Ch 3&4 reading - Summary We the People: the Citizen and the Constituion PDF

Title Ch 3&4 reading - Summary We the People: the Citizen and the Constituion
Course American Government
Institution Georgia Southern University
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ch 3 & 4 reading notes...


Pols 1101 ch 3 1. In the federal system a majority of governmental responsibilities are C. shared by both state and federal authorities 2. Over the course of american history, the federal government has grown_____ compared to the states A. Stronger 3. Which nation does NOT have a strong federal system C. France 4. The source of an implied power under the Constitution is the _______ clause C. necessary & proper 5. Which of the following is an example of the police powers of state government? D. to establish the electoral college 6.What is the purpose of the 10th amendment? B. to limit powers of the central government by establishing reserved powers for states and individuals 7. A state’s authority to regulate the safety, health, and morals of its citizens is called _________ power. A. Police 8. When both state and national governments possess a certain level of authority, it is called D. a concurrent power 9. Chartering banks is a _________ power, because both federal and state governments have the authority to do it C. concurrent 10. Why was massachusetts decision to recognize gay and lesbian marriages such a controversial issue of federalism B. the constitution requires all states to honor and recognize the official acts of other states 11. The _____ clause of the constitution requires that states should normally recognize the law & judicial decisions of other states B. full of faith & credit 12.The privileges and immunities clause of article IV is also referred to as the D. comity clause 13. When Alaska passed a law in the 1970s that gave State residents preference over nonresidents in obtaining work on oil pipelines, this law violated the

C. privileges and immunities clause 14. What is the main purpose behind the privileges and immunities clause of article IV a. It prevents a state from discriminating against non-residents 15. If a state grants a city the ability to govern its own local fairs, this allegation of power is known as a. Home rule 16. Which level of government is not mentioned at all in the Constitution D. city government 17. Which of the following describes constitutionally permitted relationships between the states B. No State shall ever into a contract agreement with another state without the approval of Congress 18. During the era of dual federalism, what was the primary goal of the federal government's domestic policies B. To assist the development of commercial activity within and between the states 19. Which level of government writes the majority of criminal laws B. the state governments 20. How did the traditional system of dual federalism establish a commercial Republic B. Function of the federal government was to promote and assist Commerce 21. How has the structure of federalism made way for the longevity of the US government D.all- It has a law firm named divisive policy decisions to be made by States, rather than the national government - It has kept the national government's small and aloof throughout most of America's history - It has allowed States develop and numerous in different ways 22. What was one effect of dual federalism during the Early Republic a. The national government was spared the task of making difficult policy decisions, such as the regulation of slavery, because the states did it themselves 23. Gibbons versus Ogden 1824 was important because it C. Establish the supremacy of the national government all matters affecting interstate commerce 24. During the 19th century, Congress use its powers to _______Commerce B. facilitate 25. In ________, The Supreme Court reinterpreted the Commerce Clause, changing it from a check on National power to a source of National Power B. 1937

26. What was the southern Manifesto C. The refusal by southern congressmen in 1956 to obey Supreme Court decisions outlawing racial segregation 27. Why was the Supreme Court case United States vs Lopez important a. It was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of congress outline under the Commerce Clause 28. Which Supreme Court case has not limited Federal power C. Gibbons v Ogden 29. Which statements best Describes the Supreme Court's Trend in interpreting federalism since the mid-1990s B. The court has limited the power of the national government over the state governments 30. ________ Describes the strategy of delegating a policy program to a lower level government C. Devolution 31. Which Constitutional amendment has been used to restrict the scope of authority by the federal government over the states C. Tenth 32. Which event was most influential in the rise of a more active national government C. The great depression 33. During the Great Depression, a camp of unemployment is if individuals who had lost their homes with refer to as a. Hooverville 34. When the national government appropriates money To the States but it simultaneously demands authority to dictate its distribution, this money is identified as a. A grant-in-aid 35. Which president presided over the New Deal B. Franklin Rossevelt 36. A Federal grant for states to afford increasing Health Care Facilities would be an example of a a. Categorical grant 37. A ________ grant Requires state and local governments to submit proposals to the federal government and compete for funding C. project 38. When the national government funds a project that is actually implemented by the states, it

is an example of C. cooperative federalism 39. The term “ marble cake” Federalism is meant to refer to what development B. The federal government bribing the states with various gifts in order to convince him to follow national standards 40. Disapproval over unfunded mandates is most common among those who want a. To reduce the power of the federal government 41. Federal officials seeking to give state governments more Authority are most likely to support C. block grants 42. Which president was the first to promote new federalism D. Richard nixon 43. The form of federal assistance called ______ provides money to state governments wiht no strings attached. B. general revenue sharing 44. Many of the debate concerning federalism reflect C. Differing views about the ultimate goal of government itself 45. Nations that adopt a federal Arrangement tend to have a. Diverse ethnic or language groups 46. The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution addresses B. reserved powers 47. Which of the following is not a contractual topic between states C. state passport requirements 48. Federal laws concerning crime mostly deal with B. the district of columbia and other federal territories 49. Who wrote the Supreme Court opinions in both McCulloch versus Maryland and Gibbons versus Ogden C. John Marshall 50. Congressional grants paid for________ Percent of the development of an interstate highway after World War II C. 90%

Ch 4 Questions 1. D Which of the following is not a liberty protected by the Bill of Rights -Equal protection of the laws 2. A The substantive constraints found in the Bill of Rights -Put limits on what government shall and shall not have the power to do 3. C What was the main reason that Alexander Hamilton did not want a Bill of Rights -He believed it was on necessary for a government that possess only specifically delegated powers 4. A The Bill of Rights was written because -The Anti-Federalists demanded it has the price of ratification of the Constitution 5. C The Bill of Rights was ratified by the states in 1791 6. A- the bill of rights -Is the first 10 Amendments to the constitution 7. D- The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are called -The bill of rights 8. A- According to the text, what is the Constitutional problem relating to the nationalization of the Bill of Rights - Does the Bill of Rights put limits only on the national government, or does it limit state governments as well? 9. B- The due process clause of the Fifth Amendment is best described as -A procedural silver Liberty 10. D- Which of the following is the best description of the Supreme Court's first ruling on the issue of the nationalization of the Bill of Rights in 1833? -The Bill of Rights limit the national government but not state governments 11. B- The Constitutional basis for the nationalization of the Bill of Rights is -The 14th Amendment 12. B-The process by which the Supreme Court has expanded specific parts of the Bill of Rights To protect citizens against state and federal actions is called - selective incorporation 13. B- The wall of separation between church and state is best found in what cause of the Constitution? -The established clause

14. B- The lemon test involves what part of the Constitution? -Establishment clause 15. D- The Supreme Court has traditionally allowed government Aid to religious schools only if -the aid has a secular purpose -The aid neither advances nor inhibits religion - The aid does not excessively entangled government in the Affairs of religious institutions 16. C- the ______ Of the first amendment protects an individual's right to believe and practice whatever Religion she or he chooses -Free exercise clause 17. B- In West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette the Supreme Court announced that -Children cannot be required to salute the flag if it violates their religious faith 18. C- Why did the Supreme Court ruled that the religious freedom restoration Act was unconstitutional - the court argued that only Judiciary can interpret the scope of the Bill of Rights 19. B- which of the following statements concerning the death penalty is false? - The United States in the world 20. A- what were the Alien and Sedition Acts? - Laws passed In the 1790s that made it a crime to say or publish anything that would to defame the government of the United States 21. C- What was the fate of the Alien and Sedition Acts during the 1790s -The Acts were allowed to expire without the Supreme Court ruling on them 22. B- The first and most famous test for determining when the government could intervene to suppress political speech was called the -Clear and present danger test 23. C- Which of the following forms of speech are given the highest level of protection by the Supreme Court? - Political sedition 24. A- the rights to assembly and petition are guaranteed by the same Amendment guaranteeing - free speech 25. C- in order for a public official to win a libel suit against a news medium, the official must prove - the story was false and malicious 26. D- which of the following types of speech does not receive full first amendment protection - slander, fighting words, obscenity, 27. C- about what did Justice Potter Stewart confess, I know it when I see it pornography 28. D- which of the following statements regarding the law on internet is false while there has been a number of bills concerning internet regulation, as of 2008 and the federal laws have been passed

29. B- The court does not give full protection to fighting words because such words are not far the essential exposition of ideas 30. B- which of the following best reflects the Supreme Courts position on Commercial speech, such as advertisement - advertisements receive limited 1st amendment protection 31. A- The Second Amendment to the US Constitution deals with -The right to bear arms 32. C- Due process of law in the United States is generally defined by the -4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments 33. A- The 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments are largely about -Protections for those accused of committing a crime 34. A- In criminal cases, the burden of proof lies with the - Government prosecutor 35. D- the controversy over suspicionless drug tests at school and in the workplace hits the government's War on Drugs against the right - to privacy from unwarranted searches 36. B- what is a grand jury - a jury that determines whether there is enough evidence to justify a trial 37. C- the requirement that persons under arrest be informed of their right to remain silent is known as the ______ rule - Miranda 38. C- the right to legal counsel in a criminal proceeding is guaranteed by the - Sixth Amendment 39. B- what did the Supreme Court decide in the kilo versus city of New London 2005 - a city can seize land from private owner and transfer it to another private owner as part of a Redevelopment plan 40. A- the term eminent domain describes - the power of government to take private property for public use 41. A- the case of Gideon versus Wainwright established the right - to counsel in felony cases 42. B- the Eighth Amendment prohibits -Cruel and unusual punishment 43. C- the current prohibition on States to criminalize abortion is based on - the right to privacy 44. A- Griswold vs Connecticut 1965 and Roe versus Wade 1973 have been extremely important in the development of - a constitutional right to privacy 45. B- since 1973, the right to an abortion has been - upheld but narrowed in scope 46. C- in what year was freedom of speech extended to protect against the acts of state governments - 1925 47. B- which of the following rights has never been incorporated into the Fourth Amendment

- right to bear arms 48. C -What principle did the Supreme Court established in 2002, concerning the use of taxsupported vouchers in for religious schools - the use of vouchers with acceptable, as long as the parents had a choice between secular and religious schools 49. C- Which of the following statements concerning West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette is false - it was decided in 1968, in the midst of the Vietnam War 50. B- which figures is most closely associated with the idea that the first amendment protects the marketplace of ideas - Oliver Wendell Holmes...

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