CCNA 1 v7 Modules 14 – 15 Network Application Communications Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 1 v7 Modules 14 – 15 Network Application Communications Exam Answers
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 14
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Introduction to Networks ( Version 7) – Modules 14 – 15: NetworkApplication Communications Exam1. Which action is performed by a client when establishing communication with a server via the use of UDP at the transport layer? The client sets the window size for the session. The client sends an ISN ...


Introduction to Networks ( Version 7.00) – Modules 14 – 15: Network Application Communications Exam 1. Which action is performed by a client when establishing communication with a server via the use of UDP at the transport layer?  Thec l i ents et st hewi ndowsi zef ort hesess i on.  Thec l i ents endsanI SNt ot hes er vert ost ar tt he3wayhandshake.  The client randomly selects a source port number.  Thec l i ents endsasy nc hr oni zat i onsegmentt obegi nt hesessi on. 2. Which transport layer feature is used to guarantee session establishment?  UDPACKfl ag  TCP 3-way handshake  UDPs equencenumber  TCPpor tnumber 3. What is the complete range of TCP and UDP well-known ports?  0t o255  0 to 1023  256–1023  1024–49151 4. What is a socket? t hecombi nat i onoft hesour ceanddes t i nat i onI Paddr essandsour ceanddest i nat i on Et her netaddr ess  the combination of a source IP address and port number or a destination IP address and port number t hecombi nat i onoft hesour ceanddes t i nat i onsequenceandacknowl edgmentnumber s t hecombi nat i onoft hesour ceanddes t i nat i onsequencenumber sandpor tnumber s 5. A PC is downloading a large file from a server. The TCP window is 1000 bytes. The server is sending the file using 100-byte segments. How many segments will the server send before it requires an acknowledgment from the PC?  1s egment  10 segments  100s egment s  1000s egment s Explanation: Wi t hawi ndowof1000byt es ,t hedest i nat i onhostaccept ssegment sunt i l al l 1000byt esofdat ahav ebeenr ecei v ed.Thent hedest i nat i onhostsendsanacknowl edgment . 6.Whi chf act ordet er mi nesTCPwi ndow si ze? t heamountofdat at obet r ansmi t t ed t henumberofser vi cesi ncl udedi nt heTCPsegment  the amount of data the destination can process at one time t heamountofdat at hesour cei scapabl eofs endi ngatonet i me Explanation: Wi ndowi st henumberofbyt est hatt hesenderwi l l sendpr i ort oexpect i ngan acknowl edgementf r om t hedest i nat i ondevi ce.Thei ni t i al wi ndowi sagr eedupondur i ngt he s essi onst ar t upvi at het hr eewayhandshak ebet weensour ceanddest i nat i on.I ti sdet er mi ned byhowmuchdat at hedest i nat i ondev i ceofaTCPsessi oni sabl et oacceptandpr ocessatone t i me.

7. What does a client do when it has UDP datagrams to send?  It just sends the datagrams. I tquer i est heser v ert oseei fi ti sr eadyt or ecei v edat a. I tsendsasi mpl i fi edt hr eewayhandshak et ot heser v er . I tsendst ot heser v erasegmentwi t ht heSYNflagsett os ynchr oni z et heconv er sat i on. Explanation: Whenacl i enthasUDPdat agr amst osend,i tj us tsendst hedat agr ams. 8. Which three fields are used in a UDP segment header? (Choose three.)  Wi ndowSi z e  Length  Source Port  Ac knowl edgmentNumber  Checksum  Sequenc eNumber Explanation: AUDPheaderconsi s t sofonl yt heSour cePor t ,Dest i nat i onPor t ,Lengt h,and Checksum fiel ds .SequenceNumber ,Ack nowl edgmentNumber ,andWi ndowSi z ear eTCP headerfi el ds. 9. What are two roles of the transport layer in data communication on a network? (Choose two.)  identifying the proper application for each communication stream  tracking the individual communication between applications on the source and destination hosts  pr ovi di ngf r amedel i mi t i ngt oi dent i f ybi t smaki ngupaf r ame  per f or mi ngac y cl i cr edundancychec kont hef r amef orer r or s  pr ovi di ngt hei nt er f acebet weenappl i cat i onsandt heunder l yi ngnet wor kov erwhi ch messagesar et r ansmi t t ed Explanation: Thet r anspor tl ay erhass ev er alr esponsi bi l i t i es .Thepr i mar yr esponsi bi l i t i es i ncl udet hef ol l owi ng: T r acki ngt hei ndi vi dualcommuni cat i onst r eamsbet weenappl i cat i onsont hesour ceand dest i nat i onhost s  Segment i ngdat aatt hesour ceandr eassembl i ngt hedat aatt hedest i nat i on I dent i f y i ngt hepr operappl i cat i onf oreac hcommuni cat i onst r eam t hr ought heuseofpor t number s 10. What information is used by TCP to reassemble and reorder received segments?  por tnumber s  sequence numbers  ac knowl edgmentnumber s f r agmentnumber s Explanation: Att het r anspor tl ay er ,TCPusest hesequenc enumber si nt heheaderofeach TCPsegmentt or eassembl et hesegment si nt ot hecor r ec tor der . 11.Whati mpor t anti nf or mat i oni saddedt ot heTCP/ I Pt r anspor tl ayerheadert oensur e communi cat i onandconnect i vi t ywi t har emot enet wor kdevi ce? t i mi ngands y nchr oni z at i on  destination and source port numbers  des t i nat i onandsour cephy si cal addr es ses  des t i nat i onandsour cel ogi cal net wor kaddr esses

12. Which two characteristics are associated with UDP sessions? (Choose two.)  Destination devices receive traffic with minimal delay. T r ansmi t t eddat asegment sar et r acked.  Des t i nat i ondev i cesr eassembl emes sagesandpasst hem t oanappl i cat i on.  Received data is unacknowledged.  Unac knowl edgeddat apack et sar er et r ansmi t t ed. Explanation: TCP:  Pr ovi dest r acki ngoft r ans mi t t eddat as egment s  Des t i nat i ondev i ceswi l l acknowl edger ecei v eddat a.  Sour cedevi ceswi l l r et r ans mi tunacknowl edgeddat a. UDP  Des t i nat i ondev i ceswi l l notacknowl edger ecei v eddat a  He ader susev er yl i t t l eov er headandcausemi ni mal del ay . 13. A client application needs to terminate a TCP communication session with a server. Place the termination process steps in the order that they

will occur. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: I nor dert ot er mi nat eaTCPsessi on,t hecl i entsendst ot heser verasegment wi t ht heFI Nflagset .Theser v eracknowl edgest hecl i entbysendi ngasegmentwi t ht heACK fl agset .Theser versendsaFI Nt ot hecl i entt ot er mi nat et heser vert ocl i entsessi on.Thecl i ent acknowl edgest het er mi nat i onbysendi ngasegmentwi t ht heACKflagset . 14.Whi chflagi nt heTCPheaderi susedi nr esponset oar ecei vedFI Ni nor dert o t er mi nat econnect i vi t ybet weent wonet wor kdevi ces?  FI N  ACK  SYN  RST

Explanation: I naTCPs essi on,whenadev i cehasnomor edat at osend,i twi l l s enda s egmentwi t ht heFI Nflags et .Theconnect eddevi cet hatr ecei vest hesegmentwi l l r es pondwi t h anACKt oacknowl edget hatsegment .Thedevi cet hatsentt heACKwi l l t hensendaFI N messaget ocl oset heconnec t i oni thaswi t ht heot herdevi ce.Thesendi ngoft heFI Nshoul dbe f ol l owedwi t ht her ecei ptofanACKf r om t heot herdev i ce. 15.Whi chpr ot ocolorser vi ceusesUDPf oracl i ent t oser vercommuni cat i onandTCPf or ser ver t oser vercommuni cat i on?  HTTP  FTP  DNS  SMTP Explanation: Someappl i cat i onsmayusebot hTCPandUDP.DNSusesUDPwhenc l i ent s s endr equest st oaDNSser ver ,andTCPwhent woDNSser vesdi r ec t l ycommuni cat e. 16. What is a characteristic of UDP?  UDPdat agr amst ak et hesamepat handar r i v ei nt hecor r ector deratt hedest i nat i on.  Appl i cat i onst hatuseUDPar eal way sconsi der edunr el i abl e.  UDP reassembles the received datagrams in the order they were received.  UDPonl ypassesdat at ot henet wor kwhent hedest i nat i oni sr eadyt or ecei v et hedat a. Explanation: UDPhasnowayt or eor dert hedat agr amsi nt ot hei rt r ansmi ssi onor der ,soUDP s i mpl yr eassembl est hedat ai nt heor deri twasr ecei vedandf or war dsi tt ot heappl i cat i on. 17. What kind of port must be requested from IANA in order to be used with a specific application?  registered port  pr i vat epor t  dy nami cpor t s our cepor t Explanation: Regi st er edpor t s( number s1024t o49151)ar eassi gnedbyI ANAt oa r equest i ngent i t yt ousewi t hspeci ficpr oces sesorappl i cat i ons.Thesepr ocessesar epr i mar i l y i ndi vi dualappl i cat i onst hatauserhaschosent oi nst al l ,r at hert hanc ommonappl i cat i onst hat woul dr ecei veawel l knownpor tnumber .Forex ampl e,Ci scohasr egi st er edpor t1985f ori t sHot St andbyRout i ngPr ot ocol ( HSRP)pr ocess. 18. Which three application layer protocols use TCP? (Choose three.)  SMTP  FTP  SNMP  HTTP  TFTP  DHCP Explanation: Somepr ot ocol sr equi r et her el i abl edat at r anspor tt hati spr ovi dedbyTCP.I n addi t i on,t hesepr ot ocol sdonothav er eal t i mec ommuni cat i onr equi r ement sandcant ol er at e s omedat al osswhi l emi ni mi z i ngpr ot ocolover head.Ex ampl esoft hesepr ot ocol sar eSMTP, FTP,andHTTP. 19. Which three statements characterize UDP? (Choose three.)  UDP provides basic connectionless transport layer functions.

 UDPpr ovi desconnect i onor i ent ed,f astt r ans por tofdat aatLay er3.  UDP relies on application layer protocols for error detection.  UDP is a low overhead protocol that does not provide sequencing or

flow control mechanisms.  UDPr el i esonI Pf orer r ordet ect i onandr ecov er y .  UDPpr ovi dessophi st i cat edflowcont r olmechani sms.

Explanation: UDPi sasi mpl epr ot ocol t hatpr ov i dest hebasi ct r anspor tl ay erf unct i ons.I thas muchl owerov er headt hanTCPbecausei ti snotconnect i onor i ent edanddoesnotoffert he s ophi st i cat edr et r ansmi ssi on,sequenc i ng,andflowcont r olmechani s mst hatpr ovi der el i abi l i t y . 20.Whi cht wofiel dsar ei ncl udedi nt heTCPheaderbutnoti nt heUDPheader ?( Choose t wo. )  window c hecksum s our cepor t  des t i nat i onpor t  sequence number Explanation: Thesequencenumberandwi ndowfi el dsar ei ncl udedi nt heTCPheaderbut noti nt heUDPheader . 21. Which field in the TCP header indicates the status of the three-way handshake process?  wi ndow r eser v ed c hecksum  control bits Explanation: Theval uei nt hecont r ol bi t sfi el doft heTCPheaderi ndi cat est hepr ogr essand s t at usoft heconnect i on. 22. Why does HTTP use TCP as the transport layer protocol? t oensur et hef ast es tpossi bl edownl oadspeed  bec aus eHTTPi sabest effor tpr ot ocol  bec aus et r ansmi ssi oner r or sc anbet ol er at edeas i l y  because HTTP requires reliable delivery Explanation: Whenahos tr equest sawebpage,t r ansmi ssi onr el i abi l i t yandcompl et enes s mus tbeguar ant eed.Ther ef or e,HTTPusesTCPasi t st r anspor tl ay erpr ot ocol . 23.Whi cht wot ypesofappl i cat i onsar ebestsui t edf orUDP?( Chooset wo. )  appl i cat i onst hatneeddat afl owcont r ol  appl i cat i onst hatr equi r er el i abl edel i v er y  applications that handle reliability themselves  appl i cat i onst hatneedt her eor der i ngofsegment s  applications that can tolerate some data loss, but require little or no delay 24. How are port numbers used in the TCP/IP encapsulation process?  Sour cepor tnumber sanddest i nat i onpor tnumber sar enotnecessar ywhenUDPi st he t r anspor tl ay erpr ot ocol bei ngusedf ort hec ommuni cat i on.  Sour cepor tanddest i nat i onpor tnumber sar er andoml ygener at ed.

 If multiple conversations occur that are using the same service, the

source port number is used to track the separate conversations.  Des t i nat i onpor tnumber sar eassi gnedaut omat i c al l yandcannotbechanged.

Explanation: Bot hUDPandTCPusepor tnumber st opr ovi deauni quei dent i fi erf oreach c onv er s at i on.Sour cepor tnumber sar er andoml ygener at edandar eus edt ot r ackdi ffer ent c onv er s at i ons .Des t i nat i onpor tnumber si dent i f yspeci ficser vi cesbyusi ngei t heradef aul tpor t numberf ort heser v i ceorapor tnumbert hati sassi gnedmanual l ybyas yst em admi ni st r at or . 25. In what two situations would UDP be better than TCP as the preferred transport protocol? (Choose two.)  whenappl i c at i onsneedt oguar ant eet hatapac k etar r i v esi nt act ,i nsequence,and undupl i cat ed  when a faster delivery mechanism is needed  whendel i v er yover headi snotani ssue  when applications do not need to guarantee delivery of the data  whende st i nat i onpor tnumber sar edynami c Explanation: UDPi sav er ysi mpl et r anspor tl ay erpr ot ocol t hatdoesnotguar ant eedel i v er y . Devi cesonbot hendsoft hec onv er sat i onar enotr equi r edt okeept r ackoft heconv er sat i on. UDPi susedast het r anspor tpr ot ocol f orappl i cat i onst hatneedaspeedy ,best effor tdel i ver y . 26. What are three responsibilities of the transport layer? (Choose three.)  meeting the reliability requirements of applications, if any  multiplexing multiple communication streams from many users or applications on the same network  identifying the applications and services on the client and server that should handle transmitted data  di r ec t i ngpacket st owar dst hedes t i nat i onnet wor k f or mat t i ngdat ai nt oacompat i bl ef or mf orr ecei ptbyt hedest i nat i ondevi ces c onduc t i nger r ordet ect i onoft hecont ent si nf r ames Explanation: Thet r anspor tl ay erhass ev er alr esponsi bi l i t i es .Someoft hepr i mar y r esponsi bi l i t i esi ncl udet hef ol l owi ng: T r acki ngt hei ndi v i dualcommuni cat i ons t r eamsbet weenappl i cat i onsont hesour ceand dest i nat i onhost s Segment i ngdat aatt hesour ceandr eassembl i ngt hedat aatt hedest i nat i on I dent i f yi ngt hepr operappl i cat i onf oreachcommuni cat i onst r eam t hr ought heuseofpor t number s Mul t i pl exi ngt hecommuni cat i onsofmul t i pl euser sorappl i cat i onsoverasi ngl enet wor k Managi ngt her el i abi l i t yr equi r ement sofappl i cat i ons 27.Whi cht hr eest at ement sdescr i beaDHCPDi scovermessage?( Chooset hr ee. )  Thes our ceMACaddr es si s48ones( FFFFFFFFFFFF) .  The destination IP address is  Theme ssagecomesf r om aser v eroffer i nganI Paddr ess .  The message comes from a client seeking an IP address.  All hosts receive the message, but only a DHCP server replies.  Onl yt heDHCPser v err ecei vest hemessage. Explanation: Whenahos tconfi gur edt ouseDHCPpower suponanet wor ki tsendsa DHCPDI SCOVERmess age.FFFFFFFFFFFFi st heL2br oadcastaddr ess .ADHCPser ver r epl i eswi t hauni castDHCPOFFERmess agebackt ot hehost .

28. Which two protocols may devices use in the application process that sends email? (Choose two.)  HTTP  SMTP  POP I MAP  DNS  POP3 Explanation: POP,POP3,andI MAPar epr ot ocol st hatar eusedt or et r i ev eemai lf r om s er v er s.SMTPi st hedef aul tpr ot ocol t hati susedt osendemai l .DNSmaybeusedbyt he s enderemai l ser v ert ofindt headdr essoft hedest i nat i onemai l ser v er . 29. What is true about the Server Message Block protocol?  Di ffer entSMBmessaget y peshav eadi ffer entf or mat .  Clients establish a long term connection to servers.  SMBmes sagescannotaut hent i cat easessi on.  SMBus est heFTPpr ot ocol f orcommuni cat i on. Explanation: TheSer v erMessageBl ockpr ot ocol i sapr ot ocol f orfi l e,pr i nt er ,anddi r ec t or y s har i ng.Cl i ent sest abl i shal ongt er m connect i ont oser v er sandwhent heconnect i oni sact i ve, t her esour cescanbeaccessed.Ev er ySMBmessagehast hesamef or mat .TheuseofSMB di ffer sf r om FTPmai nl yi nt hel engt hoft hes essi ons.SMBmessagesc anaut hent i cat esess i ons. 30. What is the function of the HTTP GET message?  to request an HTML page from a web server t os ender r ori nf or mat i onf r om awebser v ert oawebcl i ent t oupl oadcont entt oawebser v erf r om awebc l i ent t or et r i ev ecl i entemai l f r om anemai l ser v erusi ngTCPpor t110 31. Which OSI layer provides the interface between the applications used to communicate and the underlying network over which messages are transmitted?  application  pr esent at i on s essi on t r anspor t 32. Which networking model is being used when an author uploads one chapter document to a file server of a book publisher?  peer t opeer  mas t er sl av e  client/server  poi nt t opoi nt Explanation: I nt hecl i ent / s er v ernet wor kmodel ,anet wor kdevi ceass umest her ol eofser ver i nor dert opr ovi deapar t i cul ars er vi ces uchasfil et r ansf erands t or age.I nt hecl i ent / ser v er net wor kmodel ,adedi cat edser v erdoesnothav et obeused,buti fonei spr esent ,t henet wor k model bei ngusedi st hec l i ent / ser v ermodel .I ncont r ast ,apeer t opeernet wor kdoesnothav ea dedi cat edser v er . 33. What do the client/server and peer-to-peer network models have in common?  Bo t hmodel shav ededi cat edser ver s.  Both models support devices in server and client roles.

 Bo t hmodel sr equi r et heuseofTCP/ I Pbasedpr ot ocol s .  Bo t hmodel sar eus edonl yi nt hewi r ednet wor kenvi r onment .

Explanation: I nbot ht hecl i ent / s er v erandpeer t opeernet wor kmodel s ,cl i ent sandser v er s exi st .I npeer t opeernet wor ks,nodedi cat eds er v erexi st s ,butadev i cecanassumet heser v er r ol et opr ovi dei nf or mat i ont oadevi ceser vi ngi nt hecl i entr ol e. 34. In what networking model would eDonkey, eMule, BitTorrent, Bitcoin, and LionShare be used?  peer-to-peer c l i ent based  mas t er sl av e  poi nt t opoi nt Explanation: I napeer t opeernet wor ki ngmodel ,dat ai sex changedbet weent wonet wor k devi ceswi t houtt heuseofadedi cat edser v er .Peer t opeerappl i cat i onssuchasShar eaz , eDonk ey ,andBi t coi nal l owonenet wor kdevi cet oassumet her ol eofser v er ,whi l eoneormor e ot hernet wor kdevi cesassumet her ol eofcl i entusi ngt hepeer t opeerappl i cat i on. 35. What is a common protocol that is used with peer-to-peer applications such as WireShare, Bearshare, and Shareaza?  Et her net  Gnutella  POP  SMTP Explanation: TheGnut el l apr ot ocol i susedwhenoneus ershar esanent i r efil ewi t hanot her user .Aper s onwoul dl oadaGnut el l abas edappl i cat i onsuchasgt k gnut el l aorWi r eShar eand uset hatappl i cat i ont ol ocat eandacces sr esour cesshar edbyot her s . 36.Whati sakeychar act er i st i coft hepeer t opeernet wor ki ngmodel ?  wi r el essnet wor ki ng s oci al net wor ki ngwi t houtt heI nt er net  ne t wor kpr i nt i ngusi ngapr i ntser v er  resource sharing without a dedicated server Explanation: Thepeer t opeer( P2P)net wor ki ngmodel al l owsdat a,pr i nt er ,andr es our ce s har i ngwi t houtadedi cat edser v er . 37. The application layer of the TCP/IP model performs the functions of what three layers of the OSI model? (Choose three.)  ph y si c al  session  ne t wor k  presentation  da t al i nk t r anspor t  application Explanation: Thenet wor kacces sl ay eroft heTCP/ I Pmodel per f or mst hesamef unct i onsas t hephy si cal anddat al i nkl ay er soft heOSImodel .Thei nt er net wor kl ay erequat est ot he net wor kl ay eroft heOSImodel .Thet r anspor tl ay er sar et hesamei nbot hmodel s.The appl i cat i onl ay eroft heTCP/ I Pmodel r epr esent st hesessi on,pr esent at i on,andappl i cat i on l ay er soft heOSImodel .

38. What is an example of network communication that uses the clientserver model?  Aus eruseseMul et odownl oadafil et hati sshar edbyaf r i endaf t ert hefi l el ocat i oni s det er mi ned.  Awor k st at i oni ni t i at esanARPt ofi ndt heMACaddr essofar ecei vi nghost .  Aus erpr i nt sadoc umentbyusi ngapr i nt ert hati sat t achedt oawor kst at i onofa cowor ker .  A workstation initiates a DNS request when the user types in the address bar of a web browser. Explanation: Whenausert y pesadomai nnameofawebsi t ei nt ot headdr essbarofaweb br owser ,awor kst at i onneedst osendaDNSr equestt ot heDNSser v erf ort henamer esol ut i on pr ocess.Thi sr equesti sacl i ent / ser v ermodel appl i cat i on.TheeMul eappl i cat i oni sP2P.Shar i ng apr i nt eronawor kst at i oni sapeer t opeernet wor k.Usi ngARPi sj ustabr oadcastmessage s entbyahost . 39. Which layer in the TCP/IP model is used for formatting, compressing, and encrypting data? i nt er net wor k s essi on  pr esent at i on  application  ne t wor kac cess Explanation: Theappl i cat i onl ay eroft heTCP/ I Pmodel per f or mst hef unct i onsoft hr eel ay er s oft heOSImodel –appl i cat i on,pr esent at i on,andsessi on.Theappl i cat i onl ay eroft heTCP/ I P model i st hel ay ert hatpr ovi dest hei nt er f acebet weent heappl i cat i ons,i sr esponsi bl ef or f or mat t i ng,compr essi ng,andencr ypt i ngdat a,andi susedt ocr eat eandmai nt ai ndi al ogs bet weensour ceanddest i nat i onappl i cat i ons. 40. What is an advantage of SMB over FTP?  Onl ywi t hSMBcandat at r ans f er soc curi nbot hdi r ect i ons.  Onl ySMBest a...

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