Case Study Bsbldr 801 - Leader of Emirates - Maurice Flanagan PDF

Title Case Study Bsbldr 801 - Leader of Emirates - Maurice Flanagan
Author Waqas Ahmed
Course Project management
Institution Australia Institute of Business and Technology
Pages 12
File Size 1.1 MB
File Type PDF
Total Views 149


They are all academic assignments. Some of them are class activities while the others are case studies and learner's activities-based items....


BSBLDR801 ead Personal & Strategic Transformation Case Study


BSBLDR801- Lead Personal & Strategic Transformation Studying a Leader – Maurice Flanagan – Emirates Airlines Your Task

As a Training Officer at Emirates Airlines in Dubai part of your job is to design staff training courses.

Your Manager has asked you to design a ‘Leadership and Personal Development Course’ for staff based on the achievements and leadership style of Maurice Flanagan, the recently retired CEO of Emirates. Maurice led Emirates from two rented aircraft to one of the biggest airline fleets in the world – please see Case Study article (Maurice Flanagan 2015).

Your Manager would like you to undertake extensive research for this task and include this in your Report on the course which is to include:-


Table of Contents




A short description of the Course Objectives


Summary of Maurice Flanagan’s achievements during his career with Emirates


Discuss why Maurice Flanagan’s achievements suggest he was a good leader


Discuss what type of Leader you believe Maurice Flanagan was


Discuss what characteristics and behaviours made Maurice Flanagan a successful leader; and lessons staff can learn from these


Discuss different processes and strategies Emirates staff can undertake to develop their personal leadership competencies, characteristics and behaviours


Discuss approaches and practices Emirates staff can take to become good role models and develop and evaluate their personal effectiveness in building an effective workplace culture

10. Reference list 2

You must prepare a short Report on your proposed ‘Leadership and Personal Development Course’ and on the key aspects of your Report.

IMPORTANT !! It is critical that any material you source from journal articles, interviews and any published material

MUST be intext referenced in BOTH the

Powerpoint slides and the Report, and full details included in the Reference list using the AGPS Harvard formatting styles – please see pages 5-6 of this document.

Cutting and pasting web links into your report aqnd Powepoint Reference lists on their own do not constitute intext referencing or providing full details of a reference. !!

You will be penalised in the marking system if you do not reference correctly in this assignment.

Please note -_ A correctly formatted Reference list and intext referencing are worth 10 of the 80 marks that can be achieved in this assignment.


Case Study Resources A few articles and websites you may find useful to review in addition to your own research include:-

Route network strategies of Gulf Carriers

The Language of Leaders: How Top CEOs Communicate to Inspire hl=en&lr=&id=uVe1Asrv6RsC&oi=fnd&pg=PR8&dq=maurice+flanagan+and+leaderships+ styles+emirates&ots=9HJlCj_JVg&sig=7kN_mCv1YhSfHpy46EsQ_jcx0Y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Correlates of perceived leadership style in a culturally mixed environment perceived_leadership_style_in_a_culturally_mixed_environment/links/0c9605391c9d56bec1 000000.pdf

The exceptional performance strategies of Emirate Airlines inks/0f31753c037e6888ab000000.pdf

The Hub of the World

Analysis of Luxury Airlines Emirates Airways and Competitors Luxury_Airlines_Emirates_Airways_and_Competitors/links/00b7d521b0b861b593000000.p df

Relationship of Osmosis: Rise of Emirates, The Airline and Dubai, The City

Employer branding in selected companies in United Arab Emirates


Maurice Flanagan’s Emirates Airline: Flying High and Treating Customers like Sheikhs


Assignment Formatting Requirements Report 

Please prepare the Report using 12

font Times New Roman

 

Headings in bold font There is no word limit on this assessment


Referencing References to be presented in Harvard AGPS referencing style, examples are shown below. Information on how to format the references using this style can be found at this link:- Reference list examples (USQ 2016) Yellow highlight indicates which text should be in italics eg., book name, journal name. Book Kakadia, D & DiMambro, F 2004, Networking concepts and technology: a designer's resource, Sun Microsystems Press, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. On-line book Fitzgerald, FS 1920, This side of paradise, Scribner, New York, viewed 18 January 2005, . On-line Journal Article (no DOI) Rasid, ZM & Parish, TS 1998, 'The effects of two types of relaxation training on students' levels of anxiety', Adolescence, vol. 33, no. 129, pp. 99-101, viewed 23 September 2007, . On-line journal (with DOI) Radford, M (2001). ‘Aesthetic and religious awareness among pupils: Similarities and differences’, British Journal of Music Education, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 151-159. doi:10.1017/s0265051701000249. Conference Proceedings Trump, A 1986, 'Power play', Proceedings of the third annual conference, International Society of Power Engineers, Houston, Texas, pp. 40-51. Website The Body Shop Australia 2003, The Body Shop Australia, Mulgrave, Victoria, viewed 31 January 2003, . Web document Wright, S 2004, Open area test site (OATS) development, undergraduate project, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, viewed 27 March 2007,>. Anderson, J (Minister for Transport and Regional Services) 2000, CASA approves avgas contamination test, media release, 23 January, Department of Transport and Regional Services, Canberra, viewed 7 February 2000, . Web document (no author) Educating America for the 21st century: developing a strategic plan for educational leadership by Columbia University 1993-2000 (initial workshop draft) 1994, draft workshop report, Institute for Learning Technologies, Columbia University, viewed 16 May 1995,


In text reference examples (USQ 2016) Carlson and Jones (1990) obtained results which xxxxx A recent study found that xxxxx (Carlson & Jones 1990). Research has found that xxxxxx (Smith & Jones 2006, p. 45). Include page number in citation if a book.

References ‘Maurice Flanagan’ 2015, Flight International, 19-25 May. University of Southern Queensland (USQ) 2016, Harvard AGPS Referencing guide, viewed 20 March 2016, .

End of Case Study


Candidate Details Assessment – BSBLDR801 Lead Personal and Strategic Transformation Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This forms part of your assessment for BSBLDR801 Lead Personal and Strategic Transformation. Name:

___Waqas Ahmed___________________________________


___28 Red Marsh Rd, Smithton 7330.____________________ _____________________________________________________________


[email protected]_________________________________


_VDL Farms, Woolnorth______________________________________

Declaration I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. Signed:




If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below: This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person. Learner 1:

_Waqas Ahmed_________________________________________



Learner 2:




Learner 3:





Competency record to be completed by assessor This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the overall unit. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed competent or not yet competent for the unit or if reassessment is required. Learner’s name Assessor’s name Unit of Competence

BSBLDR801 Lead Personal and Strategic Transformation

(Code and Title) Date(s) of assessment Has the learner completed all required assessments to a satisfactory standard?



(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner to prove their competency across the entire unit?



(Please circle)

The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the evidence has been presented as: Authentic



(Please circle)




(Please circle)




(Please circle)




(Please circle)




(Please circle)


Learner is deemed:

Not yet competent


If not yet competent, date for re-assessment: Comments from trainer/assessor:

Learner’s signature Assessor’s signature


Studying a Leader – Maurice Flanagan – Emirates Airlines Case Study


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