CCNA 2 v7.0 Final Exam Answers Full – Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials PDF

Title CCNA 2 v7.0 Final Exam Answers Full – Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 49
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CCNA 2 v7.0 Final Exam Answers Full - Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials...


CCNA 2: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (Version 7.00) – SRWE Final Exam Answers

1. Refer to the exhibit. What will router R1 do with a packet that has a destination IPv6 address of 2001:db8:cafe:5::1?

f or war dt hepack etoutGi gabi t Et her net 0/ 0  dr opt hepack et f or war dt hepack etoutGi gabi t Et her net 0/ 1  forward the packet out Serial0/0/0 Explanation: Ther out e: : / 0i st hecompr es sedf or m oft he0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000/ 0def aul tr out e.The def aul tr out ei susedi famor es peci ficr out ei snotf oundi nt her out i ngt abl e. 2. Refer to the exhibit. Currently router R1 uses an EIGRP route learned from Branch2 to reach the network. Which floating static route would create a backup route to the network in the event that the link between R1 and Branch2 goes down?

i pr out e10. 10. 0. 0255. 255. 0. 0Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0100 i pr out e10. 10. 0. 0255. 255. 0. 0209. 165. 200. 226100  ip route 100 i pr out e10. 10. 0. 0255. 255. 0. 0209. 165. 200. 22550 Explanation: Afl oat i ngs t at i cr out eneedst ohav eanadmi ni s t r at i v edi s t ancet hati sgr eat ert hant headmi ni st r at i v edi s t anceoft he act i v er out ei nt her out i ngt abl e.Rout erR1i sus i nganEI GRPr out ewhi c hhasanadmi ni st r at i v edi st anceof90t or eacht he 10. 10. 0. 0/ 16net wor k .Tobeaback upr out et hefl oat i ngs t at i cr out emusthav eanadmi ni s t r at i v edi st ancegr eat ert han90andhav ea nexthopaddr esscor r es pondi ngt ot hes er i al i nt er f aceI Paddr essofBr anch1. 3. Refer to the exhibit. R1 was configured with the static route command ip route S0/0/0 and consequently users on network are unable to reach resources on the Internet. How should this static route be changed to allow user traffic from the LAN to reach the Internet?

CCNA 2 v7 Switching Routing and Wireless Essentials-Version-Final-Answers-3  Addanadmi ni st r at i v edi st anc eof254.  Change the destination network and mask to  Changet heexi ti nt er f acet oS0/ 0/ 1.  Addt henex t hopnei ghboraddr es sof209. 165. 200. 226. Explain: Thes t at i cr out eonR1hasbeeni ncor r ect l yconfi gur edwi t ht hewr ongdes t i nat i onnet wor kandmas k.Thecor r ect des t i nat i onnet wor kandmas ki s0. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 0. 4. Which option shows a correctly configured IPv4 default static route?

i pr out e0. 0. 0. 0255. 255. 255. 0S0/ 0/ 0  ip route S0/0/0 i pr out e0. 0. 0. 0255. 255. 255. 255S0/ 0/ 0 i pr out e0. 0. 0. 0255. 0. 0. 0S0/ 0/ 0 Explanation: Thes t at i cr out ei pr out e0. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 0S0/ 0/ 0i sconsi der edadef aul tst at i cr out eandwi l l mat chal l dest i nat i on net wor ks . 5. Refer to the exhibit. Which static route command can be entered on R1 to forward traffic to the LAN connected to R2?

CCNA 2 v7 Switching Routing and Wireless Essentials-Version-Final-Answers-5 i pv 6r out e2001: db8: 12: 10: : / 64S0/ 0/ 0  ipv6 route 2001:db8:12:10::/64 S0/0/1 fe80::2 i pv 6r out e2001: db8: 12: 10: : / 64S0/ 0/ 0f e80: : 2 i pv 6r out e2001: db8: 12: 10: : / 64S0/ 0/ 12001: db8: 12: 10: : 1 6. What is a method to launch a VLAN hopping attack?  introducing a rogue switch and enabling trunking s endi ngspoof ednat i v eVLANi nf or mat i on s endi ngspoof edI Paddr essesf r om t heat t acki nghost  fl oodi ngt hes wi t chwi t hMACaddr es ses 7. A cybersecurity analyst is using the macof tool to evaluate configurations of switches deployed in the backbone network of an organization. Which type of LAN attack is the analyst targeting during this evaluation?  VLANhoppi ng  DHCPspoofing  MAC address table overflow  VLANdoubl et aggi ng 8. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring a router as a DHCPv6 server. The administrator issues a show ipv6 dhcp pool command to verify the configuration. Which statement

explains the reason that the number of active clients is 0?

 Thedef aul tgat ewayaddr essi snotpr ov i dedi nt hepool .  Nocl i ent shav ecommuni cat edwi t ht heDHCPv6ser v ery et .  TheI Pv6DHCPpoolconfi gur at i onhasnoI Pv 6addr essr angespeci fi ed.  The state is not maintained by the DHCPv6 server under stateless DHCPv6 operation. Explain: Undert hest at el essDHCPv6configur at i on,i ndi cat edbyt hecommandi pv6ndot her c onfigfl ag,t heDHCPv6ser v erdoesnot mai nt ai nt hest at ei nf or mat i on,becausec l i entI Pv 6addr essesar enotmanagedbyt heDHCPser v er .Becauset hec l i ent swi l l confi gur et hei rI Pv6addr essesbycombi ni ngt hepr efi x/ pr efix l engt handasel f gener at edi nt er f aceI D,t hei pv 6dhcppool confi gur at i ondoesnotneedt ospeci f yt hev al i dI Pv 6addr essr ange.Andbecausecl i ent swi l l uset hel i nk l ocal addr essoft her out er i nt er f ac east hedef aul tgat ewayaddr ess,t hedef aul tgat ewayaddr essi snotnecess ar y . 9. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator configured routers R1 and R2 as part of HSRP group 1. After the routers have been reloaded, a user on Host1 complained of lack of connectivity to the Internet The network administrator issued the show standby brief command on both routers to verify the HSRP operations. In addition, the administrator observed the ARP table on Host1. Which entry should be seen in the ARP table on Host1 in order to gain connectivity to the Internet?

 the virtual IP address and the virtual MAC address for the HSRP group 1 t hevi r t ual I Paddr essoft heHSRPgr oup1andt heMACaddr essofR1 t hevi r t ual I Paddr essoft heHSRPgr oup1andt heMACaddr essofR2 Explanation: Host swi l l sendanARPr eques tt ot hedef aul tgat ewaywhi chi st hev i r t ual I Paddr ess .ARPr epl i esf r om t heHSRP r out er scont ai nt hevi r t ual MACaddr ess.ThehostARPt abl eswi l l cont ai namappi ngoft hevi r t ualI Pt ot hevi r t ual MAC. –t heI Paddr es sandt heMACaddr essofR1 10. Match the forwarding characteristic to its type. (Not all options are used.)

Match the forwarding characteristic to its type. (Not all options are used.) 11. Which statement is correct about how a Layer 2 switch determines how to forward frames?  Frame forwarding decisions are based on MAC address and port mappings in the CAM table.  Onl yf r ameswi t habr oadcas tdes t i nat i onaddr essar ef or war dedoutal l act i v es wi t chpor t s.  Cut t hr oughf r amef or war di ngensur est hati nval i df r amesar eal way sdr opped. Explanation: Cut t hr oughf r amef or war di ngr eadsupt oonl yt hefir st22byt esofaf r ame,whi chex c l udest hef r amecheck s equenceandt husi nv al i df r amesmaybef or war ded.I naddi t i ont obr oadcastf r ames ,f r ameswi t hades t i nat i onMACaddr esst hati s noti nt heCAM ar eal s ofl oodedoutal l act i v epor t s.Uni castf r amesar enotal waysf or war ded.Recei v edf r ameswi t hades t i nat i on MACaddr esst hati sas soci at edwi t ht hes wi t chpor tonwhi chi ti sr ecei v edar enotf or war dedbecaus et hedest i nat i onex i s t sont he net wor ksegmentc onnect edt ot hatpor t . 12. Which statement describes a result after multiple Cisco LAN switches are interconnected?  The broadcast domain expands to all switches.  Onecol l i s i ondomai nexi st sperswi t c h.  Ther ei sonebr oadcas tdomai nandonecol l i si ondomai npers wi t c h.  Fr amecol l i s i onsi ncr easeont hesegment sconnect i ngt heswi t c hes.  Uni cas tf r amesar eal way sf or war dedr egar dl es soft hedest i nat i onMACaddr ess. Explanation: I nCi scoLANs wi t ches ,t hemi c r osegment at i onmak esi tpossi bl ef oreachpor tt or epr esentasepar at esegmentand t huseachs wi t chpor tr epr esent sas epar at ecol l i s i ondomai n.Thi sf actwi l l notc hangewhenmul t i pl es wi t c hesar ei nt er c onnect ed. Howev er ,LANs wi t c hesdonotfi l t erbr oadcastf r ames.Abr oadcas tf r amei sfloodedt oal l por t s .I nt er connect eds wi t chesf or m one bi gbr oadcas tdomai n.

13. Match the link state to the interface and protocol status. (Not all options are used.)

13A. Match the step to each switch boot sequence description. (Not all options are used.)

Ans wer

The steps are: 1.ex ecut ePOST 2.l oadt hebootl oaderf r om ROM 3.CPUr egi st eri ni t i al i z at i ons 4.flashfil es y st em i ni t i al i z at i on 5.l oadt heI OS 6.t r ans f ers wi t chcont r olt ot heI OS 14.Refer to the exhibit. How is a frame sent from PCA forwarded to PCC if the MAC address table on switch SW1 is empty?

 SW1f or war dst hef r amedi r ect l yt oSW2.SW2floodst hef r amet oal lpor t sconnect edt oSW2,ex cl udi ngt hepor tt hr ough whi cht hef r ameent er edt hes wi t ch.  SW1fl oodst hef r ameonal l por t sont hes wi t c h,ex c l udi ngt hei nt er connect edpor tt os wi t chSW2andt hepor tt hr ough whi cht hef r ameent er edt hes wi t ch.  SW1 floods the frame on all ports on SW1, excluding the port through which the frame entered the switch.  SW1dr opst hef r amebecausei tdoesnotknowt hedest i nat i onMACaddr ess . Explanation: Whenaswi t c hpower son,t heMACaddr esst abl ei sempt y .Thes wi t chbui l dst heMACaddr es st abl ebyexami ni ng t hesour c eMACaddr essofi ncomi ngf r ames.Thes wi t chf or war dsbasedont hedest i nat i onMACaddr essf oundi nt hef r ameheader . I faswi t c hhasnoent r i esi nt heMACaddr esst abl eori ft hedes t i nat i onMACaddr essi snoti nt heswi t c ht abl e,t hes wi t c hwi l l f or war dt hef r ameoutal l por t sex ceptt hepor tt hatbr oughtt hef r amei nt ot hes wi t ch.

15. An administrator is trying to remove configurations from a switch. After using the command erase startup-config and reloading the switch, the administrator finds that VLANs 10 and 100 still exist on the switch. Why were these VLANs not removed?  Because these VLANs are stored in a file that is called vlan.dat that is located in flash memory, this file must be manually deleted.  TheseVLANscannotbedel et edunl esst hes wi t c hi si nVTPcl i entmode.  TheseVLANsar edef aul tVLANst hatcannotber emov ed.  TheseVLANscanonl yber emov edf r om t hes wi t chbyusi ngt henovl an10andnov l an100commands. Explanation: St andar dr angeVLANs( 11005)ar est or edi nafil et hati scal l edvl an. datt hati sl ocat edi nflashmemor y .Er asi ng t hest ar t upconfigur at i onandr el oadi ngaswi t c hdoesnotaut omat i cal l yr emov et heseVLANs .Thev l an. datfi l emustbemanual l y del et edf r om flashmemor yandt hent hes wi t c hmustber el oaded. 16. Match the description to the correct VLAN type. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: Adat aVLANi sconfi gur edt ocar r yuser gener at edt r affic.Adef aul tVLANi st heVLANwher eal l s wi t chpor t sbel ong af t ert hei ni t i al bootupofas wi t c hl oadi ngt hedef aul tconfigur at i on.Anat i v eVLANi sassi gnedt oan802. 1Q t r unkpor t ,and unt aggedt r affici spl acedoni t .AmanagementVLANi sanyVLANt hati sconfigur edt oacces st hemanagementcapabi l i t i esofa s wi t ch.AnI Paddr es sands ubnetmaskar eas si gnedt oi t ,al l owi ngt heswi t cht obemanagedv i aHTTP,Tel net ,SSH,orSNMP.

17. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has connected two switches together using EtherChannel technology. If STP is running, what will be the end result?

 STP will block one of the redundant links.  Thes wi t cheswi l l l oadbal anc eandut i l i z ebot hEt her Channel st of or war dpack et s.  Ther esul t i ngl oopwi l l c r eat eabr oadcasts t or m.  Bot hpor tchannel swi l l shut down. Explanation: Ci s cos wi t chessuppor tt wopr ot ocol sf ornegot i at i ngachannelbet weent wos wi t ches :LACPandPAgP.PAgPi s Ci s copr opr i et ar y .I nt het opol ogyshown,t hes wi t chesar econnect edt oeachot herus i ngr edundantl i nks .Bydef aul t ,STPi senabl ed onswi t c hdevi ces .STPwi l l bl ockr edundantl i nkst opr ev entl oops . 18. What is a secure configuration option for remote access to a network device?  Configur eanACLandappl yi tt ot heVTYl i nes.  Configur e802. 1x .  Configure SSH.  Configur eTel net . 19. Which wireless encryption method is the most secure?  WPA2 with AES  WPA2wi t hTKI P  WEP  WPA 20. After attaching four PCs to the switch ports, configuring the SSID and setting authentication properties for a small office network, a technician successfully tests the connectivity of all PCs that are connected to the switch and WLAN. A firewall is then configured on the device prior to connecting it to the Internet. What type of network device includes all of the described features?  fi r ewal l appl i ance  wireless router s wi t ch s t andal onewi r el essacc esspoi nt 21. Refer to the exhibit. Host A has sent a packet to host B. What will be the source MAC and IP addresses on the packet when it arrives at host B?

CCNA 2 v7 Switching Routing and Wireless Essentials-Version-Final-Answers-21  Source MAC: 00E0.FE91.7799 Source IP:  Sour ceMAC:00E0. FE10. 17A3 Sour ceI P:10. 1. 1. 10  Sour ceMAC:00E0. FE10. 17A3 Sour ceI P:192. 168. 1. 1

 Sour ceMAC:00E0. FE91. 7799 Sour ceI P:10. 1. 1. 1  Sour ceMAC:00E0. FE91. 7799 Sour ceI P:192. 168. 1. 1 Explanation: Asapack ett r av er s est henet wor k ,t heLay er2addr es seswi l l changeatever yhopast hepack eti sdeencapsul at edandr eencapsul at ed,butt heLay er3addr es seswi l l r emai nt hesame. 22. Refer to the exhibit. Which static route would an IT technician enter to create a backup route to the network that is only used if the primary RIP learned route fails?

CCNA 2 v7 Switching Routing and Wireless Essentials-Version-Final-Answers-22 i pr out e172. 16. 1. 0255. 255. 255. 0s0/ 0/ 0 i pr out e172. 16. 1. 0255. 255. 255. 0s0/ 0/ 091  ip route s0/0/0 121 i pr out e172. 16. 1. 0255. 255. 255. 0s0/ 0/ 0111 Explanation: Aback ups t at i cr out ei scal l edafl oat i ngs t at i cr out e.Afl oat i ngs t at i cr out ehasanadmi ni st r at i v edi st ancegr eat er t hant headmi ni s t r at i v edi s t anc eofanot hers t at i cr out eordynami cr out e. 23. Refer to the exhibit. In addition to static routes directing traffic to networks and, Router HQ is also configured with the following command: ip route serial 0/1/1 What is the purpose of this command?

CCNA 2 v7 Switching Routing and Wireless Essentials-Version-Final-Answers-23  Pack et st hatar er ec ei vedf r om t heI nt er netwi l l bef or war dedt ooneoft heLANsconnect edt oR1orR2.  Packets with a destination network that is not or is not or is not a directly connected network will be forwarded to the Internet.  Pack et sf r om t he10. 10. 0. 0/ 16net wor kwi l l bef or war dedt onet wor k10. 20. 0. 0/ 16,andpack et sf r om t he10. 20. 0. 0/ 16 net wor kwi l l bef or war dedt onet wor k10. 10. 0. 0/ 16.  Pack et st hatar edes t i nedf ornet wor k st hatar enoti nt her out i ngt abl eofHQ wi l l bedr opped. 24. What protocol or technology disables redundant paths to eliminate Layer 2 loops?  VTP  STP  Et her Channel  DTP 25. Refer to the exhibit. Based on the exhibited configuration and output, why is VLAN 99 missing?

CCNA 2 v7 Switching Routing and Wireless Essentials-Version-Final-Answers-25  becauseVLAN99i snotav al i dmanagementVLAN  becauset her ei sacabl i ngpr obl em onVLAN99  becauseVLAN1i supandt her ecanonl ybeonemanagementVLANont hes wi t ch  because VLAN 99 has not yet been created 26. Which two VTP modes allow for the creation, modification, and deletion of VLANs on the local switch? (Choose two.) c l i ent  mas t er  di s t r i but i on s l av e  server  transparent 27. Which three steps should be taken before moving a Cisco switch to a new VTP management domain? (Choose three.)  Configure the switch with the name of the new management domain.  Res ett heVTPcount er st oal l owt hes wi t cht os ync hr oni z ewi t ht heot hers wi t chesi nt hedomai n.  Configur et heVTPs er veri nt hedomai nt or ecogni z et heBI Doft henews wi t c h.  Downl oadt heVTPdat abasef r om t heVTPs er v eri nt henewdomai n.  Select the correct VTP mode and version.  Reboot the switch. Explanation: Whenaddi nganews wi t c ht oaVTPdomai n,i ti scr i t i cal t oconfigur et hes wi t chwi t hanewdomai nname,t he cor r ectVTPmode,VTPv er si onnumber ,andpas swor d.As wi t c hwi t hahi gherr ev i si onnumbercanpr opagat ei nv al i dVLANsand er aseval i dVLANst huspr ev ent i ngconnect i vi t yf ormul t i pl edevi cesont heval i dVLANs . 28. A network administrator is preparing the implementation of Rapid PVST+ on a production network. How are the Rapid PVST+ link types determined on the switch interfaces?  Li nkt ypescanonl ybeconfigur edonacc esspor t sconfigur edwi t hasi ngl eVLAN.  Li nkt ypescanonl ybedet er mi nedi fPor t Fasthasbeenconfigur ed.  Link types are determined automatically.  Li nkt ypesmus tbeconfigur edwi t hs peci ficpor tconfigur at i oncommands . Explanation: WhenRapi dPVST+i sbei ngi mpl ement ed,l i nkt y pesar eaut omat i cal l ydet er mi nedbutcanbes pec i fiedmanual l y . Li nkt ypescanbeei t herpoi nt t opoi nt ,s har ed,oredge.

29. Refer to the exhibit. All the displayed switches are Cisco 2960 switches with the same default priority and operating at the same bandwidth. Which three ports will be STP designated ports? (Choose three.)

CCNA 2 v7 Switching Routing and Wireless Essentials-Version-Final-Answers-29 f a0/ 9  fa0/13  fa0/10 f a0/ 20  fa0/21 f a0/ 11 30. How will a router handle static routing differently if Cisco Express Forwarding is disabled? I twi l l notper f or mr ecur s i v el ook ups.  Ethernet multiaccess interfaces will require fully specified static routes to avoid routing inconsistencies.  St at i cr out est hatuseanexi ti nt er f acewi l l beunnecessar y .  Ser i al poi nt t opoi nti nt er f aceswi l l r equi r ef ul l yspeci fi eds t at i cr out est oavoi dr out i ngi nconsi st enci es. Explanation: I nmostpl at f or msr unni ngI OS12. 0orl at er ,Ci scoEx pr essFor war di ngi senabl edbydef aul t .Ci scoEx pr es s For war di ngel i mi nat est heneedf ort her ecur s i v el ook up.I fCi scoEx pr es sFor war di ngi sdi sabl ed,mul t i acc essnet wor ki nt er f aces r equi r ef ul l yspeci fi eds t at i cr out esi nor dert oav oi di ncons i st enci esi nt hei rr out i ngt abl es.Poi nt t opoi nti nt er f acesdonothav et hi s pr obl em,becausemul t i pl eendpoi nt sar enotpr esent .Wi t horwi t houtCi scoEx pr essFor war di ngenabl ed,usi nganexi ti nt er f ac e whenconfi gur i ngast at i cr out ei sav i abl eopt i on. 31. Compared with dynamic routes, what are two advantages of using static routes on a router? (Choose two.)  They improve network security.  Theyt ak el esst i met oconv er gewhent henet wor kt opol ogyc hanges .  Theyi mpr ov et heeffici encyofdi scov er i ngnei ghbor i ngnet wor ks .  They use fewer router resources. Explanation: St at i cr out esar emanual l yconfi gur edonar out er .St at i cr out esar enotaut omat i cal l yupdat edandmus tbemanual l y r econfigur edi ft henet wor kt opol ogychanges.Thusst at i cr out i ngi mpr ov esnet wor ksecur i t ybecausei tdoesnotmak er out eupdat es amongnei ghbor i ngr out er s .St at i cr out esal soi mpr ov er esour ceeffici encybyusi ngl es sbandwi dt h,andnoCPUcy c l esar eusedt o cal c ul at eandcommuni c at er out es. 32. Refer to the exhibit. Which route was configured as a static route to a specific network using the next-hop address?

 S [1/0] via  S0. 0. 0. 0/ 0[ 1/ 0]vi a10. 16. 2. 2  S10. 17. 2. 0/ 24i sdi r ect l yconnect ed,Ser i al0/ 0/ 0  C10. 16. 2. 0/ 24i sdi r ect l yconnect ed,Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0 Explanation: TheCi nar out i ngt abl ei ndi cat esani nt er f ac et hati supandhasanI Paddr essass i gned.TheSi nar out i ngt abl e s i gni fiest hatar out ewasi ns t al l edus i ngt hei pr out ecommand.Twooft her out i ngt abl eent r i esshownar est at i cr out est oaspeci fi c des t i nat i on( t he192. 168. 2. 0net wor k ) .Theent r yt hathast heSdenot i ngast at i cr out eand[ 1/ 0]wasconfigur edus i ngt henex t hop addr ess.Theot herent r y( S192. 168. 2. 0/ 24i sdi r ect l yconne...

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