CCNA 1 v7 Modules 1 – 3 Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 1 v7 Modules 1 – 3 Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 22
File Size 759.2 KB
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Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam Answers...


CCNA 1 v7 Modules 1 – 3: Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam Answers

Introduction to Networks (Version 7.00) – Modules 1 – 3: Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam 1. During a routine inspection, a technician discovered that software that was installed on a computer was secretly collecting data about websites that were visited by users of the computer. Which type of threat is affecting this computer?  DoSat t ac k i dent i t yt hef t  spyware z er odayat t ack 2. Which term refers to a network that provides secure access to the corporate offices by suppliers, customers and collaborators? I nt er net i nt r anet  extranet e x t endednet 3. A large corporation has modified its network to allow users to access network resources from their personal laptops and smart phones. Which networking trend does this describe? c l oudcomput i ng o nl i nec ol l abor at i on  bring your own device v i deoconf er enci ng 4. What is an ISP? I ti sas t andar dsbodyt hatdev el opscabl i ngandwi r i ngs t andar dsf ornet wor ki ng. I ti sapr ot ocol t hates t abl i s heshowcomput er swi t hi nal oc al net wor kc ommuni cat e.  It is an organization that enables individuals and businesses to connect to the Internet. I ti sanet wor ki ngdev i cet hatcombi nest hef unc t i onal i t yofs ev er al di ffer entnet wor ki ng devi c esi none.

5. Match the requirements of a reliable network with the supporting network architecture. (Not all options are used.)

6. An employee at a branch office is creating a quote for a customer. In order to do this, the employee needs to access confidential pricing information from internal servers at the Head Office. What type of network would the employee access?  an intranet t heI nt er net a next r anet  al ocal ar eanet wor k Explanation: I nt r aneti sat er m usedt or ef ert oapr i v at econnec t i onofLANsandWANst hat bel ongst oanor gani z at i on.Ani nt r aneti sdesi gnedt obeacc es si bl eonl ybyt heor gani z at i on’ s member s ,empl oy ees ,orot her swi t haut hor i z at i on. 7. Which statement describes the use of powerline networking technology?  Ne w“ s mar t ”el ec t r i cal cabl i ngi susedt oext endanex i s t i nghomeLAN.  Ah omeLANi si nst al l edwi t houtt heuseofphy s i calcabl i ng.

 A device connects to an existing home LAN using an adapter and an

existing electrical outlet.  Wi r el es sacc es spoi nt sus epower l i neadapt er st odi st r i but edat at hr ought hehomeLAN.

8. A networking technician is working on the wireless network at a medical clinic. The technician accidentally sets up the wireless network so that patients can see the medical records data of other patients. Which of the four network characteristics has been violated in this situation? f aul tt ol er anc e s cal abi l i t y  security  Qua l i t yofSer v i ce( QoS) r el i abi l i t y Explanation: Net wor ks ec ur i t yi nc l udespr ot ect i ngt heconfi dent i al i t yofdat at hati sont he net wor k .I nt hi sc as e,bec aus ec onfi dent i al dat ahasbeenmadeav ai l abl et ounaut hor i z eduser s , t hes ec ur i t yc har act er i st i coft henet wor khasf ai l ed. 9. Match each characteristic to its corresponding Internet connectivity type. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: DSLi sanal way s on,hi ghbandwi dt hconnect i ont hatr unsov ert el ephonel i nes . Cabl eus est hes amecoaxi alc abl et hatc ar r i est el ev i s i ons i gnal si nt ot hehomet opr ovi de I nt er netac ces s .Di al upt el ephonei smuc hs l owert hanei t herDSLorc abl e,buti st hel eas t ex pensi v eopt i onf orhomeus er sbec aus ei tc anus eanyt el ephonel i neandas i mpl emodem. Sat el l i t er equi r esac l earl i neofsi ghtandi saffect edbyt r eesandot herobst r uct i ons .Noneof t hes et y pi cal homeopt i onsusededi cat edl eas edl i nessuchasT1/ E1andT3/ E3. 10. What two criteria are used to help select a network medium from various network media? (Choose two.) t het y pesofdat at hatneedt obepr i or i t i z ed t hec os toft heenddev i cesut i l i z edi nt henet wor k  the distance the selected medium can successfully carry a signal t henumberofi nt er medi at edevi c esi ns t al l edi nt henet wor k  the environment where the selected medium is to be installed Explanation: Cr i t er i af orchoosi nganet wor kmedi um ar et hedi s t ancet hes el ect edmedi um c ans uc cess f ul l yc ar r yas i gnal ,t heenvi r onmenti nwhi c ht hes el ect edmedi um i st obei nst al l ed, t heamountofdat aandt hespeedatwhi c ht hedat amus tbet r ans mi t t ed,andt hec os toft he medi um andi t si ns t al l at i on. 11. What type of network traffic requires QoS?

e mai l o nl i nepur chasi ng  video conferencing  wi ki

12. A user is implementing security on a small office network. Which two actions would provide the minimum security requirements for this network? (Choose two.)  implementing a firewall i nst al l i ngawi r el es snet wor k  installing antivirus software i mpl ement i ngani nt r us i ondet ect i ons y st em a ddi ngadedi c at edi nt r us i onpr ev ent i ondev i ce Explanation: Tec hni cal l yc ompl exs ec ur i t ymeas ur ess uc hasi nt r us i onpr ev ent i onand i nt r usi onpr ev ent i ons y s t emsar eusual l yas s oci at edwi t hbus i nessnet wor ksr at hert hanhome net wor ks .I ns t al l i ngant i v i r ussof t war e,ant i mal war es of t war e,andi mpl ement i ngafir ewal l wi l l usual l ybet hemi ni mum r equi r ement sf orhomenet wor k s .I ns t al l i ngahomewi r el es snet wor kwi l l noti mpr ov enet wor ks ec ur i t y ,andwi l l r equi r ef ur t hersecur i t yac t i onst obet ak en. 13. Passwords can be used to restrict access to all or parts of the Cisco IOS. Select the modes and interfaces that can be protected with passwords. (Choose three.)  VTY interface  console interface  Et her neti nt er f ace b ootI OSmode  privileged EXEC mode r out erconfi gur at i onmode Explanation: Acc es st ot heVTYandcons ol ei nt er f ac escanber es t r i ct edus i ngpass wor ds . Out of bandmanagementoft her out ercanber es t r i ct edi nbot hus erEXECandpr i vi l eged EXECmodes . 14. Which interface allows remote management of a Layer 2 switch? t heAUXi nt er f ace t hec ons ol epor ti nt er f ac e  the switch virtual interface t hefi r stEt her netpor ti nt er f ace Explanation: I naLay er2s wi t ch,t her ei sas wi t c hv i r t uali nt er f ace( SVI )t hatpr ov i desa meansf orr emot el ymanagi ngt hedev i ce. 15. What function does pressing the Tab key have when entering a command in IOS? I tabor t st hecur r entcommandandr et ur nst oconfi gur at i onmode. I tex i t sconfigur at i onmodeandr et ur nst ous erEXECmode. I tmov est hec ur sort ot hebegi nni ngoft henex tl i ne.  It completes the remainder of a partially typed word in a command. Explanation: Pr es si ngt heTabk eyaf t erac ommandhasbeenpar t i al l yt ypedwi l l causet he I OSt ocompl et et her es toft hec ommand. 16. While trying to solve a network issue, a technician made multiple changes to the current router configuration file. The changes did not solve

the problem and were not saved. What action can the technician take to discard the changes and work with the file in NVRAM?  Issue the reload command without saving the running configuration.  De l et et hevl an. datfil eandr eboott hedevi c e.  Cl os eandr eopent het er mi nal emul at i onsof t war e. I s s uet hec opys t ar t upconfi gr unni ngc onfi gc ommand. Explanation: Thet ec hni c i andoesnotwantt omak eanymi s t ak est r y i ngt or emov eal l t he c hangest hatwer edonet ot her unni ngc onfi gur at i onfi l e.Thesol ut i oni st or eboott her out er wi t houtsav i ngt her unni ngc onfi gur at i on.Thecopyst ar t upc onfi gr unni ngc onfi gc ommanddoes notov er wr i t et her unni ngc onfi gur at i onfi l ewi t ht heconfigur at i onfil est or edi nNVRAM,but r at heri tj us thasanaddi t i v eeffect . 17. An administrator uses the Ctrl-Shift-6 key combination on a switch after issuing the ping command. What is the purpose of using these keystrokes? t or es t ar tt hepi ngpr oc es s  to interrupt the ping process t oex i tt oadi ffer entconfi gur at i onmode t oal l owt heusert ocompl et et hecommand Explanation: Toi nt er r uptanI OSpr oc es ssuc haspi ngort r acer out e,aus erent er st heCt r l Shi f t 6k eycombi nat i on.Tabcompl et est her emai nderofpar amet er sorar gument swi t hi na c ommand.Toex i tf r om confi gur at i onmodet opr i vi l egedmodeus et heCt r l Zk ey s t r ok e.CTRL R wi l l r edi s pl ayt hel i nej ustt y ped,t husmaki ngi teas i erf ort heus ert opr es sEnt erandr ei s suet he pi ngcommand. 18. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring access control to switch SW1. If the administrator uses a console connection to connect to the switch, which password is needed to access user EXEC mode?

CCNA-1-v7-Modules-1-3-Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam Answers 14 l et mei n s ec r et i n  lineconin l i nev t yi n

Explanation: Tel netac ces s esanet wor kdevi c et hr ought hev i r t uali nt er f aceconfi gur edwi t h t hel i neVTYc ommand.Thepas s wor dconfi gur edundert hi si sr equi r edt oac cesst heuser EXECmode.Thepass wor dconfi gur edundert hel i neconsol e0commandi sr equi r edt ogai n ent r yt hr ought hec ons ol epor t ,andt heenabl eandenabl es ec r etpas s wor dsar eusedt oal l ow ent r yi nt ot hepr i v i l egedEXECmode. 19. A technician configures a switch with these commands: SwitchA(config)# interface vlan 1 SwitchA(config-if)# ip address SwitchA(config-if)# no shutdown What is the technician configuring? T el netac ces s  SVI p as swor denc r ypt i on p hy s i cal s wi t chpor taccess Explanation: Foras wi t c ht ohav eanI Paddr es s ,as wi t chvi r t ual i nt er f acemus tbe c onfi gur ed.Thi sal l owst hes wi t c ht obemanagedr emot el yov ert henet wor k . 20. Which command or key combination allows a user to return to the previous level in the command hierarchy? e nd  exit  Ct r l Z  Ct r l C Explanation: EndandCTRL Zr et ur nt heusert ot hepr i vi l egedEXECmode.Ct r l Cendsa c ommandi npr ocess .Theexi tcommandr et ur nst heus ert ot hepr ev i ousl ev el . 21. What are two characteristics of RAM on a Cisco device? (Choose two.)  RAM pr ov i desnonv ol at i l es t or age.  The configuration that is actively running on the device is stored in RAM.  The contents of RAM are lost during a power cycle.  RAM i sacomponenti nCi sc os wi t chesbutnoti nCi s cor out er s .  RAM i sabl et os t or emul t i pl ev er s i onsofI OSandconfigur at i onfil es . Explanation: RAM s t or esdat at hati susedbyt hedevi c et os uppor tnet wor koper at i ons .The r unni ngconfigur at i oni ss t or edi nRAM.Thi st ypeofmemor yi sc ons i der edv ol at i l ememor y becaus edat ai sl os tdur i ngapowerc y c l e.Fl as hmemor ys t or est heI OSanddel i v er sac opyof t heI OSi nt oRAM whenadevi c ei spower edon.Fl as hmemor yi snonv ol at i l es i nc ei tr et ai ns s t or edcont ent sdur i ngal os sofpower . 22. Which two host names follow the guidelines for naming conventions on Cisco IOS devices? (Choose two.)  Br anch2!  RM-3-Switch-2A4  Fl oor ( 15)  HO Fl oor17

 SwBranch799 Explanation: Somegui del i nesf ornami ngc onv ent i onsar et hatnamess houl d: St ar twi t hal et t er Cont ai nnospaces Endwi t hal et t erordi gi t Us eonl yl et t er s ,di gi t s ,anddas hes Bel es st han64char ac t er si nl engt h

23. How is SSH different from Telnet?  SSHma k esconnect i onsov ert henet wor k ,wher easTel neti sf orout of bandac cess .  SSH provides security to remote sessions by encrypting messages and using user authentication. Telnet is considered insecure and sends messages in plaintext.  SSHr equi r est heus eoft hePuTTYt er mi nal emul at i onpr ogr am.Ter aTer m mus tbe usedt oc onnectt odevi c est hr ought heus eofTel net .  SSHmu stbec onfi gur edov eranact i v enet wor kconnect i on,wher easTel neti sus edt o c onnectt oadevi c ef r om ac ons ol ec onnect i on. Explanation: SSHi st hepr ef er r edpr ot ocol f orconnect i ngt oadev i ceoper at i ngs y s t em ov er t henet wor kbecaus ei ti smuc hmor es ec ur et hanTel net .Bot hSSHandTel netar eusedt o c onnectt odevi c esov ert henet wor k ,andsoar ebot husedi nband.PuTTYandTer r aTer m can beusedt omak ebot hSSHandTel netconnect i ons . 24. An administrator is configuring a switch console port with a password. In what order will the administrator travel through the IOS modes of operation in order to reach the mode in which the configuration commands will be entered? (Not all options are used.)

CCNA-1-v7-Modules-1-3-Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam Answers 24 Explanation: Theconfi gur at i onmodet hatt headmi ni s t r at orfir s tencount er si sus erEXEC mode.Af t ert heenable commandi sent er ed,t henex tmodei spr i v i l egedEXECmode.Fr om t her e,t heconfigure terminal commandi sent er edt omov et ogl obal c onfi gur at i onmode. Fi nal l y ,t headmi ni s t r at orent er st heline console 0 c ommandt oent ert hemodei nwhi c ht he c onfi gur at i onwi l l beent er ed. 25. What are three characteristics of an SVI? (Choose three.) I ti sdes i gnedasasecur i t ypr ot ocol t opr ot ects wi t chpor t s .  It is not associated with any physical interface on a switch. I ti sas pec i al i nt er f acet hatal l owsconnec t i v i t ybydi ffer entt y pesofmedi a. I ti sr equi r edt oal l owconnect i v i t ybyanydevi c eatanyl ocat i on.  It provides a means to remotely manage a switch.  It is associated with VLAN1 by default. Explanation: Swi t c heshav eoneormor es wi t c hv i r t uali nt er f aces( SVI s ) .SVI sar ecr eat edi n s of t war es i ncet her ei snophy s i cal har dwar eass oc i at edwi t ht hem.Vi r t uali nt er f acespr ov i dea meanst or emot el ymanageas wi t c hov eranet wor kt hati sus i ngI P.Eac hs wi t c hc omeswi t hone SVIappear i ngi nt hedef aul tconfigur at i on“ out of t hebox . ”Thedef aul tSVIi nt er f ac ei sVLAN1.

26. What command is used to verify the condition of the switch interfaces, including the status of the interfaces and a configured IP address? i pconfig p i ng t r acer out e  show ip interface brief Explanation: Thes howi pi nt er f acebr i efcommandi sus edt odi s pl ayabr i efs y nopsi soft he c ondi t i onoft hedev i cei nt er f aces .Thei pconfigcommandi susedt ov er i f yTCP/ I Ppr oper t i eson ahost .Thepi ngc ommandi susedt ov er i f yLay er3connect i vi t y .Thet r acer out ec ommandi s usedt ot r acet henet wor kpat hf r om sour cet odes t i nat i on.

27. Match the description with the associated IOS mode. (Not all options are used.)

28. Match the definitions to their respective CLI hot keys and shortcuts. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: Thes hor t cut swi t ht hei rf unct i onsar easf ol l ows : –Tab–Compl et est her emai nderofapar t i al l yt y pedc ommandork ey wor d –Spacebar–di s pl ay st henextsc r een –?–pr ov i descont ex t sens i t i v ehel p –UpAr r ow–Al l owsus ert os cr ol l backwar dt hr oughf or mercommands –Ct r l C–c anc el sanycommandcur r ent l ybei ngent er edandr et ur nsdi r ec t l yt opr i vi l egedEXEC

mode –Ct r l Shi f t 6–Al l owst heus ert oi nt er r uptanI OSpr ocesss uc haspi ngort r acer out e 29. In the show running-config command, which part of the syntax is represented by running-config? t hec ommand  a keyword  av ar i abl e  apr ompt Explanation: Thefi r s tpar toft hes y nt ax ,s how,i st hecommand,andt hes econdpar toft he s y nt ax ,r unni ngc onfi g,i st hek eywor d.Thek ey wor dspec i fi eswhatshoul dbedi spl ay edast he out putoft heshowc ommand. 30. After making configuration changes on a Cisco switch, a network administrator issues a copy running-config startup-config command. What is the result of issuing this command?  Then ewconfigur at i onwi l l bes t or edi nfl as hmemor y .  The new configuration will be loaded if the switch is restarted.  Thec ur r entI OSfil ewi l lber epl acedwi t ht henewl yconfi gur edfi l e.  Thec onfi gur at i onc hangeswi l l ber emov edandt heor i gi nal confi gur at i onwi l l ber es t or ed. 31. What command will prevent all unencrypted passwords from displaying in plain text in a configuration file? ( confi g) #enabl epas s wor ds ec r et ( confi g) #enabl esecr etSec r et _Pas s wor d ( confi gl i ne) #pas s wor ds ec r et  (config)# service password-encryption ( confi g) #enabl esecr etEnc r ypt ed_Pas swor d Explanation: Topr ev ental lc onfi gur edpas s wor dsf r om appear i ngi npl ai nt ex ti n c onfi gur at i onfi l es ,anadmi ni s t r at orcanex ec ut et hes er vi c epass wor denc r y pt i oncommand. Thi scommandenc r ypt sal l configur edpass wor dsi nt heconfi gur at i onfi l e. 32. A network administrator enters the service password-encryption command into the configuration mode of a router. What does this command accomplish?  Thi scommandenc r ypt spas s wor dsast heyar et r ans mi t t edacr osss er i al WANl i nk s .  This command prevents someone from viewing the running configuration passwords.  Thi scommandenabl esas t r ongencr y pt i onal gor i t hm f ort heenabl es ec r etpass wor d c ommand.  Thi scommandaut omat i c al l yenc r y pt spas s wor dsi nconfi gur at i onfil est hatar ec ur r ent l y s t or edi nNVRAM.  Thi scommandpr ovi desanex cl usi v eencr y pt edpas s wor df orex t er nal s er v i ceper sonnel whoar er equi r edt odor out ermai nt enance. Explanation: Thes t ar t upconfigandr unni ngconfigfil esdi s pl aymos tpas s wor dsi npl ai nt ext . Us et hes er v i cepas s wor denc r ypt i ongl obal configcommandt oenc r y ptal l pl ai nt ex tpass wor ds i nt hesefi l es . 33. What method can be used by two computers to ensure that packets are not dropped because too much data is being sent too quickly? e ncaps ul at i on

 flow control a cc es smet hod r esponset i meout

Explanation: I nor derf ort wocomput er st obeabl et oc ommuni cat eeffect i v el y ,t her emus tbe amec hani s mt hatal l owsbot ht hes our ceanddes t i nat i ont os ett het i mi ngoft het r ans mi s s i on andr ecei ptofdat a.Fl owcont r ol al l owsf ort hi sbyensur i ngt hatdat ai snotsentt oof astf ori tt o ber ecei v edpr oper l y . 34. Which statement accurately describes a TCP/IP encapsulation process when a PC is sending data to the network?  Da t ai ss entf r om t hei nt er netl ay ert ot henet wor kacc es sl ay er .  Pac k et sar esentf r om t henet wor kaccessl ay ert ot het r anspor tl ay er .  Segments are sent from the transport layer to the internet layer.  Fr amesar esentf r om t henet wor kacces sl ay ert ot hei nt er netl ay er . Explanation: Whent hedat ai st r av el i ngf r om t hePCt ot henet wor k ,t het r anspor tl ay ers ends s egment st ot hei nt er netl ay er .Thei nt er netl ay ers endspac k et st ot henet wor kaccessl ay er , whi c hc r eat esf r amesandt henc onv er t st hef r amest obi t s .Thebi t sar er el eas edt ot henet wor k medi a. 35. What three application layer protocols are part of the TCP/IP protocol suite? (Choose three.)  ARP  DHCP  DNS  FTP  NAT  PPP Explanation: DNS,DHCP,andFTPar eal l appl i cat i onl ay erpr ot ocol si nt heTCP/ I Ppr ot ocol s ui t e.ARPandPPPar enet wor kacc es sl ay erpr ot ocol s ,andNATi sani nt er netl ay erpr ot ocol i n t heTCP/ I Ppr ot ocols ui t e. 36. Match the description to the organization. (Not all options are used.)

37. Which name is assigned to the transport layer PDU? b i t s d at a f r ame p ack et  segment Explanation: Appl i cat i ondat ai spas seddownt hepr ot ocol s t ackoni t swayt obet r ans mi t t ed acr os st henet wor kmedi a.Dur i ngt hepr oc es s ,v ar i ouspr ot ocol saddi nf or mat i ont oi tateac h l ev el .Ateachst ageoft hepr ocess ,aPDU( pr ot ocol dat auni t )hasadi ffer entnamet or efl ec ti t s newf unc t i ons .ThePDUsar enamedac cor di ngt ot hepr ot ocol soft heTCP/ I Psui t e: Dat a–Thegener al t er mf ort hePDUus edatt heappl i c at i onl ay er . Segment–t r anspor tl ay erPDU Pac k et–net wor kl ay erPDU Fr ame–dat al i nkl ay erPDU Bi t s–Aphy s i ...

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