nurs 1105 Course Specific Information PDF

Title nurs 1105 Course Specific Information
Course Clinical Practicum
Institution George Brown College
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NURS 1105...



S. H. Eaton School of Nursing Course Code: NURS1105 Applicable Program(s): S121 - Practical Nursing Prepared by:

Co-Requisites: Please see Course Related Information Core/Elective: Core

Pre-Requisites: Please see Course Related Information

Alina Sholkov, Professor of Nursing, PN Sem 2 Clinical Coordinator

Approved by: Approval Date: Approved for Academic Year: Contact Hours: Credit Hours:

Wendy Ellis, Academic Director Friday, December 17, 2021 2021-2022 154.00 3.00

Course Description

Clinical Applications II is a 156-hour virtual clinical placement experience designed to assist students to develop competence in their nursing practice. This course builds on previously learning outcomes from semester one and continues to develop the learner towards achieving the Entry to Practice Competencies as established by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO, 2011). The teaching and learning occurs within a virtual clinical environment whereby students are required to demonstrate their abilities as they provide care (theoretically) with simulated clientcentred case scenarios. The emphasis will be on simulation and the development of clinical judgment, clinical reasoning, and critical thinking skills. Learners will apply their knowledge related to therapeutic nursing interventions focusing on preventive, curative, supportive and restorative care for simulated clients. Learners will have the opportunity to draw upon and integrate theoretical knowledge from other theory-based core nursing courses (i.e., anatomy, pathophysiology, health assessment, theory and pharmacology).

Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes are statements that describe knowledge, skills and attitudes students are expected to acquire and demonstrate in order to successfully complete their program of study (For more information on Program Learning Outcomes see the George Brown Related Information Section below). This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Program Learning Outcomes: S121 - Practical Nursing

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S121 PLO1 - communicate therapeutically with clients and members of the health care team (T, P, E,)


S121 PLO2 - assess clients across the life span, in a systematic and holistic manner (T, P, E,)


S121 PLO3 - plan safe and competent nursing care, based upon a thorough analysis of available data and evidence-informed practice guidelines (T, P, E,)


S121 PLO4 - select and perform nursing interventions using clinical judgment, in collaboration with the client and, where appropriate, the health care team, that promote health and well-being, prevent disease and injury, maintain and/or restore health, promote rehabilitation, and/or provide palliation (T, E,)


S121 PLO5 - evaluate the outcomes resulting from all interventions in the nurse-client interaction and modify the plan of care as required (T, P, E,)


S121 PLO8 - contribute to creating a healthy and safe work environment in a variety of health care settings (T, E,)

Note: "T" means elements of the skill are taught; "P" means elements of the skill are practiced; "E" means elements of the skill are evaluated; "C" means the skill culminates.

Essential Employability Skills

This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills: EES 1

COMMUNICATION: Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. (P, E,)


COMMUNICATION: Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication. (T, P, E,)


NUMERACY: Execute mathematical operations accurately. (P, E,)


CRITICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING: Apply a systematic approach to solve problems. (T, P, E,)


CRITICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING: Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems. (T, P, E,)


INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: Analyze, evaluate and apply relevant information from a variety of sources. (T, P, E,)


INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: Locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information systems. (T, P, E,)


INTERPERSONAL: Show respect for diverse opinions, values, belief systems and contributions of others. (P, E,)


INTERPERSONAL: Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals. (P, E,)

EES 10

PERSONAL: Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects. (T, P, E,)

EES 11

PERSONAL: Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions and consequences. (P, E,)

Note: "T" means elements of the skill are taught; "P" means elements of the skill are practiced; "E" means elements of the skill are evaluated; "C" means the skill culminates.

Course Learning Outcomes

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When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to: CLO 1

CLO1 - Integrate evidenced based resources such as the College of Nurses (CNO) Standards, Registered Nurse Association of Ontario (RNAO), Best Practice Guidelines BPG’s and research with increasing autonomy


CLO2 - Fulfill legal, ethical and professional responsibilities as per the CNO standards.


CLO3 - Assess their own holistic performance in the clinical setting using the given evaluation tools reflects accurately their multifaceted role of the nurse and their level of knowledge integration.


CLO4- Apply a variety of communication techniques continuously, including written and/or computerized documentation in the process of assessment and therapeutic intervention with individuals.


CLO5 - Respect confidentiality and integrate the use of SBAR/ISBARR, appropriate medical terminology and abbreviations.


CLO6 - Develop a clear and concise individualized plan of care in collaboration with the client, family and the inter-professional team.


CLO7 - Integrate critical thinking skills to develop a plan of care using the nursing process to assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate care provided to clients in a virtual clinical environment.


CLO8 - Evaluate assessment findings to differentiate normal from abnormal responses and modify plan of care to meet clients’ individual need and ensure safety.


CLO9 - Consistently demonstrates professional behaviours by adhering to the CNO standards of practice and agency policies

CLO 10

CLO10 - Demonstrate continued competency related to ongoing knowledge acquisition and application in a virtual clinical setting.

CLO 11

CLO11 - Apply critical thinking skills on a consistent basis to demonstrate their ability to make sound clinical judgments and individualized plans care.

CLO 12

CLO12 - Adapt teaching-learning strategies to meet specific needs for health teaching for the interprofessional team, clients and/or families.

Delivery Methods/Learning Activities

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The instructional methodologies used are seminars, post-conference activities, simulation, independent learning topics, presentations, leadership skill development, written assignments (i.e., nursing care plan, reflective journals), e-learning modules, and individually assigned learning plans. As we anticipate the increased use of online resources in all classes, it is recommended that you have access to high-speed internet, and Google Chrome or Firefox as a web browser. You may require a camera, audio and microphone on your computer or phone. We acknowledge that you might have challenges accessing these resources. If you have questions, please contact your Course Instructor. All learners are required to attend mandatory simulation in a virtual learning environment. The simulation sessions are facilitated by faculty members with expertise in the field of simulation education. The sessions are designed to meet learning needs specific to your course, semester and program outcomes, to help synthesize knowledge from theory, lab, pharmacology, pathophysiology and clinical and to aid in preparation for licensing exam and professional practice. N.B. This course has been prepared to facilitate independent preparation of content prior to delivery of the specific scheduled classes (i.e. lab). Students are expected to come prepared to discuss the content and apply knowledge to lab and/or clinical situations. Learner RESPONSIBILITIES Learners should obtain a copy of the Student Handbook and refer to it for additional information regarding the grading system, withdrawals, exemptions, class assignments, missed tests and exams, supplemental privileges, and academic dishonesty. Students are required to apply themselves diligently to the course of study, and to prepare class and homework assignments as given. Past student performance shows a strong relationship between regular attendance and success

Learning Resources


1. Any Drug textbook of student choice 2.College of Nurses of Ontario – Guidelines, Standards and Educational modules. 3. Jarvis, C., Browne, A.J., MacDonald-Jenkins, J. and Luctkar-Flude, M. (2018). Physical examination and health assessment (3rd Canadian Ed). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.

4. Lewis, S. L., Harding, M., Heitkemper, M. M., Bucher, L., Lok, J.; Tyerman, J; Goldsworthy, S & Barry, M. (Eds.). (2018). Medical-surgical nursing in Canada: Assessment and management of clinical problems (4th Cdn. ed.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.

5. Potter, P., & Perry, G. (2019). Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (6th ed.). (J.C. Ross-Kerr, M.J. Wood, B.J. Astle & W. Duggleby Canadian Editors). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada Recommended / Optional:

1. Any Diagnostic textbook of student choice. 2.Strategies for Student Success Online: Course Related Information

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PREREQUISITES: Semester 1 Practical Nursing Program courses COREQUISITES: NURS1027

George Brown Related Information

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE TRADITIONAL LAND We would like to acknowledge that George Brown College is located on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the land of other Indigenous Peoples who have lived here over time.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES College programs are designed to deliver program learning outcomes that relate to the unique content of a particular area of study. To review the specific program learning outcomes for your program, please go to your program page on the George Brown College website at

IMPORTANT PROGRAM INFORMATION Students are advised to consult program coordinators regarding specific requirements for successfully completing their program, including adding/dropping courses and other issues that might disrupt their course of study.

RETENTION OF COURSE OUTLINES Students are expected to retain their course outlines to support learning in the course and for future use in applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions.

COLLEGE POLICIES It is essential that students review all college policies, including Academic Policies available at

DIGITAL LEARNING REQUIREMENTS Students are required to have access to a computer and to the internet. There may also be additional technologyrelated requirements to participate in a course that are not included in the course materials fee, such as headphones, webcams, specialized software, etc. Details on these requirements can be found in the course outline for each course.

The Library Learning Commons (LLC) has a limited number of devices including laptops and portable WIFI devices to support students; however, the LLC cannot guarantee access to a device for all students.

ACCESSIBLE LEARNING SERVICES FOR STUDENTS Accessible Learning Services facilitates academic support and services for George Brown College students with physical, sensory, learning, medical or mental health disabilities. Delivered in collaboration with academic departments and other service areas, these services are available to students in all programs at all campuses.

George Brown College is committed to upholding a student’s right to individualized and timely accommodation that © 2021 George Brown


promotes dignity, independence, autonomy, equity, and inclusion for the student. In addition to our current supports, we are working to eliminate barriers by increasing access to alternate formats, planning accessible buildings and classrooms, enhancing employee training, and adopting inclusive practices in placement and on campus.

Only those involved in a student’s accommodation plan shall be alerted to their registration with Accessible Learning Services, and a student’s registration with Accessible Learning Services will not be identified on the student’s official college transcript and/or graduation documentation. For more information, please visit the Accessible Learning Services website at or call 416-4155000 ext. 2622 or email [email protected]

EQUITY STATEMENT George Brown College values the diversity of our students, employees, and community partners, and is committed to providing a learning environment where all people are safe and respected. Comments, behaviours, or interactions that are inconsistent with our values may be a violation of the following college policies: Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence, Human Rights Discrimination and Harassment, and the Prevention of Workplace Violence and Harassment. These types of actions or comments are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. The commitment and cooperation of all students and employees is required to maintain a welcoming environment in which to learn and work.

Support and information are available through a Human Rights Advisor at [email protected] or the Sexual Violence Response Advisor at [email protected]

For information on the relevant policies visit

TEXT-MATCHING DETECTION SOFTWARE Text-matching detection software assists faculty and students in preventing and detecting plagiarism. Faculty may use such software to check the originality of the academic work students submit in a course by comparing submitted assignments to those contained in publicly accessible internet sites, and academic journals, as well as databases of submitted papers and other sources. Faculty may not submit any student work that contains personally identifiable information through a text matching/anti-plagiarism tool or require students to do so. Automated text matching software will be made available to all academic staff and students to promote academic integrity and appropriate documentation of sources. Professors may choose to use the college-approved automated text matching detection software in their courses. Students are permitted to submit draft assignments prior to the due date, and to receive the screening report that is also available to professors.

Student Evaluation System

Below is a list of evaluation methods included in this course along with the course learning outcomes (CLO) and essential employability skills (EES) assessed by each. In some cases, program learning outcomes (PLO) assessed may also be indicated.

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Reflection(s) (Pass/Fail) Students should complete three (3) Reflective journals. Two (2) best reflective journals out of three (3) will be selected and the average mark will be calculated. Average mark should be minimum 60% to pass. The forth (4th) reflection can be completed if the student doesn't reach the passing grade (60%). Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 6, CLO 8, CLO 9, CLO 10, CLO 11, EES 1, EES 2, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 8, EES 9, EES 10, EES 11, PLO 1, PLO 2, PLO 3, PLO 4, PLO 5 Assignment(s) (Pass/Fail) Nursing Care Plans:The student must complete two (2) distinct nursing care plans (NCP), using forms provided on Blackboard. Average mark will be calculated and should be minimum 60% to pass. Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 5, CLO 6, CLO 7, CLO 8, CLO 10, CLO 11, CLO 12, EES 1, EES 2, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 8, EES 10, EES 11, PLO 1, PLO 2, PLO 3, PLO 4, PLO 5 Online Activity(ies)/Assignment(s) (Pass/Fail) Students will complete All assigned Clinical Learning Suites (CLS) cases weekly. Seven (7) cases must be completed with the score of 70% minimum and above for each case to Pass. Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 6, CLO 7, CLO 8, CLO 10, CLO 11, CLO 12, EES 1, EES 2, EES 3, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7, EES 9, EES 10, EES 11, PLO 2, PLO 3, PLO 4, PLO 5 Documentation (Pass/Fail) Two (2) examples of written charting / documentation Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 6, CLO 7, CLO 8, CLO 9, CLO 10, CLO 11, EES 1, EES 2, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7, EES 8, EES 10, EES 11, PLO 1, PLO 2, PLO 3, PLO 4, PLO 5 Communication Skills (Pass/Fail) Therapeutic communication client interactions Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 7, CLO 8, CLO 9, CLO 10, CLO 12, EES 1, EES 2, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 8, EES 9, EES 11, PLO 1, PLO 2, PLO 3 Field Placement Performance Evaluation (Pass/Fail) Clinical Performance Evaluation - Mid-term and Final Evaluation submitted (see CSI for guidelines). The student will be assessed according to the indicators for each Professional Standard Statement Competencies using the Clinical Evaluation Performance Tool.The final rating for the course consists of two key components:Clinical practice performance: The student is expected to meet ALL Practice Standards in the FINAL evaluation to PASS.Clinical assignments: The student is expected to complete ALL course assignments and receive minimum 60% on the average to PASS. The student must achieve a PASS on both key components (Clinical practice performance and Clinical assignments) in order to PASS the clinical course. Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 6, CLO 7, CLO 8, CLO 9, CLO 10, CLO 11, CLO 12, EES 1, EES 2, EES 3, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7, EES 8, EES 9, EES 10, EES 11, PLO 1, PLO 2, PLO 3, PLO 4, PLO 5, PLO 8 Simulations (Pass/Fail) Participate in two (2) mandatory Simulation experience sessions and practice of clinical skills. Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 6, CLO 7, CLO 8, CLO 9, CLO 10, CLO 11, CLO 12, EES 1, EES 2, EES 3, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7, EES 8, EES 9, EES 10, EES 11, PLO 1, PLO 2, PLO 3, PLO 4, PLO 5, PLO 8

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