Case study 27 and 28 PDF

Title Case study 27 and 28
Author Angela Przybysz
Course Humanities I: Ancient Culture
Institution College of Staten Island CUNY
Pages 3
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Case study 27 and 28...


Professor Ventouras Psy 226 (203170)

Case study 27 Albert Bandura Application Questions 1. What does Bandura mean by reciprocal determinism? Find an example of it in the case and describe the interrelationships between the factors. By reciprocal determinism, Bandura believes that person variables, situation variables and behavior constantly interact and influence each other. According to the text, “situation variables provide the setting in which a person behaves, person variables determine how a situation is analyzed and which behaviors are chosen, and behavior bothprovides information concerning the person’s analysis of the situation and modifies the environment.” An example of this is the instance when Ruth felt sorry for herself. Ruth’s thoughts of herblindness impacted her expression of frustration and her expression of frustration influenced her thoughts of blindness. Her expression of frustration then influenced her mother and her mother’s crying stopped Ruth from expressing her frustration any more.

2. What does Bandura mean by self regulation? Find an example of it in the case and describe it. Be sure to mention each of the stages of self- regulation involved in the example; that is, what happens during the self monitoring, self evaluation, and self reaction stages?

Bandura believes that behavior self-regulated by intrinsic rewards and intrinsic punishment. In other words, performance standards are established and when actual performance meets or exceeds those standards, one feels good; when it does not, one feels bad. People can manipulate their own environments to produce certain consequences and subsequently these consequences allow them to regulate their own behavior.

3. What are some external factors involved in self-regulation? Describe and explain the external factors involved in your self-regulation example. External factors can influence self-regulation because they can provide us with a standard for evaluating our behavior and can provide reinforcement for our behavior. Ruth was provided a standard for judging her own behavior and reinforcement for her behavior through other’s reactions to her, e.g., the dentist not knowing that she was visually impaired.

Cases t udy28 Appl i cat i onQuest i ons 1.Howcoul dBandur a’ ssoci al cogni t i v et heor yexpl ai nt hes i mi l ar i t y bet weenJ oe’ sandBl ak e’ sbehav i or s ? A lot of Joes behaviors are being learned from his father. He sees what he is doing, and wants to mimic it. Joe reproduces actions that he sees his father do, and repeats phrases that he hears his father say. This is observational learning, or modeling. Joe sees that what his father does, and rarely has any consequences for. He sometimes is actually given affection if he turns the situation to his own advantage. Joes outcome expectancy is that he will be praised and smiled at, not punished. The observational Learning Model works best when someone is trying to model someone they feel is similar to them. Joes wants to

be like his dad, and feels like they are similar. Children are also more likely to model a parent of the same sex. 2....

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