Capstone Poster Presentation Requirements PDF

Title Capstone Poster Presentation Requirements
Course Capstone Project
Institution University of Ontario Institute of Technology
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BUSI 4990 & 4995U: Capstone Study Project Capstone Expo Day Poster & Presentation Requirements Capstone Expo Day presentations – Refer to schedule posted for times Capstone Expo Day posters and presentations will be graded by the Course Instructor and Faculty members. This course component is weighted at 20% of the final course grade. Capstone Expo Day will be an open venue event where clients, faculty members and other UOIT students will be invited to attend. Business casual attire is required.

Purpose The purpose of Capstone Expo Day is to highlight your Capstone project in an academic poster presentation format. Your poster should showcase important findings from any research and/or analysis performed, and provide clearly outlined recommendations for the organization. Consider that your audience will know little or nothing about your project, and your poster should convey the most important information to explain the project’s scope/purpose, the research and analysis performed, and the recommendations/solutions/implementation plans you have developed.

Overview Each team will prepare a poster and oral presentation. Your team’s poster will be displayed in a public area for viewing by Faculty, Capstone clients, students, course instructors and the general public. All team members are expected to be present for your poster presentation, and stay throughout your scheduled presentation time. Large easel boards and pins will be provided, and your poster will be pinned to the boards for display. At the end of the presentation, your team may take your poster to keep. Each team member will have the opportunity to visit other teams’ posters throughout the presentation period to provide feedback and gain insight into different presentation elements. Use this opportunity to reflect on your own project and improvements you may contemplate including for your final report. Each team will be visited by the Faculty evaluators and asked to give a formal 10 minute presentation using their poster. The format of your oral presentation can be delivered by all or some of your team members, and 5-10 minutes of Q&A from faculty will be asked of all team members. Page | 1

Poster Components 1) Project Title: develop a clear and concise title for your project 2) Introduction paragraph : introduce your project and client, the purpose of this project and general scope requirements you had – similar to an executive summary 3) Scope definition and/or Research methods and/or Software Design method: for some projects that were research intensive, your methods used (such as interviews, surveys, etc.) form the main component of your scope. For others this section should discuss what were the key deliverables of your project (milestones) and how did you achieve these? 4) Research results (primary and/or secondary): relevant results to support your recommendations, story and game mechanics choices, Marketing strategy, or other important client deliverables 5) Recommendations and Summary paragraph: what are your recommendations, key deliverables for the project? What are your conclusions? Where should the client look in the future? 6) References: include all references for all information presented

Poster Requirements i.

ii. iii.


The poster is required to be 2 feet wide by 3 feet tall in size (24” x 36”) in Portrait orientation only. Preparation and printing costs are the responsibility of the Capstone team, and should be split equally among team members. A list of potential printing locations is provided below. Your poster must be printed digitally – e.g. do not cut & paste paper and glue on cardboard. Posters can be prepared using software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or other similar publishing software. The printing company you use will have guidelines on file types and formats available.

Please submit a digital copy of your poster to the Assignment drop box in Blackboard. Due on the day of the poster presentation.

Guidelines for Poster Layout ▪

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You have a limited space so ‘keep it simple!’ – be concise and factual in your writing, do not use overly complicated or technical terminology, and remember your Poster is used to supplement your oral presentation. At least a 24 point font size for body text. At least a 36-48 point font size for title text. Avoid using italicized or fancy script-font – these are harder to read. Ensure you bold, underline, or strategically use colour to highlight important information Do not write whole paragraphs on your poster. Use point form as you would in presentation slides. Keep a consistent font type throughout your poster. Avoid using all capital letters except for your title. o Capital letters help titles stand out, but in general all caps take longer to read than mixed upper-and-lower case letters. Images to include might be flow charts, diagrams, graphs, logos, etc. o Ensure they are of high-quality for larger printing – consider resolution. o Ensure you label all pictures, graphs, diagrams, etc. Your poster should be readable from a distance of 1-2 meters, therefore ensure your text and images are well-balanced, use your space wisely but do not cram information together so it is messy or unreadable. Page | 2

Print shops for printing posters • • • • •

Print Three 7 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa: 289-201-9997 Staples 1199 Ritson Road, Oshawa: 905-723-7799 Jellybean Imaging 2001 Thickson Rd. #19, Whitby: 905-723-4631 4K Prints 212 King st. W., Oshawa: 905-576-3651

Optional: Supplementary Materials Teams may include a supplementary handout or other material with their required poster presentation. Teams can be creative in determining what/if any additional materials they would like to prepare, such as: handouts, marketing brochures, miniature copies of their poster, etc. For some projects this may enhance your presentation, for others there may be little use to include a handout. This element will not be graded, it is part of professionalism should you feel that it is necessary to include.

Reminder: Game Development and Information Technology teams are required to perform Game Demos or technical demonstrations of the system(s) developed.

Grading Guidelines Poster i. Project Coverage of Scope ii. Key Deliverables Identified iii. Quality of Information iv. Design/Layout Effectiveness of Poster v. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar)

Presentation i. Important Points Covered ii. Well organized and Professional Delivery iii. Effective in Conveying Ideas to Audience iv. Demo of Game/System (for applicable teams) v. Q&A Session Quality

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Sample of possible layout of Poster (24”) 2 ft wide

(36”) 3 ft tall

Note: The poster size (36” tall x 24” wide) in Portrait layout format only must be followed. The suggested content can be modified and creativity is encouraged in determining your poster content. Teams must include all required elements listed under ‘Poster Components’. There are many examples online if you search “Academic poster” or “academic poster presentation” where you can get ideas on the look and content for your poster design.

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