Catatan Akuntansi Dasar II - Chapter 14 Statement of Cash Flow PDF

Title Catatan Akuntansi Dasar II - Chapter 14 Statement of Cash Flow
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Financial Accounting IFRS 4th Edition: Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso PERTEMUAN 10 & 11 CHAPTER 14 Statement Cash Flow Usefulness and Format Statement of cash flow memberikan informasi untuk membantu menilai: Kemampuan entitas untuk menghasilkan arus kas masa depan. Kemampuan entitas untuk membayar...


Financial Accounting IFRS 4th Edition: Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso PERTEMUAN 10 & 11 CHAPTER 14 Statement Cash Flow Usefulness and Format Statement of cash flow memberikan informasi untuk membantu menilai: 1. Kemampuan entitas untuk menghasilkan arus kas masa depan. 2. Kemampuan entitas untuk membayar dividen dan memenuhi kewajiban. 3. Alasan perbedaan antara net income dan net cash yang disediakan (digunakan) oleh operating activities. 4. Cash investing dan transaksi financing selama periode tersebut. Classification of Cash Flows

Operating Activities

Investing Activities

Financing Activities

• Income Statement Activities

• Changes in Investments and Noncurrent Assets

• Changes in Non-current Liabilities and Equity

Konsep: 3 aktivitas Asset: Aktivitas (Report) Current assets - Operating act Investment - Investing act Non-current assets - Investing act

Liabilities: Aktivitas (Report) Current liabilities - Operating act Non-current liabilities - Financing act Equity - Financing act

Operating activities - Income statement items ➔ Uang tunai → penjualan barang jasa dan pelunasan dari kustomer ➔ Depreciation Expense tidak termasuk Konsep: Yang tidak termasuk Depre expense xxx Accum depreciation xxx →Transaksi ini tidak mempengaruhi kas. Jadi tidak masuk dalam cash flow Salaries expense xxx Salaries payable xxx →Transaksi ini tidak mempengaruhi kas. Jadi tidak masuk dalam cash flow Cash inflows: → uang bertambah • From sale of goods or services. • From interest received and dividends received.

Cash outflows: → terhutang tidak termasuk • To suppliers for inventory. • To employees for wages. • To government for taxes. • To lenders for interest. • To others for expenses. Investing activities - Changes in investments and non-current assets ➔ Uang tunai Cash inflows: • From sale of property, plant, and equipment. • From sale of investments in debt or equity securities of other entities. • From collection of principal on loans to other entities. Cash outflows: • To purchase property, plant, and equipment. • To purchase investments in debt or equity securities of other entities. • To make loans to other entities. Financing activities - Changes in non-current liabilities and equity Cash inflows: • From sale of ordinary shares. • From issuance of long-debt (bonds and notes). Cash outflows: • To shareholders as dividends. • To redeem long-term debt or reacquire ordinary shares (treasury shares). Significant Non-Cash Activities 1. Direct issuance of ordinary shares untuk purchase assets. 2. Conversion of bonds menjadi ordinary shares. 3. Direct issuance of debt untuk purchase assets. 4. Exchanges of plant assets. Perusahaan melaporkan aktivitas financing dan investing yang signifikan yang tidak mempengaruhi kas baik dalam • Supplementary schedule (di bawah statement) atau • Separate note untuk financial statements. Format of the Statement of Cash Flows Order of Presentation: Direct Method 1. Operating activities. 2. Investing activities. Indirect Method 3. Financing activities.

COMPANY NAME Statement of Cash Flows For the Period Covered Cash flows from operating activities (List of individual items)


Net cash provided (used) by operating activities


Cash flows from investing activities (List of individual inflows and outflows)


Net cash provided (used) by investing activities


Cash flows from financing activities (List of individual inflows and outflows)


Net cash provided (used) by financing activities


Net increase (decrease) in cash


Cash at beginning of period


Cash at end of period


Note xx Non-cash investing and financing activities


(List of individual non-cash transactions) Konsep: cara melaporkan sebagai cash flow atau tidak Contoh cash flow: Gaji dibayar tanggal 5 bulan berikutnya Salaries expense yang sudah dibayar 1.000 Salaries expense belum dibayar (terhutang) 500 (gaji bulan Des 20 dibayar 5 Jan 21)

Salaries exp yg sdh dibayar 1.000 Salaries exp blm dibayar (terhutang) 500 Total salaries expense 1.500

Dilaporkan dalam cash flow statement. Sebesar kas keluar / kas terima

Dilaporkan dalam income state sebesar yang sudah menjadi expense (sdh terjadi)

CASH BASIS 1.000 yang dibayar

ACCRUAL BASIS 1.500 yang sudah menjadi expense

Penjualan tunai Penjualan kredit Total penjualan Pembelian Inventory tunai Pembelian inv kredit (terhutang) Total pembelian

2.000 1.500 3.500 2.000 3.000 5.000

2.000 yang di terima

3.500 yang sudah terjual

2.000 yang dibayar

5.000 pembelian

Investing Activities - Transaksi Investasi Beli tanah seharga 1.000 Bayar tunai 1.000 Land 1.000 Cash 1.000 Menerbitkan notes payable 1.000, tidak ada kas yg keluar periode ini. land 1.000 Notes payable 1.000 Bayar tunai 300 sisanya terbitkan notes payable 700. Kas yang dikeluarkan 300 Land 1.000 Cash 300 Notes payable 700

Transaksi Jual Tanah Jual tanah, cost 1.000 Jual tunai hrg 1.200, gain 200 Cash 1.200 Land (cost) 1.000 Gain on sale 200 →Kas yang diterima 1.200 Jual tunai hrg 900, loss 100 Cash 900 Loss on sale 100 Land (cost) 1.000 →Kas yang diterima 900 Jual terima notes receivable harga 1.200, gain 200 Notes receivable 1.200 Land (cost) 1.000 Gain on sale 200 →Kas yang diterima 0

Dilaporkan dalam cash flow Investing activities Purchase of land 1.000

Tidak dilaporkan Dicatat di Notes

Purchase of land 300 Notes sebesar 700

Dilaporkan dalam cash flow Investing activities Sale of land 1.200

Sale of land


Tidak dilaporkan Notes

Jual seharga 1200, terima notes receivable 400 dan terima kas 800, gain 200 Notes receivable 400 Cash 800 Land (cost) 1.000 Gain on sale 200 →Kas yang diterima 800

Sale of land 800 Notes

Contoh soal Investing: → Soal Indirect Method Illustrated Account 2020 2019 Selisih Land 130.000 20.000 110.000 increase Beli 110.000 non cash Building 160.000 40.000 120.000 increase Beli 120.000 cash Accum depre (11.000) (5.000) 6.000 increase building Equipment 27.000 10.000 17.000 increase Jual cost 8.000 beli 25.000 Accum depre (3.000) (1.000) 2.000 increase equipment Additional information for 2020: 1. Depreciation expense was comprised of €6,000 for building and €3,000 for equipment. 2. The company sold equipment with a book value of €7,000 (cost €8,000, less accumulated depreciation €1,000) for €4,000 cash. ➔ Equipment naik sebesar 17,000 dari 2 transaksi – (beli dan jual) Equipment awal 10.000 → (A cost 8.000, B cost 2.000) Jual (A cost) (8.000) Sisa (B cost) 2.000 Beli tunai (C cost) 25.000 + Equipment akhir 27.000 - Equipment costing €25,000 was also purchased for cash - The company sold equipment with a book value of €7,000 (cost €8,000, less accumulated depreciation €1,000) for €4,000 cash. Sale of equip: Cost 8.000 Accum 1.000 – Book value 7.000 Fair value 4.000 kas yang diterima Loss 3.000 3. Issued €110,000 of long-term bonds in direct exchange for land. ➔ Land naik 110.000, beli dengan menerbitkan long-term bond. Tidak ada kas yg keluar. TIDAK DILAPORKAN DI STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW KARENA TDAK ADA KAS YANG KELUAR. (Naik dari 1 transaksi beli) 4. A building costing €120,000 was purchased for cash. Equipment costing €25,000 was also purchased for cash. ➔ Building beli 120,000 tunai (Naik dari 1 transaksi beli)

5. Issued ordinary shares for €20,000 cash. 6. The company declared and paid a €29,000 cash dividend. Cash flow from investing activities: Purchase of building (120.000) Purchase of equipment (25.000) Sale of equipment 4.000 Net cash used by investing activities (141.000) Financing Activities Notes payable, bank loan, bond payable Awal Akhir Bank loan 1.000 + pinjaman 500 = 1.500 Perusahaan pinjam uang 500 (kas tambah) Cash 500 Bank loan 500 Awal Akhir Notes payable 1.000 + beli tanah 500 = 1.500 Perusahaan beli tanah dengan menerbitkan notes pay 3 thn Land 500 Notes payable 500 →Tidak ada kas yang terlibat Jual 1.000 lembar ordinary share par 10, market value 15. Kas yg diterima 15.000 Cash 15.000 Share capital (par) 10.000 Share premium 5.000 Terbitkan 1.000 lembar ordinary share par 10, market value untuk memperoleh tanah. Land 15.000 Share capital (par) 10.000 Share premium 5.000

Dilaporkan dalam cash flow Financing activities Received from bank loan 500

Tidak dilaporkan Notes

Issued ordinary share 15.000

Tidak dilaporkan Notes

Contoh soal Financing: → Soal Indirect Method Illustrated Account 2020 2019 Selisih Equity: Share capital 70.000 50.000 20.000 increase Jual tunai 20.000 Retained earning 164.000 48.000 116.000 increase Non-current liability:

Bond payable



110.000 increase Beli tanah dengan bond payable

Additional information for 2020: 1. Depreciation expense was comprised of €6,000 for building and €3,000 for equipment. 2. The company sold equipment with a book value of €7,000 (cost €8,000, less accumulated depreciation €1,000) for €4,000 cash. 3. Issued €110,000 of long-term bonds in direct exchange for land. → menerbitkan hutang 110.000 ditukarkan untuk tanah maka tidak masuk pada cash flow karena tidak ada unsur uang pada transaksi. 4. A building costing €120,000 was purchased for cash. Equipment costing €25,000 was also purchased for cash. 5. Issued ordinary shares for €20,000 cash. 6. The company declared and paid a €29,000 cash dividend. Cara hitung cash dividen: Retained earning awal Net income

48.000 145.000 193.000 (29.000) tidak ada dividend pay - artinya dibayar semua 164.000

Dividend Retained earning akhir

Cash flow from financing activities: Issuance of ordinary share 20.000 Payment of cash dividend (29.000) Net cash used by financing activities (9.000) Operating Activities Account Current assets: Prepaid expense Inventory Acc rec Cash Current liabilities: Account payable Income tax payable




5.000 15.000 20.000 55.000

1.000 10.000 30.000 33.000

4.000 increase 5.000 increase 10.000 decrease 22.000 increase Jawaban cashflow

28.000 6.000

12.000 8.000

16.000 increase 2.000 decrease

Konsep: cara membaca comparative SOFP → dari yang sebelum ke yang sekarang Account 2020 2019 Selisih Land 130 20 110 Increase Building 60 80 20 Decrease


2019 20 80

Land Building

2020 130 60

selisih 110 Increase 20 Decrease

Prepare a Statement of Cash Flows Using the Indirect Method Tiga sumber informasi: 1. Comparative statements of financial position 2. Current income statement 3. Additional information Tiga langkah utama:

Indirect and Direct Methods Perusahaan harus mengubah net income dari accrual basis menjadi cash basis menggunakan salah satu dari dua metode. 1. Indirect method menyesuaikan net income untuk item yang tidak mempengaruhi kas. 2. Direct method menunjukkan penerimaan dan pembayaran operating cash. Perusahaan menyukai Indirect method karena dua alasan: 1. Lebih mudah dan lebih murah untuk disiapkan. 2. Berfokus pada perbedaan antara net income dan net cash flow dari operating activities. Indirect Method Illustrated Computer Services International Comparative Statements of Financial Position December 31



Property, plant, and equipment


Change in Account Balance Increase/Decrease

€ 130,000

€ 20,000













Accumulated depreciation buildings





Accumulated depreciationequipment














Accounts receivable












Current assets Prepaid expenses

Total assets

Computer Services International Comparative Statements of Financial Position December 31

Equity and Liabilities



Change in Account Balance Increase/Decrease

Equity Share capital-ordinary Retained earnings

€ 70,000

€ 50,000

€ 20,000




















Non-current liabilities Bonds payable Current liabilities Accounts payable Income taxes payable Total equity and liabilities

Computer Services International Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Sales revenue Cost of goods sold Operating expenses (excluding depreciation)

€507,000 €150,000 111,000

Depreciation expense


Loss on disposal of plant assets


Interest expense Income before income tax Income tax expense Net income


315,000 192,000 47,000 €145,000

Additional information for 2020: 1. Depreciation expense was comprised of €6,000 for building and €3,000 for equipment. 2. The company sold equipment with a book value of €7,000 (cost €8,000, less accumulated depreciation €1,000) for €4,000 cash. 3. Issued €110,000 of long-term bonds in direct exchange for land. 4. A building costing €120,000 was purchased for cash. Equipment costing €25,000 was also purchased for cash. 5. Issued ordinary shares for €20,000 cash. 6. The company declared and paid a €29,000 cash dividend. Step 1: Operating Activities Menentukan Net Cash Provided/Used by Operating Activities dengan Mengonversi net income dari Accrual Basis ke Cash Basis. Penyesuaian umum terhadap Laba (Rugi) Bersih: 1. Tambahkan kembali non-cash expenses (depreciation and amortization expense). 2. Mengurangi gain dan menambah loss yang dihasilkan dari investing and financing activities. 3. Menganalisis perubahan pada non-cash current asset dan current liability accounts. Depreciation Expense Meskipun depreciation expense mengurangi net income, hal itu tidak mengurangi kas. Perusahaan harus menambahkannya kembali ke net income. Cash flows from operating activities: Net income

€ 145,000

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation expense


Net cash provided by operating activities

€ 154,000

Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets Perusahaan harus melaporkan kas yang diterima dari sale (disposal) of plant assets di bagian investing activities. Karena itu, • Setiap kerugian/loss penjualan ditambahkan ke net income di bagian operation. • Setiap keuntungan/gain penjualan dikurangkan dari net income di bagian operating. Cash flows from operating activities: Net income

€ 145,000

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation expense


Loss on disposal of plant assets


Net cash provided by operating activities

12,000 € 157,000

Changes to Non-Cash Current Asset Accounts Untuk mendapatkan net cash provided by operating activities • Dikurangi dari kenaikan net income dalam current asset accounts. • Tambahkan ke penurunan net income dalam current asset accounts. Ketika saldo Accounts Receivable berkurang, cash receipts lebih tinggi dari sales revenue. Accounts Receivable 1/1/20

Balance Sales revenue




Receipts from customers


507,000 20,000

Perusahaan menambah net income sebesar penurunan accounts receivable. Ketika saldo Inventory meningkat, the cost of merchandise purchased melebihi the cost of goods sold. the cost of goods sold tidak mencerminkan pembayaran tunai yang dilakukan untuk barang dagangan. Perusahaan mengurangi dari net income, peningkatan inventory.

Ketika saldo Prepaid Expense meningkat, kas yang dibayarkan untuk beban lebih tinggi dari beban yang dilaporkan berdasarkan akrual. Perusahaan mengurangi dari net income, kenaikan prepaid expense. Cash flows from operating activities: Net income

€ 145,000

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation expense

€ 9,000

Loss on disposal of plant assets


Decrease in accounts receivable


Increase in inventory


Increase in prepaid expenses



Net cash provided by operating activities

€ 158,000

Changes to Non-Cash Current Liability Accounts Untuk mendapatkan net income yang disediakan oleh operating activities • Dikurangi dari penurunan net income dalam current liability accounts. • Tambahkan ke peningkatan net income dalam current liability accounts. Ketika Accounts Payable meningkat, perusahaan menerima lebih banyak barang daripada yang sebenarnya dibayar. Kenaikan tersebut ditambahkan ke net income untuk menentukan net cash provided by operating activities. Ketika Income Taxes Payable berkurang, income tax expense yang dilaporkan dalam income statement lebih kecil dari jumlah pajak yang dibayarkan selama periode tersebut. Penurunan tersebut dikurangkan dari net income untuk net cash provided by operating activities. Cash flows from operating activities: Net income

€ 145,000

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation expense


Loss on disposal of plant assets


Decrease in accounts receivable


Increase in inventory


Increase in prepaid expenses


Increase in accounts payable


Decrease in income taxes payable



Net cash provided by operating activities

€ 172,000

Summary of Conversion to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities-Indirect Method Adjustments Required to Convert Net Income to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Non-Cash Charges

Gains and Losses

Changes in Current Assets and Current Liabilities

Depreciation expense


Patent amortization expense


Loss on disposal of plant assets


Gain on disposal of plant assets


Increase in current asset account


Decrease in current asset account...

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