CCNA 2 v7 Modules 5 – 6 Redundant Networks Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 2 v7 Modules 5 – 6 Redundant Networks Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 19
File Size 990.1 KB
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Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials ( Version 7) – Redundant Networks Exam1. What additional information is contained in the 12-bit extended system ID of a BPDU? MAC address  VLAN ID IP address port ID 2. During the implementation of Spanning Tree Protocol, all switches are rebooted by t...


Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials ( Version 7.00) – Redundant Networks Exam 1. What additional information is contained in the 12-bit extended system ID of a BPDU?  MACaddr ess  VLAN ID I Paddr ess  por tI D 2. During the implementation of Spanning Tree Protocol, all switches are rebooted by the network administrator. What is the first step of the spanning-tree election process?  Eac hswi t chwi t hal owerr ootI Dt hani t snei ghborwi l l notsendBPDUs.  All the switches send out BPDUs advertising themselves as the root bridge.  Eac hswi t chdet er mi nest hebestpat ht of or war dt r affic.  Eac hswi t chdet er mi neswhatpor tt obl ockt opr ev ental oopf r om occur r i ng. 3. Which STP port role is adopted by a switch port if there is no other port with a lower cost to the root bridge?  des i gnat edpor t  root port  al t er nat e  di sabl edpor t 4. Which two concepts relate to a switch port that is intended to have only end devices attached and intended never to be used to connect to another switch? (Choose two.)  br i dgeI D  edge port e xt endeds ys t em I D  PortFast  PVST+ 5. Which three components are combined to form a bridge ID?  extended system ID c ost I Paddr ess  bridge priority  MAC address  por tI D Explanation: Thet hr eecomponent st hatar ecombi nedt of or m abr i dgeI Dar ebr i dgepr i or i t y , ext endeds yst em I D,andMACaddr ess .

6. Match the STP protocol with the correct description. (Not all options are used.)

7. In which two port states does a switch learn MAC addresses and process BPDUs in a PVST network? (Choose two.)  di sabl ed  forwarding l i s t eni ng  bl ocki ng  learning Explanation: Swi t chesl ear nMACaddr es sesatt hel ear ni ngandf or war di ngpor tst at es .They r ecei v eandpr ocessBPDUsatt hebl ocki ng,l i st eni ng,l ear ni ng,andf or war di ngpor ts t at es. 8. If no bridge priority is configured in PVST, which criteria is considered when electing the root bridge?  lowest MAC address l owestI Paddr ess  hi ghes tI Paddr ess  hi ghes tMACaddr ess Explanation: Onl yoneswi t chcanbet her ootbr i dgef oraVLAN.Ther ootbr i dgei st hes wi t ch wi t ht hel owestBI D.TheBI Di sdet er mi nedbypr i or i t yandt heMACaddr ess .I fnopr i or i t yi s c onfi gur edt henal l swi t chesuset hedef aul tpr i or i t yandt heel ect i onoft her ootbr i dgewi l l be basedont hel owestMACaddr ess.

9. Match the spanning-tree feature with the protocol type. (Not all options are used.)

10. When the show spanning-tree vlan 33 command is issued on a switch, three ports are shown in the forwarding state. In which two port roles could these interfaces function while in the forwarding state? (Choose two.)  al t er nat e  designated  di sabl ed  bl ocked  root Explanation: Ther ol eofeachoft het hr eepor t swi l l beei t herdesi gnat edpor torr ootpor t . Por t si nt hedi sabl edst at ear eadmi ni st r at i v el ydi sabl ed.Por t si nt hebl ock i ngst at ear eal t er nat e por t s . 11. What is the function of STP in a scalable network? I tdec r easest hesi z eoft hef ai l ur edomai nt ocont ai nt hei mpactoff ai l ur es . I tpr ot ect st heedgeoft heent er pr i senet wor kf r om mal i ci ousact i vi t y . I tcombi nesmul t i pl es wi t cht r unkl i nkst oactasonel ogi cal l i nkf ori ncr easedbandwi dt h.  It disables redundant paths to eliminate Layer 2 loops.

Explanation: STPi sani mpor t antcomponenti nascal abl enet wor kbecausei tal l ows r edundantphysi cal connect i onsbet weenLay er2devi cest obei mpl ement edwi t houtc r eat i ng Lay er2l oops.STPpr ev ent sLay er2l oopsf r om f or mi ngbydi sabl i ngi nt er f acesonLay er2 devi c eswhent heywoul dcr eat eal oop. 12. What is a characteristic of spanning tree?  It is enabled by default on Cisco switches. I ti susedt odi s cov eri nf or mat i onaboutanadj acentCi scodevi ce. I thasaTTLmec hani sm t hatwor k satLay er2. I tpr ev ent spr opagat i onofLay er2br oadcas tf r ames. Explanation: Spanni ngt r eedoeswor katLay er2onEt her net basednet wor k sandi s enabl edbydef aul t ,buti tdoesnothav eaTTLmechani sm.Spanni ngt r eeexi s t sbecauseLay er 2f r amesdonothav eaTTLmechani sm.Lay er2f r amesar es t i l lbr oadcastwhenspanni ngt r ee i senabl ed,butt hef r amescanonl ybet r ansmi t t edt hr oughasi ngl epat ht hr ought heLay er2 net wor kt hatwascr eat edbyspanni ngt r ee.Ci scoDi scov er yPr ot ocol ( CDP)i sus edt odi sc ov er i nf or mat i onaboutanadj acentCi scodevi c e. 13. Which spanning tree standard supports only one root bridge so that traffic from all VLANs flows over the same path?  PVST+  802.1D  MST  Rapi dPVST Explanation: MSTi st heCi s coi mpl ement at i onofMSTP,anI EEEst andar dpr ot ocol t hat pr ovi desupt o16i nst ancesofRSTP.PVST+pr ov i desasepar at e802. 1Dspanni ngt r eei nst ance f oreac hVLANt hati sconfigur edi nt henet wor k .802. 1Di st heor i gi nalSTPs t andar ddefi nedby t heI EEEandal l owsf oronl yoner ootbr i dgef oral l VLANs .802. 1w,orRSTP,pr ovi desf as t er c onv er gencebutst i l l usesonl yoneSTPi ns t ancef oral l VLANs. 14. What is the purpose of the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)? c r eat essmal l ercol l i si ondomai ns  pr event sr out i ngl oopsonar out er  prevents Layer 2 loops  al l owsCi scodevi cest oex c hanger out i ngt abl eupdat es c r eat essmal l erbr oadcas tdomai ns Explanation: TheSpanni ngTr eePr ot ocol( STP)cr eat esonepat ht hr oughas wi t chnet wor k i nor dert opr ev entLay er2l oops. 15. What is the value used to determine which port on a non-root bridge will become a root port in a STP network?  the path cost t hehi ghes tMACaddr essofal lt hepor t si nt heswi t ch t hel owestMACaddr essofal lt hepor t si nt hes wi t ch t heVTPr evi si onnumber 16. Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be the root bridge after the election process is complete?

 S1  S2  S3  S4

Explanation: Ther ootbr i dgei sdet er mi nedbyt hel owestbr i dgeI D,whi chconsi st soft he pr i or i t yv al ueandt heMACaddr es s.Becauset hepr i or i t yval uesofal loft heswi t chesar e i dent i cal ,t heMACaddr es si susedt odet er mi net her ootbr i dge.BecauseS2hast hel owes t MACaddr es s ,S2becomest her ootbr i dge. 17. What are two drawbacks to turning spanning tree off and having multiple paths through the Layer 2 switch network? (Choose two.)  The MAC address table becomes unstable.  Thes wi t c hact sl i k eahub.  Por tsecur i t ybec omesunst abl e.  Broadcast frames are transmitted indefinitely.  Por tsecur i t yshut sdownal loft hepor t st hathaveat t acheddevi ces. Explanation: Spanni ngt r eeshoul dnev erbedi sabl ed.Wi t houti t ,t heMACaddr esst abl e becomesunst abl e,br oadcastst or mscanr endernet wor kcl i ent sandt hes wi t chesunus abl e,and mul t i pl ecopi esofuni cas tf r amescanbedel i v er edt ot heenddev i ces. 18. A small company network has six interconnected Layer 2 switches. Currently all switches are using the default bridge priority value. Which value can be used to configure the bridge priority of one of the switches to ensure that it becomes the root bridge in this design? 1  28672  32768

 34816  61440

Explanation: Thedef aul tbr i dgepr i or i t yval uef oral lCi scoswi t chesi s32768.Ther angei s0 t o61440i ni nc r ement sof4096.Thus,t hev al ues1and34816ar ei nv al i d.Configur i ngone s wi t chwi t ht hel owerval ueof28672( andl eavi ngt hebr i dgepr i or i t yv al ueofal l ot herswi t ches unchanged)wi l lmak et hes wi t chbecomet her ootbr i dge. 19. Refer to the exhibit. The administrator tried to create an EtherChannel between S1 and the other two switches via the commands that are shown, but was unsuccessful. What is the problem?

 Traffic cannot be sent to two different switches through the same

EtherChannel link. T r afficc annotbesentt ot wodi ffer ents wi t ches,butonl yt ot wodi ffer entdev i cesl i k ean

Et her Channel enabl edser v erandas wi t ch. T r afficc anonl ybes entt ot wodi ffer entswi t chesi fEt her Channel i si mpl ement edon

Gi gabi tEt her neti nt er f aces. T r afficc anonl ybes entt ot wodi ffer entswi t chesi fEt her Channel i si mpl ement edon

Lay er3s wi t ches. Explanation: AnEt her Channell i nkcanonl ybecr eat edbet weent woswi t chesorbet weenan Et her Channel enabl edser v erandas wi t ch.Tr afficcannotbesentt ot wodi ffer entswi t c hes t hr ought hesameEt her Channel l i nk . 20. Which statement is true regarding the use of PAgP to create EtherChannels? I tr equi r esf ul ldupl ex. I ti ncr easest henumberofpor t st hatar epar t i ci pat i ngi nspanni ngt r ee. I tr equi r esmor ephysi call i nk st hanLACPdoes. I tmandat est hatanev ennumberofpor t s( 2,4,6,et c . )beusedf oraggr egat i on.  It is Cisco proprietary. Explanation: PAgPi susedt oaut omat i c al l yaggr egat emul t i pl epor t si nt oanEt her Channel bundl e,buti tonl ywor k sbet weenCi scodev i ces .LACPcanbeusedf ort hesamepur pose bet weenCi s coandnonCi scodev i ces.PAgPmus thav et hesamedupl exmodeatbot hends andcanuset wopor t sormor e.Thenumberofpor t sdependsont heswi t chpl at f or m ormodul e. AnEt her Channelaggr egat edl i nki sseenasonepor tbyt hespanni ngt r eeal gor i t hm.

21. What are two requirements to be able to configure an EtherChannel between two switches? (Choose two.)  All the interfaces need to work at the same speed.  Al li nt er f acesneedt obeas si gnedt odi ffer entVLANs.  Di ffer ental l owedr angesofVLANsmus texi s toneachend.  All the interfaces need to be working in the same duplex mode.  Thei nt er f acest hatar ei nv ol v edneedt obecont i guousont hes wi t ch. Explanation: Al l i nt er f acesi nt heEt her Channelbundl emustbeassi gnedt ot hesameVLAN orbeconfigur edasat r unk.I ft heal l owedr angeofVLANsi snott hesame,t hei nt er f acesdonot f or m anEt her Channel ev enwhensett oaut oordesi r abl emode. 22. Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the output that is shown, what can be determined about the EtherChannel bundle?

CCNA-2-v7-Modules 5 – 6 Redundant Networks Exam 22  TheEt her Channelbundl ei sdown. T woGi gabi tEt her netpor t sar eus edt of or mt heEt her Channel .  A Cisco proprietary protocol was used to negotiate the EtherChannel

link.  TheEt her Channelbundl ei soper at i ngatbot hLay er2andLay er3.

Explanation: Twopr ot ocol scanbeusedt osendnegot i at i onf r amest hatar eusedt ot r yt o est abl i shanEt her Channell i nk :PAgPandLACP.PAgPi sCi scopr opr i et ar y ,andLACPadher es t ot hei ndust r yst andar d. 23. Which two parameters must match on the ports of two switches to create a PAgP EtherChannel between the switches? (Choose two.)  por tI D  PAgPmode  MACaddr ess  speed  VLAN information

Explanation: ForanEt her Channel t obecr eat ed,t hepor t st hatar econcer nedont het wo s wi t chesmustmat chi nt er msoft hespeed,dupl ex ,andVLANi nf or mat i on.ThePAgPmode mustbecompat i bl ebutnotnecessar i l yequal .Thepor tI Dandt heMACaddr essesdonothav e t omat ch. 24. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring an EtherChannel link between two switches, SW1 and SW2. Which statement describes the effect after the commands are issued on SW1 and SW2?

CCNA-2-v7-Modules 5 – 6 Redundant Networks Exam 24  TheEt her Channeli sest abl i s hedaf t erSW2i ni t i at est hel i nkr equest .  TheEt her Channeli sest abl i s hedaf t erSW1i ni t i at est hel i nkr equest .  TheEt her Channeli sest abl i s hedwi t houtnegot i at i on.  The EtherChannel fails to establish.

Explanation: Thei nt er f ac esGi gabi t Et her net0/ 1andGi gabi t Et her net0/ 2ar econfigur ed“ on” f ort heEt her Channell i nk.Thi smodef or cest hei nt er f acet ochannel wi t houtPAgPorLACP.The Et her Channelwi l lbees t abl i shedonl yi ft heot hersi dei sal sosett o“ on” .Howev er ,t hemodeon SW2si dei ssett oPAgPdesi r abl e.Thust heEt her Channell i nkwi l l notbees t abl i shed. 25. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring an EtherChannel link between two switches, SW1 and SW2. However, the EtherChannel link fails to establish. What change in configuration would correct the problem?

CCNA-2-v7-Modules 5 – 6 Redundant Networks Exam 25  Configure SW2 EtherChannel mode to desirable.  Confi gur eSW2Et her Channel modet oon.  Confi gur eSW1Et her Channel modet oon.  Confi gur eSW2Et her Channel modet oaut o.

Explanation: TheEt her Channelmodemustbecompat i bl eoneac hsi def ort hel i nkt owor k . Thet hr eemodesf r om PAgPpr ot ocol ar eon,desi r abl e,andaut o.Thet hr eemodesf r om LACP pr ot ocol ar eon,act i ve,andpassi ve.Thecompat i bl emodesi ncl udeonon,aut odesi r abl e, desi r abl edesi r abl e,act i v epas si v e,andact i v eact i v e.Anyot hercombi nat i onswi l l notf or m an Et her Channell i nk. 26. A network administrator configured an EtherChannel link with three interfaces between two switches. What is the result if one of the three interfaces is down?  The remaining two interfaces continue to load balance traffic.  Ther emai ni ngt woi nt er f acesbecomes epar at el i nk sbet weent het woswi t ches .  On ei nt er f acebecomesanact i v el i nkf ordat at r afficandt heot herbecomesaback up l i nk .  TheEt her Channelf ai l s. Explanation: Et her Channelcr eat esanaggr egat i ont hati sseenasonel ogi call i nk.I tpr ovi des r edundancybecauset heov er al l l i nki sonel ogi calc onnec t i on.Thel os sofonephysi cal l i nk wi t hi nt hechanneldoesnotcr eat eachangei nt het opol ogy ;t heEt her Channel r emai ns f unct i onal . 27. A network administrator is configuring an EtherChannel link between switches SW1 and SW2 by using the command SW1(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode auto . Which command must be used on SW2 to enable this EtherChannel?  SW2 ( configi f r ange) #channel gr oup1modepas si v e  SW2(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode desirable

 SW2 ( configi f r ange) #channel gr oup1modeon  SW2 ( configi f r ange) #channel gr oup1modeact i v e

Explanation: Thepossi bl ecombi nat i onst oes t abl i shanEt her Channelbet weenSW1and SW2usi ngLACPorPAgPar easf ol l ows : PAgP onon aut odesi r abl e desi r abl edesi r abl e LACP onon act i v eact i v e pass i veact i v e TheEt her Channelmodechosenoneachsi deoft heEt her Channelmustbecompat i bl ei nor der t oenabl ei t . 28. Which technology is an open protocol standard that allows switches to automatically bundle physical ports into a single logical link?  PAgP  LACP  Mul t i l i nkPPP  DTP Explanation: LACP,orLi nkAggr egat i onCont r ol Pr ot ocol ,i sdefinedbyI EEE802. 3adandi s anopenst andar dpr ot ocol .LACPal l owsswi t chest oaut omat i cal l ybundl es wi t chpor t si nt oa s i ngl el ogi cal l i nkt oi ncr easebandwi dt h.PAgP,orPor tAggr egat i onPr ot ocol ,per f or msasi mi l ar f unct i on,buti ti saCi s copr opr i et ar ypr ot ocol .DTPi sDynami cTr unki ngPr ot ocolandi sus edt o aut omat i cal l yanddynami cal l ybui l dt r unksbet weens wi t ches.Mul t i l i nkPPPi susedt ol oadbal ancePPPt r afficacr ossmul t i pl eser i al i nt er f aces . 29. What is a requirement to configure a trunking EtherChannel between two switches?  The allowed range of VLANs must be the same on both switches.  Thepar t i ci pat i ngi nt er f acesmus tbeassi gnedt hesameVLANnumberonbot hs wi t ches .  Thepar t i ci pat i ngi nt er f acesmus tbephysi cal l ycont i guousonaswi t ch.  Thepar t i ci pat i ngi nt er f acesmus tbeont hesamemodul eonas wi t ch. Explanation: Toenabl eat r unki ngEt her Channel suc cess f ul l y ,t her angeofVLANsal l owed onal lt hei nt er f acesmustmat ch;ot her wi s e,t heEt her Channelcannotbef or med.Thei nt er f aces i nv ol vedi nanEt her Channel donothav et obephy si cal l ycont i guous,oront hesamemodul e. Becauset heEt her Channeli sat r unki ngone,par t i ci pat i ngi nt er f acesar ec onfigur edast r unk mode,notaccessmode. 30. What are two advantages of using LACP? (Choose two.)  It allows directly connected switches to negotiate an EtherChannel link. I tel i mi nat est heneedf orconfi gur i ngt r unki nt er f aceswhendepl oy i ngVLANsonmul t i pl e s wi t ches. I tdec r easest heamountofconfi gur at i ont hati sneededonaswi t ch. I tpr ov i desasi mul at edenv i r onmentf ort est i ngl i nkaggr egat i on.  It allows the use of multivendor devices.  LACPal l owsFastEt her netandGi gabi tEt her neti nt er f acest obemi x edwi t hi nasi ngl e Et her Channel .

Explanation: TheLi nkAggr egat i onCont r olPr ot ocol( LACP)al l owsdi r ect l yconnect ed mul t i vendors wi t chest onegot i at eanEt her Channell i nk.LACPhel psc r eat et heEt her Channel l i nkbydet ec t i ngt heconfigur at i onofeac hsi deandmaki ngsur et hatt heyar ecompat i bl esot hat t heEt her Channel l i nkcanbeenabl edwhenneeded. 31. A switch is configured to run STP. What term describes a non-root port that is permitted to forward traffic on the network? r ootpor t  designated port  al t er nat epor t  di sabl ed 32. What are two advantages of EtherChannel? (Choose two.)  Spanning Tree Protocol views the physical links in an EtherChannel as one logical connection. L oadbal anci ngoc cur sbet weenl i nksconfigur edasdi ffer entEt her Channel s.  Configuring the EtherChannel interface provides consistency in the configuration of the physical links.  Spanni ngTr eePr ot ocol ensur esr edundanc ybyt r ansi t i oni ngf ai l edi nt er f acesi nan Et her Channelt oaf or war di ngst at e.  Et her Channelus esupgr adedphy si cal l i nk st opr ovi dei ncr easedbandwi dt h. Explanation: Et her Channelconfigur at i onofonel ogi cal i nt er f aceensur esconfigur at i on c ons i st encyacr osst hephysi c all i nksi nt heEt her Channel .TheEt her Channel pr ov i desi ncr eased bandwi dt husi ngexi st i ngs wi t chpor t swi t houtr equi r i nganyupgr adest ot hephy si cal i nt er f aces . Loadbal anci ngmet hodsar ei mpl ement edbet weenl i nkst hatar epar toft hes ameEt her channel . BecauseEt her Channel vi ewst hebundl edphy si call i nksasonel ogi calconnect i on,spanni ng t r eer ec al cul at i oni snotr equi r edi foneoft hebundl edphysi cal l i nksf ai l .I faphysi cal i nt er f ace f ai l s,STPcannott r ansi t i ont hef ai l edi nt er f acei nt oaf or war di ngst at e. 33. Refer to the exhibit. What are the possible port roles for ports A, B, C, and D in this RSTP-enabled network?

Modules 5 – 6: Redundant Networks Exam 33  alternate, designated, root, root  des i gnat ed,al t er nat e,r oot ,r oot  al t er nat e,r oot ,des i gnat ed,r oot  des i gnat ed,r oot ,al t er nat e,r oot

Explanation: Becaus eS1i st her ootbr i dge,Bi sadesi gnat edpor t ,andCandDr ootpor t s. RSTPsuppor t sanewpor tt ype,al t er nat epor ti ndi scar di ngst at e,t hatcanbepor tAi nt hi s s cenar i o. 34. Refer to the exhibit. Which switching technology would allow each access layer switch link to be aggregated to provide more bandwidth between each Layer 2 switch and the Layer 3 switch?

CCNA-2-v7-Modules 5 – 6 Redundant Networks Exam 02 t r unki ng  HSRP  Por t Fast  EtherChannel

Explanation: Por t Fasti susedt or educet heamountoft i met hatapor tspendsgoi ngt hr ough t hes panni ngt r eeal gor i t hm,sot hatdev i cescanst ar tsendi ngdat asooner .Tr unki ngcanbe i mpl ement edi nconj unct i onwi t hEt her Channel ,butt r unki ngal onedoesnotaggr egat es wi t ch l i nks .HSRPi susedt ol oadbal ancet r afficacr osst wodi ffer entc onnect i onst oLay er3devi ces f ordef aul tgat ewayr edundancy .HSRPdoesnotaggr egat el i nksatei t herLay er2orLay er3as Et her Channeldoes. 35. Refer to the exhibit. An administrator wants to form an EtherChannel between the two switches by using the Port Aggregation Protocol. If switch S1 is configured to be in auto mode, which mode should be configured on S2 to form the EtherChannel?

CCNA-2-v7-Modules 5 – 6 Redundant Networks Exam 06  aut o  on  off  desirable

Explanation: AnEt her Channelwi l l bef or medvi aPAgPwhenbot hs wi t chesar ei nonmode orwhenoneoft hem i si naut oordesi r abl emodeandt heot heri si ndes i r abl emode. 36. Open the PT Activity...

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