Catatan Akuntansi Dasar II - Chapter 13 Investments PDF

Title Catatan Akuntansi Dasar II - Chapter 13 Investments
Course Accounting
Institution Trisakti School of Management
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Financial Accounting IFRS 4th Edition: Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso PERTEMUAN 9 CHAPTER 13 Investments Why Companies Invest Korporasi membeli investasi dalam bentuk utang atau saham karena salah satu dari tiga alasan: 1. Perusahaan mungkin memiliki kelebihan kas. 2. Untuk menghasilkan pendapatan dari pendapatan investasi. 3. Untuk alasan strategis.

Konsep: PT A PT A menerbitkan Penerbit obligasi dan di beli oleh Terima kas dan hutang bertambah PT B Cash xxx Bond payable xxx Bunga obligasi

PT B Chapter 17 Investor Keluarkan kas dan tambah aset investasi obligasi

Debt investment xxx Cash xxx PT A membayar bunga obligasi PT B menerima bunga obligasi ke PT B dr PT A Interest expense xxx Cash


Cash xxx Interest revenue xxx

Accounting for Debt Investments Debt Investment adalah investasi pada obligasi pemerintah dan perusahaan. Entri yang dibuat untuk dicatat: 1. Acquisition, 2. Interest Revenue, dan 3. Sale. Recording Acquisition of Bonds Pada saat akuisisi/perolehan, investasi dicatat sebesar biaya perolehan. Biaya mencakup semua pengeluaran yang diperlukan untuk memperoleh investasi ini, seperti harga yang dibayarkan ditambah biaya perantara (komisi), jika ada. Contoh soal:

Kuhl NV acquires 50 Doan SA 8%, 10-year, €1,000 bonds on January 1, 2020, at a cost of €50,000. The entry to record the investment is: Jan. 1 Debt Investment (50 x €1,000) 50.000 Cash 50.000 Konsep: PENERBIT, Perusahaan yang menerbitkan


BOND PAYABLE = HUTANG Jual hutang obligasi:


Cash xxx Bond payable xxx Membayar bunga:

Debt investment xxx Cash Menerima bunga:

Interest expense Cash


Mencatat hutang bunga 31 Des:

xxx Interest revenue xxx (Nominal x jumlah lbr x % bunga obligasi) Mencatat piutang bunga 31 Des:

Interest expense xxx Interest payable xxx Bayar bunga setlh adjusting entry:

Interest receivable xxx Interest revenue xxx Terima bunga setlh adjusting entry:

Interest payable xxx Cash Tebus hutang obligasi:

Cash xxx

xxx Interest receivable xxx Jual debt investment (asset)

Carrying value BP Harga tebus (kas keluar) Loss

100 105 5

Carrying value debt inv Harga jual (kas terima) gain

Bond payable Loss on redemption Cash




100 5 105

100 105 5

Cash (hrg jual) 105 Debt investment (CV) 100 Gain on sale 5

Recording Bond Interest Hitung dan catat pendapatan bunga berdasarkan • Carrying value of the bond • Times the interest rate • Times the portion of the year the bond is outstanding. Contoh soal: Kuhl NV acquires 50 Doan SA 8%, 10-year, €1,000 bonds on January 1, 2020, for €50,000. The bonds pay interest of €4,000 annually on January 1 (€50,000 × 8%). If Kuhl NV’s fiscal year ends

on December 31, it accrued the interest of €4,000 earned since January 1. The entry to accrue interest on Doan SA bonds is: Dec. 31 Interest receivable 4.000 Interest revenue 4.000 Kuhl NV acquires 50 Doan SA 8%, 10-year, €1,000 bonds on January 1, 2020, for €50,000. The bonds pay interest of €4,000 annually on January 1 (€50,000 × 8%). The entry to record receipt of accrued interest on January 1 is: Jan. 1 Cash 4.000 Interest receivable 4.000 Recording Sale of Bonds • Kredit akun investasi untuk biaya obligasi. • Catat sebagai gain atau loss ▪ Selisih antara hasil bersih dari sale (harga jual dikurangi borekage fees) dan ▪ Cost of the bonds. Contoh soal: Kuhl NV acquires 50 Doan SA 8%, 10-year, €1,000 bonds on January 1, 2020, for €50,000. The bonds pay interest of €4,000 annually on January 1 (€50,000 × 8%). Assume that Kuhl NV receives net proceeds of €54,000 on the sale of the Doan SA bonds on January 1, 2021, after receiving the interest due. The entry to record the sale of the bonds is: Jan. 1 Cash 54.000 Debt Investments 50.000 Gain on Sale of Debt Investments 4.000 Waldo AG had the following transactions pertaining to debt investments. Jan. 1, 2020 Purchased 30, €1,000 Hillary AG 10% bonds for €30,000. Interest is payable annually on January 1. Dec. 31, 2020 Accrued interest on Hillary AG bonds in 2020. Jan. 1, 2021 Received interest on Hillary AG bonds. Jan. 1, 2021 Sold 15 Hillary AG bonds for €14,600. Dec. 31, 2021 Accrued interest on Hillary AG bonds in 2021. Journalize the transactions. Jan. 1, 2020 Debt Investments 30.000 Cash 30.000 Dec. 31, 2020 Interest receivable 3.000 Interest revenue (€30,000 x 10%) 3.000 Jan. 1, 2021 Cash 14.600 Loss on Sale of Debt Investment 400 Debt Investment (€30,000 x 15/30) 15.000 Dec. 31, 2021 Interest receivable 1.500 Interest revenue (€15,000 x 10%) 1.500

Contoh soal: Broker INVESTOR, PEMBELI DEBT INVESTMENT 1 Jan 20. Beli obligasi: 30 lbr nom 1.000, broker fee $ 2.000: (30 x 1.000) + 2.000 = 32.000. Terima bunga setiap tgl 1 Juli dan 1 Januari. Debt investment 32.000 Cash 32.000 1 Juli 20. Menerima bunga: 8 %, terima bunga untuk periode 1 Jan- 1 Jul: 30 x 1.000 x 8% x 6/12 Cash 1.200 Interest revenue 1.200 31 des 20. Mencatat piutang bunga 31 Des: terakhir terima bunga 1 Juli – 31 Des = 6 bln Interest receivable 1.200 Interest revenue 1.200 1 Jan 21. Terima bunga setlh adjusting entry: Cash

1.200 Interest receivable


Jual debt investment dgn harga $ 35.000. Biaya broker 1.000 (biaya broker mngurangi gain atau menambah loss) Carrying value debt investment 32.000 Harga jual (kas terima) 35.000 Gain 3.000 Biaya broker 1.000 Gain 2.000 Kas yang diterima: harga jual – biaya broker = 35.000 – 1.000 = 34.000 Cash (harga jual – bi broker) Debt investment Gain on sale

34.000 32.000 2.000

Konsep: Penerimaan bunga Tanggal terima 31 Des bunga Adjusting entry 1 Jan dan 31 Des 1 Jan – 31 Des 20 = 12 bln

1 Jan dan 1 Juli

Terima bunga setelah adjusting entry 1 Jan 21 terima bunga

Int Receivable 12bln Cash 12 bln Int revenue 12 bln Int Receivable 12bln Terakhir terima bunga 1 juli 1 Jan 21 terima bunga Adj = 1 Juli – 31 Des 20 = 6 bln Int Receivable Int revenue


6 bln 6 bln

6 bln Int Receivable 6 bln

1 Maret dan 1 Terakhir terima bunga 1 sept 1 Maret 21 terima bunga Sept Adj = 1 Sept – 31 Des 20 = 4 Int receivable = 1 sept – 31 des 20 = 4 bln bln Int revenue = 1 Jan- 1 Mar 21 = 2 bln Int Receivable Int revenue

4 bln 4 bln


6 bln Int Receivable 4 bln Int Revenue 2 bln 1 Mei dan 1 Nov Terakhir terima bunga 1 Nov 1 Mei 21 terima bunga Adj = 1 Nov – 31 Des 20 = 2 bln Int receivable = 1 nov– 31 des 20 = 2 bln Int revenue = 1 Jan- 1 Mei 21 = 4 bln Int Receivable Int revenue

2 bln 2 bln


6 bln Int Receivable Int Revenue

2 bln 4 bln

Accounting for Share Investments Kepemilikan Investor atas Saham Biasa Investee

Less than 20%

Between 20% and 50%

More Than 50%

Insignificant influence on Investee

Significant influence on investee

Controlling influence on investee

Cost method with adjustment for fair value

Equity method

Consolidated financial statements

Akuntansi untuk investasi dalam saham tergantung pada sejauh mana pengaruh investor atas urusan operasi dan keuangan perusahaan penerbit (Investee). Kepemilikan: Equity Investment:

Jumlah saham yang dimiliki Jumlah saham yang beredar

x 100% = x %

Kepemilkan Kurang dari 20%

• • •

Perusahaan menggunakan cost method. Investasi dicatat sebesar biaya perolehan dan pendapatan diakui hanya pada saat dividen tunai diterima. Biaya mencakup semua pengeluaran yang diperlukan untuk memperoleh investasi ini, seperti harga yang dibayarkan ditambah biaya perantara (komisi), jika ada.

Recording Acquisition of Share Investments On July 1, 2020, Lee Ltd. acquires 1,000 shares (10% ownership) of Beal Ltd. Lee pays HK$405 per share. The entry for the purchase is: July 1 Share Investment (1.000 x HK$405) 405.000 Cash 405.000

Recording Dividends During the time Lee owns the shares, it makes entries for any cash dividends received. If Lee receives a HK$20 per share dividend on December 31, the entry is: Dec. 31 Cash (1.000 x HK$20) 20.000 Dividend Revenue 20.000 Recording Sales of Shares Assume that Lee Corporation receives net proceeds of HK$395,000 on the sale of its Beal shares on February 10, 2021. Because the shares cost HK$405,000, Lee incurred a loss of HK$10,000. The entry to record the sale is: Feb. 10 Cash (1.000 x HK$395) 395.000 Loss on Sale of Share Investments 10.000 Share Investments 405.000 Kepemilkan antara 20% dan 50%

• •

Perusahaan menggunakan Equity method. Investasi dicatat sebesar biaya perolehan dan selanjutnya menyesuaikan akun investasi setiap periode untuk: ▪ Bagian investor atas laba bersih asosiasi dan ▪ Dividen yang diterima investor.

Recording Acquisition of Share Investments Milar plc acquires 30% of the ordinary shares of Beck plc for ₤120,000 on January 1, 2020. The entry to record the transaction is: Jan. 1 Share Investment (1.000 x HK$405) 120.000 Cash 120.000 Recording Revenue Assume that for 2020, Beck reports net income of ₤100,000. The entry to record the transaction is: Dec. 31 Share Investment (30% x ₤100,000) 30.000 Revenue from Share Investment 30.000 Recording Dividends Assume that for 2020, Beck pays a ₤40,000 cash dividend. The entry to record the transaction is: Dec. 31 Cash (3% x ₤40,000) 12.000 Share Investment 12.000 Investment and Revenue Accounts Milar plc acquires 30% of the ordinary shares of Beck plc for ₤120,000 on January 1, 2017. For 2017, Beck reports net income of ₤100,000 and paid dividends of ₤40,000.

After Milar posts the transactions for the year, its investment and revenue accounts will show the following. Konsep: Perbedaan Cost dan Equity Method Cost method (fair value method) < 20% Beli saham (termasuk Share invest 100 broker fee) Cash 100 Menerima cash dividend

Cash Dividend rev


*tergantung jumlah saham yang dibeli Mencatat laba dari penerbit $200 x 30%

5 lembar

No entry

Mencatat rugi dari penerbit Revenue diakui pada saat

No entry

Terima dividend: dividend revenue 5 Saldo share investment Share investement (tetap) tidak akhir berubah - sebesar COST 100

Equity method 20 % - 50 % Share invest 200 Cash 200 Beli 30 % Cash 10 Share investment 10 Dianggap sebagai pengembalian investasi. Share investment 6 Revenue from invest 6 200 x 30% = 60 Loss from invest xxx Share investment xxx Mencatat laba penerbit: revenue from invest 60 Share investment sebesar carrying value 250 (200 – 10 + 60)

Kepemilkan lebih dari 50%

• • •

Parent company - Perusahaan yang memiliki lebih dari 50% saham biasa entitas lain. Subsidiary (affiliated) company - entitas yang sahamnya dimiliki oleh perusahaan induk. Parent umumnya menyusun laporan keuangan konsolidasi.

Pernyataan konsolidasi menunjukkan besarnya dan ruang lingkup operasi perusahaan di bawah kendali yang sama. The Disney Company Unilever (NLD) Adidas (DEU) (USA)

• • • •

Hellmann’s Lipton Bertolli Knorr

Accounting Across the Organization

• • • •

Reebok Rockport TaylorMade Ashworth

• Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. • Disneyland, Disney World • Mighty Ducks • Anaheim Angels • ESPN

Valuing and Reporting Investments Kategori Securities Debt investment diklasifikasikan menjadi dua kategori: • Trading securities • Held-for-collection securities Share investment diklasifikasikan menjadi dua kategori: • Trading securities • Non-trading securities Ini berlaku untuk semua sekuritas utang dan untuk investasi saham yang kepemilikannya kurang dari 20%. Konsep: Debt investment

Equity investment Kepemilikan < 20 % ada 2 kategori : Trading securities: untuk jangka Trading securities: untuk jangka pendek, pendek. diperjuabelikan.


Held for collection: ditahan sampai jatuh tempo.

Non trading securities: tidak untuk diperjualbelikan. Untuk kepemilikan 20% - 50% dan diatas 50% TIDAK ADA KATEGORI dan TIDAK ADA PENYESUAIAN AKHIR PERIODE (DI FAIR VALUE)

Trading securities (debt dan equity) Dinilai sebesar FAIR VALUE

Non trading securities (equity only) Dinilai sebesar FAIR VALUE

Dilaporkan di NET INCOME

Dilaporkan di OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Adjust: No ENTRY Harganya naik – gain

Adjust: Harganya naik – gain

Held for collection (debt only) Dinilai at amortized cost (bukan fair value)

FV adjustment - trading xx Unrealized gain/loss – income xx Closing entries Adjust: Harganya turun – loss

FV adjustment- non trading xx Unrealized gain/loss – equity xx Unrealized Accum compre Adjust: Harganya turun – loss

Unrealized gain/loss–income xx FV adjustment - trading xx

Unrealized gain/loss–equity FV adjustment - non trading


xx xx

Trading Securities • Perusahaan mengadakan perdagangan sekuritas dengan tujuan untuk menjualnya dalam waktu singkat (umumnya kurang dari sebulan). • Trading berarti sering membeli dan menjual. • Perusahaan melaporkan sekuritas perdagangan pada nilai wajar, dan melaporkan perubahan dari biaya sebagai bagian dari laba bersih. • Diklasifikasikan sebagai current asset. Contoh soal: Investments of Pace SA are classified as trading securities on December 31, 2020. Trading Securities, December 31, 2020 Investments


Yorkville Company bonds Kodak Company shares Total

Fair Value


Unrealized Gain (Loss)


€ (2,000)




€ 140,000

€ 147,000

€ 7,000

The adjusting entry to record unrealized gain on trading securities for Pace SA is: Dec. 31 Fair Value Adjustment - Trading 7.000 2020 Unrealized Gain or Loss - Income 7.000 Investments of Pace SA are classified as trading securities on December 31, 2021. Trading Securities, December 31, 2021 Investments Toby Company bonds Vince Company shares Total

Cost €


Fair Value €


Unrealized Gain (Loss) € 1,000




€ 120,000

€ 115,000

€ (5,000)

The adjusting entry to record unrealized loss on trading securities for Pace SA is: Dec. 31 Unrealized Gain or Loss - Income 12.000 2021 Fair Value Adjustment - Trading 12.000 Non-Trading Securities • Sekuritas ini dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai current asset atau non-current asset, tergantung pada manajemen. • Prosedur untuk menentukan fair value dan unrealized gain or loss untuk sekuritas ini adalah sama dengan trading securities. • Perusahaan melaporkan sekuritas pada fair value, dan melaporkan perubahan dari biaya sebagai komponen other comprehensive income. Contoh soal 1: Ingrao AG has two securities that it classifies as non-trading. Non-Trading Securities, December 31, 2020 Investments Rachel Soup AG shares

Cost €

Zellar Company shares Total


Fair Value €


Unrealized Gain (Loss) € 10,063




€ 293,537

€ 284,000

€ (9,537)

The adjusting entry to record unrealized loss on non-trading securities for Pace SA is: Dec. 31 Unrealized Gain or Loss - Equity 9.537 Fair Value Adjustment – Non Trading 9.537 Inagrao AG Comprehensive Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Net Income

€ 126,200

Other comprehensive income Unrealized loss on non-trading securities Comprehensive income

(9,537) € 116,663

The closing entry to transfer the Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity to Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income is: Dec. 31 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 9.537 (2020) Unrealized Gain or Loss - Equity 9.537

Inagrao AG Statement of Financial Position (partial) December 31, 2020 Equity Share capital - ordinary

€ 1,200,000

Retained Earnings


Accumulated other comprehensive loss


Total Equity

€ 1,316,663

Contoh soal 2: Fair value of Ingrao’s non-trading securities on December 31, 2021, its second year of operations. Non-Trading Securities, December 31, 2021 Investments Rachel Soup AG shares

Cost €

Zellar Company shares Total


Fair Value €


Unrealized Gain (Loss) € 9,237




€ 293,537

€ 295,174

€ (1,637)

It has a €9,537 credit balance from the previous year, so Ingrao must debit its Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading account by €11,174 (€9,537 + €1,637) to achieve a €1,637 debit balance. Dec. 31 Fair Value Adjustment – Non Trading 11.174 (2021) Unrealized Gain or Loss - Equity 11.174 Inagrao AG Comprehensive Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 Net Income

€ 201,400

Other comprehensive income Unrealized gain on non-trading securities Comprehensive income

11,174 € 212,574

The closing entry to transfer the Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity to Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income is: Dec. 31 Unrealized Gain or Loss - Equity 11.174 (2021) Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 11.174

Inagrao AG Statement of Financial Position (partial) December 31, 2020 Equity Share capital—ordinary Retained Earnings Accumulated other comprehensive income Total Equity

€ 1,200,000 327,600 1,637 € 1,529,237...

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