Case Study of HY Diaries INC PDF

Title Case Study of HY Diaries INC
Author Kushmila Shrestha
Course Organizational Behavior
Institution Pokhara University
Pages 9
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Case study of HY dairies company ...


Running head: Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC

Case Study of HY DIARIES INC Kushmila Shrestha Westcliff University Professor Stephanie Hoon /Malvika Desai 26 June 26, 2016


Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC

2 Abstract

This paper is the case study of HY Dairies Inc. this paper show what are the problem that arise in the organization with its remedies. It contains how motivation can be demotivation if it is made without communication and without knowing the interest of ones. Misperception can lead to serious problem because of lack of communication.

Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC


Introduction According to this passage, Rochelle Beauport is a woman with different color in the HY Dairies company. She had been offered a new position from assistant brand manager to market research coordinator by Syd Gilman, the vice president of marketing in HY Dairies, for her successful effort for improving the sales of HY’s gourmet ice cream. Syd Gilman rewarded her with the new opportunity of position in order to give her new experience of working level and enhanced her career in HY Dairies. Rochelle Beauport in other hand, enjoyed her former position better as it seems to be more challenging and directly affected the company’s profitability than a new position which was more towards backroom job. Since the new position thought not to be the route to top management in many organizations. Rochelle thought that because of her differences, she has been place apart and unimportant to the company. Even she felt reluctant, she accepts the offer. However, Mr. Gilman did not realize that he actually had given Rochelle a wrong perception about the whole situation. Power refers to the possession of authority and influence over others. It is the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of people. It is the ability to influence, convince, command and order to make things done according to one’s interest[ CITATION McS12 \l 1033 ]. In this case we can see Syd Gilman is the manager of Rochelle Beauport. He had a legitimate power over Rochelle Beauport. Rochelle is rewarded with the marketing research coordinator to give her new experience of working level. Gilman used his legitimate power to reward her instead of promoting to top level of management. We can see he had misuse of his power if he wants then he can promote her to top level of management but she moved to

Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC


backroom of job. Rochelle need to promote to the top level management but she was moved to as coordinator research by Gilman which is the misuse of power. Motivation is an inducement for better performance toward goal achievement[ CITATION Pat07 \l 1033 ]. It is the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways. Human behavior is a goal directed and all the behavior of human is motivated. It activates willingness to increase productivity. Employee need to motivate for better performance and they can be motivated through extrinsic and intrinsic. In this case we can see Syd Gilman reward Rochelle with marketing research coordinator to motivate her. But Rochelle was demotivated by her reward. Every employee has different needs so once technique of motivating cannot be applied to all. For an effective motivation employer should have knowledge about employee interest. If employer does not know their interest, then motivation will be demotivated for them like as in this case. There should be clear communication between them for effective motivation. Good leader is the one who can influence and organized the group of people towards the common achievement[ CITATION Ali122 \l 1033 ]. In this case Syd Gilman is the leader by his position. A good leader always knows the interest of their follower or employee to motivate them. But in this case Syd Gilman failed to identify the interest of Rochelle as a result he failed to motivate her. Due to lack of communication between them Rochelle creates a wrong perception about him. Organizational culture is the one who governs how people behave in organization[ CITATION Abu10 \l 1033 ]. It is a system of shared assumption, values and belief that influence people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act and perform their job. So

Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC in this case Syd Gilman had just follow the organizational culture. His career had boosted by working as marketing research in HY Dairies several years. So, he follows the culture of organization and reward Rochelle as marking research coordinator. He doesn’t think to identify the interest of Rochelle. He just thought to follow the culture. Some organization culture need to change like in this case rewarding someone without identify their interest. Doing so will demotivate them, it will create stress to employee. Therefore, change is required to cope with new generation, to cope with emerging problem. Change is necessary to motivated and to make employee think out of the box. Decision making is a problem solving activity. It is a course of action chosen from acceptable alternatives to achieve goal. Every decision making process produce a final choice that may or may not applied in action. It is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preference of the decision maker. Decision can be made rational or irrational on the basis of explicit knowledge or tacit knowledge. In this case Gilman made an individual decision. Sometimes decision made by individual may not be effective as group decision making. Therefore, the decision made by him for Rochelle was not effective. If he made a group decision or if he arrange meeting, then he might able to know the interest of Rochelle because in group decision making every member will put his/ her values and opinion. So if Gilman had made group decision then it will be more effective than individual decision. Stereotype is the assumption, generally we made about a group of people which are applied to individuals irrespective of their personal characteristics because of their affiliation with a certain group. The process of differentiating the people on the basis of a single tribute is known as stereotype.


Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC


According to this case Gilman misperceived that Rochelle would like her new position proposal as he had also gone through the same position before what he is now. Therefore, he rewards Rochelle as marketing research coordinator. In this point he actually failed to recognize Rochelle’s different self and social concepts with the different back ground, social identity, work experiences and characteristics which engaged them in stereotype. Their obvious to fell stereotype to Rochelle because she was only lateral transfer with modest salary increased and more than 85% of corporate executives and board members are white men and they were promoting only other white men[ CITATION Bro00 \l 1033 ]. Perception is the way you think or understand about something or an opinion about something through sense. Perceptual is the ability to interpret about something as an opinion about something through sense. It occurs as a reaction to the presentation of sentence which refers as a reaction to the presentation of sentence which refers directly to a basic source of difficulty. The main perception in this case is hallo effect, which occurs when one attribute of a person or situation is used to develop an overall impression of the individual of situation. In this case when Rochelle being proposed the new position of marketing research as coordinator, may be Gilman was actually did not want her in the top management. She felt that may be Mr. Gilman was trying to sideline her because of her different social identity. Misperception means to understand or perceive in correctly or simply misunderstanding or mistaken belief, idea or interpretation about something. In this case Rochelle mispresents about Gilman. Gilman reward her to experience new work and more he boosted his career through same post so he wants Rochelle to gain some experience through marketing research

Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC


coordinator but Rochelle mispresents Gilman. According to her she was not promoted to top level management because of social identity which was not. The following problem can arise in any organization which can be solved as follows; Effective communication Communication in organization play an important role. Effective communication helps to improve the relationship between management and staff. It helps to motivate the employee. Communication resolves barriers and resolve the problem and helps to increase the productivity. Poor communication can cause employee turnover, poor customer service skills, diminished productivity and lack of focus. Therefore, effective communication helps to identify problem and resolve the problem. Developing trust Trust is very important not only in personal life but also in work place. If employees don’t trust each other or their manager, then problem will arise. Like in this case if Rochelle had trust on her manager then she wouldn’t have to go through emotional stress. So trust should be developed among the organization. Active listening There should be active listening to minimize the problem which arise in the organization. The objective of active listening is to understand receiver. If you don’t listen carefully or if you don’t understand others than decision made for others will be ineffective. Share your view and opinion

Case Study of HY DAIRIES INC


When we share our opinions and view with other it will increase the chance of understanding. Other will get chance to know our interest so we need to share our view opinions. So that there won’t be any chance of misperception. Group decision making Group decision making helps to generate the number of alternatives which helps to make an effective decision than an individual decision making. Group decision reduces the unreliability of individual’s decisions. Understand employee and coworker To overcome the above problem in the organization we must try understand each other. Try understand the interest and need of employee and coworker which will helps to motivate them, which will help to make an effective decision for them. Conclusion Organization should understand the interest and needs of employee before making any decision and to motivate them. Existing of perceptual error like stereotype and misperception will brings problem in the organization which might cause organization to bear loss. Communication should be made between employer and employee so that no problem will arise. Organization should give emphasis on group decision making than an individual decision making.


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