C779 Web Development Foundations PDF

Title C779 Web Development Foundations
Author rod ber
Course Web Development Foundations
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 30
File Size 197.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 39
Total Views 505


<title> The <title> tag is the first tag that allows you to specify content that will appear on the page. Any text you enclose with this tag appears as the page title bar at the top of a browser. This text also appears in the history list and on the page when printed. Title text becomes ...


The tag is the first tag that allows you to specify content that will appear on the page. Any text you enclose with this tag appears as the page title bar at the top of a browser. This text also appears in the history list and on the page when printed. Title text becomes the Bookmark name if the page is bookmarked or added to a browser Favorites folder.

The tag begins the body of the document.

The tag allows you to insert tags, link to style sheets, and assign a title to the document with the tag.

Can include a document description, revision dates, and keywords to help search engines index the page. It also specifies the HTML5 character set used, which is usually UTF-8 Creates a line break. Empty tag. Difference between and bolding? The element applies the bold font style, whereas applies a heavier weight to the text relative to the surrounding text. Difference between text-level and block-level? Text-level elements can affect a section of text as small as a single character. Markup elements that affect an entire paragraph or multiple paragraphs are referred to as block-level elements. An element Provides the main instruction of the tag. An element is required in every tag. Elements include , , , , and many others. An attribute Specifies a quality or describes a certain aspect of the element. For example, a hyperlink is added to a Web page by using the , or anchor, element. The href attribute is added, which identifies the hyperlink reference. Many elements require specified attributes, but some do not. An attribute is required in a tag only if the element requires it. A value Gives value to the element and its attribute. For example, has a value that instructs the hyperlink to access the CIW Certified Web site. Like attributes, values are optional in a tag unless required by a specified attribute to the element. Values are used only with attributes; elements do not take values directly. Values should be surrounded by quotation marks; they are not required, but placing values in quotation marks is considered good coding practice.

The document type declaration, or tag, describes the markup language and version of your code. It is placed at the very top of your document.

The tag allows you to display plain text files with their original formatting. It is commonly used to display tabular data.

The tag centers and indents a block of text. The tag defines the start of a new paragraph. Location of style sheet references in HTML doc Style sheet references are specified with the tag in the section, usually before the tag. What happens when you place text between the tags in your HTML source code? Commented out   The HTML special character code for a non-breaking space is  .

Dithering the ability for a computer to approximate a color by combining the RGB values. hexadecimal 10 = A hexadecimal F = 15 hexadecimal 16 = 10 Value for CSS value ... tag The tag is used as a container for the entire HTML document. It nests all code except for the declaration. tag The tag references a style sheet and is recommended for HTML5. A style sheet usually has a .css file name extension and a file name similar to the page to which it is linked (e.g., syb.css for the HTML page named syb.html). Style sheets are often placed in a subdirectory for the Web page. This subdirectory contains all images and associated files for the page. The tag is placed within the container tags. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) text inside the image can be indexed and searched. Additional benefits include compression capabilities and zooming. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Enacted by the U.S. government in 1990 to protect the civil rights of disabled people. This law has many sections, and includes mandates for equal employment opportunities and public accommodations for disabled people. It also includes mandates that electronic information be accessible to disabled people. Significant compliance failures are subject to financial penalties. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Requires that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained or used by federal agencies be comparably accessible to users with disabilities. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Were created under the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), which was formed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international technology standards organization that is not part of the U.S. government. In an image map, a target URL is specified as the href attribute value in the ______ tag.

Unicode A character code that enables most of the languages of the world to be symbolized with a special character identification. Creating a file upload button Requires the use of the tag and the type="file" attribute and value. When using the element You can use the width and height attributes to adjust the size of an image. You must ensure the proper proportions, however, or you may distort the image. Copyright Describes legal ownership of an expression created by an author Trademark Describes a unique word, phrase or symbol that is claimed or officially registered by an organization Licensing Involves legally authorizing a party to use copyrighted or trademarked intellectual property.

JavaServer Pages (JSP) Uses Java to process information sent from a Web form to a Web server. Perl It is a traditional CGI technology that is platform-independent. Python Is an open-source CGI technology that emphasizes code readability by employing minimalistic code syntax and semantics. .NET Can use several languages, including C# and VBScript. Pull technology Provides information to a customer only upon request. Because the customer asks for information and content, this technique is demand-based and immediate. Push technology Automatically provides information to a customer list. These formats are GIF 89a and PNG. Any element in an image that is a single specific color can be made transparent, provided that the image file format supports image transparency bold text The CSS "width" property used with the element determines How far the table will extend horizontally across the Web page. This property is most often used to control a table's size, regardless of the end user's screen size. Interlacing is supported by GIF 87a and GIF 89a formats The only Web-ready image formats that support interlacing GIF and PNG A CGI script Passes information from the Web form to the database server The controls="controls" attribute Adds video controls such as the play, pause, rewind, fast forward and volume controls PNG file format Supports image layers The element Creates a bulleted, or unordered, list The element Can be used similarly to create a numbered, or ordered, list. The tag Creates a list item within the list Echo A command that repeats the terminal input you type Ftps File Transfer Protocol Security WCAG A set of guidelines for ensuring Web site accessibility to all users, including those with disabilities.

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) An ISO-standard language used to describe data and context as opposed to its appearance. Metalanguage Wireframing The process of developing an outline for a Web presence. Steps in the wireframing process usually include: Determining the purpose and objective of the Web site. Is this an e-commerce Web site? An informational Web site? A company intranet? Identifying all stakeholders for the site. Outlining the basic steps of the development process. Identifying steps for managing the project. Outlining site navigation. Identifying the technologies that are invoked with each user request. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) the ability to automate the planning and operations of an entire organization

italic text

horizontal rule Line across the page with a 3-D shading effect.

Displays a graphical image on your page. The key attributes that are required in this tag are src (abbreviation for source) and alt (alternative text for the image if it cannot be seen) GIF 89a Supports transparency, interlacing and animation. The hexadecimal value FF represents 255 Hexadecimal value #FFFFFF represents the highest possible value for all three RGB colors produces white Hexadecimal value #000000 Black

Top of the Web page, similar to the header in a word-processing document.

Defines navigation links, such as hypertext menus to access various pages of the Web site.

Web site content, such as company services, articles, blogs, images and videos.

Content that is "aside" from the article content, such as advertisements or news feeds.

Bottom of the Web page, similar to the footer in a word-processing document. Dithering Which is the ability for a computer to approximate a color by combining the RGB values. - Happens when the browser cannot support the RGB values. In a style sheet, what must you use to separate multiple declarations for one selector within a rule? A semicolon ( ; ) What is a CSS selector? Any element to which designated styles are applied

Why should you avoid adding spaces or hard returns within an tag? Because XHTML will render the additional spaces or hard returns, which may affect the placement of the image on the page What happens when you place a CSS rule between the / and / characters? The rule will be ignored. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) A generic term that describes the ability to transfer funds using computers, rather than using paper In Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), what is a rule? A format instruction that consists of a specified selector and the properties and values applied to it Manifest List of the files that are needed for the Web application to work offline Server-Side Include (SSI) on a Web page An SGML statement processed by the server. The server reads the statement on the Web page and then includes the results of the instruction on the page for the end user to see Internal hyperlink Links areas within the same Web page file External hyperlink A link you create from a file on your system to a separate file on the Internet Local hyperlink A link you create from one file on your local system to another file on your local system ... Creates a table. Contains all other table elements. REQUIRED ... Adds a caption or title, which appears above the table by default. ... Contains all data for a table row. REQUIRED ... Typically designates cells in the top row or left column. By default, text in a header cell will appear bold and centered. ... Designates table cell contents. By default, the data is left-justified. REQUIRED Rowspan Attribute that identifies the number of table rows a single cell can occupy. Padding Property used to manipulate the amount of space between cell content and the cell's inner border. Colspan Attribute that identifies the number of table columns a single cell can occupy. CSS Table Property - border Determines the style of the border. Border width (e.g., 1px)- border line style (e.g., solid)- border color (e.g., gray) CSS Table Property - border-spacing Determines the amount of space between the borders of adjacent cells. Number of pixels

CSS Table Property - padding Determines the amount of space between cell data and the cell border. Number of pixels CSS Table Property - width Determines how far the table or cell will extend horizontally across the page. Number of pixels- Percentage of the browser window - number followed by percent symbol ( % ) CSS Table Property - text-align Aligns text horizontally. -left-center-right-justify CSS Table Property - vertical-align Aligns content vertically. top- bottom- middle If you mistakenly set multiple values in multiple cells? The highest value will take precedence; the order of entries does not matter. Which choice correctly describes the relationship between tables and borders? By default, borders do not appear around tables. HTML tag Creates a user-input Web form by encompassing all the content and fields of the form on the page Method - get Form data is appended to the URL of the Web page for use in a query string. This method sends information in cleartext and is thus less secure. Method - post Form data is posted to the URL specified by the action attribute. Post is the preferred method for sending form data. It can send more characters, although sometimes post requires more processing by the CGI script. The action attribute Specifies the name and location of the CGI script used to process the form. The contents of the form will be processed by the script and acted upon according to the instructions in the script. The tag Not a container tag; it stands alone. You use to create text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and the Submit and Reset buttons. Takes the "type" attribute The tag A container tag used to create single-option and multiple-option select lists. The container tag Creates scrolling text area spaces. Users can enter multiple lines of text into a text area; it is larger and allows more input than a text box. Because it is a container tag, you can enter default text between the opening and closing tags, and it will appear in the text area until the user types their input into the field. cols Specifies the width in characters of the scrolling text box. Integer value rows Specifies the number of rows of text to display in the box. Integer value wrap Specifies whether user-entered text can wrap to new lines when submitted. This advanced attribute is used in conjunction with server-side scripts (such as PHP) that process form data. If "soft" is specified, text in the textarea is not wrapped when submitted. This setting is the default. If "hard" is specified, text in the textarea will wrap (adding newline characters) when submitted. The cols attribute must be specified when using wrap="hard".

If you are conducting search engine optimization (SEO), consider the following strategies related to forms: Create as simple a form as possible. Each additional field you use may reduce your score. Some search engines may score pages lower if a CAPTCHA is used. The problem with a CAPTCHA, or any other element that requires human input, is that a bot that encounters it will not take time to read and process all of the page. This can cause the page to be scored lower. Give form fields informative, descriptive labels. Provide a clear call to action. Do not assume that a Submit button will inform users (or search engine bots) about what they should do. Provide alternative text navigation. By adding the checked="checked" attribute and value into the tag for a group of check boxes, you can: Preselect as many check boxes as you like. When you create a text box field, you should use the size attribute to: Specify the visual width of the text box in characters Which of the following occurs when you specify the wrap="soft" attribute and value for the tag? Text you enter will continue on one line beyond the scrolling text box border. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, what occurs on a Web form if you omit the closing tag? The form fields will render but users will not be able to submit any information. Which tag attribute organizes Web form information submitted by the user into the basic elements for a raw text string, which is then processed by the Web server? The name attribute If you want to specify default text for a text area box, where should you add the text that will appear as default text? Between the tags In a raw text string, which of the following is used to delimit name=value pairs? Ampersands ( & )

What does the size attribute control? The number of items that will appear in the scrolling list box What happens if you omit the size attribute when you use the tag to create a select list? The number of items that will appear in the list by default will depend on the browser. Radio buttons are reserved for two or more mutually exclusive options on a Web form. How do you ensure this exclusivity? The radio buttons must share the same name attribute. Poster Attribute Identifies an image to be displayed until the play button is clicked or while the video is downloading. If the poster attribute is not specified, the first frame of the video is displayed instead. Type attribute Identifies the format, or MIME type, of the video. The element supports three formats: MP4, WebM and Ogg. Browsers that support video MP4/H.264 Chrome, IE9 and Safari Browsers that support video Ogg/Theora Chrome, Firefox and Opera Browsers that support video WebM/VP8 Chrome, Firefox and Opera Browsers that support audio MP3 Chrome IE9 Safari Browsers that support audio Ogg Chrome Firefox and Opera

Browsers that support audio Wav Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera Vector Graphics graphics that use mathematical coordinates with lines, curves and shapes to create images and specify colors. Their presentation size can be enlarged or shrunk (i.e., scaled) without losing image quality. Bitmap Graphics graphics that use small dots (usually thousands) to create images and specify colors. Each dot is mapped to bits stored in a computer's memory. _______are also called raster graphics, and they include the JPEG, GIF and PNG formats. Removing pixels and compressing files will decrease file size, but will also reduce image quality. Interlaced Images Read from left to right Appears to fade in as it renders Will at first appear fuzzy, but will continuously sharpen The first pass will render roughly 13 percent of the entire image. The second pass delivers 25 percent, and then continues in 25-percent increments until the image renders completely. Non-Interlaced Images Read from top to bottom Appears invisible or incomplete until entire image is read The top appears after the browser has read 50 percent of the image appear after the browser has read 50 percent of the image. The bottom half will render some time later. The only Web-ready image file formats that support animation GIF 89a and PNG Flash technology Manipulate vector-based graphics to create animated sequences What is the relationship between hot spot coordinates and the pixel size of an image? Coordinates are dependent upon the pixel size of an image; if an image is resized, you must change the coordinates. Which of the following is the most common type of bitmap seen on the Web? Digitized photographs Photo-sharing Web sites Photographs on these Web sites are copyrighted to the photographer and you must contact the photographer or owner of the photo to obtain permission to use the images. Stock-photography Web site Contains photographs for which you can purchase the rights to use in printed material or on a Web site. Photographers file their images with an agency that negotiates licensing fees on the photographer's behalf. Microstock photography An offshoot of stock photography. _________ providers deal almost exclusively over the Internet, accept photographs from amateur photographers as well as professionals, and sell their images at a very low cost (generally from US$0.20 to $10). The only Web-ready image file formats that support interlacing are: GIF 87a, GIF 89a and PNG. The only Web-ready image file formats that support transparency are: GIF 89a and PNG. The tag Stand-alone tag that defines a hot spot region on an image map. You can define as many or as few hot spot regions as you like within an image map. Which of the following are accepted values for the tag's shape attribute? Rect, circle and poly

Which choice correctly describes polygon hot spots on image maps? You can use up to 100 pairs of x,y coordinates to define a polygon. How many colors are specified in the browser-safe color palette? 216 Pay per click (PPC) Internet marketing technique that enables you to list your site high in search engine rankings by advertising on keywords that describe your product or service. Canvas is an HTML API that provides a place on a Web page (a "________") where developers can display graphics, animation, video and games "on the fly" without the need for a plug-in. _________is described by the W3C as an HTML5 element that "provides scripts with a resolution-dependent bitmap ________, which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly." By itself, _______is a simple pixel-base...

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