Cambrigde - Ingles PDF

Title Cambrigde - Ingles
Course Ingles
Institution Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Pages 16
File Size 294.6 KB
File Type PDF
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INSTRUCCIONES Lea detenidamente cada una de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el círculo que corresponda a la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. Si la evaluación es dicotómica, use la alternativa (A) para verdadero y la alternativa (B) para falso.

VERSIÓN 5 1. What’s you cell phone number? My cell phone _________ 0990111111 a. number b. number’s. c. it’s 2. Am I in the right class? No, _____ not. a. he’s b. you’re c. you 3. What’s your ______ name? It’s Lopez. a. last b. middle c. first 4. Hello, Juan. How are you? _______ How are you? a. Good, thanks. b. Thanks. c. Good night 5. Are you here for the movie? _____, I am. How about you? a. Hi b. Hello c. Yes 6. Are you here for English class? ______. How about you? a. No, thanks. b. Yeah, I am c. No, you’re not. 7. _____ at the library a. Were b. Hes c. They’re 8. What’s this? _____ an umbrella. a. Is b. They’re c. It’s 9. The teacher sits at his______. a. poster b. chair c. desk 10. I need to make a call. Where is my ________? a. pencil b. cell phone c. notebook 11. I’m sorry. I don’t know. That’s OK. _______, a. Thanks anyway b. You’re welcome c. Sure 12. ______ do you spell pen? P-E-N

a. How b. Can c. What’s 13. I love baseball. It’s ________ favorite sport. a. my b. his c. I’m 14. Adele is a great singer. _______ is amazing. a. Her b. She’s c. She 15. Jack always gives me food. He’s _______. a. fun b. lazy c. nice 16. My brother never talks to anyone. He is very ______. a. outgoing b. friendly c. shy 17. My friends is from Miami. _____? Interesting. a. Miami b. London c. New York 18. My grandpa is ninety years old. ______? That is really old a. Wow b. Amazing c. Really 19. He ________ soccer. a. don’t play b. doesn’t plays c. doesn’t play 20. Does John always finish his homework? Yes, he ______. a. finish b. does c. doesn’t 21. ______ Tuesday, he plays golf. a. On b. In c. The 22. My mom ______ the newspaper at breakfast. a. plays b. reads c. looks 23. My dad _____ in the gym every week. a. goes b. exercises c. has 24. We _______ shopping when we have money. a. go b. have c. do

25. Do you study a lot? _______ not on weekends a. really b. Yes c. Well 26. Do you live here? Yes, _______. a. I live in apartment 2B. b. I live for away. c. I don’t live here. 27. You ______ your favorite sitcom on TV. a. watch often b. ever watch c. often watch 28. _____ your mom do on Friday nights? a. What does b. When does c. How often does 29. Vanessa can’t stand _______, a. really show b. game shows c. makeover show 30. Raquel doesn’t like ________. a. reality shows b. documentary c. talk show 31. Do you like ____? Yes, I do a. soap opera b. talk shows c. sitcom 32. My mother doesn’t like _______. a. cartoon b. soap opera c. makeover shows 33. Are you from around here? Well, _______, I’m from Argentina originally. a. that b. I mean c. yes 34. Do you study everyday during school? _____, I try to a. Not b. No c. I mean 35. I am scared. I am too. ______ leave right now! a. Let’s b. Let c. Lets 36. ______ no movie theater around here. a. There’s b. There are c. There aren’t 37. Where can I buy a book? B: There is a _______ next to the post office a. park b. supermarket c. bookstore

38. The time is 12:00 p.m. _______. a. Is midday b. It’s noon c. It’s midnight 39. I _____ our new apartment. Me too! a. love b. don’t love c. don’t’ loves 40. I _____ this coffee. Me neither. a. like b. don’t like c. likes

VERSIÓN 7 41. _____ your last name? It’s Castro a. What b. Is c. What’s 42. What’s your e-mail address? ______ [email protected]. a. It’s b. Is c. It 43. _____. How are you? I’m fine a. Good night b. Hello c. Thanks 44. What’s your ______? It’s Lucho a. nickname b. last name c. middle name. 45. Are you here for the movie? _____, I am. How about you? a. Hi b. Hello c. Yes 46. How are you doing? _____ How are you? a. Yeah b. Thanks c. Pretty good 47. A: _______ this your notebook? Yes, it is. a. Is b. Are c. Am 48. Are they at the gym? Yes, _____. a. they is b. they are c. they’re 49. I need to read an e-mail. Can I use your ______? a. computer b. desk c. VCR 50. I want to listen to music. Turn on the _____, please

a. CD player b. calendar c. dictionary 51. How do you spell notebook? _____. I don’t’ know a. Thanks b. Sure c. I’m sorry 52. Can I borrow your pencil? ______. a. Sure b. That’s Ok c. You´re welcome 53. Antonio Valencia is very famous. I have _____ autograph. a. he’s b. her c. his 54. _____ he like? He’s very shy. a. How b. How’s c. What’s 55. My mom’s mom is my ______. a. grandfather b. grandmother c. grandpa 56. Another word for grandfather is ________. a. grandma b. grandpa c. dad 57. My grandpa is ninety years old. ______? That is really old a. Wow b. Amazing c. Really 58. She is a doctor. _____? That is really old. a. Wow b. Amazing c. Really 59. Does your wife _____ dinner on Sundays? a. cook b. cooks c. cookes 60. We _____ coffee every morning a. has b. had c. have 61. I ______ a class at the university. a. take b. do c. go 62. Does your mom _______ the laundry in your house? a. have b. do c. make

63. Do you _____ to class every day? a. go b. have c. take 64. I _______ my e-mail in the mornings a. check b. view c. look 65. Do you study a lot? _______ not on weekends a. really b. Yes c. Well 66. Are you a student? No, _______. a. I study b. I’m not. I work full-time c. I am. I go to UTPL. 67. ______ you go out on weekends? a. Who do b. How often do c. How often does 68. _____ we go to work early. a. Never b. Often c. Sometimes 69. They like _______, a. hospital drama b. sitcoms c. cartoon 70. We can’t stand ________. a. talk show b. soap operas c. game show 71. Does she hate ____? No, she doesn’t a. police drama b. documentaries c. game show 72. We love _______. a. police drama b. hospital drama c. cartoon 73. Do you study everyday during school? _____, I try to a. Not b. No c. I mean 74. Are you from around here? Well, _______, I’m from Argentina originally. a. that b. I mean c. yes 75. ______ some parks in the city a. There are b. There is c. There’s

76. There are some ______ in my neighborhood. a. new clubs b. cheap club c. clubs small 77. I want to see movie. Let’s go to the ________. a. theater b. restaurant c. gym 78. The time is 2:50 _______. a. Is two-fifty b. It’s ten to two c. It’s a two-fifty 79. I _____ our new apartment. Me too! a. love b. don’t love c. don’t’ loves 80. I _____ this coffee. Me neither. a. like b. don’t like c. likes

VERSIÓN 6 81.Are you the teacher? Yes, ______. a. I’m b. I am c. am 82. Am ______ in French class? a. we b. you c. I 83. Carlos Bautista is single. We call him _____ Bautista. a. Mrs. b. Miss c. Mr. 84. What’s your ______ name? It’s Patricio a. first b. middle initial c. last 85. How are you? _____. a. I’m fine b. Thank you c. Yeah 86. Are you here for the movie? _____, I am. How about you? a. Hi b. Hello c. Yes 87. What’s ______? It’s a pen. a. these b. this c. those 88. _____ they at the gym? Yes, they are. a. Am

b. Is c. Are 89. The poster is ______ the window a. in b. next to c. on 90. I need to make a call. Where is my _____? a. pencil b. cell phone c. notebook 91. _____ do you spell pen? P-E-N a. How b. Can c. What’s 92. Can I borrow your pencil? ______. a. Sure b. That’s Ok c. You´re welcome 93. My favorite player is Raphael Nadal. Oh, _____ a tennis fan. a. your b. his c. you’re 94. Are you tired? _____ a. No, I am tired. b. Yes, I’m. c. Yes, I am. 95. My mom is my dad’s ______. a. husband b. mother c. wife 96. My brother and I are our parent’s ______. a. children b. childs c. childrens 97. My friend is from Miami. _______? Interesting. a. Miami b. London c. New York 98. My dad’s name is Boris. ______? That is an interesting name. a. Wow b. I don’t believe you c. Boris 99. _____ your teacher work at night? a. Do b. Does c. Is 100. They _____ breakfast at 6:00 am. a. has b. having c. have 101. Does your mom ______ the laundry in your house?

a. have b. do c. make 102. Do you _______ to class every day? a. go b. have c. take 103. We don’t _____ mornings a. have b. sing c. like 104. I _______ a class at the university. a. take b. do c. go 105. Do you read every day? _______, not every day. a. Really b. Yes c. Well 106. Are you a student? No, _______. a. I study b. I’m not. I work full-time c. I am. I go to UTPL. 107. My mom ______ soap operas in the afternoon. a. watches usually b. usually watches c. watches never 108. _____ your dad do in his free time? a. When does b. What do c. What does 109. We love _______, a. police drama b. hospital drama c. cartoons 110. I love ________. a. cartoons b. cartoon c. sitcom 111. Do they love ____? Yes, they do. a. talk show b. sports show c. cartoons 112. My grandma doesn’t like _______. a. sitcoms b. soap opera c. cartoon 113. What do you do after work? _____? No, I usually eat in my house. a. Do you go somewhere to eat? b. Do you go to the market? c. Do you go to the park? 114. What do you study? _______, is it everyday? Yeah, I study everyday.

a. Really b. Yes c. I mean 115. What time is it? ______ 7:45 a. It’s b. Is c. It 116. What time does the show start? It starts ______ 2:00 a. in b. at c. on 117. There’s a ________ here. a. parks b. stores c. restaurant 118. Carolina is a big _______ in Quito. You can ride bikes and go running there. a. parks b. stores c. restaurant 119. I like the grocery store on the corner. _____. a. I do b. Me too c. Me neither 120. I _____ our new apartment. Me too! a. love b. don’t love c. don’t’loves

VERSIÓN 8 121. Good night. Have a nice day tomorrow, ______. You too a. Thanks b. Thank c. Thanks you 122. Are you teachers? Yes, we ______. a. we’re b. am c. are 123. Hello, _______. Fine, thanks. a. how are you? b. good morning c. good night 124. Hello, I’m Juan. Nice to meet ______ you. I’m Daisy a. you b. him c. us 125. Are you here for English class? Yeah, I am. How about you? _____. a. Yeah, me too. b. No, me too. c. Yes, you are. 126. Are you here for the lecture? Yeah, I am. _____. Me too. a. About you? b. How about you?

c. Who about you? 127. ______ are glasses. a. These b. That c. This 128. Is Juan at work? No, _____. a. he is not b. hes not c. he not 129. The teacher writes the questions on the ______. a. board b. wastebasket c. table 130. It is raining out. I need my _____. a. pen b. umbrella c. notebook 131. _____ the word for this object? It’s “calendar”. a. Can b. How c. What’s 132. I’m sorry. I don’t’ know. That’s OK. ______. a. Thanks anyway b. You’re welcomes c. Sure 133. _____ is she from? She´s from Loja. a. How b. Who c. Where 134. How old is your mother? _____ forty. a. He’s b. It’s c. She’s 135. We have the same parents. She is my ______. a. cousin b. aunt c. sister 136. My grandpa and grandma are my ______. a. grandparents b. parents c. grandfathers 137. My friend is from Miami. _______? Interesting. a. Miami b. London c. New York 138. She is a doctor. ______? My sister is a doctor. a. Wow b. Really c. Amazing 139. I _____ the newspaper on Sundays. a. don’t read

b. reads c. doesn’t read 140. We _____ coffee every morning. a. has b. had c. have 141. My mom ______ the newspaper at breakfast. a. plays b. reads c. looks 142. My sister _______ the house every weekend. a. maks b. does c. cleans 143. My brother _____ TV in the morning. a. watches b. looks c. views 144. They _______ games on the computer after school. a. read b. do c. play 145. Do you have any brothers? No, _______. a. I have two brothers b. I do. c. I don’t’ have two sisters. 146. Are you a student? No, _______. a. I study b. I’m not. I work full-time c. I am. I go to UTPL. 147. ______ out with? a. Where do you go b. How often do you go c. Who do you go 148. _____ Robert go to Quito? a. What does b. How often do c. How do you go 149. She loves _______, a. talk show b. police dramas c. cartoon 150. Raquel doesn’t like ________. a. reality shows b. documentary c. talk show 151. My best friend and I really like _____. a. hospital dramas b. cartoon c. reality show 152. Do the love _______? Yes, they do. a. talk show

b. sports show c. cartoons 153. When do you study? _____, is it everyday? Yeah, I study everyday. a. Really b. Yes c. I mean 154. Do you study everyday during school? _______, I try to.. a. Not b. No c. I mean 155. ______ a couple of cafes nere here a. There’s b. There’re c. There are 156. ______ a lot of cars on the road. a. There is b. There are c. There 157. The time is 4:30 ________. a. Is four-thirty b. It’s four-thirty c. The hour is four-thirty 158. The time is 7:50 _______. a. It’s ten to seven b. It’s ten to eight c. Is seven-fifty 159. I _____ this coffee. Me neither. a. like b. don’t like c. likes 160. I like the grocery store on the corner. ______. a. I do b. Me too c. Me neither

VERSIÓN 10 161. Are we in the same room? No, ____ not. a. are b. we´re c. they´re 162. What ____ your e-mail address? a. are b. am c. is 163. My ____ is [email protected] a. Mr. b. Mrs. c. Miss 164. Franklin Rodriguez is married. We call him ____ Rodriguez. a. how are you? b. good morning c. good night

165. How are you doing? ______. How are you? a. Yeah b. Thanks c. Pretty good 166. Are you here for English class? ____. How about you? a. No, thanks. b. Yeah, I am c. No, you´re not 167. _____ are glasses. a. These b. That c. This 168. _____ these your snacks? No, they´re not. a. Am b. Is c. Are 169. I always have a ______ in my wallet. a. pens b. notebook c. credit card 170. I put the video in the ______. a. Desk b. CD player c. VCR 171. ______ do you spell? P-E-N a. How b. Can c. What’s 172. What´s your name? ______, please? Sure. What´s your name? a. Can I borrow that b. Can you repeat that c. Can you spell that 173. ______ he from? He´s from Zamora. a. Where’s b. Who’s c. What’s 174. My favorite player is Raphael Nada. Oh, ______ a tennis fan. a. your b. his c. you’re 175. I want to listen to music. Where´s my _______? a. glasses b. MP3 player c. bags 176. Everyone knows Madonna. She´s a ______. a. celebrity b. teacher c. chef 177. I am from Spain. _____ ? I have friend from Spain. a. Really b. Wow

c. Amazing 178. She is a doctor. ______? My sister is a doctor. a. Wow b. Really c. Amazing 179. They _____ breakfast at 6:00 am a. has b. having c. have 180. We ______ coffee every morning. a. has b. had c. have 181. I _____ my e-mail in the mornings. a. check b. view c. look 182. My dad ______ in the gym every week. a. goes b. exercises c. has 183. My sister _______ the house every weekend. a. maks b. does c. cleans 184. Does your mom ___ the laundry in your house? a. have b. do c. make 185. Do you read every day? ______ not, every day. a. Really b. Yes c. Well 186. Do you like your job? ____, I don´t hate it. a. Well b. No c. Yes 187. _______ Julia go out with on Friday night? a. Who does b. How often does c. When does 188. My friends ______ their homework on time. a. Do sometimes b. Do never c. always do 189. Do you like ___? Yes, I do. a. soap opera b. talk shows c. sitcom 190. My mother doesn´t like _______. a. cartoon b. soap opera

c. makeover shows 191. My grandpa always watches _______. a. soap opera b. talk show c. game shows 192. Julio can´t stand _______. a. talks shows b. sitcom c. documentary 193. Do you like your job? _______. I don´t hate it. a. I mean b. No c. Yes 194. Do you study everyday during school? _______, I try to. a. Not b. No c. I mean 195. A: ______ does class start? It starts at 7:30 a.m a. Which hour b. What hour c. What time 196. There are a couple of _______ at the mall. a. stores new b. newstores c. stores big 197. It is really hot today! Let´s go swimming in the _______. a. post office b. supermarket c. pool 198. A building that is made of several living places is called _______. a. a restaurant b. an apartament building c. a park 199. I _______ the restaurants. Me too. a. don´t like b. loves c. really like 200. I live in a great part of town. _________. a. Me too. b. Me neither c. You too....

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