Calc 212 Student Course Information PDF

Title Calc 212 Student Course Information
Author Atique Shafi
Course Calculus II
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 2
File Size 40.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 105
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Calculus 2 course information...


Depar t mentofMat hemat i cs,CCNY Mat h21200:Cal cul usI Iwi t hMul t i var i abl eFunct i ons St udentCour seI nf or mat i on,Spr i ng2019

Cour seSuper vi sor :Mr .Par k,ChunS.cpar k@ccny . cuny . edu Cour seWebpage:ht t p: / / mat h. sci . ccny . cuny . edu/ cour se/ show/ 7 _______________________________________________________________ TextandSuppl ement s Thomas'Cal cul us:Ear l yTr anscendent al s,14t hEdi t i on,byJoelR.Hass,Chr i st opherE. Hei l ,Maur i ceD.Wei r ,wi t hMyMat hLabonl i nehomewor ksy st em. Tor egi st erf orMat h21200LM: 1.Got owww. pear son. com/ myl ab. 2.UnderRegi st er ,sel ectSt udent . 3.Confir m youhavet hei nf or mat i onneeded,t hensel ectOK!Regi st ernow. 4.Ent ery ouri nst r uct or ’ scour seI D:r i ng04252andCont i nue 5.Ent ery ourexi st i ngPear sonaccountuser nameandpasswor dt oSi gnI n. »Youhaveanaccounti fy ouhav eev erusedaMyLaborMast er i ngpr oduct . »I fyoudon’ thav eanaccount ,sel ectCr eat eandcompl et et her equi r edfiel ds. 6.Sel ectanaccessopt i on. :Gett empor ar yaccess. Weur geyout ogett empor ar yaccessonl y! ! ! ! 7.Fr om t heYou' r eDone!page,sel ectGoToMyCour ses. 8.Ont heMyCour sespage,sel ectt hecour s enameMat h212LM t ost ar ty ourwor k.

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Pl eas ef ol l owt hes es t eps : -Got oURL:ht t p: / / www. my pear sonst or e. c om/ s t or es/ CCNY/ Mat h201 -Ent ert hef ol l owi ngus er name/ pass wor d: -User name:CCNY -Passwor d:Mat h201 -Cl i ckont het i t l el i nk"Thomas'Cal cul us:Ear l yTr anscendent al sPackagef orCi t yCol l ege ofNew Yor k” .Thi spac kagei ncl udest he papercopyofThomasCal c ul us :Ear l y Tr ansc endent al sal ongwi t haMy Mat hLabac ces scar d.Youwi l lus et hi scar dt oobt ai nf ul l acc es st oMy Mat hLab. -Cl i ckont heAddt oCar tbut t ont ocompl et et hepur chase. Youwi l l r ec ei v ey ourcopyoft hebookt oget herwi t ht heMMLcar di nt hemai l .

Cour seLear ni ngOut comes Af t ert aki ngt hi scour set hest udentshoul dbeabl et o: 1.Useadvancedi nt egr at i ont echni ques 2.Defineandcal cul at ei mpr operi nt egr al s 3.Anal yz ei nfini t eser i esf orconver genceusi ngar angeoft est s 4.Repr esentf unct i onswi t hpowerser i esandfindt hei ri nt er v al sofconver gence 5.Modelspat i alpr obl emswi t hvect or s,l i nes,pl anes,cur v esandsur f acesi nspace 6.Di ffer ent i at emul t i var i abl ef unct i ons...

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