CCNA 2 v7 Modules 14 – 16 Routing Concepts and Configuration Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 2 v7 Modules 14 – 16 Routing Concepts and Configuration Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 31
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Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials ( Version 7) – Routing Concepts and Configuration Exam1. Which feature on a Cisco router permits the forwarding of traffic for which there is no specific route? next-hop  gateway of last resort route source outgoing interface Explanation: A default sta...


Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials ( Version 7.00) – Routing Concepts and Configuration Exam 1. Which feature on a Cisco router permits the forwarding of traffic for which there is no specific route?  ne xt hop  gateway of last resort r out esour ce  out goi ngi nt er f ace Explanation: Adef aul tst at i cr out ei susedasagat ewayofl astr esor tt of or war dunknown dest i nat i ont r affict oanexthop/ exi ti nt er f ace.Thenext hoporex i ti nt er f acei st hedest i nat i ont o s endt r affict oonanet wor kaf t ert het r affici smat chedi nar out er .Ther out es our cei st he l ocat i onar out ewasl ear nedf r om. 2. Which three advantages are provided by static routing? (Choose three.)  Static routing does not advertise over the network, thus providing better security.  Confi gur at i onofst at i cr out esi ser r or f r ee.  St at i cr out esscal ewel l ast henet wor kgr ows.  Static routing typically uses less network bandwidth and fewer CPU operations than dynamic routing does.  The path a static route uses to send data is known.  Noi nt er vent i oni sr equi r edt omai nt ai nchangi ngr out ei nf or mat i on. 3. What are two functions of dynamic routing protocols? (Choose two.)  to maintain routing tables t oassur el owr out erover head t oavoi dexposi ngnet wor ki nf or mat i on  to discover the network t ochooset hepat ht hati sspeci fi edbyt headmi ni st r at or 4. What is an advantage of using dynamic routing protocols instead of static routing? e asi ert oi mpl ement  mor esecur ei ncont r ol l i ngr out i ngupdat es f ewerr out err esour c eover headr equi r ement s  ability to actively search for new routes if the current path becomes unavailable 5. What happens to a static route entry in a routing table when the outgoing interface associated with that route goes into the down state?  The static route is removed from the routing table.  Th er out erpol l snei ghbor sf orar epl acementr out e.  Th er out eraut omat i cal l yr edi r ect st hest at i cr out et ouseanot heri nt er f ace.  Th es t at i cr out er emai nsi nt het abl ebecausei twasdefinedasst at i c. Explanation: Whent hei nt er f aceass oci at edwi t hast at i cr out egoesdown,t her out erwi l l r emovet her out ebecausei ti snol ongerval i d. 6. What is a characteristic of a static route that matches all packets? I tusesasi ngl enet wor kaddr esst osendmul t i pl est at i cr out est oonedest i nat i on addr ess .

 It identifies the gateway IP address to which the router sends all IP

packets for which it does not have a learned or static route. I tbacksupar out eal r eadydi scover edbyadynami cr out i ngpr ot ocol . I ti sconfigur edwi t hahi gheradmi ni st r at i vedi st ancet hant heor i gi nal dynami cr out i ng

pr ot ocolhas . Explanation: Adef aul tst at i cr out ei sar out et hatmat chesal l packet s.I ti dent i fiest he gat ewayI Paddr esst owhi cht her out ersendsal lI Ppack et sf orwhi chi tdoesnothaveal ear ned orst at i cr out e.Adef aul ts t at i cr out ei ssi mpl yast at i cr out ewi t h0. 0. 0. 0/ 0ast hedest i nat i onI Pv4 addr ess .Configur i ngadef aul tst at i cr out ecr eat esagat ewayofl astr esor t . 7. When would it be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol instead of static routing? i nanor gani zat i onwher er out er ssufferf r om per f or mancei ssues  onas t ubnet wor kt hathasasi ngl eexi tpoi nt i nanor gani zat i onwi t hasmal l ernet wor kt hati snotexpect edt ogr owi nsi ze  on a network where there is a lot of topology changes Explanation: Dy nami cr out i ngpr ot ocol sconsumemor er out err es our ces,ar es ui t abl ef or l ar gernet wor ks,andar emor eusef ulonnet wor kst hatar egr owi ngandc hangi ng. 8. Which route would be used to forward a packet with a source IP address of and a destination IP address of  C192. 168. 10. 0/ 30i sdi r ect l yconnect ed,Gi gabi t Et her net 0/ 1  O [110/65] via, 00:01:20, Serial0/1/0  S*0. 0. 0. 0/ 0[ 1/ 0]vi a172. 16. 1. 1  S10. 1. 0. 0/ 16i sdi r ect l yconnect ed,Gi gabi t Et her net 0/ 0 Explanation: Ev ent houghOSPFhasahi gheradmi ni s t r at i v edi st anc eval ue( l ess t r ust wor t hy) ,t hebestmat chi st her out ei nt her out i ngt abl et hathast hemostnumberoff arl ef t mat chi ngbi t s . 9. Refer to the exhibit. What is the administrative distance value of the route for router R1 to reach the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:CAFE:4::A?

 120  110 1 4

Explanation: TheRI Pr out ewi t ht hesour cecodeRi susedt of or war ddat at ot hedest i nat i on I Pv6addr essof2001: DB8: CAFE: 4: : A.Thi sr out ehasanADv al ueof120.

10. Which value in a routing table represents trustworthiness and is used by the router to determine which route to install into the routing table when there are multiple routes toward the same destination?  administrative distance  me t r i c  out goi ngi nt er f ace r out i ngpr ot ocol Explanation: Theadmi ni st r at i vedi st ancer epr esent st het r us t wor t hi nessofapar t i cul arr out e. Thel oweranadmi ni st r at i v edi st ance,t hemor et r us t wor t hyt hel ear nedr out ei s .Whenar out er l ear nsmul t i pl er out est owar dt hesamedest i nat i on,t her out erusest headmi ni st r at i vedi st ance v al uet odet er mi newhi chr out et opl acei nt ot her out i ngt abl e.Amet r i ci sus edbyar out i ng pr ot ocolt ocompar er out esr ecei vedf r om t her out i ngpr ot ocol .Anexi ti nt er f acei st hei nt er f ac e usedt osendapacketi nt hedi r ect i onoft hedest i nat i onnet wor k.Ar out i ngpr ot ocoli susedt o ex changer out i ngupdat esbet weent woormor eadj acentr out er s. 12. Refer to the graphic. Which command would be used on router A to configure a static route to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?

 A( config) #i pr out e192. 168. 3. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 3. 1  A( config) #i pr out e192. 168. 3. 2255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 4. 0  A( config) #i pr out e192. 168. 4. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 5. 2  A( config) #i pr out e192. 168. 5. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 3. 2  A(config)# ip route

Explanation: Thedest i nat i onnet wor konLANCi s192. 168. 4. 0andt henext hopaddr ess f r om t heper spect i veofr out erAi s192. 168. 3. 2. 13. On which two routers would a default static route be configured? (Choose two.)  an yr out erwher eaback upr out et ody nami cr out i ngi sneededf orr el i abi l i t y t her out ert hatser v esast hegat ewayofl astr esor t  an yr out err unni nganI OSpr i ort o12. 0  stub router connection to the rest of the corporate or campus network  edge router connection to the ISP

Explanation: Ast ubr out eroranedger out erconnect edt oanI SPhasonl yoneot herr out er asac onnec t i on.Adef aul ts t at i cr out ewor ksi nt hoses i t uat i onsbecauseal lt r afficwi l lbesentt o onedes t i nat i on.Thedest i nat i onr out eri st hegat ewayofl astr esor t .Thedef aul tr out ei snot c onfi gur edont hegat eway ,butont her out ersendi ngt r affict ot hegat eway .Ther out erI OSdoes notmat t er . 14. Refer to the exhibit. This network has two connections to the ISP, one via router C and one via router B. The serial link between router A and router C supports EIGRP and is the primary link to the Internet. If the primary link fails, the administrator needs a floating static route that avoids recursive route lookups and any potential next-hop issues caused by the multiaccess nature of the Ethernet segment with router B. What should the administrator configure?

 Cr eat east at i cr out epoi nt i ngt o10. 1. 1. 1wi t hanADof95.  Cr eat eaf ul l yspeci fi edst at i cr out epoi nt i ngt oFa0/ 0wi t hanADof1.  Create a fully specified static route pointing to Fa0/0 with an AD of

95.  Cr eat east at i cr out epoi nt i ngt o10. 1. 1. 1wi t hanADof1.  Cr eat east at i cr out epoi nt i ngt oFa0/ 0wi t hanADof1.

Explanation: Afloat i ngst at i cr out ei sast at i cr out ewi t hanadmi ni st r at i v edi st ancehi gher t hant hatofanot herr out eal r eadyi nt her out i ngt abl e.I ft her out ei nt het abl edi sappear s,t he fl oat i ngst at i cr out ewi l lbeputi nt ot her out i ngt abl ei ni t spl ace.I nt er nal EI GRPhasanADof90, s oafl oat i ngst at i cr out ei nt hi ssc enar i owoul dneedt ohav eanADhi ghert han90.Al so,when c r eat i ngast at i cr out et oamul t i acces si nt er f acel i k eaFast Et her netsegmentaf ul l yspeci fied r out eshoul dbeus ed,wi t hbot hanext hopI Paddr essandanexi ti nt er f ace.Thi spr ev ent st he r out erf r om doi ngar ecur si vel ookup,butst i l lensur est hecor r ectnext hopdevi ceont he mul t i acces ssegmentf or war dst hepac ket . 15. What is a characteristic of a floating static route?  Wh eni ti sconfigur ed,i tcr eat esagat ewayofl astr esor t . I ti susedt opr ovi del oadbal anci ngbet weens t at i cr out es. I ti ssi mpl yast at i cr out ewi t h0. 0. 0. 0/ 0ast hedest i nat i onI Pv4addr ess .  It is configured with a higher administrative distance than the original dynamic routing protocol has. Explanation: Fl oat i ngst at i cr out esar est at i cr out esusedt opr ovi deabackuppat ht oa pr i mar yst at i cordy nami cr out e,i nt heev entofal i nkf ai l ur e.Theymus tbeconfi gur edwi t ha hi gheradmi ni st r at i v edi st ancet hant heor i gi nal dynami cr out i ngpr ot oc ol has.Adef aul tst at i c

r out ei ssi mpl yast at i cr out ewi t h0. 0. 0. 0/ 0ast hedest i nat i onI Pv4addr ess .Configur i ngadef aul t s t at i cr out ecr eat esagat ewayofl astr esor t . 16. What network prefix and prefix-length combination is used to create a default static route that will match any IPv6 destination?  FFFF: : / 128 : : 1/ 64 : : / 128  ::/0 Explanation: Adef aul tst at i cr out econfi gur edf orI Pv6,i sanet wor kpr efixofal l z er osanda pr efi xmaskof0whi c hi sexpr essedas: : / 0. 17. Consider the following command: ip route 5 What does the 5 at the end of the command signify? e xi ti nt er f ace  max i mum numberofhopst ot he192. 168. 10. 0/ 24net wor k  me t r i c  administrative distance Explanation: The5att heendoft hecommandsi gni fiesadmi ni st r at i v edi st ance.Thi sval uei s addedt ofloat i ngst at i cr out esorr out est hatonl yappeari nt her out i ngt abl ewhent hepr ef er r ed r out ehasgonedown.The5att heendoft hecommandsi gni fiesadmi ni st r at i v edi st ance c onfi gur edf ort hest at i cr out e.Thi sval uei ndi cat est hatt hefloat i ngst at i cr out ewi l lappeari nt he r out i ngt abl ewhent hepr ef er r edr out e( wi t hanadmi ni s t r at i v edi st anc el esst han5)i sdown. 18. Refer to the exhibit. The routing table for R2 is as follows: Gateway of last resort is not set 10. 0. 0. 0/ 30i ssubnet t ed,2subnet s C10. 0. 0. 0i sdi r ect l yconnect ed,Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0 C10. 0. 0. 4i sdi r ect l yconnect ed,Ser i al 0/ 0/ 1 192. 168. 10. 0/ 26i ssubnet t ed,3s ubnet s S192. 168. 10. 0i sdi r ec t l yconnect ed,Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0 C192. 168. 10. 64i sdi r ect l yconnect ed,Fast Et her net 0/ 0 S192. 168. 10. 128[ 1/ 0]vi a10. 0. 0. 6 What will router R2 do with a packet destined for

s endt hepack etouti nt er f aceFast Et her net 0/ 0  send the packet out interface Serial0/0/1  dr opt hepacket s endt hepack etouti nt er f aceSer i al 0/ 0/ 0

Explanation: Whenast at i cr out ei sc onfigur edwi t ht henex thopaddr ess( asi nt hecaseof t he192. 168. 10. 128net wor k) ,t heout putoft heshow ip route commandl i s t st her out eas “ vi a”apar t i cul arI Paddr ess.Ther out erhast ol ookupt hatI Paddr esst odet er mi newhi ch i nt er f acet osendt hepack etout .Becauset heI Paddr essof10. 0. 0. 6i spar tofnet wor k10. 0. 0. 4, t her out ers endst hepacketouti nt er f aceSer i al 0/ 0/ 1. 19. An administrator issues the ipv6 route 2001:db8:acad:1::/32 gigabitethernet0/0 2001:db8:acad:6::1 100 command on a router. What administrative distance is assigned to this route? 0 1  32  100 Explanation: Thecommandipv6 route 2001:db8:acad:1::/32 gigabitethernet0/0 2001:db8:acad:6::1 100 wi l lconfigur eafloat i ngst at i cr out eona r out er .The100att heendoft hecommandspec i fiest headmi ni s t r at i v edi st anc eof100t obe appl i edt ot her out e. 20. Refer to the exhibit. Which default static route command would allow R1 to potentially reach all unknown networks on the Internet?

 R1( confi g) #i pv 6r out e2001: db8: 32: : / 64G0/ 0  R1( confi g) #i pv 6r out e: : / 0G0/ 0f e80: : 2  R1( confi g) #i pv 6r out e2001: db8: 32: : / 64G0/ 1f e80: : 2  R1(config)# ipv6 route ::/0 G0/1 fe80::2

Explanation: Tor out epack et st ounknownI Pv 6net wor ksar out erwi l lneedanI Pv6def aul t r out e.Thes t at i cr out ei pv6r out e: : / 0G0/ 1f e80: : 2wi l l mat chal lnet wor ksandsendpack et sout t hespeci fiedexi ti nt er f aceG0/ 1t owar dR2. 21. Refer to the exhibit. The network engineer for the company that is shown wants to use the primary ISP connection for all external connectivity. The backup ISP connection is used only if the primary ISP connection fails. Which set of commands would accomplish this goal?

i pr out e0. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 0s0/ 0/ 0

i pr out e0. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 0s0/ 1/ 0  ip route s0/0/0

ip route s0/1/0 10 i pr out e198. 133. 219. 24255. 255. 255. 252

i pr out e64. 100. 210. 80255. 255. 255. 25210 i pr out e198. 133. 219. 24255. 255. 255. 252

i pr out e64. 100. 210. 80255. 255. 255. 252 Explanation: Ast at i cr out et hathasnoadmi ni st r at i v edi st anceaddedaspar toft he c ommandhasadef aul tadmi ni st r at i vedi st anceof1.Thebackupl i nkshoul dhav eanumber hi ghert han1.Thec or r ectans werhasanadmi ni st r at i v edi st anceof10.Theot herquadz er o r out ewoul dl oadbal ancepack et sacr ossbot hl i nksandbot hl i nkswoul dappeari nt her out i ng t abl e.Ther emai ni nganswer sar esi mpl yst at i cr out es( ei t heradef aul tr out eorafloat i ngst at i c def aul tr out e) . 22. Refer to the exhibit. Which set of commands will configure static routes that will allow the Park and the Alta routers to a) forward packets to each LAN and b) direct all other traffic to the Internet?

 Park(config)# ip route

Alta(config)# ip route Alta(config)# ip route s0/0/0  Par k( c onfi g) #i pr out e0. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 0192. 168. 14. 1 Al t a( config) #i pr out e10. 0. 234. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 14. 2 Al t a( config) #i pr out e198. 18. 222. 0255. 255. 255. 255s0/ 0/ 0  Par k( c onfi g) #i pr out e172. 16. 67. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 14. 1 Par k ( confi g) #i pr out e0. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 0192. 168. 14. 1 Al t a( config) #i pr out e10. 0. 234. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 14. 2

 Par k( c onfi g) #i pr out e172. 16. 67. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 14. 1

Al t a( config) #i pr out e10. 0. 234. 0255. 255. 255. 0192. 168. 14. 2 Al t a( config) #i pr out e0. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 0s 0/ 0/ 1 Explanation: TheLANconnect edt ot her out erPar ki sast udnet wor k ,t her ef or e,adef aul t r out eshoul dbeus edt of or war dnet wor kt r afficdest i nedt ononl ocal net wor ks.Ther out erAl t a c onnec t st obot ht hei nt er netandt hePar kr out er ,i twoul dr equi r et wost at i cr out esconfigur ed, onet owar dt hei nt er netandt heot hert owar dt heLANc onnect edt ot her out erPar k. 23. Refer to the exhibit. The small company shown uses static routing. Users on the R2 LAN have reported a problem with connectivity. What is the issue?

 R1 needs a static route to the R2 LAN.  R2needsas t at i cr out et ot heR1LANs .  R1needsade f aul tr out et oR2.  R2needsas t at i cr out et ot heI nt er net .  R1andR2mus tuseady nami cr out i ngpr ot ocol .

Explanation: R1hasadef aul tr out et ot heI nt er net .R2hasadef aul tr out et oR1.R1i s mi ssi ngast at i cr out ef ort he10. 0. 60. 0net wor k.Anyt r affict hatr eachedR1andi sdest i nedf or 10. 0. 60. 0/ 24wi l lber out edt ot heI SP. 24. Refer to the exhibit. An administrator is attempting to install an IPv6 static route on router R1 to reach the network attached to router R2. After the static route command is entered, connectivity to the network is still failing. What error has been made in the static route configuration?

 Th enexthopaddr es si si ncor r ect .  The interface is incorrect.  Th edes t i nat i onnet wor ki si ncor r ec t .  Th enet wor kpr efixi si nc or r ect .

Explanation: I nt hi sex ampl et hei nt er f acei nt hest at i cr out ei si ncor r ect .Thei nt er f aceshoul d bet heexi ti nt er f aceonR1,whi chi ss 0/ 0/ 0. 25. Refer to the exhibit. How was the host route 2001:DB8:CAFE:4::1/128 installed in the routing table?

 Th er out ewasdy nami cal l ycr eat edbyr out erR1.

 Th er out ewasdy nami cal l yl ear nedf r om anot herr out er .  The route was manually entered by an administrator.  Th er out ewasaut omat i cal l yi nst al l edwhenanI Paddr esswasconfigur edonanact i v e

i nt er f ace. Explanation: Ahos tr out ei sanI Pv6r out ewi t ha128bi tmask.Ahostr out ec anbei nst al l ed i nar out i ngt abl eaut omat i cal l ywhenanI Paddr es si sconfi gur edonar out eri nt er f aceor manual l yi fast at i cr out ei sc r eat ed. 26. Refer to the exhibit. HostA is attempting to contact ServerB. Which two statements correctly describe the addressing that HostA will generate in the process? (Choose two.)

 Apac k etwi t ht hedest i nat i onI Paddr essofRout er A.  Af r amewi t ht hedest i nat i onMACaddr essofSwi t chA.  A packet with the destination IP address of ServerB.  A frame with the destination MAC address of RouterA.  Af r amewi t ht hedest i nat i onMACaddr essofSer v er B.  Apac k etwi t ht hedest i nat i onI Paddr essofRout er B.

Explanation: I nor dert osenddat at oSer v er B,Host Awi l lgener at eapackett hatcont ai nst he I Paddr essoft hedest i nat i ondevi ceont her emot enet wor kandaf r amet hatcont ai nst heMAC addr essoft hedef aul tgat ewaydevi ceont hel ocal net wor k. 27. Refer to the exhibit. A ping from R1 to is successful, but a ping from R1 to any address in the network fails. What is the cause of this problem?

 Th er ei snogat ewayofl astr es or tatR1.  The static route for is incorrectly configured.  Adef aul tr out ei snotconfigur edonR1.  Th es er i al i nt er f acebet weent het wor out er si sdown.

28. Refer to the exhibit. An administrator is attempting to install a default static route on router R1 to reach the Site B network on router R2. After entering the static route command, the route is still not showing up in the routing table of router R1. What is preventing the route from installing in the routing table?

 Th enet maski si nc or r ect .  Th eexi ti nt er f acei smi ssi ng.  The next hop address is incorrect.  Th edes t i nat i onnet wor ki si ncor r ec t .

Explanation: Thenexthopaddr es si si ncor r ec t .Fr om R1t henexthopaddr essshoul dbe t hatoft heser i al i nt er f ac eofR2,209. 165. 202. 130. 29. Refer to the exhibit. The Branch Router has an OSPF neighbor relationship with the HQ router over the network. The network link should serve as a backup when the OSPF link goes down. The floating static route command ip route S0/1/1 100 was issued on Branch and now traffic is using the backup link even when the OSPF link is up and functioning. Which change should be made to the static route command so that traffic will only use the OSPF link when it is up?

 Addt henexthopnei ghboraddr essof198. 51. 0. 8.  Changet headmi ni st r at i v edi st ancet o1.  Changet hedest i nat i onnet wor kt o198. 51. 0. 5.  Change the administrative distance to 120.

Explanation: Thepr obl em wi t ht hecur r entfl oat i ngst at i cr out ei st hatt headmi ni st r at i v e di st ancei ssett ool ow.Theadmi ni st r at i vedi st ancewi l l needt obehi ghert hant hatofOSPF, whi chi s110,sot hatt ...

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