Case Study MGT430 bla and bla or bla yeah PDF

Title Case Study MGT430 bla and bla or bla yeah
Author Myrza Thaqeef
Course Accounting
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 22
File Size 319.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 688
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First and foremost, thanks to ALLAH S.W.T for his mercy and guidance in giving us the strength and His guidance to complete this Case Study. Even facing with great difficulties, in completing this task, we still managed to complete it before the due date.

We also would like to share our deepest gratitude to Madam Norida Binti Abu Bakar, our lecturer for subject MGT430. Her dedication and keen interest above all her overwhelming attitude to help us had been solely and mainly responsible for completing our work. Her guidance and approach have helped us to a very great extent to accomplish this task.

Furthermore, we would like to thank to our beloved parents for supporting us mentally and physically for the completion of this task. Without them, this task is almost impossible to be completed.

In addition, grateful acknowledgement to all of our friend who never give up in supporting us from the beginning until the end of completing this task. All of your kindness and sincereness will be appreciated always.

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CASE SUMMARY CHAPTER 4 ………………………………………………....


QUESTION 1 ……………………………………………………………….


 QUESTION 2 ………………………………………………………………. CASE SUMMARY CHAPTER 5 ………………………………………………....

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QUESTION 1 ……………………………………………………………….


QUESTION 2 ……………………………………………………………….


QUESTION 3 ……………………………………………………………….


CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………..

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REFERENCE ………………………………………………………………………


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Diana Gillen is a General Manager for a casual dining restaurant chain named Cobb Street Grille. Up to this date, she had been employed by the company for 12 years. Currently, she is hoping for a promotion for District Manager after being rejected for the position 9 months ago. Diana Gillen believed that she is more than qualified for the position based on her track record of working for the company, even her friends convince her that she will get promoted and the interview process was just an act of formality. Although she believed that she will be chosen for the position of district manager, she cannot get rid of her unease feelings and anxiety because anything is not guaranteed these days.

Unluckily, she did not get promoted to the District Manager position. Even though her supervisor told her that she needs to improve her people skills, she feels that her supervisor's explanation has nothing to do with her not getting promoted. She learnt that the person that the management chose is from the other restaurant company which has vast experience and proven in developing restaurant managers. The decision to hire someone from another restaurant make Diana Gillen very upset. She learnt that her regional manager, Tom was pressured to hire this person who has been recommended by the CEO and Tom use it to put him in a good position in the management. She feels rejected and discriminated by the internal politics and by how the company choose its applicant for the position.

Diana Gillen is a General Manager who has high turnover among her staff because of her style of management. The way she handles her restaurant is very strict and follow the rules and she rarely listen to what her staff said about her. During a meeting, before any further explanation about her failed promotion, she left the meeting room with tears in her eyes.

To sum up the case, the case displays that how an employee must be open and willing to learn new ways of managing the workplace and how to express their feelings and opinion in a good manner when in the workplace.

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1. Apply your knowledge of the four emotional intelligence dimensions to discuss the likely reasons why Diana wasn’t offered a promotion.

What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the capability of a person to manage and control his or her emotions and possess the ability to control the emotions of others as well. Based on the case given, the reason why Diana Gillen was not offered a promotion is that she displays a lack of emotional intelligence towards her co-worker. There are four main dimensions of emotional intelligence, which are aware of our own emotions, management of our own emotions, awareness of others' emotions and management of others' emotions.


Facts Awareness of our own emotions is an ability to understand and distinguish the meaning of our own emotions. Elaborations A person with a high level of self-awareness can understand their own emotion and make sense of their emotion, and understand that it can affect their performance. Recognize and understand your emotions and you have the power to control them. Example Based on the case given, Diana Gillen has a high level of awareness of her own emotions. This can be proved where she has the desire to be a District Manager and she strongly believes that she has more than what it takes to be District Manager. She also values her hard work by proving to the top management that she can manage her restaurant by the book. She also strongly believes that working by strictly following the rules will get her to be promoted.

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Facts Management of our emotions is an ability to manage our own emotion. Elaborations A person with the ability to manage their own emotion can control feelings and behaviours and manage their emotion in healthy ways and take the initiative to solve the problem and adapt to the changing circumstances. As an example, where we try to suppress our anger when a thing does not go how we wanted and try to see it from another perspective while improving the situations. Example Based on the case given, one of the reasons why Diana Gillen wasn't offered a promotion is because Diana Gillen does not have any management of her own emotion when she was told that she was not getting the promotion as she cries and started to leave the meeting room.


Facts Awareness of others’ emotion is an ability to recognize and understand the emotions of other people. Elaborations It is important to have awareness of others' emotion to build a long-term relationship between co-worker because it relates to empathy were to have an understanding and thoughts on others. It includes understanding other people's feelings and try to position ourselves in other people shoes. Example Based on the case given, one of the reasons why Diana Gillen wasn't offered a promotion is because Diana Gillen is not aware of other employees' emotions and feelings as she lacks empathy toward her workers. She did not pay any attention to her employee's opinion or idea because she believes that by following the books she will successfully meet her objectives on financial goals. She also believes that her performances are exceptional. By not social and communicating with her employee, she does not know their need and opinion on her and how to improve the environment in the workplace.

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Facts Management of others’ emotions is an ability to manage other people’s emotions while controlling your own emotion. Elaborations The ability to manage other people emotion is crucial because it can shift the negative mood of a group to a more positive and productive mood. It includes consoling people who feel sad, emotionally inspiring team members complete a class project on time, getting strangers to feel comfortable working with you. Example Based on the case given, Diana Gillen is not great at managing other people emotions because she is not aware of the situation in her surroundings. Instead of encouraging her employees to try new things and fostering a sense of community, she forces them to stick to a rigid schedule with little room for change. As a result, three perfectly good employees were fired by Diana after they decided to try a new customer service strategy. This demonstrates that she is out of touch with her workers.

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2. What skills does Diana need to develop to be promotable in the future? What can the company do to support her developmental efforts?


Facts There are few skills that Diana needs to develop to be promotable in the future. The first skill that she can develop is can be open to new experiences. Elaboration Based on the case given, Diana is a manager that always follows the book because it has produced a decent result in the past. For Diana to be open to new experiences, she needs to be creative, sensitive and imaginative. She also can be open to receive the idea that is brought by her employee. What the company can do to support her development is when Diana Gillen has any new idea that she can bring up, the company must support her idea unconditionally for her to improve.


Facts Secondly, the skills that Diana need to develop to be promotable in the future is she can improve her personality. Elaborations Personality is defined as the character sets of behaviours, cognitions, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. Based on the case given, Diana extremely lacks in personality because she does not have any healthy relationship with her employees. She needs to be more open, friendly and agreeable with her employee. If she is more open and friendly with her employee, she can create a good and friendly environment at the workplace. What can the company do to support her development? the company can support her by invest in her personal development.

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Facts Thirdly, the skills that she can improve is she needs to be open and accepting feedback from her employee. Elaborations She can improve her skill by listen and respond to comments, opinion and ideas from her employees. Based on the case given, Diana Gillen does not respond or even listen to her employee. She even got the nickname “Ice Maiden” from her employee but she does not care. If she can improve her skill on accepting feedback, she will make herself better and more accepted General Manager. Thus, make her have a better chance to receive promotion. The company can support her development by offer opportunities to be social, but make them optional.


Facts The fourth skill that Diana Gillen can improve to be promotable in the future is her can improve her open dialogue with her boss. Elaborations What it means by open dialogue is she can consider talking to her boss about her goals and why she wants to be promoted. By doing so, it creates an open dialogue between her and her boss, which keeps both on the same page about her position. Based on the case given, Diana Gillen does not take the initiative to talk to her boss about the promotion as she feels confident about her getting promoted. She believes that her experience and decent result in the past can help her get promoted. What the company can do to support her development is the company can make her boss a one-on-one session with her to get a better understanding of what her goals are and how she wants to work in the future.

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Facts Lastly, she must be honest at workplace in order to be promotable in the future. Elaborations There is a saying “Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” Being honest at the workplace certainly will help her being promotable in the future. You should never lie at work because, more often than not, your boss will value honesty, even if it is negative. They will be able to assist you in learning and growing in this manner. Based on the case given, Diana Gillen is not being honest at the meeting. As an example, in the meeting room, before any further explanation could be offered about her failed promotion, she burst into tears and left the room.

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Cincinnati Super Subs is a take away restaurant that has over 300 branches all located in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. Over the past 18 months, profit gained from the business for all outlets are noticeably decrease. Furthermore, their business also is experiencing high rate of employees’ turnover and increased in wastage.

In order to solve these problems that the outlet has been experiencing a decrease in profits, high employee turnover and increased wastage. In order to solve these problems, Restaurant manager had come up with many solutions but the outcome still resulting back to the main problems. Food allowances are only given to employees that work continuously for four- and one-half hours but most shifts are only three or four hours which makes it unrealistic to the employee.

The restaurant manager also threatens the employees about eating and giving away foods for free without permission will result in immediate dismissal. Due to that reason, most of the employees are not motivated and their morale declined because they felt that they are not being treated fairly by the manager. With that unfair environment, most existing employees quit their job and work at other places.

Cincinnati Super Subs’ manager hired new employees to overcome the turnovers of the existing employees. All new employees were trained by them on how to work at Cincinnati Super Subs’ for around three months. However, all the problems that had happened with previous employees happened again with the new employees. Wastage of food increased again and all the problems repeat again as if it is a nature in Cincinnati Super Subs’.

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1. What symptom in the case suggest that something has gone wrong?

The symptoms in the case suggest that something has gone wrong are: i.

Symptom One of the obvious symptoms that indicates the business is not doing well is significant drop in profitability. Elaboration Their profits for the past 18 months were below the average profit that they usually gain. This outcome forced Cincinnati Super Subs’ manager and assistant manager to make bias and unrealistic decision towards the lower-level employees because of their mistakes during working hours that burden the company with avoidable expenses. Example Food that are not sold to customers (wastage and workers employees stealing food) will be treated as expenses in Cincinnati Super Subs’. These expenses make the profit gained less than it should.


Symptom The next symptom is unethical work practices at workplace. Elaboration Employees of Cincinnati Super Subs’ attitude during work are considered as unethical since they disobey the rules set up by their managers and team leader. They act like there is no rule at their workplace and they even justify their mistakes. Furthermore, their leader is also not being responsible for letting all the staffs violating the rules. Example Some of the employees were being generous by giving away free food and drinks to their friends and their team leader ignored the action done by the staffs because they fear of being snubbed by them since they attend the same college.

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Symptom Staff turnover rate is increasing Elaboration It is recorded that 20% of existing staffs left their jobs at Cincinnati Super Subs for other jobs due to better treatment toward their employees. Working environment at Cincinnati Super Subs is not enjoyable thus leading the younger staffs that easy to get bored quit their job. These turnovers lead the company to face shortage of staff and experience workers. Example As example Cincinnati Super Subs’ employees quit their job for not being able to enjoy their working experiences there. They assume that they can get better opportunities at other places.


Symptom Manager and assistant manager are not effective on their corrective action. Elaboration Management of Cincinnati Super Subs has many flaws on management and because of that most things are not manageable. Corrective actions taken by them does not fully solve Cincinnati Super Subs’ problems but instead it worsens some of the existing problems. Example Manager and assistant manager tried to solve the wastage problem that happened in the business and they succeed to reduce the wastage problem for a while but the rate of turn over increase due to their way of handling that problem. When they felt confident about the problem had been solved, they focus back at their duty as manager and assistant manager and due to the ineffective and unsustainable solution, that same problem rises again.

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Symptom Lack of segregation of duty Elaboration Every individual in a company is in charge of their own and specific task to ensure the business can run smoothly without any unavoidable difficulties. However, due to lack of segregation of duties, Cincinnati Super Subs business fell into a mess whereas there were many tasks abandoned by the responsible person because their attention is on other task that they were not assigned to. Example Cincinnati Super Subs managers’ core responsibility are mainly handling on purchases, accounts, hiring and other related operations. Due to problems that occurred in lower-level employees, they had to focus on human resource task of training new staffs and handling frontline work such as food preparing and others. This event made their managerial works abandoned.

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2. What are the main causes of this symptoms?

The main causes of these symptoms are: i.

Cause 1 Lack of motivation among the employees. Elaboration Employees that are lack of motivation will not perform well on doing their assigned task. Their focus will easily be distracted because they do not put their sincere effort on doing their job. Mistakes will easily be made since their focus is on somewhere else. According to McShane and Glinow (2015) the forces that influence a person's course, strength, and persistence of voluntary behaviour are referred to as motivation. Example Team leaders and frontline employees of Cincinnati Super Subs are lacking in motivation and the reason why is they are not being treated well and their salary also are not equal to their job.


Cause 2 Disloyalty towards the company. Elaboration Low motivation among employees makes them to be less useful and inefficient on doing their job. Due to the fact that they are not loyal to the company, the employees frequently violating the rules in Cincinnati Super Subs which leads the company to gained less profit. Their action hurts the company financially. Example Frontline employees often give free foods and drinks to their friends who are not working at Cincinnati Super Subs and their team leader turned a blind eye towards their action since they do not feel any loyalty and responsibility toward the company.

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Cause 3 Lack of discussion between manager and employees. Elaboration Manager should hear or gather any internal information regarding their employees because internal problem will lead to unhealthy working environment. Any decisions made by manager must have the consent by the employees in order to ensure that the decisions made...

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