 4. According to Maslow, what is the difference between needs and motives? How can marketers make use of these two concepts to lead consumers toward purchases? a. Physiological needs - Needs concerning essential requirements for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing b. Safety needs - Financial or lifestyle security, protection from physical harm, and avoidance of the unexpected c. Social/belongingness needs - The desire to be accepted by people and groups important to that individual d. Esteem needs - A universal desire for a sense of accomplishment and achievement e. Actualization needs - Desire to realize potential and find fulfillment by expressing their unique talents and capabilities. 5. What are the two factors that interact to create a person’s perception of an object? How is this important for marketers? a. Meaning that a person attributes to incoming stimuli gathered through the five senses b. Results from the interaction of two types of factors: Stimulus factors, Individual factors c. The mental filtering processes through which all inputs must pass C712 Marketing Fundamentals study guide







d. Techniques that marketers use to elicit a positive response from consumers: Doubling the size of an ad, Using certain colors or graphics, Developing unique packaging e. Word of mouth - The oldest and most effective marketing technique in existence. What are the components of attitude? Explain the two ways in which marketers can try to change consumer attitudes toward their products. a. Person’s enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotions, or action tendencies toward some object or idea. Attitude components: Cognitive, Affective, Behavioral b. Marketers have two choices for appealing to consumer attitudes: Attempt to produce consumer attitudes that will lead to the purchase of an existing product, Evaluate existing consumer attitudes and create or modify products to appeal to these attitudes. What is learning as it relates to marketing? What are the four steps in the learning process, and give examples that relate to consumer decision making. a. Knowledge or skill acquired as a result of experience, which changes consumer behavior b. Components of learning process: i. Drive - Fear, pride, greed, jealousy, hunger, thirst, comfort, and rivalry ii. Cue - An object or signal in the environment that determines the nature of the consumer’s response to a drive iii. Response - Individual’s reaction to a set of cues and drives iv. Reinforcement - Reduction in drive that results from a proper response For each of the following products/services, what steps might marketers take to transform a consumer from a limited problem-solving situation to a routinized response situation? a. Marketers use shaping: Applying a series of rewards and reinforcements, to permit more complex behavior to evolve, Promotional strategy and the product itself play a role in the shaping process, Offer a free-sample package that includes a substantial discount for first purchase, Entice the consumer to buy the item with little financial risk, Motivate the person to buy the item again at a moderate cost, Customer decides whether to buy the item at its true price without the discount coupon. i. Buying a gym membership ii. Renewing a magazine subscription iii. Making a haircut appointment iv. Filling a prescription at a pharmacy v. Taking the car in for an oil change Identify and explain the steps of the consumer decision process. Next, give an example of a purchase you are familiar with as an example at each step. a. Consumer becomes aware of a gap between the existing situation and a desired situation b. Consumer gathers information about the attainment of a desired state of affairs. Evoked set - Number of alternatives that a consumer actually considers in making a purchase decision. c. Consumer evaluates the evoked set of options and as the search progresses, the consumer accepts, distorts, or rejects. Evaluative criteria - Features that a consumer considers in choosing among alternatives. The consumer narrows the alternatives down to one. The consumer decides where or from whom to make the purchase d. Post-purchase evaluation – Buyer feels either: Satisfaction at the removal of the discrepancy between the existing and desired states, Dissatisfaction with the purchase. Cognitive dissonance - Imbalance among knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that occurs after an action or decision, such as a purchase. Dissonance is likely to increase: As the dollar value of a purchase increases, When the rejected alternatives have desirable features that the chosen alternatives do not provide, When the purchase decision has a major effect on the buyer e. Marketers can reduce the buyer’s cognitive dissonance by providing information that supports the chosen item. What are the differences between a high-involvement purchases decision and a low-involvement purchase decision? a. High-involvement purchase decisions: Purchases with high levels of potential social or economic consequences b. Low-involvement purchase decisions: Routine purchases that pose little risk to the consumer

Chapter 9 - Market Segmentation 1. Before selling a new product to a large population of consumers, it is critical that the marketer knows her or his target market. What is a target market? And why should a marketer know and understand his or her target market? C712 Marketing Fundamentals study guide









a. The Market - The total market of all customers (existing, potential) with - purchasing power, and buying authority, and willingness to buy. b. A...

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