CCNA 2 v7 Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and Inter VLAN Routing Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 2 v7 Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and Inter VLAN Routing Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 28
File Size 1.6 MB
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Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials ( Version 7) – Switching Concepts, VLANs, and Inter-VLAN Routing Exam1. Which tasks can be accomplished by using the command history feature? (Choose two.) View a list of commands entered in a previous session. Recall up to 15 command lines by default. ...


Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials ( Version 7.00) – Switching Concepts, VLANs, and Inter-VLAN Routing Exam 1. Which tasks can be accomplished by using the command history feature? (Choose two.)  Vi ewal i stofc ommandsent er edi napr evi oussessi on.  Rec al l upt o15commandl i nesbydef aul t .  Set the command history buffer size.  Recall previously entered commands.  Sav ecommandl i nesi nal ogfil ef orf ut ur er ef er ence. 2. What is the first action in the boot sequence when a switch is powered on? l oadt hedef aul tCi scoI OSsof t war e l oadbootl oadersof t war e l owl ev el CPUi ni t i al i zat i on  load a power-on self-test program 3. What must an administrator have in order to reset a lost password on a router?  aTFTPs er v er  ac r ossovercabl e  ac cesst oanot herr out er  physical access to the router 4. When configuring a switch for SSH access, what other command that is associated with the login local command is required to be entered on the switch?  enabl esecr etpassword  pas swor dpassword  username username secret secret l ogi nbl ock f orseconds at t empt snumber wi t hi n* seconds* 5. Which command displays information about the auto-MDIX setting for a specific interface? s howi nt er f aces  show controllers s howpr ocess es s howr unni ngconfig Explanation: Toexami net heaut oMDI Xset t i ngf oraspeci fi ci nt er f ace,t heshow controllers ethernet-controller commandwi t ht hephy k eywor dshoul dbeused. 6. If one end of an Ethernet connection is configured for full duplex and the other end of the connection is configured for half duplex, where would late collisions be observed?  onbo t hendsoft heconnect i on  ont hef ul l dupl exendoft heconnect i on  onl yonser i ali nt er f aces  on the half-duplex end of the connection Explanation: Ful l dupl excommuni cat i onsdonotpr oducecol l i si ons.However ,col l i si onsof t en occuri nhal f dupl exoper at i ons.Whenaconnect i onhast wodi ffer entdupl exconfi gur at i ons,t he hal f dupl exendwi l l exper i encel at ecol l i si ons.Col l i si onsar ef oundonEt her netnet wor ks.Ser i al i nt er f acesuset ec hnol ogi esot hert hanEt her net .

7. Which command is used to set the BOOT environment variable that defines where to find the IOS image file on a switch? c onfigr egi st er  boot system  boo tl oader c onf r eg Explanation: Theboot system commandi susedt osett heBOOTenvi r onmentv ar i abl e. Theconfig-register andconfreg c ommandsar eus edt osett heconfigur at i onr egi s t er . Theboot loader commandsuppor t scommandst of or matt hefl ashfil es yst em,r ei nst al l t he oper at i ngsy st em sof t war e,andr ec overf r om al ostorf or got t enpasswor d. 8. What does a switch use to locate and load the IOS image?  BOOT environment variable I OSi magefil e  POST s t ar t upconfig  NVRAM Explanation: TheBOOTenvi r onmentvar i abl econt ai nst hei nf or mat i onaboutwher et ofind t heI OSi magefi l e. 9. Which protocol adds security to remote connections?  FTP  HTTP  Ne t BEUI  POP  SSH 10. What is a characteristic of an IPv4 loopback interface on a Cisco IOS router?  Thenos hut downcommandi sr equi r edt opl acet hi si nt er f acei nanUPst at e.  It is a logical interface internal to the router.  Onl yonel oopbacki nt er f acecanbeenabl edonar out er . I ti sassi gnedt oaphysi cal por tandcanbeconnect edt oot herdevi ces. 11. What is the minimum Ethernet frame size that will not be discarded by the receiver as a runt frame?  64 bytes  512b yt es  1024b yt es  1500b yt es Explanation: Themi ni mum Et her netf r amesi z ei s64byt es.Fr amessmal l ert han64byt es ar econsi der edcol l i si onf r agment sorr untf r amesandar edi scar ded. 12. After which step of the switch bootup sequence is the boot loader executed?  af t erCPUi ni t i al i zat i on  af t erI OSl ocal i zat i on  af t erfl ashfil esy st em i ni t i al i zat i on  after POST execution Explanation: Thecor r ectboot ups equenceor deri sasf ol l ows: 1. -Theswi t chl oadsandex ecut est hePOST. 2. -Theswi t chl oadst hebootl oaders of t war e.

3. -Thebootl oaderper f or msl owl ev el CPUi ni t i al i z at i on. 4. -Thebootl oaderi ni t i al i zest heflashmemor y . 5. -Thebootl oaderl ocat esandl oadst hedef aul tI OSi mage. 13. Which impact does adding a Layer 2 switch have on a network?  ani ncr easei nt henumberofdr oppedf r ames  an increase in the size of the broadcast domain  ani ncr easei nt henumberofnet wor kcol l i si ons  ani ncr easei nt hes i zeoft hecol l i s i ondomai n Explanation: Addi ngaLay er2swi t cht oanet wor ki ncr easest henumberofcol l i s i ondomai ns andi ncr eas est hes i zeoft hebr oadcastdomai n.Lay er2swi t c hesdonotdecr easet heamount ofbr oadcastt r affic,donoti ncr easet heamountofnet wor kcol l i si onsanddonoti ncr easet he numberofdr oppedf r ames. 14. Which characteristic describes cut-through switching?  Er r or f r eef r agment sar ef or war ded,s oswi t chi ngoccur swi t hl owerl at ency .  Frames are forwarded without any error checking.  Onl yout goi ngf r amesar echeckedf orer r or s .  Buffer i ngi sus edt osuppor tdi ffer entEt her netspeeds. Explanation: Cut t hr oughswi t chi ngr educesl at encybyf or war di ngf r amesassoonast he dest i nat i onMACaddr essandt hecor r espondi ngswi t chpor tar er eadf r om t heMACaddr ess t abl e.Thi sswi t chi ngmet hoddoesnotper f or m anyer r orchecki nganddoesnotusebuffer st o s uppor tdi ffer entEt her netspeeds.Er r orchecki ngandbuffer sar echar act er i st i csofst or eandf or war ds wi t chi ng. 15. What is the significant difference between a hub and a Layer 2 LAN switch?  A hub extends a collision domain, and a switch divides collision domains.  Ahubdi vi descol l i s i ondomai ns,andas wi t chdi vi desbr oadcas tdomai ns.  Eac hpor tofahubi sacol l i si ondomai n,andeachpor tofas wi t chi sabr oadcast domai n.  Ahubf or war dsf r ames,andaswi t chf or war dsonl ypacket s. Explanation: Hubsoper at eonl yatt hephysi cal l ay er ,f or war di ngbi t saswi r esi gnal soutal l por t s,andext endt hecol l i si ondomai nofanet wor k.Swi t chesf or war df r amesatt hedat al i nk l ayerandeachswi t chpor ti sasepar at ecol l i s i ondomai nwhi chcr eat esmor e,butsmal l er , c ol l i si ondomai ns.Swi t c hesdonotmanagebr oadcas tdomai nsbecausebr oadcas tf r amesar e al waysf or war dedoutal l act i vepor t s . 16.Whi chst at ementi scor r ectaboutEt her netswi t chf r amef or war di ngdeci si ons?  Frame forwarding decisions are based on MAC address and port mappings in the CAM table.  Cut t hr oughf r amef or war di ngensur est hati nval i df r amesar eal waysdr opped.  Onl yf r ameswi t habr oadcastdest i nat i onaddr essar ef or war dedoutal l act i ves wi t ch por t s.  Uni c astf r amesar eal waysf or war dedr egar dl essoft hedest i nat i onMACaddr es s. Explanation: Cut t hr oughf r amef or war di ngr eadsupt oonl yt hefir st22byt esofaf r ame, whi c hex cl udest hef r amechecksequenceandt husi nv al i df r amesmaybef or war ded.I n addi t i ont obr oadcastf r ames ,f r ameswi t hades t i nat i onMACaddr esst hati snoti nt heCAM ar e

al sofl oodedoutal l act i vepor t s.Uni castf r amesar enotal waysf or war ded.Recei vedf r ameswi t h adest i nat i onMACaddr esst hati sassoci at edwi t ht heswi t chpor tonwhi chi ti sr ecei v edar enot f or war dedbecauset hedest i nat i onexi st sont henet wor ksegmentconnect edt ot hatpor t . 17. How do switch buffers affect network performance?  The ypr ovi deer r orchecki ngont hedat ar ecei ved.  They store frames received, thus preventing premature frame discarding when network congestion occurs.  The ypr ovi deext r amemor yf orapar t i cul arpor ti faut onegot i at i onofspeedordupl ex f ai l s.  The yhol ddat at empor ar i l ywhenacol l i s i onoccur sunt i l nor mal dat at r ansmi ssi on r esumes. Explanation: Swi t cheshavel ar gef r amebuffer st hatal l owdat awai t i ngt obet r ansmi t t edt o best or edsot hedat awi l l notbedr opped.Thi sf eat ur ei sbenefici alespeci al l yi ft hei ncomi ng t r affici sf r om af ast erpor tt hant heegr esspor tusedf ort r ansmi t t i ng. 18. Which switch characteristic helps keep traffic local and alleviates network congestion?  high port density f astpor tspeed l ar gef r amebuffer s f asti nt er nal swi t chi ng Explanation: Swi t chest hathav eal otofpor t s( hi ghpor tdensi t y)r educet henumberof s wi t chesr equi r edandkeepsomeoft het r afficl ocal l yont heswi t ch,t husr emovi ngt heneedt o s endi tbet weenswi t ches. 19. Which switch component reduces the amount of packet handling time inside the switch?  ASIC  dual pr ocessor s l ar gebuffersi ze s t or eandf or war dRAM Explanation: Appl i cat i onspeci fici nt egr at edci r cui t s( ASI Cs)ar eusedi nCi s coswi t chest o s peedupswi t choper at i onssot hatt heswi t chcanhaveani ncr easednumberofpor t swi t hout degr adi ngswi t chper f or mance. 20. Refer to the exhibit. A switch receives a Layer 2 frame that contains a source MAC address of 000b.a023.c501 and a destination MAC address of 0050.0fae.75aa. Place the switch steps in the order they occur. (Not all options are used.)

CCNA2 v7 SRWE – Modules 1 – 4: Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam Answers

CCNA 2 v7 Modules 1 – 4: Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam Answers 20 Explanation: Thefir stst epaswi t chdoeswhenpr ocessi ngaf r amei st oseei ft hesour c e MACaddr essi si nt heMACaddr esst abl e.I ft headdr essi snott her e,t heswi t chaddsi t .The s wi t cht henex ami nest hedest i nat i onMACaddr essandcompar esi tt ot heMACaddr esst abl e.I f t headdr essi si nt het abl e,t heswi t chf or war dst hef r ameoutt hecor r espondi ngpor t .I ft he addr es si smi ss i ngf r om t het abl e,t heswi t chwi l lf or war dt hef r amet oal l por t sex ceptt hepor t t hr oughwhi cht hef r amear r i ved. 21.Whati nf or mat i oni saddedt ot heswi t cht abl ef r om i ncomi ngf r ames?  source MAC address and incoming port number  des t i nat i onMACaddr essandi ncomi ngpor tnumber s our ceI Paddr essandi ncomi ngpor tnumber  des t i nat i onI Paddr essandi ncomi ngpor tnumber Explanation: Aswi t ch“ l ear ns”orbui l dst heMACaddr esst abl ebasedont hesour ceMAC addr es sasaf r amecomesi nt ot heswi t ch.Aswi t c hf or war dst hef r ameonwar dbasedont he dest i nat i onMACaddr ess. 22. Which switching method ensures that the incoming frame is error-free before forwarding? c ut t hr ough

 FCS f r agmentf r ee  store-and-forward

Explanation: Twomet hodsusedbyswi t c hest ot r ansmi tf r amesar est or eandf or war dand c ut t hr oughswi t chi ng.Thest or eandf or war dmet hodper f or mser r orchecki ngont hef r ame usi ngt hef r amechecksequence( FCS)val uebef or esendi ngt hef r ame.I ncont r ast ,cut t hr ough s wi t chi ngsendst hef r ameassoonast hedest i nat i onMACaddr esspar toft heheaderhasbeen r eadandpr ocessed. 23. Refer to the exhibit. How many broadcast domains are displayed?

CCNA2 v7 SRWE – Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam Answers 23 1 4 8  16  55

Explanation: Ar out erdefi nesabr oadcastboundar y ,soev er yl i nkbet weent wor out er si sa br oadc astdomai n.I nt heexhi bi t ,4l i nk sbet weenr out er smak e4br oadcastdomai ns.Al so,each LANt hati sconnect edt oar out eri sabr oadcastdomai n.The4LANsi nt heexhi bi tr esul ti n4 mor ebr oadcastdomai ns,sot her ear e8br oadcastdomai nsi nal l . 24. Under which two occasions should an administrator disable DTP while managing a local area network? (Choose two.)  when connecting a Cisco switch to a non-Cisco switch

 whenanei ghborswi t chusesaDTPmodeofdynami caut o  whenanei ghborswi t chusesaDTPmodeofdynami cdesi r abl e  on links that should not be trunking  onl i nk st hatshoul ddynami cal l yat t emptt r unki ng

Explanation: Ci scobestpr act i cer ecommendsdi sabl i ngDTPonl i nkswher et r unki ngi snot i nt endedandwhenaCi scoswi t chi sc onnect edt oanonCi scos wi t ch.DTPi sr equi r edf or dynami ct r unknegot i at i on. 25. Which two characteristics describe the native VLAN? (Choose two.)  Des i gnedt ocar r yt r affict hati sgener at edbyuser s,t hi st ypeofVLANi sal soknownas t hedef aul tVLAN.  The native VLAN traffic will be untagged across the trunk link.  Thi sVLANi snecessar yf orr emot emanagementofaswi t ch.  Hi ghpr i or i t yt r affic,suchasvoi cet r affic ,usest henat i veVLAN.  The native VLAN provides a common identifier to both ends of a trunk. Explanation: Thenat i veVLANi sassi gnedt o802. 1Q t r unkst opr ovi deacommoni dent i fiert o bot hendsoft het r unkl i nk.What ev erVLANnat i venumberi sassi gnedt oapor t ,ori ft hepor ti s t hedef aul tVLANof1,t hepor tdoesnott aganyf r amei nt hatVLANast het r affict r avel sacr oss t het r unk .Att heot herendoft hel i nk,t her ecei v i ngdevi cet hats eesnot agknowst hespeci fic VLANnumberbecauset her ecei vi ngdevi c emus thavet heexactnat i veVLANnumber .The nat i v eVLANshoul dbeanunusedVLANt hati sdi st i nctf r om VLAN1,t hedef aul tVLAN,aswel l asot herVLANs .Dat aVLANs,al soknownasuserVLANs ,ar econfi gur edt ocar r yus er gener at edt r affic ,wi t ht heex cept i onofhi ghpr i or i t yt r affic,suchasVoI P.Voi ceVLANsar e c onfi gur edf orVoI Pt r affic .ThemanagementVLANi sconfigur edt opr ovi deaccesst ot he managementc apabi l i t i esofaswi t ch. 26. On a switch that is configured with multiple VLANs, which command will remove only VLAN 100 from the switch?  Swi t ch#del et eflas h: vl an. dat  Swi t ch( configi f ) #noswi t chpor taccessvl an100  Swi t ch( configi f ) #noswi t chpor tt r unkal l owedvl an100  Switch(config)# no vlan 100 Explanation: Tor emoveal l VLANsf r om aswi t ch,t hedel et eflash: vl an. datcommandwoul d beused.Tochanget heassi gnedVLANf orani nt er f ace,t henoswi t chpor tacces svl an100 i nt er f aceconfigur at i oncommandwoul dbeused.Tor emov eVLAN100asanal l owedVLANon at r unk,t henoswi t chpor tt r unkal l owedvl an100woul dbeused,butt hi swoul dnotr emovet he VLANf r om t heswi t ch.Todel et easi ngl eVLAN,suchasVLAN100,t henovl an100gl obal c onfi gur at i oncommandwoul dbeused. 27.Ref ert ot heexhi bi t .Anet wor kadmi ni st r at ori sr evi ewi ngpor tandVLANassi gnment s onswi t chS2andnot i cest hati nt er f acesGi 0/ 1andGi 0/ 2ar enoti ncl udedi nt heout put . Whywoul dt hei nt er f acesbemi ssi ngf r om t heout put ?

CCNA 2 v7 Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam 27  Ther ei sanat i veVLANmi smat chbet weent heswi t ches.  Ther ei snomedi aconnect edt ot hei nt er f aces.  The yar eadmi ni st r at i vel ys hutdown.  They are configured as trunk interfaces.

Explanation: I nt er f acest hatar ec onfi gur edast r unksdonotbel ongt oaVLANandt her ef or e wi l l notshowi nt heout putoft heshow vlan brief commands. 28. A network contains multiple VLANs spanning multiple switches. What happens when a device in VLAN 20 sends a broadcast Ethernet frame?  Al l devi cesi nal l VLANsseet hef r ame.  De vi cesi nVLAN20andt hemanagementVLANseet hef r ame.  Only devices in VLAN 20 see the frame.  Onl ydevi cest hatar econnect edt ot hel ocal swi t chseet hef r ame. Explanation: VLANsc r eat el ogi cal br oadcas tdomai nst hatcanspanmul t i pl eVLAN s egment s.Et her netf r amest hatar esentbyadevi ceonaspeci fi cVLANcanonl ybeseenby ot herdevi cesi nt hesameVLAN. 29. Refer to the exhibit. All workstations are configured correctly in VLAN 20. Workstations that are connected to switch SW1 are not able to send traffic to workstations on SW2. What could be done to remedy the problem?

CCNA2 v7 SRWE – Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam Answers 29  Allow VLAN 20 on the trunk link.  Enabl eDTPonbot hendsoft het r unk.  Confi gur eal l wor k st at i onsonSW1t obepar toft hedef aul tVLAN.  Confi gur eal l wor k st at i onsonSW2t obepar toft henat i veVLAN.

Explanation: Enabl i ngDTPonbot hs wi t chessi mpl yal l owsnegot i at i onoft r unki ng.The “ Negot i at i onofTr unki ng”l i nei nt hegr aphi cshowst hatDTPi sal r eadyenabl ed.Thegr aphi cal so s howshowt henat i veVLANi s1,andt hedef aul tVLANf oranyCi scoswi t chi s1.Thegr aphi c s howst hePCsar et obei nVLAN20. 30. What happens to switch ports after the VLAN to which they are assigned is deleted?  Thepor t sar edi s abl ed.  Thepor t sar epl acedi nt r unkmode.  Thepor t sar eassi gnedt oVLAN1,t hedef aul tVLAN.  The ports stop communicating with the attached devices. Explanation: Theaffect edpor t smustber econfigur edf oranact i veVLAN. 31. Match the IEEE 802.1Q standard VLAN tag field with the description. (Not all options are used.)

CCNA2 v7 Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam Answers 31 Explanation: TheI EEE802. 1Q st andar dheaderi ncl udesa4byt eVLANt ag:  Type –A2byt eval uec al l edt het agpr ot ocol I D( TPI D)val ue.  User priority –A3bi tval uet hatsuppor t sl ev el ors er vi c ei mpl ement at i on.  Canonical Format Identifier (CFI) –A1bi ti dent i fiert hatenabl esTokenRi ng f r amest obec ar r i edacr ossEt her netl i nks.  VLAN ID (VID) –A12bi tVLANi dent i ficat i onnumbert hatsuppor t supt o4096VLAN I Ds. 32.Ref ert ot heexhi bi t .I nwhatswi t chmodeshoul dpor tG0/ 1beassi gnedi fCi scobest pr act i cesar ebei ngused?

CCNA2 v7 Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam Answers 32  ac cess  trunk  na t i ve  aut o

Explanation: Ther out eri sus edt or out ebet weent het woVLANs,t husswi t c hpor tG0/ 1 needst obeconfigur edi nt r unkmode. 33. Match the DTP mode with its function. (Not all options are used.)

CCNA2 v7 Modules 1 – 4 Switching Concepts, VLANs, and InterVLAN Routing Exam Answers 33 Explanation: Thedynami caut omodemakest hei nt er f acebecomeat r unki nt er f acei ft he nei ghbor i ngi nt er f ac ei ssett ot r unkordesi r abl emode.Thedynami cdesi r abl emodemakest he i nt er f aceact i v el yat t emptt oconv er tt hel i nkt oat r unkl i nk.Thet r unkmodeput st hei nt er f ace i nt oper manentt r unki ngmodeandnegot i at est oconver tt henei ghbor i ngl i nki nt oat r unkl i nk. Thenonegot i at emodepr event st hei nt er f acef r om gener at i ngDTPf r ames . 34. Port Fa0/11 on a switch is assigned to VLAN 30. If the command no switchport access vlan 30 is entered on the Fa0/11 interface, what will happen?  Por tFa0/ 11wi l l beshut down.  Aner r ormessagewoul dbedi spl ayed.  Port Fa0/11 will be returned to VLAN 1.  VLAN30wi l lbedel et ed. Explanation: Whent heno switchport access vlan commandi sent er ed,t hepor ti s r et ur nedt ot hedef aul tVLAN1.Thepor twi l l r emai nact i veasamemberofVLAN1,andVLAN 30wi l l st i l l bei nt act ,ev eni fnoot herpor t sar eassoc i at edwi t hi t . 35. Which command displays the encapsulation type, the voice VLAN ID, and the access mode VLAN for the Fa0/1 interface? s howvl anbr i ef  show interfaces Fa0/1 switchport s howmacaddr ess t abl ei nt er f aceFa0/ 1 s howi nt er f acest r unk Explanation: Theshow interfaces switchport commanddi spl ay st hef ol l owi ng i nf or mat i onf oragi v enpor t : Swi t c hpor t Admi ni st r at i veMode Oper at i onalMode Admi ni st r at i veTr unki ngEncapsul at i on Oper at i onalTr unki ngEncapsul at i on Negot i at i onofTr unki ng Acces sModeVLAN T r unki ngNat i veModeVLAN Admi ni st r at i veNat i v eVLANt aggi ng Voi ceVLAN 36.Ref ert ot heexhi bi t .At echni ci ani spr ogr ammi ngswi t chSW3t omanagevoi ceand

dat at r affict hr oughpor tFa0/ 20.What ,i fanyt hi ng,i swr ongwi t ht heconfigur at i on?

 Ther ei snot hi ngwr ongwi t ht hec onfi gur at i on. I nt er f aceFa0/ 20canonl yhav eoneVLANassi gned.  Theml sqost r ustcoscommands houl dr ef er enceVLAN35.  The command used to assign the voice VLAN to the switch port is

incorrect. Explanation: Thevoi ceVLANshoul dbeconfigur edwi t ht heswitchport voice vlan 150 command.Aswi t chi nt er f ac ecanbeconfigur edt osuppor tonedat aVLANandonevoi ce VLAN.Themls qos trust cos associ at eswi t ht hei nt er f ace.Voi cet r afficmustbet r ust edso t hatfiel dswi t hi nt hevoi cepa...

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