Case Study (Mario)-Newton PDF

Title Case Study (Mario)-Newton
Course Multiculture Issues Human Service
Institution Liberty University
Pages 7
File Size 123 KB
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Running head: CASE STUDY-MARIO

Case Study-Mario Liberty University


2 Abstract

Mario, an illegal immigrant, was ordered by the court to attend treatment after his Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrest. Based off Mario’s history in the United States (U.S.), his family remaining in Mexico, and his faith, this author will cover what information will be needed during initial counseling, goals, approaches of treatment, and ways to measure success.


Running head: CASE STUDY-MARIO Personal Information Mario’s status of being an illegal immigrant may indicate his ability to speak English; therefore, my first piece of information to gather is his ability to speak and understand English. If Mario is unable to do both, I would prefer to have a translator unless Mario preferred a counselor who spoke his native language. The more Mario is comfortable with me as his

counselor the more successful both of us can be throughout his treatment. The basic information I would request his family background, his reason for being an immigrant, any hobbies, and knowing that he his Catholic, which church he attends. The family background information will be useful as possibly something I could relate with Mario and more of an icebreaker for Mario to open up during his counseling session(s). Not liking to assume anything, with Mario leaving his family in Mexico while he works in the U.S., I could understand if Mario was working to provide a better life for his family. Once again, this is something to relate to Mario with, as Catholic men are known for providing for their families as the wife stays home and takes care of their families; as 1 Timothy 5:8 (NIV) states, “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Knowing Mario’s hobbies could assist in something to ease his mind while not working or when he feels lonely and homesick. With him attending group sessions such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Mario may be attending one that is provided by his church, I could reach out throughout his treatment to see his progress in-group sessions. Lastly, I would gather information regarding his drinking and events/reasons for his recent DUI arrest. Using what Mario provides, would assist me in finding the root cause and better help me during counseling sessions. All in all, the first goal in obtaining personal information is to build trust between counselor and client(s). The one need from Maslow’s Hierarchy that comes to mind is safety,



which is only second to physiological is the base of the hierarchy based off of Skelsey Guest’s (2014) article titled, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – the sixth level. Skelsey Guest (2014) mentions how all of Maslow’s hierarchy levels are “biologically rooted” in every human, however, Mario has “uprooted” himself from his family to provide a better life for them. Personal Biases and Limitations The main bias that comes to mind is the fact that Mario is an illegal immigrant. However, being a Christian, this would not prevent me from counseling Mario through his struggle(s). Another bias would be my personal opinion on alcohol and drinking and driving. The limitations would be my knowledge with the Catholic Church and speaking Spanish (if needed). These limitations are minimal due to the fact that I could spend more time researching the Catholic Church and views to be more helpful for Mario. The AACC (2014) states, “Christian counselors keep abreast of and, whenever possible, contribute to new research, knowledge, issues, and resources in Christian counseling and their respective fields.” Goals Sobriety comes to mind as my first goal I would recommend to Mario as it was determined by the court as his reason to receive treatment. Finding the root cause to the possible alcohol abuse that drove Mario to drink and drive. Finding someone similar to Mario’s case within AA group sessions to assist Mario. Lastly, providing documentation to Mario to earn legal citizenship to assist him with bringing his family to America and ease his loneliness. The one goal I would keep a priority is gaining and maintaining Mario’s trust. The more he trusts me, the more he and I can get to the root cause of his possible alcohol abuse. Theoretical Approach

Running head: CASE STUDY-MARIO


Based off the initial assessment (intake), I would use a spiritual based approach to utilize Mario’s Catholic faith to assist me with his treatment, only if Mario chooses this approach. Mitrousi, Travlos, Koukia, Zyga, (2013) researched multiple approaches to coping where, I noticed one that stuck out for Mario’s case, the Interactive Model. Mitrousi, Travlos, Koukia, Zyga, (2013) stated, “According to the interactive model, the individual goes through two different processes which are of crucial importance to the outcome of the problem. The first is cognitive assessment which refers to the extent and the way the situation relates to the individual. The second refers to how the problem is dealt with. Dealing with a problem is defined as the attempt to find a solution, tolerate and/or reduce the external and internal pressures caused by the situation.” Therapeutic Approach Journaling would be a good place to start, as this will allow Mario to put on paper how he feels and then utilize his journals during our session(s). I would recommend weekly sessions for three months to provide an accurate assessment and more importantly, provide Mario with a steady pace and counselor. With that being said and have been mentioned above, I would recommend Mario to his Catholic Church and AA. Measurement of Progress and Success Mario’s behavior throughout our sessions will show progress, hopefully. If he continues to show, he is committed to making a difference. His sobriety will be a continuous progress and success. Mario’s openness would indicate both progress and success and would hopefully deter his loneliness that would most likely be a root cause to his possible alcohol abuse and DUI conviction. Conclusion



Mario was sent to my office after being convicted of DUI. It was determined during initial intake that he is an illegal immigrant from Mexico, leaving his family there while he works in the south. He will be attending AA meetings and continue to participate with his Catholic Church. Those two things along with our counseling sessions will hopefully provided guidance to Mario as he continues to provide for his family and possibly earn legal citizenship.


Running head: CASE STUDY-MARIO


AACC Code of Ethics (2014). Retrieved from: on 10 August 2017. Mitrousi, Stavroula,M.Sc, PhD.(c), Travlos, A., PhD., Koukia, E., PhD., & Zyga, S., PhD. (2013). Theoretical approaches to coping. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 6(2), 131-137. Retrieved from on 11 August 2017. Skelsey Huest, H. (2014). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – the sixth level. Psychologist, 27(12), 982-983. Retrieved from on 11 August 2017....

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