CCNA 2 v7 Modules 7 – 9 Available and Reliable Networks Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 2 v7 Modules 7 – 9 Available and Reliable Networks Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 26
File Size 1.5 MB
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CCNA 2 v7 Modules 7 - 9 Available and Reliable Networks Exam Answers...


1.ADHCPenabl edcl i entPChasj ustboot ed.Dur i ngwhi cht wost epswi l lt hecl i entPC usebr oadcastmessageswhencommuni cat i ngwi t haDHCPser ver ?( Chooset wo. )  DHCPDISCOVER  DHCPACK  DHCPOFFER  DHCPREQUEST  DHCPNAK 2. An administrator issues the commands: Router(config)# interface g0/1 Router(config-if)# ip address dhcp What is the administrator trying to achieve? c onfigur i ngt her out ert oactasaDHCPv4ser v er  configuring the router to obtain IP parameters from a DHCPv4 server c onfigur i ngt her out ert oactasar el ayagent c onfigur i ngt her out ert or esol v eI Paddr essconfli ct s 3. When a client is requesting an initial address lease from a DHCP server, why is the DHCPREQUEST message sent as a broadcast?  Thec l i entdoesnoty etknowt heI Paddr essoft heDHCPser vert hatsentt heoffer .  TheDHCPs er vermaybeonadi ffer entsubnet ,sot her equestmustbesentasa br oadcast .  Thec l i entdoesnothav eaMACaddr essassi gnedy et ,soi tcannotsendauni cast messageatLay er2.  The client may have received offers from multiple servers, and the broadcast serves to implicitly decline those other offers. 4. Which DHCP IPv4 message contains the following information? Dest i nat i onaddr ess :255. 255. 255. 255 Cl i entI Pv 4addr ess :0. 0. 0. 0 Def aul tgat ewayaddr ess :0. 0. 0. 0 Subnetmask :0. 0. 0. 0  DHCPACK  DHCPDISCOVER  DHCPOFFER  DHCPREQUEST

5. Place the options in the following order:  ac l i enti ni t i at i ngamessaget ofindaDHCPser v er–DHCPDI SCOVER  aDHCPs er v err espondi ngt ot hei ni t i alr equestbyacl i ent–DHCPOFFER t hecl i entaccept i ngt heI Paddr esspr ovi dedbyt heDHCPser v er–DHCPREQUEST t heDHCPser v erconfir mi ngt hatt hel easehasbeenaccept ed–DHCPACK 6. Which protocol automates assignment of IP addresses on a network, and which port number does it use? (Choose two.)  DHCP  DNS  SMB  53  67

 80 Explanation: DNSusespor t53andt r ansl at esURLst oI Paddr esses .SMBpr ovi desshar ed accesst ofil esandpr i nt er sandusespor t445.Por t80i susedbyHTTP.HTTPi sapr ot ocol usedt ocommuni cat ebet weenawebbr owserandaser v er .

7. Refer to the exhibit. PC1 is configured to obtain a dynamic IP address from the DHCP server. PC1 has been shut down for two weeks. When PC1 boots and tries to request an available IP address, which destination IP address will PC1 place in the IP header?

 192. 168. 1. 1  192. 168. 1. 255   192. 168. 1. 8

Explanation: Whenahostboot sandhasbeenconfigur edf ordynami cI Paddr ess i ng,t he devi cet r i est oobt ai nav al i dI Paddr ess.I tsendsaDHCPDI SCOVERmessage.Thi si sa br oadcastmessagebecauset heDHCPser v eraddr essi sunknown( bydesi gn) .Thedest i nat i on I Paddr essi nt heI Pheaderi s255. 255. 255. 255andt hedest i nat i onMACaddr essi s FF: FF: FF: FF: FF: FF. 8. Which message does an IPv4 host use to reply when it receives a DHCPOFFER message from a DHCP server?  DHCPOFFER  DHCPDI SCOVER  DHCPREQUEST  DHCPACK Explanation: Whent hecl i entr ecei v est heDHCPOFFERf r om t heser v er ,i tsendsbacka DHCPREQUESTbr oadcastmessage.Onr ecei vi ngt heDHCPREQUESTmessage,t heser v er r epl i eswi t hauni cas tDHCPACKmessage. 9. Which command, when issued in the interface configuration mode of a router, enables the interface to acquire an IPv4 address automatically from an ISP, when that link to the ISP is enabled?

s er vi cedhcp  ip address dhcp i phel per addr ess i pdhcppool

Explanation: Theip address dhcp i nt er f aceconfigur at i oncommandconfigur esan Et her neti nt er f aceasaDHCPcl i ent .Theservice dhcp gl obalconfigur at i oncommand enabl est heDHCPv 4ser v erpr ocessont her out er .Theip helper-address commandi s i s suedt oenabl eDHCPr el ayont her out er .Theip dhcp pool commandc r eat est henameof apoolofaddr essest hatt heser v ercanassi gnt ohost s . 10. Which kind of message is sent by a DHCP client when its IP address lease has expired?  aDHCPDI SCOVERuni castmessage  aDHCPREQUESTbr oadcastmessage  a DHCPREQUEST unicast message  aDHCPDI SCOVERbr oadcastmessage Explanation: Whent heI Paddr essl easet i meoft heDHCPcl i entexpi r es,i tsendsa DHCPREQUESTuni cas tmessagedi r ect l yt ot heDHCPv4ser v ert hator i gi nal l yoffer edt heI Pv 4 addr ess. 11. A host PC is attempting to lease an address through DHCP. What message is sent by the server to let the client know it is able to use the provided IP information?  DHCPDI SCOVER  DHCPOFFER  DHCPREQUEST  DHCPACK  DHCPNACK Explanation: WhenahostusesDHCPt oaut omat i cal l yconfigur eanI Paddr ess,t het ypi cal l y sendst womess ages:t heDHCPDI SCOVERmess ageandt heDHCPREQUESTmess age. Theset womess agesar eusual l ysentasbr oadcast st oensur et hatal lDHCPser v er sr ecei v e t hem.Theser v er sr espondt ot hesemessagesusi ngDHCPOFFER,DHCPACK,and DHCPNACKmessages ,dependi ngont heci r c umst ance. 12. What is one indication that a Windows computer did not receive an IPv4 address from a DHCP server?  Thec omput ercannotpi ng127. 0. 0. 1.  The computer receives an IP address that starts with 169.254.  Wi ndowsdi spl aysaDHCPt i meoutmessage.  Thec omput ercannotpi ngot herdevi cesont hesamenet wor kwi t hI Paddr essesi nt he 169. 254. 0. 0/ 16r ange. Explanation: WhenaWi ndowsPCcannotcommuni cat ewi t hanI Pv 4DHCPser v er ,t he comput eraut omat i cal l yassi gnsanI Paddr essi nt he169. 254. 0. 0/ 16r ange.Anyot herdevi ceon t hesamenet wor kt hatr ecei v esanaddr essi nt hesamer angei sr eachabl e. 13. Which DHCPv4 message will a client send to accept an IPv4 address that is offered by a DHCP server?  br oadcastDHCPACK  broadcast DHCPREQUEST  uni cas tDHCPACK  uni cas tDHCPREQUEST

Explanation: WhenaDHCPcl i entr ecei v esDHCPOFFERmessages ,i twi l l sendabr oadcast DHCPREQUESTmessagef ort wopur poses .Fi r s t ,i ti ndi cat est ot heoffer i ngDHCPser vert hati t woul dl i ket oacceptt heofferandbi ndt heI Paddr ess .Second,i tnot i fiesanyot herr espondi ng DHCPser v er st hatt hei roffer sar edecl i ned. 14. A small coffee shop is offering free Wi-Fi to customers. The network includes a wireless router and a DSL modem that is connected to the local phone company. What method is typically used to configure the connection to the phone company?  Set the WAN connection in the wireless router as a DHCP client.  Se tt heconnect i onbet weent hewi r el essr out erandt heDSLmodem asapr i vat eI P net wor k .  Se tt heDSLmodem asaDHCPcl i entt ogetapubl i cI Paddr essf r om t hewi r el ess r out er .  Se tt heDSLmodem asaDHCPcl i entt ot hephonecompanyandaDHCPser v erf ort he i nt er nalconnect i on. Explanation: I naSOHO envi r onment ,awi r el essr out erconnect st oanI SPvi aaDSLor cabl emodem.TheI Paddr essbet weent hewi r el essr out erandI SPsi t ei st ypi cal l yassi gnedby t heI SPt hr oughDHCP.TheDSLmodem doesnotmanageI Paddr essal l ocat i on. 15. A company uses DHCP to manage IP address deployment for employee workstations. The IT department deploys multiple DHCP servers in the data center and uses DHCP relay agents to facilitate the DHCP requests from workstations. Which two UDP ports are used to forward DHCP traffic? (Choose two.)  23  53  67  68  80 Explanation: TheDHCPpr ot ocoloper at eswi t h2UDPpor t s.UDPpor t67i st hedest i nat i on por tf orDHCPser v er s ,andDHCPcl i ent suseUDPpor t68. 16. A client device on an Ethernet segment needs an IP address in order to communicate on the network. A DHCP server with IP address has been configured and enabled on the network. How will a client device obtain a usable IP address for this network?  Se ndaDHCPACKpackett ot hedef aul tgat ewayaddr ess .  Us east at i cal l yconfigur edI Paddr essf r om t hepoolofI Paddr ess est hati soffer edby t heDHCPser v er .  Send a DHCPDISCOVER message to physical address FF-FF-FF-FF-FFFF.  Se ndaDHCPREQUESTpack ett oI Paddr ess255. 255. 255. 255. Explanation: Li keI Paddr essi ng,t her ei sal soaspeci alMACaddr essf orbr oadcast pur poses :FFFFFFFFFFFF.WhenaDHCPcl i entneedst osendaDHCPDi scov ermessage i nor dert oseekDHCPser v er s ,t hecl i entwi l luset hi sMACaddr essast hedest i nat i onMAC addr essi nt heEt her netf r ame.I tdoest hi sbecausei thasnoknowl edgeoft heI PandMAC addr essesofDHCPser v er s. 17. What is an advantage of configuring a Cisco router as a relay agent?  It can provide relay services for multiple UDP services.

I tr educest her esponset i mef r om aDHCPser v er . I tcanf or war dbot hbr oadcastandmul t i castmessagesonbehal fofcl i ent s. I twi l l al l owDHCPDI SCOVERmess agest opasswi t houtal t er at i on.

Explanation: Bydef aul t ,t heip helper-address commandf or war dst hef ol l owi ngei ght UDPser vi ces: Por t37:Ti me Por t49:TACACS Por t53:DNS Por t67:DHCP/ BOOTPcl i ent Por t68:DHCP/ BOOTPser v er Por t69:TFTP Por t137:Net BI OSnameser vi ce Por t138:Net BI OSdat agr am ser vi ce 18. Which statement is true about DHCP operation?  When a device that is configured to use DHCP boots, the client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message to identify any available DHCP servers on the network.  Ac l i entmustwai tf orl easeexpi r at i onbef or ei tsendsanot herDHCPREQUEST message. I ft hecl i entr ecei v essev er alDHCPOFFERmessagesf r om di ffer entser v er s ,i tsendsa uni cas tDHCPREQUESTmessaget ot heser v erf r om whi chi tchoosest oobt ai nt heI P i nf or mat i on.  TheDHCPDI SCOVERmessagecont ai nst heI Paddr essandsubnetmaskt obe assi gned,t heI Paddr essoft heDNSser v er ,andt heI Paddr essoft hedef aul t gat eway . Explanation: Thecl i entbr oadcast saDHCPDI SCOVERmessaget oi dent i f yanyav ai l abl e DHCPser v er sont henet wor k .ADHCPser v err epl i eswi t haDHCPOFFERmessage.Thi s messageoffer st ot hecl i ental easet hatcont ai nssuchi nf or mat i onast heI Paddr essandsubnet maskt obeassi gned,t heI Paddr essoft heDNSser v er ,andt heI Paddr essoft hedef aul t gat eway .Af t ert hecl i entr ecei v est hel ease,t her ecei v edi nf or mat i onmustber enewedt hr ough anot herDHCPREQUESTmessagepr i ort ot hel easeexpi r at i on. 19. Order the DHCP message types as they would occur between a DHCP client and a DHCP server.

Explanation: TheDHCPDI SCOVERmess agei susedt oi dent i f yanyDHCPser v er sona net wor k . TheDHCPOFFERmessagei susedbyaser v ert oofferal easet oacl i ent .The DHCPREQUESTmessagei susedt oi dent i f ybot ht hespeci ficDHCPser v erandt hel easet hat t hecl i enti saccept i ng. TheDHCPACKmessagei susedbyaser v ert ofinal i z easuccess f ull easewi t hacl i ent . TheDHCPNAKmessagei susedwhenanoffer edl easei snol ongerv al i d.

20. A network administrator configures a router to send RA messages with M flag as 0 and O flag as 1. Which statement describes the effect of this configuration when a PC tries to configure its IPv6 address? I tshoul dcont actaDHCPv6ser v erf ort hepr efix ,t hepr efix l engt hi nf or mat i on,andan i nt er f aceI Dt hati sbot hr andom anduni que.  It should use the information that is contained in the RA message and contact a DHCPv6 server for additional information. I tshoul duset hei nf or mat i ont hati scont ai nedi nt heRAmess ageex cl usi v el y . I tshoul dcont actaDHCPv6ser v erf oral lt hei nf or mat i ont hati tneeds. Explanation: I CMPv6RAmessagescont ai nt woflagst oi ndi cat ewhet herawor kst at i on shoul duseSLAAC,aDHCPv 6ser v er ,oracombi nat i ont oconfigur ei t sI Pv 6addr ess .These t woflagsar eM flagandO flag.Whenbot hflagsar e0( bydef aul t ) ,acl i entmustonl yuset he i nf or mat i oni nt heRAmessage.WhenM flagi s0andO flagi s1,acl i entshoul duset he i nf or mat i oni nt heRAmessageandl ookf ort heot herconfigur at i onpar amet er s( suchasDNS ser v eraddr esses)onDHCPv6ser v er s. 21. Refer to the exhibit. What should be done to allow PC-A to receive an IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server?

 Add the ipv6 dhcp relay command to interface Fa0/0.  Changet heipv6 nd managed-config-flag commandt oipv6 nd other-config-flag.  Confi gur et heipv6 nd managed-config-flag commandoni nt er f aceFa0/ 1.  Ad dt heI Pv 6addr ess2001: DB8: 1234: 5678: : 10/ 64t ot hei nt er f aceconfigur at i onoft he

DHCPv6ser v er . Explanation: Cl i entDHCPv 6messagesar esentt oamul t i castaddr esswi t hl i nk l ocalscope, whi chmeanst hatt hemessageswi l lnotbef or war dedbyr out er s .Becauset hecl i entandser v er ar eondi ffer entsubnet sondi ffer enti nt er f aces ,t hemessagewi l l notr eacht heser v er .Ther out er canbeconfigur edt or el ayt heDHCPv 6messagesf r om t hecl i entt ot heser v erbyconfigur i ng t hei pv6dhcpr el aycommandont hei nt er f acet hati sconnect edt ot hecl i ent . 22. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is implementing the stateless DHCPv6 operation for the company. Clients are configuring IPv6 addresses as expected. However, the clients are not getting the DNS server address and the domain name information configured in the DHCP pool. What could be the cause of the problem?

 TheDNSs er v eraddr essi snotont hesamenet wor kast hecl i ent sar eon.  The router is configured for SLAAC operation.  TheGi gabi t Et her neti nt er f acei snotact i v at ed.  Thec l i ent scannotcommuni cat ewi t ht heDHCPv6ser v er ,evi dencedbyt henumberof

act i v ecl i ent sbei ng0. Explanation: Ther out eri sconfigur edf orSLAACoper at i onbecauset her ei snoconfigur at i on commandt ochanget heRAM andO flagval ue.Bydef aul t ,bot hM andO flagsar esett o0.I n or dert oper mi ntst at el essDHCPv6oper at i on,t hei nt er f acecommandipv6 nd otherconfig-flag shoul dbei ssued.TheGi gabi t Et her neti nt er f acei si nwor ki ngcondi t i onbecause cl i ent scangetRAmess agesandconfigur et hei rI Pv6addr essesasexpect ed.Al so,t hef actt hat R1i st heDHCPv6ser v erandcl i ent sar eget t i ngRAmessagesi ndi cat est hatcl i ent scan communi cat ewi t ht heDHCPser v er .Thenumberofact i v ecl i ent si s0becauset heDHCPv6 ser v erdoesnotmai nt ai nt hest at eofcl i ent sI Pv 6addr ess es( i ti snotconfigur edf orst at ef ul DHCPv6oper at i on) .TheDNSser v eraddr essi ssuei snotr el ev antt ot hepr obl em. 23. Question as presented: Ast at el essDHCPv6cl i entwoul dsendaDHCPv 6I NFORMATI ONREQUESTmess ageasst ep 3i nt hepr ocess . 24. A company uses the SLAAC method to configure IPv6 addresses for the employee workstations. Which address will a client use as its default gateway? t hegl obaluni castaddr essoft her out eri nt er f acet hati sat t achedt ot henet wor k t heuni quel ocaladdr essoft her out eri nt er f acet hati sat t achedt ot henet wor k t heal l r out er smul t i castaddr ess  the link-local address of the router interface that is attached to the network Explanation: WhenaPCi sconfigur edt ouset heSLAACmet hodf orconfigur i ngI Pv 6 addr esses ,i twi l luset hepr efixandpr efix l engt hi nf or mat i ont hati scont ai nedi nt heRA message,combi nedwi t ha64bi ti nt er f aceI D( obt ai nedbyusi ngt heEUI 64pr ocessorbyusi ng

ar andom numbert hati sgener at edbyt hecl i entoper at i ngs ys t em) ,t of or m anI Pv6addr ess .I t usest hel i nk l ocaladdr essoft her out eri nt er f acet hati sat t achedt ot heLANsegmentasi t s I Pv 6def aul tgat ewayaddr ess . 25. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring a router for DHCPv6 operation. Which conclusion can be drawn based on the commands?

 Ther out eri sconfigur edf orst at ef ulDHCPv6oper at i on,butt heDHCPpoolconfigur at i on

i si ncompl et e.  TheDHCPv 6ser v ernamei sACAD_CLASS.  Cl i ent swoul dconfigur et hei nt er f aceI Dsabov e0010.  The router is configured for stateless DHCPv6 operation. Explanation: TheDHCPv 6i sf ort hest at el essDHCPv6oper at i ont hati si ndi cat edby changi ngt heO flagt o1andl eavi ngt heM flagasdef aul t ,whi chi s0.Ther ef or e,i ti snot configur edf orst at ef ulDHCPv 6oper at i on.Al t hought heDNSser v erhast hei nt er f aceI D0010, cl i ent si nst at el essDHCPv6oper at i onwi l l configur et hei ri nt er f aceI Dsei t herbyEUI 64ora r andom number .TheACAD_CLASSi st henameoft heDHCPpool ,nott heDHCPser v ername. 26. A network administrator is analyzing the features that are supported by different first-hop router redundancy protocols. Which statement describes a feature that is associated with HSRP?  HSRP uses active and standby routers.  HSRPi snonpr opr i et ar y . I tal l owsl oadbal anci ngbet weenagr oupofr edundantr out er s . I tusesI CMPmessagesi nor dert oassi gnt hedef aul tgat ewayt ohost s . Explanation: TheHSRPfir st hopr out err edundanc ypr ot ocoli sCi scopr opr i et ar yand suppor t ss t andbyandact i v edevi ces .VRRPv2andVRRPv3ar enonpr opr i et ar y .GLBPi sCi sco pr opr i et ar yandsuppor t sl oadbal anci ngbet weenagr oupofr edundantr out er s. 27. Refer to the exhibit. What protocol can be configured on gateway routers R1 and R2 that will allow traffic from the internal LAN to be load balanced across the two gateways to the Internet?


Explanation: GLBP,orGr oupLoadBal anci ngPr ot ocol ,al l owsmul t i pl er out er st oactasa si ngl edef aul tgat ewayf orhost s.GLBPl oadbal ancest het r afficacr osst hei ndi vi dualr out er son aperhos tbasi s . 28. Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer is troubleshooting host connectivity on a LAN that uses a first hop redundancy protocol. Which IPv4 gateway address should be configured on the host?

 192. 168. 2. 0  192. 168. 2. 1  192. 168. 2. 2 

Explanation: Thehostdef aul tgat ewayaddr essshoul dbet heFHRP( i nt hi scaseGLBP) vi r t ualI Paddr ess. 29. Refer to the exhibit. Which destination MAC address is used when frames are sent from the workstation to the default gateway?

 MAC address of the virtual router  MACaddr essoft hest andbyr out er  MACaddr essesofbot ht hef or war di ngandst andbyr out er s  MACaddr essoft hef or war di ngr out er

Explanation: TheI Paddr essoft hevi r t ualr out eract sast hedef aul tgat ewayf oral lt he wor kst at i ons.Ther ef or e,t heMACaddr esst hati sr et ur nedbyt heAddr essResol ut i onPr ot ocolt o t hewor ks t at i onwi l lbet heMACaddr essoft hevi r t ualr out er . 30. Question as presented: HotSt andbyRout erPr ot ocol( HSRP)i saCi scopr opr i et ar ypr ot ocolt hati sdesi gnedt oal l owf or t r anspar entf ai l ov erofafir st hopI Pv4devi ce. 31. Which FHRP implementation is a Cisco-proprietary protocol that suppports IPv4 load sharing? I RDP  GLBP  VRRPv 3  GLBPf orI Pv6 32. The address pool of a DHCP server is configured with The network administrator reserves 8 IP addresses for servers. How many IP addresses are left in the pool to be assigned to other hosts?  122

 118  119  108  116

Explanation: Cal cul at et hemaxi mum numberofhost sav ai l abl ef ort hesl ashv al ueand subt r actt her equi r edst at i cI Paddr ess esr equi r edf ort hedevi ces. / 24=254hos t s / 25=126hos t s / 26=62hos t s / 27=30hos t s / 28=14hos t s 33. Question as presented: Thebr oadcastDHCPDI SCOVERmessagefindsDHCPv4ser v er sont henet wor k.Whent he DHCPv4ser v err ecei v esaDHCPDI SCOVERmess age,i tr eser v esanav ai l abl eI Pv 4addr esst o l easet ot hecl i entandsendst heuni cas tDHCPOFFERmessaget ot her equest i ngcl i ent .When t hecl i entr ecei vest heDHCPOFFERf r om t heser v er ,i tsendsbackaDHCPREQUEST.On r ecei vi ngt heDHCPREQUESTmessaget heser v err epl i eswi t hauni castDHCPACKmess age. DHCPREPL YandDHCPI NFORMATI ONREQUESTar eDHCPv 6messages . 34. After a host has generated an IPv6 address by using the DHCPv6 or SLAAC process, how does the host verify that the address is unique and therefore usable?  Thehos tsendsanI CMPv6echor equestmess aget ot heDHCPv6orSLAACl ear ned addr essandi fnor epl yi sr et ur ned,t headdr essi sconsi der eduni que.  The host sends an ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation message to the DHCP or SLAAC-learned address and if no neighbor advertisement is returned, the address is considered unique.  Thehos tcheckst hel ocalnei ghborcachef ort hel ear nedaddr essandi ft headdr essi s notcached,i ti tconsi der eduni que.  Thehos tsendsanARPbr oadcastt ot hel ocall i nkandi fnohost ssendar epl y ,t he addr essi sconsi der eduni que....

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