CCNA 1 v7 Modules 8 – 10 Communicating Between Networks Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 1 v7 Modules 8 – 10 Communicating Between Networks Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 28
File Size 849.1 KB
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Communicating Between Networks Exam Answers...


Introduction to Networks ( Version 7.00) – Modules 8 – 10: Communicating Between Networks Exam 1. Which information is used by routers to forward a data packet toward its destination? s our ceI Paddr ess  destination IP address s our cedat al i nkaddr ess  des t i nat i ondat al i nkaddr ess 2. A computer has to send a packet to a destination host in the same LAN. How will the packet be sent?  Thepac ketwi l l besentt ot hedef aul tgat ewayfi r st ,andt hen,dependi ngont her esponse f r om t hegat eway ,i tmaybesentt ot hedest i nat i onhost .  The packet will be sent directly to the destination host.  Thepac ketwi l l fi r stbesentt ot hedef aul tgat eway ,andt henf r om t hedef aul tgat ewayi t wi l l besentdi r ect l yt ot hedest i nat i onhost .  Thepac ketwi l l besentonl yt ot hedef aul tgat eway . 3. A router receives a packet from the Gigabit 0/0 interface and determines that the packet needs to be forwarded out the Gigabit 0/1 interface. What will the router do next? r out et hepacketoutt heGi gabi t0/ 1i nt er f ac e  create a new Layer 2 Ethernet frame to be sent to the destination l ooki nt ot heARPcac het odet er mi net hedest i nat i onI Paddr ess l ooki nt ot her out i ngt abl et odet er mi nei ft hedest i nat i onnet wor ki si nt her out i ngt abl e 4. Which IPv4 address can a host use to ping the loopback interface?  126. 0. 0. 1  127. 0. 0. 0  126. 0. 0. 0  5. A computer can access devices on the same network but cannot access devices on other networks. What is the probable cause of this problem?  Thec abl ei snotconnect edpr oper l yt ot heNI C.  Thec omput erhasani nval i dI Paddr ess.  Thec omput erhasani ncor r ectsubnetmask.  The computer has an invalid default gateway address. 6. Which statement describes a feature of the IP protocol? I Pencapsul at i oni smodi fiedbasedonnet wor kmedi a. I Pr el i esonLay er2pr ot ocol sf ort r ansmi ssi oner r orc ont r ol .  MACaddr essesar euseddur i ngt heI Ppac ketencaps ul at i on.  IP relies on upper layer services to handle situations of missing or out-of-order packets. Explanation: I Ppr ot ocol i saconnect i onl esspr ot ocol ,consi der edunr el i abl ei nt er msofendt oenddel i v er y .I tdoesnotpr ovi deer r orcont r ol i nt hecaseswher er ecei vi ngpack et sar eout of or derori ncasesofmi ssi ngpack et s.I tr el i esonupperl ay erser vi ces,suchasTCP,t or esol v e t hesei s s ues . 7. Why is NAT not needed in IPv6?  Bec auseI Pv6hasi nt egr at edsecur i t y ,t her ei snoneedt ohi det heI Pv6addr ess esof i nt er nalnet wor k s.

 Any host or user can get a public IPv6 network address because the

number of available IPv6 addresses is extremely large.  Thepr obl emst hatar ei nducedbyNATappl i c at i onsar esol v edbecauset heI Pv6header

i mpr ov espackethandl i ngbyi nt er medi at er out er s .  Theendt oendconnect i v i t ypr obl emst hatar ecausedbyNATar esol v edbecauset he

numberofr out esi nc r easeswi t ht henumberofnodest hatar econnect edt ot he I nt er net . 8. Which parameter does the router use to choose the path to the destination when there are multiple routes available?  the lower metric value that is associated with the destination network t hel owergat ewayI Paddr esst ogett ot hedest i nat i onnet wor k t hehi ghermet r i cv al uet hati sassoci at edwi t ht hedest i nat i onnet wor k t hehi ghergat ewayI Paddr esst ogett ot hedest i nat i onnet wor k 9. What are two services provided by the OSI network layer? (Choose two.)  per f or mi nger r ordet ect i on  routing packets toward the destination  encapsulating PDUs from the transport layer  pl acementoff r amesont hemedi a c ol l i si ondet ect i on Explanation: TheOSInet wor kl ay erpr ov i dessever al ser vi cest oal l owcommuni c at i on bet weendevi ces:  addr essi ng  enc aps ul at i on r out i ng  deencapsul at i on Er r ordet ect i on,pl aci ngf r amesont hemedi a,andcol l i si ondet ect i onar eal l f unct i onsoft hedat a i nkl ay er . 10. Within a production network, what is the purpose of configuring a switch with a default gateway address?  Hos t st hatar econnect edt ot hes wi t chcanuset hes wi t chdef aul tgat ewayaddr esst o f or war dpack et st oar emot edest i nat i on.  As wi t chmus thav eadef aul tgat ewayt obeacc essi bl ebyTel netandSSH.  The default gateway address is used to forward packets originating from the switch to remote networks. I tpr ovi desanext hopaddr essf oral lt r affict hatflowst hr ought hes wi t c h. Explanation: Adef aul tgat ewayaddr essal l owsaswi t cht of or war dpack et st hator i gi nat eon t hes wi t c ht or emot enet wor ks.Adef aul tgat ewayaddr es sonaswi t chdoesnotpr ovi deLay er3 r out i ngf orPCst hatar econnect edont hatswi t c h.Aswi t c hcanst i l l beaccessi bl ef r om Tel netas l ongast hesour ceoft heTel netconnect i oni sont hel ocalnet wor k . 11. What is a basic characteristic of the IP protocol?  connectionless  medi adependent  us erdat asegment at i on r el i abl eendt oenddel i v er y Explanation: I nt er netPr ot ocol ( I P)i sanet wor kl ay erpr ot ocol t hatdoesnotr equi r ei ni t i al ex changeofc ont r oli nf or mat i ont oest abl i shanendt oendconnect i onbef or epack et sar e

f or war ded.Thus ,I Pi sconnect i onl es sanddoesnotpr ov i der el i abl eendt oenddel i v er ybyi t sel f . I Pi smedi ai ndependent .Userdat asegment at i oni saser v i c epr ovi dedatt het r anspor tl ay er . 12. Which field in the IPv4 header is used to prevent a packet from traversing a network endlessly?  Time-to-Live  Sequenc eNumber  Ac k nowl edgmentNumber  Di ffer ent i at edSer vi ces Explanation: Thev al ueoft heTi met oLi v e( TTL )fiel di nt heI Pv 4headeri susedt ol i mi tt he l i f et i meofapacket .Thesendi nghos tset st hei ni t i al TTLv al ue;whi chi sdecr easedbyoneeach t i met hepack eti spr ocessedbyar out er .I ft heTTLfiel ddecr ement st ozer o,t her out erdi scar ds t hepack etandsendsanI nt er netCont r olMessagePr ot ocol ( I CMP)Ti meEx ceededmessaget o t hesour c eI Paddr ess.TheDi ffer ent i at edSer v i ces( DS)fiel di susedt odet er mi net hepr i or i t yof eachpac ket .SequenceNumberandAcknowl edgmentNumberar et wofiel dsi nt heTCP header . 13. What is one advantage that the IPv6 simplified header offers over IPv4? s mal l er si z edheader l i t t l er equi r ementf orpr oces si ngchecks ums s mal l er si z edsour c eanddest i nat i onI Paddr esses  efficient packet handling Explanation: TheI Pv6s i mpl i fi edheaderoffer ssev er aladv ant agesoverI Pv4:  Bet t err out i ngeffici encyandeffic i entpackethandl i ngf orper f or manc eandf or war di ngr at esc al abi l i t y  Nor equi r ementf orpr ocess i ngc hecksums  Si mpl i fiedandmor eeffic i entext ensi onheadermechani sms( asopposedt ot heI Pv4 Opt i onsfiel d)  AFl owLabel fiel df orper flowpr ocessi ngwi t hnoneedt oopent het r anspor ti nner pack ett oi dent i f yt hev ar i oust r afficfl ows 14. What IPv4 header field identifies the upper layer protocol carried in the packet?  Protocol I dent i fi cat i on  Ver s i on  Di ffer ent i at edSer vi ces Explanation: I ti st hePr ot ocol fiel di nt heI Pheadert hati dent i fi est heupper l ay erpr ot oc ol t he pack eti scar r yi ng.TheVer si onfi el di dent i fiest heI Pv er si on.TheDi ffer ent i al Ser vi cesfi el di s usedf orset t i ngpacketpr i or i t y .TheI dent i fi cat i onfiel di susedt or eor derf r agment edpack et s.

15. Refer to the exhibit. Match the packets with their destination IP address to the exiting interfaces on the router. (Not all targets are used.)

Explanation: Pack et swi t hadest i nat i onof172. 17. 6. 15ar ef or war dedt hr oughFa0/ 0.Pack et s wi t hadest i nat i onof172. 17. 10. 5ar ef or war dedt hr oughFa1/ 1.Packet swi t hadest i nat i onof 172. 17. 12. 10ar ef or war dedt hr oughFa1/ 0.Pack et swi t hadest i nat i onof172. 17. 14. 8ar e f or war dedt hr oughFa0/ 1.Becausenet wor k172. 17. 8. 0hasnoent r yi nt her out i ngt abl e,i twi l l t ak et hegat ewayofl astr esor t ,whi chmeanst hatpack et swi t hadest i nat i onof172. 17. 8. 20ar e f or war dedt hr oughSer i al 0/ 0/ 0.Becauseagat ewayofl as tr esor texi s t s ,nopack et swi l l be dr opped. 16. What information does the loopback test provide?

 The TCP/IP stack on the device is working correctly.  Thedev i cehasendt oendconnect i vi t y .  DHCPi swor ki ngcor r ect l y .  TheEt her netcabl ei swor ki ngcor r ect l y .  Thedev i cehast hecor r ectI Paddr es sont henet wor k .

17. What routing table entry has a next hop address associated with a destination network?  di r ect l y connect edr out es l ocal r out es  remote routes  CandLs our cer out es 18. How do hosts ensure that their packets are directed to the correct network destination?  They have to keep their own local routing table that contains a route to the loopback interface, a local network route, and a remote default route.  The yal waysdi r ec tt hei rpack et st ot hedef aul tgat eway ,whi c hwi l l ber es ponsi bl ef ort he pack etdel i v er y .  The ys ear chi nt hei rownl ocalr out i ngt abl ef orar out et ot henet wor kdest i nat i onaddr ess andpas st hi si nf or mat i ont ot hedef aul tgat eway .  The ys endaquer ypac k ett ot hedef aul tgat ewayaski ngf ort hebes tr out e. 19. When transporting data from real-time applications, such as streaming audio and video, which field in the IPv6 header can be used to inform the routers and switches to maintain the same path for the packets in the same conversation?  Ne xtHeader  Flow Label T r afficCl ass  Di ffer ent i at edSer vi ces Explanation: TheFl owLabel i nI Pv 6headeri sa20bi tfiel dt hatpr ovi desaspeci al ser vi ce f orr eal t i meappl i c at i ons.Thi sfiel dc anbeus edt oi nf or mr out er sands wi t chest omai nt ai nt he s amepat hf ort hepack etflowsot hatpack et swi l l notber eor der ed. 20. What statement describes the function of the Address Resolution Protocol?  ARPi susedt odi s cov ert heI Paddr essofanyhostonadi ffer entnet wor k.  ARPi susedt odi s cov ert heI Paddr essofanyhostont hel ocalnet wor k .  ARPi susedt odi s cov ert heMACaddr es sofanyhostonadi ffer entnet wor k .  ARP is used to discover the MAC address of any host on the local network. 21. Under which two circumstances will a switch flood a frame out of every port except the port that the frame was received on? (Choose two.)  The frame has the broadcast address as the destination address.  The destination address is unknown to the switch.  Thes our ceaddr essi nt hef r ameheaderi st hebr oadcastaddr ess .  Thes our ceaddr essi nt hef r amei samul t i castaddr ess.  Thedes t i nat i onaddr essi nt hef r amei saknownuni cas taddr es s. Explanation: Aswi t chwi l l floodaf r ameoutofever ypor t ,ex ceptt heonet hatt hef r amewas r ec ei v edf r om,undert woci r c umst ances .Ei t hert hef r amehast hebr oadcastaddr essast he dest i nat i onaddr ess,ort hedest i nat i onaddr es si sunknownt ot heswi t c h.

22. Which statement describes the treatment of ARP requests on the local link?  The ymustbef or war dedbyal lr out er sont hel ocal net wor k .  They are received and processed by every device on the local network.  The yar edr oppedbyal l swi t c hesont hel ocalnet wor k .  The yar er ecei v edandpr ocessedonl ybyt het ar getdev i ce. Explanation: Oneoft henegat i v ei ss ueswi t hARPr equest si st hatt heyar esentasa br oadcas t .Thi smeansal ldevi cesont hel ocall i nkmustr ecei v eandpr oc esst her eques t . 23. Which destination address is used in an ARP request frame?  0. 0. 0. 0  255. 255. 255. 255  FFFF.FFFF.FFFF  AAAA. AAAA. AAAA t hephysi cal addr essoft hedest i nat i onhost Explanation: Thepur poseofanARPr eques ti st ofi ndt heMACaddr essoft hedest i nat i on hostonanEt her netLAN.TheARPpr ocesss endsaLay er2br oadcastt oal l dev i cesont he Et her netLAN.Thef r amecont ai nst heI Paddr essoft hedes t i nat i onandt hebr oadcastMAC addr ess ,FFFF . FFFF. FFFF.Thehostwi t ht heI Paddr es st hatmat c hest heI Paddr es si nt he ARPr eques twi l l r epl ywi t hauni castf r amet hati ncl udest heMACaddr essoft hehos t .Thust he or i gi nal sendi nghostwi l l obt ai nt hedest i nat i onI PandMACaddr esspai rt ocont i nuet he encaps ul at i onpr ocessf ordat at r ans mi s si on. 24. A network technician issues the arp -d * command on a PC after the router that is connected to the LAN is reconfigured. What is the result after this command is issued?  The ARP cache is cleared.  Thec ur r entcont entoft heARPcachei sdi s pl ay ed.  Thedet ai l edi nf or mat i onoft heARPcachei sdi spl ay ed.  TheARPc ac hei ss y nchr oni z edwi t ht her out eri nt er f ace. Explanation: I ssui ngt hearp –d * commandonaPCwi l l cl eart heARPcachecont ent .Thi s i shel pf ulwhenanet wor kt echni ci anwant st oensur et hecachei spopul at edwi t hupdat ed i nf or mat i on. 25. Refer to the exhibit. The exhibit shows a small switched network and the contents of the MAC address table of the switch. PC1 has sent a frame addressed to PC3. What will the switch do with the frame?

 Thes wi t chwi l l di s car dt hef r ame.  Thes wi t chwi l l f or war dt hef r ameonl yt opor t2.  The switch will forward the frame to all ports except port 4.  Thes wi t chwi l l f or war dt hef r amet oal l por t s .  Thes wi t chwi l l f or war dt hef r ameonl yt opor t s1and3.

Explanation: TheMACaddr essofPC3i snotpr esenti nt heMACt abl eoft hes wi t c h. Becauset heswi t c hdoesnotknowwher et os endt hef r amet hati saddr essedt oPC3,i twi l l f or war dt hef r amet oal l t heswi t chpor t s,ex ceptf orpor t4,whi c hi st hei ncomi ngpor t . 26. Which two types of IPv6 messages are used in place of ARP for address resolution?  an y cas t  br oadcast  ec hor epl y  ec hor equest  neighbor solicitation  neighbor advertisement Explanation: I Pv6doesnotuseARP.I nst ead,I CMPv6nei ghbordi scover yi susedby s endi ngnei ghbors ol i ci t at i onandnei ghboradv er t i s ementmessages . 27. What is the aim of an ARP spoofing attack? t ofloodt henet wor kwi t hARPr epl ybr oadcast s t ofil ls wi t chMACaddr esst abl eswi t hbogusaddr es ses  to associate IP addresses to the wrong MAC address t oov er whel m net wor khost swi t hARPr eques t s 28. Refer to the exhibit. PC1 attempts to connect to File_server1 and sends an ARP request to obtain a destination MAC address. Which MAC address will PC1 receive in the ARP reply?

t heMACaddr essofS1  the MAC address of the G0/0 interface on R1 t heMACaddr essoft heG0/ 0i nt er f aceonR2 t heMACaddr essofS2 t heMACaddr essofFi l e_ser v er 1

29. Where are IPv4 address to Layer 2 Ethernet address mappings maintained on a host computer?  nei ghbort abl e  ARP cache r out i ngt abl e  MACaddr esst abl e 30. What important information is examined in the Ethernet frame header by a Layer 2 device in order to forward the data onward? s our ceMACaddr ess s our ceI Paddr ess  destination MAC address  Et her nett y pe  des t i nat i onI Paddr ess Explanation: TheLay er2devi ce,suchasaswi t ch,usest hedest i nat i onMACaddr esst o det er mi newhi c hpat h( i nt er f aceorpor t )shoul dbeusedt osendt hedat aonwar dt ot he dest i nat i ondevi ce. 31. Match the commands to the correct actions. (Not all options are used.)

32. A new network administrator has been asked to enter a banner message on a Cisco device. What is the fastest way a network administrator could test whether the banner is properly configured?  Reboo tt hedevi ce.  Ent erCTRL Zatt hepr i v i l egedmodepr ompt .  Ex i tgl obal configur at i onmode.  Powe rcy cl et hedevi ce.  Exit privileged EXEC mode and press Enter. Explanation: Whi l eatt hepr i vi l egedmodepr omptsuchasRout er #,t y peexit,press Enter, andt hebannermessageappear s .Powerc y cl i nganet wor kdevi c et hathashad t hebanner motd commandi ssuedwi l l al s odi spl ayt hebannermes sage,butt hi si snota qui ckwayt ot estt heconfigur at i on. 33. A network administrator requires access to manage routers and switches locally and remotely. Match the description to the access method. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: Bot ht heconsol eandAUXpor t scanbeusedt odi r ect l yconnectt oaCi sco net wor kdev i cef ormanagementpur pos es.Howev er ,i ti smor ecommont ous et heconsol epor t . TheAUXpor ti smor eof t enusedf orr emot eacc essvi aadi al upconnect i on.SSHandTel net ar ebot hr emot eaccessmet hodst hatdependonanact i v enet wor kconnect i on.SSHusesa s t r ongerpasswor daut hent i cat i ont hanTel netusesandal sous esencr ypt i onont r ansmi t t ed dat a. 34. Match the phases to the functions during the boot up process of a Cisco router. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: Ther ear et hr eemaj orphasest ot heboot uppr ocessofaCi scor out er : 1.Per f or mt hePOSTandl oadt heboot st r appr ogr am. 2.Locat eandl oadt heCi s coI OSsof t war e. 3.Locat eandl oadt hest ar t upconfi gur at i onfil e I fast ar t upconfigur at i onfi l ecannotbel ocat ed,t her out erwi l l ent erset upmodebydi s pl a yi ng t heset upmodepr ompt . 35. Match the command with the device mode at which the command is entered. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: Theenable commandi sent er edi nR1>mode.Thelogin commandi s ent er edi nR1( configl i ne) #mode.Thecopy running-config startup-config commandi s ent er edi nR1#mode.Theip address commandi sent er ed i nR1( configi f ) #mode.Theservice password-encryption commandi sent er edi ngl obal c onfi gur at i onmode. 36. What are two functions of NVRAM? (Choose two.) t ost or et her out i ngt abl e  to retain contents when power is removed  to store the startup configuration file t ocont ai nt her unni ngc onfi gur at i onfi l e t ost or et heARPt abl e Explanation: NVRAM i sper manentmemor ys t or age,s ot hest ar t upconfi gur at i onfil ei s pr eser v edeveni ft her out erl osespower . 37. A router boots and enters setup mode. What is the reason for this?  TheI OSi magei scor r upt .  Ci scoI OSi smi s si ngf r om fl ashmemor y .

 The configuration file is missing from NVRAM.  ThePOSTpr ocesshasdet ect edhar dwar ef ai l ur e.

38. The global configuration command ip default-gateway is applied to a switch. What is the effect of this command?  Thes wi t chwi l l hav eamanagementi nt er f acewi t ht headdr ess172. 16. 100. 1.  The switch can be remotely managed from a host on another network.  Thes wi t chcancommuni cat ewi t hot herhost sont he172. 16. 100. 0net wor k.  Thes wi t chi sl i mi t edt osendi ngandr ecei vi ngf r amest oandf r om t hegat eway 172. 16. 100. 1. Explanation: Adef aul tgat ewayaddr essi st ypi cal l yconfigur edonal ldevi cest oal l owt hem t o c ommuni cat ebey ondj ustt hei rl ocalnet wor k. I naswi t c ht hi si sachi ev edusi ngt hecommandi p def aul t gat eway. 39. What happens when the transport input ssh command is entered on the switch vty lines?  TheSSHc l i entont hes wi t chi senabl ed.  Communication between the switch and remote users is encrypted.  Thes wi t chr equi r esaus er name/ pass wor dcombi nat i onf orr emot eaccess.  Thes wi t chr equi r esr emot econnec t i onsvi aapr opr i et ar ycl i entsof t war e. Explanation: Thetransport input ssh commandwhenent er edont heswi t chvt y( vi r t ual t er mi nall i nes)wi l l encr yptal li nboundcont r ol l edt el netconnect i ons. 40. Refer to the exhibit. A user PC has successfully transmitted packets to Which IP address does the user PC target in order to forward its data off the local network?

 172. 24. 255. 17  172. 24. 1. 22   172. 24. 255. 4  172. 20. 1. 18

41. Match the configuration mode with the command that is available in that mode. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: Theenable commandi sent er edatt heR1>pr ompt .Thelogin commandi s ent er edatt heR1( confi gl i ne) #pr ompt .Thecopy running-config startupconfig c ommandi sent er edatt heR1#pr ompt .Theinterface fastethernet 0/0 commandi sent er edatt heR1( confi g) #pr ompt . 42. Which three commands are used to set up secure access to a ...

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