Author jasmon cox
Course Multiculture Issues Human Service
Institution Liberty University
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A Case Study: Rosa Lee Jasmon L.Cox Liberty University

Running head: CASE STUDY ROSA LEE 

A Case Study: Rosa Lee Name: Rosa Lee DOB/Age: 54, 10-07-1936 Dates of Interviews: 10-30-1988 Evaluator: Jasmon L. Cox

REASON FOR ASSESSMENT: Rosa Lee Cunningham is receiving this assessment in order to determine and offer the best treatment for his mental health and substance abuse. Rosa Lee is a 54-year old female with a history of mental and substance abuse. Her traumatic experiences have led her to a life filled with addiction in which her family degrades her as a person instead offering recovery or support. She is the mother of eight. Rosa Lee hated the harsh reality as a child that black girls has to be “trained Aunt Jamomas” were they are to care for family and household. Rosa Lee was forced into working and not playing by her mother. Rosa Lee’s trauma led her to offer some of her children to try to form their own lives due to the abuse they have experienced in the household. She does not have a lot of work or school experience Which has led to her doing whatever it takes to supply financial needs (Dash, 2015). Though she is married, her estranged husband does not support her and the habits she has developed. Rosa Lee was checked into the Medical and Mental Health Center due to her abusing illegal drugs with symptoms of feeling feverish. Rosa has had had treatment in the past for substance abuse with a history of health and criminal activity. Her use of heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines has not made her life any better (Dash, 2015).

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SOURCES OF INFORMATION: The source of information is from interviews with family and friends input, self, and Leon Dash who works for a reporting agency.

PSYCHSOCIAL HISTORY: Rosa Lee craved for her mother’s approval. In that lack of getting it, Rosa Lee grew up to become a heroin and cocaine abuser though she tried the education route. Her mom raised her after he father passed away while she was young. Her attempts to be close to her mom was met with hostility causing a weak relationship with her mom, poverty with childhood trauma and abuse had the strongest influence on her life (Dash, 2015). Education never became a priority given to Rosa Lee growing up. Her mother’s abuse and force offered work and chores were education had not purpose. Rosa Lee by her mother’s standards was to be nothing more than domestic work. Rosa Lee was deprived a childhood and as a result from becoming an adult so early, mental instabilities formed as she began coping with stress. Parenting for healthy emotional development has been a field that public health and human services have researched on how children experience age-related changes based on biological factors or primary aging. Parents observed their children maturing into adults and made generational analysis without the knowledge of theorist like Erickson, Freud, and Piaget. Parents in the past have had to rely on instincts concerning raising children passed from generation to generation (Hutchison, Leigh & Wagner, 2016). Rosa set the odds against her, as she became a young mother in her teens with none of the fathers staying around to support her or the children (Dash, 2015). Rosa though she eventually married, did not have much success in relationships or evading abuse. Rosa Lee and

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relationships began her deeper dive into substance abuse that adventured into excessive use of medical or pharmaceutical drugs. Her criminal history is extensive with various jail detention center, or prison incarcerations and criminal violations (Dash, 2015). She got into many drug habits in order to support her household. Overtime, she has developed compound set back such as a decline in her health, mental and drug abuse challenges. As Rosa Lee developed, her individual beliefs should satisfy a libidinal desire and as they develop without adult stigma restricting or dictating, how a child reaches or obtains success (Desai, 2018). We should be aware that children need to successfully complete different stages of their life, if the child is hindered he or she would develop a fixation that would carry over to their adult personality and behavior. CURRENT STATUS: Rosa Lee has led herself, her children, and others into an unhealthy environment that does not benefit herself or the people around her. Rosa Lee did not learn from engaging in her drug habit, since upon release from jail, they are soon at it again. Even the threat of the AIDS disease did not deter them from continued pursuit of the next high. With a decline in her health and no finances, she is in an upward battle for her life. She needs money, drugs to ease the pain in living out her life. Her deeds are seen in her teaching deviant behavior to others in order to accomplish illegal habits that she has with drug use and abuse as she tries to pay back people that she owes. She is making strides to take care of herself as she improves her mental struggles and drug use (Dash, 2015). INDICATORS OF USE/ABUSE/DEPENDENCY: Attitude and Behavior of: Rosa Lee seems to be a drama queen and needs a life full of issues. The issues are so normal that

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she believes that it is her normal. Rosa Lee shows signs of addiction and physical dependency on drugs that has become a challenge for her everyday life. Social Functioning of: Rosa Lee functions better in ghetto or hood situations were criminal activity is at a high level. When the client progresses in treatment there may be a struggle to find the support system within her social circle, if sobriety is going to be achievable then Rosa will need to find different people, places, and things. Occupational Functioning of: Rosa Lee is not employed and has not had a career outside of drug sales that lasted more than a year. She has learned that illegal drug sales offered more occupational needs of support rather than obtaining an education to provide the best financial recovery. Financial Aspects of: Rosa Lee has poor financial management skills. Buying drugs was priority number one for her needs instead of buying food for her children. Outside of drug sales, she does not have a job and receives security checks. Familial Relationships of: Though she receives some support from living with her daughter, Rosa Lee’s family support is very poor due to her inability to establish a strong foundation with them. Rosa Lee’s family ties from the beginning was filled an alcoholic dad and an abusive mom (Dash, 2015). Though her children stay with her time to time, she is unable to offer them better support than the support she had when she was a child. Her outside family does not contribute any financial help besides two sons that are not into drugs. They are reluctant to give Rosa Lee money when she needs it because they know she will try to appease her drug abuse/addiction (Dash, 2015). Legal History of:

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Rosa has had a history of criminal activity that has resulted in arrest. She was incarcerated twelve times for charges that consisted of prostitution, drug trafficking, and theft [ CITATION Das96 \l 1033 ]. Health History of: As stated before, Rosa has been diagnosed positive with HIV [ CITATION Das96 \l 1033 ]. She has had a history of hospitalization, misusing her medications due to her illiteracy, at times reports fatigue and delirium, and history of seizures. Spiritual History of: Rosa does report attending church recently but no upbringing within the church setting; she was baptized recently [ CITATION Das96 \l 1033 ].

DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSION: 304.00 (F11.20) Severe- Opioid Use Disorder Rosa does meet the diagnostic criteria for opioid use disorder; six or more criteria is needed for diagnoses of opioid use disorder [ CITATION Ame13 \l 1033 ], taking large amounts of heroin for long stents of time. Again, Rosa reports criminal activity due to providing for habit of self and family. Rosa has cravings with the strong desire to use consistently, the continued use of heroin has caused social and interpersonal problems which are possibly exacerbated by the effects of heroin use [ CITATION Ame13 \l 1033 ]. To control her cravings and withdrawals Rosa is currently participating in a methadone treatment program. RECOMMENDATIONS: Children respond in unique way to rules, moral judgements and punishment differently than when they achieve adulthood. In other words, the stages to cognitive development have steps for children, so do the stages to their moral development. It starts with moral realism, other

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people's rules and laws and moral relativism were morality is based the child recognizes right or wrong depends on intentions not consequences (Peters, 2015). Positive relationships will help Rosa Lee refocus her feelings and energy as she learns trust the environments people are in to again new friends or a social life with someone to love her. Rosa Lee will have a freedom from being stuck so that she feels empowered to follow her own dreams and her new journey to new health as a therapeutic treatment goal (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). The treatment recommendations for Rosa Lee are that she needs inpatient drug rehabilitation, this would provide the best effective way to treat her properly. According to Dr. Clinton and Dr. Scalise (2013) she will need structure, support, and coaching to overcome her addiction. Rosa will find this kind of support within a treatment center. It is harder to treat those that have a single diagnosis and can be wearing on both Rosa and the health care professionals [ CITATION DrC15 \l 1033 ]. It is important to encourage her to commit for her sobriety and physical health. A facility that offers detoxification will help Rosa with her withdrawals, and a long-term facility will offer a safe place to deal with her triggers to wanting to use/abuse heroin. Doweiko (2015) suggest detoxification facilities for individuals dealing with withdrawals, but is not advised to be the only treatment looked at for individuals. Rosa should also have a recommendation of individualized counseling sessions, NA meetings, and group therapy, life skills education, and support system.



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References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA, USA: American Psychiatric Association. Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. John Wiley & Sons Dash, L. (2015). Rosa Lee: A generational tale of poverty and survival in urban America. Basic Books. Desai, M. (2018). Module 7 Psychosocial Theories of Child Development. In Introduction to Rights-based Direct Practice with Children (pp. 183-214). Springer, Singapore. Hutchison, B., Leigh, K. T., & Wagner, H. H. (2016). Young Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development. Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan: Applications for Counselors, 415. Peters, R. S. (2015). Moral Development and Moral Education (Routledge Revivals). Routledge...

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