Case 7 - Case Study PDF

Title Case 7 - Case Study
Course Collaborative Leadership
Institution University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Pages 1
File Size 61.6 KB
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Group 11 - Case Study Analysis Chapter 10 1. What factors do you think are affecting this team’s cohesiveness? Explain Some of the factors that are affecting this team’s cohesiveness include: Lack of collaboration, lack of communication, lack of unity and lack of trust. The group was under the impre...


Group 11 - Case Study Analysis Chapter 10

1. What factors do you think are affecting this team’s cohesiveness? Explain Some of the factors that are affecting this team’s cohesiveness include: Lack of collaboration, lack of communication, lack of unity and lack of trust. The group was under the impression that they were not informed, had no input and that Brad’s actions were unethical and unprofessional by presenting something that had not been agreed upon. Brad was also being unprofessional by not participating in the group meetings and constantly checking his phone and not actively listening. The team members also could have communicated better with one another. 2. If you were the team leader, what could you do to bring Fitzgerald into the team more and foster better relationships among the team members? As a team leader, I would talk to Fitzgerald and try to make him open up with his team members. This way everyone feels comfortable and relaxed with one another. When Fitzgerald is not cooperating I would suggest that either I or someone from the team would talk up and let him know that he should be more involved in the team meetings. Therefore, facilitate communication among the team as this will be the most effective way to reduce conflict. Also, I need to ensure that team members have a understanding on what the goals are and their roles. With that there needs to be a work environment where individual differences are acknowledged and respected. Furthermore, I would want to build team unity as that is very important when working together to achieve a goal. 3. As a team member, what would you do? Should the three members of the team confront Fitzgerald with their concerns? Should they inform Kurt Lansing? Explain your answers. As a team member, one member should try to talk to Fitzgerald, the success of the team comes from the completion of the contract and getting the sales. And the salary would act as compensation and reward for the hard work. Although the rewards are usually intrinsic in nature, the compensations realized in a sales environment are direct results of one's success. The three members of the team should incorporate team building skills, and allowing more group interactions where they can exchange ideas and opinions. This way team building skills can be enhanced. When it comes to problems/issues, if someone is unaware of the issue, they might not focus on solving it with others. If that didn't work out, then Kurt Lansing should definitely be informed....

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